
Chapter 18 - Strike and Counter Strike Part 2

DISCLAIMER: This story is based on characters and situations created and owned by JK Rowling, various publishers including but not limited to Bloomsbury Books, Scholastic Books and Raincoast Books, and Warner Bros., Inc. No money is being made and no copyright or trademark infringement is intended.

Two weeks later October 15

Harry was sitting at his lab bench looking at the five brooms currently finished. After many design revisions and many new charms added, Harry was looking at the most advanced broom in the Wizarding world. Harry had called the new brooms the Raptor XB. Many of the changes dealt with the aerodynamic, power distribution and charms added to the broom for comfort and navigation. The broom handle was made of the finest Lignum Vitae, which was also known as Ironwood. This wood originally came from the West Indies.

The broom handle was six feet long and two inches in diameter. A 1/4-inch hole was drilled at the center of the broom handle. Just like his wand core, Harry had fused a powdered Amethysts layer onto a Naquadria core. He charged up the crystal's layer and put in a permanent stasis field on the crystals to prevent them from discharging. The crystals would act as a focusing chamber. Around the grip region, Harry had drilled 1/8-inch holes perpendicular to the axis of the broom. The holes were drilled at every thirty degrees and each ring was set at a half inch apart over a six-inch length. The holes were also filled with Naquadria, which was directly fused to the Naquadria core in the broom handle. This provided a much easier path for a person's magic to access the broom's bristle. With this arrangement, a person's magic was directly amplified a hundred times and would be channelled directly to the broom bristle assembly where the propulsion took place.

Harry had totally redesigned the back end of the broom. Wizard kind had until now used magical wood for bristles. The problem with wood bristle was two folds. First, there was a limit on how small you could make the bristle. The size of the bristles and how tightly they were packed was directly linked to how much of a person's magic was converted to propulsion. The larger the bristle the more magical energy was lost to heat. In trying to explain broom speed limitations, Harry had found his answer in muggle transformers in their electrical generating stations.

In muggle transformers, the biggest contributor to no-load losses was hysteresis losses. Hysteresis losses came from the molecules in the core laminations, which resisted being magnetized and demagnetized by the alternating magnetic field. This resistance by the molecules of the core material caused friction that resulted in heat. In other words a material's internal makeup with its imperfections caused some of the electrical energy to be converted into heat.

Wood is notoriously imperfect. The grains boundary inside the wood change dramatically. The grain sizes were also not uniform due to resin pocket formations. These were brought about by temperature and the amount of sunlight a tree got. All these factors affected the grain size from year to year. The uniformity of the bristle arrangement also affected the magical energy distribution. The density of the magical energy along with an even distribution determines speed and manoeuvring of a magical broom. Harry had completely done away with wood bristles and after much experimenting, had managed to create a uniform wire sized bristle. The bristles were the size of a muggle copper paper clip.

The bristle itself was made of a Naquadria core with a rhenium sheath. One end of the bristles was directly wound and fused to a six-inch bit of Naquadria core sticking out of the broom handle. Once again, the rhenium would come in handy in dissipating the heat created in the core of the bristle assembly. The entire shape of the bristle assembly looked like an elongated tear drop whose end was flattened and three inches off the tip of the tear drop had been cut and bound in a rhenium band. There were three bands placed in equidistance on the bristle assembly.

The top most band closest to the broom handle had the charms encased in runes. Harry wanted the charms held in runes made of black diamond inlaid within the top most rhenium band. Harry liked to use runes whenever possible instead of casting the charms directly on the object because they would be much more powerful and would last forever. The charms themselves were relatively simple. There was a modified banishment charm, which was the basis of your propulsion system. Then there was the levitation charm layered to the banishment charm. Harry had managed to develop with the help of Yadislav and Xiana a set of manoeuvring charms tied to the rider's thoughts. One simply had to think where to go and the broom would follow. Yadislav had been so excited in developing the charms that he spent his every waking moment when he was not teaching developing the new Arithmancy equations with Xiana.

They had added shield charms tied to the velocity of the broom, heat charms, and a disillusion charm. Due to the Naquadria core, they had magical power to burn. They had added a bubble charm for high altitude flying. Several cushioning and stability charms had been added for maximum comfort to the rider. The best charm added to date had been the terrain mapping charm. Harry had some of the spare watches he had bought for everyone, just like the one he had bought over the summer. They had copied and modified his watch ability to create a map of the terrain that identified structures, friends, and enemies. A high quality gem crystal was fitted at the end of the broom handle that would act as the pick up lens.

With this charm in place, they could identify the terrain from far above. Touching a rune on top of the broom handle activated the charm like all the others and a three-dimensional HUD display would show up in font of the rider. This is where the beauty of the thought-activated manoeuvring charm came in handy. A person only needed to think of a target spotted on the HUD and the broom would automatically take you there. Also, on the upper right hand corner of the HUD, vital flight statistics were now available.

They developed and layered an altitude, temperature, and velocity information charms within the structure of the mapping charm. Harry had used powdered emeralds, sapphires, rubies, and diamonds for the runes casting. The runes had been carved on top of the broom handle just above the handgrip for easy access. The runes themselves were tied to the Naquadria core via a 1/8-inch hole drilled underneath the runes. The holes were once again filled with Naquadria, which fused the runes to the core of the broom handle.

Finally, the footrest was also made of rhenium and was charmed to swivel with the person's body. If a person was sitting, then the footrest laid directly below the broom so that a person could use their legs for support. If a person were flying at maximum speed then the footrest would swivel along side the bristle assembly to provide a maximum aerodynamic profile. The last charm that was added was a reduction and an enlargement charm tied to that person's magical signature and was activated via a password. In other words, only that person to whom the runes had been charged with the person's magical energy could enlarge or reduce the broom. This was very convenient since the broom could be carried on a chain around a person's neck. To anyone else it would look like a piece of jewellery. Harry was planning on trying out his new broom later that afternoon.

The other great piece of work that had taken place these last two weeks had been the invention of his magical bombs. He now had ten Naquadah and ten Naquadria bombs. They were about the size of a soccer ball, and were constructed of interlocking patterns of pentagons and hexagons. The pentagons and hexagons were about half and inch in thickness. These patterns were sitting directly on top of a quartz ball, which was the size of volleyball. Centered inside the soccer ball was the volleyball size crystal quartz. The surface of the volleyball size ultra pure crystal also had half-inch thick pieces shaped into interlocking hexagon and pentagon patterns fused to the quartz ball.

These cut shapes were layered with an Incendio and a Reducto-Maximus spell. The patterns were also frozen in a stasis field. There was a crystal shaft running from a marble size amethyst gem at the center of the quarts ball to the surface of the soccer ball. The marble was charmed with timing and a stasis field cancellation charm. The quarts ball was fully charged with raw magical energy. To activate the bomb a tap of the wand on the tip of the crystal shaft would activate the count down charm. The first tap created a five-minute countdown. Every tap of the wand after that would add ten minutes to the countdown up to a maximum of forty-five minutes.

Another fantastic thing that had occurred was Bill's and Fleur wedding. They had followed Xiana and him into doing the ancient Celtic wizarding marriage ritual. The wedding took place on September 30. The day had been utterly perfect. It had been a beautiful and sunny day, with clear evening skies. Fleur's parents had been utterly enthralled to take part in the ceremony. Gabrielle had been so excited to meet him again. Poor child had been disappointed to find out he was married. Three weeks ago, Bill had asked Harry if it was ok to bring and allow his Goblin boss to be master of ceremony.

Harry had readily agreed. This would go a long way to help build ties between the two races. Goblins were one of the more ancient magical races. Harry had given Bill a portkey to give the Goblins. Well it so happens that when Bill had given his boss the portkey and told his boss that he could bring ten other Goblins with him, Harry never expected to see the high Goblin council appear at Potter castle. To say that Bill was shocked was an understatement. What was even more significant was that a goblin matriarch was in attendance. She was a high priestess and matriarch of their Naib. Humans almost never saw Goblin females.

Everyone in the wedding party recognized the significant event that was taking place and formalities had been followed to the letter. Harry led the introductions and made sure to tell the Goblins what an honor it was to have them take part in their ancient marriage ritual. There were two more significant events, which had occurred that evening. Before the marriage ceremony, Bill had asked Harry to invoke the ancient blood magic and rituals for their wedding rings. Harry went to the center of the obelisk and disrobed leaving only a loincloth. Bill and Fleur were standing opposite of each other when Harry heard the Goblins gasp. He then heard the Goblin matriarch bellow Entari- Shakouro. Harry turned around to find the Goblin party approaching him. They came to within ten feet of him and as one bowed to him. Harry feeling very self-conscious bowed back to them.

Harry then asked them if something was wrong. The Goblin matriarch told him that he carried the mark of the ancients. She asked him where he got that mark, and much to his distress he explained his training and in the end admitted to them that he was the Scorpion Sorcerer that they had heard about in the news. The matriarch then asked him if he was willing to demonstrate that he knew the ancient magic. Harry looked around at the wedding party and hoped to God that he could convince the Goblins that he knew the ancient magic. Harry agreed, only because of whom he was dealing with.

Harry took out his wand and summoned a desert storm at the edge of the cliff. He then summoned giant scorpions much to everyone's yelps. The matriarch had then uttered Katari-Mati. She had approached him, bowed and traced a rune on his chest that glowed deep green and then blue and finally black. The other Goblins gasped but said nothing. The matriarch turned to the Goblin council and said he is the one. Golderek who was head of the Goblin high council said, "Sorry for the confusion Mr. Potter, but the mark of the ancient is something that my people remember very well and have a profound respect for.

You see Mr. Potter over three thousand years ago the high priest helped a large faction of the Goblin nation fight a deadly enemy that would have surely killed them off. They had used their brand of magic during battle with great effectiveness. The enemy was completely massacred." With that Harry had acknowledged the confusion and the wedding ceremony went ahead. The next big shock came at the conclusion of Bill and Fleur vows when they carried out the blood ritual and summoned the image of a Gallak, an ancient magical dragon that lived deep in underground caves. The Goblin had once again taken that sign as a good omen. After that everyone enjoyed a supper time.

Harry had noticed many couples get closer together, Blaise and Ginny, Luna and Neville, Remus and Tonks to name a few. That night had ended with the head of the Goblin high council asking Harry if he could come in early November to talk to the United Goblin Council. Harry had agreed and thus ended a very interesting wedding day.

Harry had also fulfilled his promises to Anubis the day before the wedding ceremony and had gone to Egypt with him to find more of his kind. Harry had taken that opportunity to transform into his animagus form and had taken Anubis on an air ride. His familiar had been very excited at seeing the ground from high up. Harry had laughed at his familiar's explanation of the event. Harry had flown into the Valley of the Kings. They ended up landing at what must have been an ancient temple and they had made a ritual calling.

Seven more temple snakes had shown up. Harry portkeyed every one to Potter castle. Harry ended up expanding Anubis' private pad to accommodate the others of his kind. It seemed that Anubis was the most senior of them all and so had laid down the law for them. They had all taken the oath with Harry. However all the other snakes knew that Harry was Anubis' familiar. Snakes apparently were very jealous and didn't like to share.

Has last thoughts were on the launch of their newsprint Discovery. Apparently his name for the print won out. He couldn't attend the voting, but apparently it had been unanimous. Its first debut occurred last weekend. Harry had been in the great hall having lunch when the owls started delivering the daily prophet. As soon as the student picked up the daily prophet, a copy of the Discovery also appeared. Their first set of articles involved revealing Voldemort's true parentage with actual facts to back it up.

The article basically told the public that the Dark Lord was far from being a pureblood and the paper had a copy of the birth certificate and his time at Hogwarts along with a description of his anagram. The second article gave a detailed explanation of Darwin's theory of evolution along with the supporting equations showing an increase in muggle born wizards and witches over the last thousands years and linking it to evolutionary pressures. There was also an in-depth article on the muggle Gregor Mendel and his work in genetics. The article explained the consequences of inbreeding. Harry had laughed at the Slytherins' faces. Harry looked on to see a serious looking headmaster and gave him an evil smile. Stupid bastard, try hiding the god damn truth now, Harry thought.

Sources through the grapevine had shown that the Voldemort was right pissed with the paper. Well, let's see him try to answer his pureblood crew now. Harry was brought out of his musing when he heard Yadislav ask him if he was going to try the new brooms. Harry looked at his watch and noticed it was 3:00 PM and said, "Might as well since I don't have any classes and I have loads of time until suppertime". Harry picked up his new broom and apparated under the Gryffindor bleachers on the Quidditch pitch.

Little did Harry know how long the night was going to be?

October 15, 3:15 PM Riddle Manor in little Hangleton

Voldemort was pacing around his throne reviewing once more time his plan of attack. Voldemort felt it was high time to hit fast and hard and let the masses fear his name again. The articles of that bloody paper had thrown him into a towering rage. It mocked him in every way. If he ever found out who was writing it and were it was located, he would make sure that they died a very painful and slow death. How dare they mock Lord Voldemort, heir to the great and noble Salazar Slytherin? He would have struck sooner but the loss of his funds has created many problems for him. Finally Voldemort had enough and bellowed, "Where the hell is Snape?"

As if on cue, Severus Snape walked into the throne room and bowed low before his Lord and said, "Sorry my master, but the old fool kept delaying me."

Voldemort was in no mood for excuses, and whipped out his wand and bellowed, "Crucio." Snape crumpled to the ground writhing in absolute pain. Voldemort held the spell for almost thirty seconds before lifting it and said, "Let that be a lesson to you Snape, I will not tolerate excuses. I want you to tell our operatives at Hogwarts to carry on with their task. I will see you here at 7:30 PM sharp. We will begin our attack at 8:00 p.m. You will be part of the group that attacks the Weasley in Romania. This time I will know if you have double-crossed me Snape. I want this to be a complete success. You are dismissed."

Snap bowed his head and exited the throne room. Severus kept cursing his life for the absolute mess that it was. If he let the Weasley die, then this could very well cause the old man to lose trust in him. Well, he thought, he would cross that bridge when he got there. Thankfully the raids were happening at night and therefore they would all assume that he was in his quarters. Now the next thing was for Draco to carry out his task and not arouse any suspicion. Draco and his pals were to take part in tonight's raids. Hopefully the Zabini girl would be easy prey. Severus apparated back to Hogsmeade and quickly made his way to the castle to meet with Draco, Crabbe and Goyle.

October 15, 4:30 p.m Headmaster office

Albus Dumbledore adjusted his glasses and was now addressing two of his students Ron Weasley and Hermione Granger and said, "It is imperative that you incapacitate Mr. Potter. Once you have done this bring him to the Shrieking Shack and I will meet you there. I am hoping that in a weakened state I will be able to modify his mind and make him accept his new destiny. Due to him being an accomplished Occlumens I will not be able to wipe his memories, however I can plant new directives. One of which will be to go through the Prima Nupta ritual and marry my great, great, great grand niece. That arranged marriage will bring him back under our control. You all know what is at stake. The Wizarding world is counting on you. Now how many D.A members do you have with you?"

Hermione Granger was the first one to answer and said, "We have ten more with us sir."

Dumbledore replied, "Very good, that should be more than enough fire power to subdue him. We need to put an end to his rebellion once and for all. You will find that he has gone flying, which is very fortunate as you can ambush him from the player's bleachers. I'll see you when your task is done. Good luck."

Ron and Hermione both exited his office and Dumbledore felt that he would once again have control of Harry once more. All that was needed was the proper application of superior intellect and patience, he mused.

October 15, 5:00 p.m. Hogwarts Quidditch Pitch

Harry couldn't believe the performance of his new broom. It was responding to him as if it was an extension of his body. Harry had clocked a maximum speed of 575 (km/hr). All of the charms were working as predicted. The mapping system was an absolute dream. It had created a tree dimensional map of the Quidditch pitch and was showing all of the hoops and stands in intricate detail from a height of 2000 feet.

The heating, windshield, and cushioning charms were also working to perfection. Harry made another pass over the stands and noticed dots appearing on his HUD. He counted twelve of them hiding in the stands. Harry zoomed on the map and noticed some of the names, Granger, Weasley, Cho Chang, Zacharias Smith, Lorne Green and many others. Harry's sixth sense was working overdrive.

They weren't having a social get together that much was for certain. He was the only one out here and the way they were positioned looked like a cross fire to the only path leading back to the castle. Harry decided to play along, but he was going to have a little surprise for them. Harry banked his broom upwards and went ballistic. Harry made sure that he was high enough that they could not spot him. He then pictured the cliffs by Potter castle and apparated himself with his broom to the cliff. When he was there he banked his broom straight for the castle. Once he landed, he hurried through the doors and made his way to the master bedroom.

He heard Xiana and Remus race upstairs to meet him. Harry went to his wardrobe and found his Basilisk battle robes. He stripped and wore his pants, vest, boots, and cloak. He made sure to fasten his katana and secured his wands in his boot and holster. Xiana was the first to enter the room and said, "Honey, what's going on, why the battle gear?" She looked frightened and Harry went to her and gave her a hug.

Remus came in shortly after and noticed Harry in battle robes and his face suddenly took on a very business look and said, "What going on Harry?"

Harry explained what he had seen, and was preparing to meet the party, he finally told them to get into their gear and get to the Scorpion lair. Things were going to heat up. He asked them to get to the command center and monitor the castle.

They both acknowledged and Harry quickly ran back down to the library and hissed, "Great one I need you tonight"

Anubis slithered out from his pyramid and replied, "Master, I am yours to command. I sense a great tension in your mind master."

Harry hissed back, "We may be going into battle my friend,"

Harry could see Anubis coiling with anticipation when he said, "I was getting bored with all of the gossip around here master, I will welcome the action."

Harry smiled at his familiar and put out his hand to allow Anubis to crawl inside his Basilisk vest and coil around his chest with his head raised above his left shoulder. Harry put a disillusion charm on himself and ran back to his broom. He picked up his broom and went ballistic until he was about 1500 feet in the air and pictured the Quidditch pitch in his mind and apparated back to Hogwarts.

Once he was above the Quidditch pitch he brought his broom to the North end of the pitch and landed. He shrunk his broom and hooked it to his platinum chain around his neck. He then stowed it inside his Basilisk vest. Harry took out his new wand. He was sick of the shit going on at Hogwarts and was not going to play the old bastard's games anymore. Harry cast a protego shield charm and an alarm charm on himself. He stowed his wand inside the sleeve of his robe and proceeded towards the castle.

Harry walked past the stands, acting as if nothing was wrong. He made it look like he was intent on getting to the castle. Shortly after, when he passed the stands, the show started. The first volley to hit him was made up of no less than six stunners. His shield rebounded the six Stupefy spells. The next volley of spells was made up of three Reducto exploding curses and three Offensio which were powerful bludgeoning spells.

Harry's Protego shield finally broke and Harry leaned to the right and dodged the first bludgeoning spell, but took the other to his chest. Harry was blown backward and out of breath.

Harry was on his stomach and had difficulty breathing. He looked up just in time to see twelve more spells heading his way. Harry had just enough time to cast Praestigiae- Tutela and Nisi-šen-šen. The first one was an illusion ward to keep people from seeing the real battle and the second was his dark arts shield. By now, Harry was utterly pissed. These fuckers were going for the kill, he thought.

Well, Harry thought, it was high time to answer back in kind. His shield absorbed all of the incoming spells. Harry's ears were ringing by then. He quickly vaulted back to his feet and took out his second Naquadria wand. Harry then layered a series of spells designed to take down their defensive position and incapacitate his opponent until he could get within physical striking distance. Harry soundlessly cast at full power to both positions the layered spells Gu-ul-þara/ Solaris- Optimus / Offensio/Stupefy/ Inferorum-Animas. Harry then apparated inside the Quidditch pitch just as the confusion was taking effect.

The first spell was a dark blasting hex that was much more powerful than the Reducto curse, and covered a much larger area. The second spell would temporarily blind his opponents. The third spell was a bludgeoning spell to the body to weaken of breaks their shields. The fourth spell was a stunning spell and the last spell was a conjuration spell that sent ice balls at very high velocity to his opponents. Had they been death eaters Harry thought, he would have conjured metal lances.

Underneath the Gryffindor bleacher, Hemione and Ron were jubilant as they thought that they had gotten Harry when he went down. They thought for sure that they had him. That was until they saw their spells being absorbed by an emerald green shield. Hermione had never seen a shield of that color before. The next thing they saw was Potter vaulting to his feet and they could all see his magical aura blazing. They then saw him wave his wand in an intricate pattern but no sound could be heard, but Hermione knew it wasn't good.

She suddenly bellowed, "Everyone cast your most powerful shield charms now!" Suddenly Hermione heard a tremendous explosion. She was thrown to the ground along with all of her party and was hit by the most intense light she had ever seen. She was immediately blinded. She instinctively shut her eyes and felt a powerful bludgeoning spell followed by a stupefy spell hit her shield. The power of the spells was unbelievable. The power was such that even her Auror shield shattered into oblivion. At that point, she rolled to her left and collided with Ron. She shakily got to her feet along with Ron when they were hit by a series of ice ball. One of the balls hit her left shoulder and dislocated it. Ron received a direct hit to his left fibula, which caused a hairline fracture to the bone. Ron roared in pain and now only had minimal use of his left leg.

Meanwhile, underneath the Ravenclaw bleachers, Cho Chang's group was doing even worse then Hermione. She had lost half her party to the counter offensive. Many had either fractured or broken bones and were moaning on the ground. The only one of her party not injured was Zacharias Smith, Nina Montague and herself. Cho looked to see where Potter was, but he was no longer at his position.

Where was he, she wondered. She let her magic move around her until she felt the hair at the back of her neck rise up and looked towards the Quidditch pitch. For a second she had a total look of surprise on her face, this lasted about a second when she bellowed, " Potter is on the Quidditch pitch." Cho wanted to make him pay for all the sadness in her life that he had been responsible for. She started launching painful near dark spells at him. Everyone seemed to be following her lead. To her amazement, none of her spells hit home. At that point they all knew that they were in deep shit.

Harry had enough of this crap. He recognized some of the spells as dark spells just from reading their aura. Harry had brought on his aura reading capability and decided to feed on some happy energy. He brought forth his Dementor aura to maximum power. The ground around him suddenly started to frost. He left his most powerful shield on and quickly closed the gap between him and his assailants.

Harry could immediately see the effect that his Dementor aura was having on his assailants. They were all disoriented and sickly looking. Hermione cast a Patronus charm at him but it had no effect. All it did was keep her from feeling worst. As he approached Cho Chang, Harry decided to completely throw her off her game. He layered a few more stunners and jinxes which shattered their shields. Harry could tell from reading their aura that they no longer had any shields.

With and evil smirk he cast Abeo-Vestitus at both attacking parties. He always wanted to try that spell in a battle and see the results. Suddenly, the attackers' clothes vanished from their bodies, and they were left in the bare. Harry could hear screaming from his attackers as they were trying to find anything to cover themselves with. When they had lost their clothes, they had completely forgotten about the battle. Harry gave them all an evil smirk. After that, the battle quickly ended when Harry cast Accio Wands/ Incarserous-Metallum at them and watched, as the wands flew to his hands, and they were all immobilized with metal ropes. He stunned all but three of them.

Cho realized what had happened and knew she needed to get away from the scene. Amazing as that was, the twelve of them had lost to one person. There was no way in hell she was going to let Potter see her in all her glory. Damn that bloody bastard she thought. She looked to her right and noticed that Hermione was in the same boat as her and she was frantically trying to get out of the bleacher area. Just as she was about to clear the last wooden beam she was incarcerated with metallic ropes.

Harry watched his prey giving him venomous looks. He transfigured wooden post and stuck them to the post with a sticking charm. He had them facing each other. Harry approached Cho Chang and said, "Well, well, well who do we have here. Ah yes now I remember, the wench who wouldn't stop crying. As much of an emotional sop that you are, I must say Cho, you do have a nice set of Tatas and well trimmed in your special region I might add. Oh, don't you worry your pretty little face. I am much more interested in attacking your mind then your body."

Harry suddenly whipped around and gave his former friend a murderous look and with his voice dripping with venom said, "My, my, you bloody bastards just don't fucking get it, do you? I told you that I wanted nothing to do with you, but yet again you feel you have to try and control my life just like that slimy mother fucker of a headmaster. In fact I find myself wondering why you would attack me without provocation. I have a strong suspicion that this was a very well orchestrated plan by someone who wants to regain some form of control over me. Rest assured, in a minute I will find out what this little attack was all about. "

Harry began hissing," Great one, are you all right? I was afraid that you were hurt when I was hit in the chest."

Anubis replied, "No master I am fine. What do you want me to do, master?"

Harry replied, "I want you to scan the girl on the right pole and the boy to my left. Scan their memories and tell me later what they were thinking. I need to know why they are willing to attack me. Don't worry great one, I have a feeling that you will be biting many death eaters very soon."

Anubis hissed back, "This is fun master. I will have many stories to tell the others when we go home,"

Harry couldn't help smiling at his familiar. Anubis was such an adrenaline junky. Harry turned back to look at Weasley and Granger.

Hermione with as much disgust as she could muster on her face replied, "You will release us immediately, or I'll make sure you pay for the rest of your life. How dare you humiliate and degrade us in this fashion. I can't believe I ever considered you a friend!" She spat the last.

Harry let go of his control and backhanded her across the face. Her head snapped back and blood was dripping from her nose, and Harry said with pure spitefulness, "Real friends don't betray each other like you did so callously. Real friends don't lie to each other. Real friends stand by each other and protect each other, and they sure as hell don't agree with an authority figure to sacrifice them for the greater good. So don't you dare play the wounded duck card with me you fucking bitch, because I'll not stand for it."

By that time Ron was yelling obscene profanity at him. Harry had enough and simply punched him in the face. Harry ended up busting his nose. Harry looked at Ron straight in the eyes and said, "As for you, carrot head. What I said to the beaver goes for you as well. You are just too stupid to understand what it's all about. You have the greatest wealth in the world right under your nose and you can't even see it. You don't deserve the name Weasley. Did you know by the way that your dear brother Percy is a death eater? If you don't believe me, stun him and cast finite-incantatum on his left arm."

Harry looked at all of their faces with disgust and said, "Now as much fun as we are having here, it's time to get on with business." Harry went to Hermione and roughly grabbed her by the hair and lifter her face so that her eyes could meet his. She closed her eyes and Harry took his thumbs and opened her eyelids.

He brought forth his Legillimens ability and pushed into her thoughts. It appears the little bitch has learned some Occlumency Harry thought. As far as he was concerned she deserved no mercy for what she had done. He put all the power he had and utterly smashed all of her barriers and mental shields. She was no match for his mental attack and Harry ruthlessly delved into the deepest part of her thoughts. It was just as Harry thought, the old bastard had orchestrated this attack on him. Apparently Dumbledore wanted to blood bond himself to him via a pre-arranged marriage with his great, great, grand niece using a very obscure law called Prima Nupta.

It appears that the beaver didn't know what the obscure law was all about but Harry finally remembered what it was. Harry had studied all of the ancient wizarding laws with Xiana over their summer studies. The law was used to prevent old pureblood families from becoming extinct or to solve ancient feuds and conflicts between families. Due to magical rites, the law annulled all previous transgressions between families be it law suits, duels or other nasty problems.

So the bastard thought that he could trap him and in a weakened state invade his mind and plant false memories to make him want to marry his great, great grand niece. One little problem in Dumbledore's plan was that he was already married using the oldest marriage rituals known to their world. Forcing a marriage ceremony over a previously established bond would cause the transgressor to lose their magic. All Harry needed to do was to send him a copy that he was already married without giving away whom he was married to and Dumbledore would drop his little scheme real fast.

Harry pulled out of Hermione thoughts and noticed she was in pain. Breaking her mental shield the way he did would give her a serious headache for the rest of the week that was for certain. Harry decided not to get into Cho Chang's head after all. He was starting to feel tired. Harry finally said, "I will only say this once. The next time you attack me it will be a fight to the death. I am sick of playing your fucking bullshit games. Heed my warning or pay the price. Oh yeah, tell Dumbledore that I know his game plan, and that this is another notch in his coffin. I will be keeping these memories in a Pensieve. I am quite sure the Wizengamot would love to see first hand what Dumbledore's manipulations are really like."

Harry looked at Ron's furious face and decided to leave him a little memento. Harry cast the following spell Exstructio-Penis/ Coxendix- Saltatio/ Eiaculari. Suddenly Ron had a huge erection in front of the women and his hips started gyrating up and down. Cho and Hermione were screaming for him to stop himself. Ron was tomato red in the face, and couldn't help himself moaning. Harry had never laughed so hard in his life.

If carrot head thought that was bad, he will be shocked to see what happens when his hip action is finished. Harry had no intention to see the final outcome. Finally, Harry cast a heating charm on them so that they wouldn't freeze to death. Who knew how long it was going to take for them to be found. Harry ended up casting the heat charm on all the unconscious bodies on the ground. Harry didn't give a shit if they were hurt or not. They wouldn't be hurt if they hadn't tried to attack him in the first place. They deserve the pain. Harry was by now in his full fury.

Harry made his way to the West side of the castle and cancelled his illusion ward. Let the old fool find out the true cost of attacking him. Harry checked his watch and noticed that it was 6:00 PM. Harry apparated to the Scorpion lair to find the place buzzing with chaos. Xiana came running to him crying. She was sobbing in his arms and holding him tight. She kept saying "Not my sister, not my sister." Harry looked into Blaise's eyes and noticed the pure rage on his face. Standing beside him was none other then Theo Nott. Harry had no idea what the Slytherin was doing there but he would look into it later. He saw Theo nodding at him, and he nodded back.

Harry looked at the table and notice Brianna lying on the table. She had many cuts on her arms and legs and looked to be in a catatonic state. His tutors were applying all of their medical knowledge to heal her. Harry immediately recognized her condition as Crucio over exposure. Harry looked into Neville's eyes and noticed an almost insane fire in his eyes. His parents had succumbed to the Cruciatus curse.

The Cruciatus curse didn't actually cause physical damage. The curse tricked the victim's brain into thinking that the pain was real. Depending on the duration of the curse, the victim's magic could turn against its owner. The result would be physical manifestations such as cuts and bruises, or neurological backlash, or both.

Harry believed that Brianna had locked herself within her own mind where her magic would keep her there in a safe place away from the perceived pain of the Cruciatus. The curse was no longer on her, but Brianna had fled into the deep recesses of her consciousness. She had hidden in her mind to escape her body and didn't know that the curse was gone. Harry likened the effect of Cruciatus somewhat to the muggle medical condition known as autism.

Earlier that afternoon

Brianna was walking from her dorm in the dungeons, with the intent to reach the library to meet Theo. She picked her watch from her pocket and noticed that it was already 5:15 p.m. Bloody hell she thought she was already fifteen minutes late. She was in such a rush that she never bothered setting the perimeter detection charms on herself.

She had passed the potions lab when her world went black. Draco, Crabbe and Goyle had ambushed Brianna. Unknown to the mini death eaters, she was still holding her watch in her left hand when they picked her up. They never noticed the watch slipping out of her hand and unto the ground. Her new wand was safely tucked inside her left boot and was protected with a disillusion charm. Nobody would be able to find her new wand except her. However, her old wand, which was strapped to her wand holster on her arm, had been taken away and snapped.

Meanwhile, Theo was looking at his watch and was getting a bit worried. His girlfriend Brianna was never late for any of her appointments. Being on time was like a religion to her. She was already well over fifteen minutes late. Blaise showed up with Ginny Weasley and Theo ran to them, and said, "Blaise, have you seen Brianna?"

Blaise replied, "I haven't seen her since lunch. What's the problem?"

Theo was deep in thought, he then turned to Blaise, and said, "She was supposed to meet me for our study session, but she is over fifteen minutes late. Brianna is never late for her appointments. Did you happen to notice that Malfoy and his goons kept looking at her during lunch time?"

Blaise suddenly felt like an iceberg slid down his spine and thought back to the conversation he had with his father the previous week. His father had recounted his confrontation with Malfoy Senior. Blaise replied in a dangerous voice, "We have to find her immediately." Blaise pulled Theo and Ginny to a secluded corner of the library and cast a silencing charm. He then turned to Theo and his girlfriend and told them about his conversation with his father. After, Blaise finished recounting the event Theo looked even more panicked.

Theo spat, "I swear if those bastards hurt her, I will fucking destroy them."

Blaise made an instant decision and said, "Theo I know how we can find her, but I need you to swear on your magic that what you are about to see, you will not reveal to anyone."

Theo looked deep into Blaise eyes and swore on his magic. He would do anything for Brianna. He loved her more than anything in the world. If something happened to her, he didn't know what he would do.

Blaise looked around and when he saw nobody within their vicinity he muttered a spell and Theo noticed a ring with a scorpion appear on his right hand. Blaise looked at Theo and said, "Theo, please touch my ring. Ginny you know where we are going." She looked a little apprehensive, but knew that this was an emergency situation and Harry would approve. If things didn't work out later on, they could always obliviate Theo.

They all immediately portkeyed to the Scorpion lair and they met Remus and his older sister. By now, their Tutors were fully alerted. Blaise explained the situation to Remus and they all ran to the command center. For his part, Theo couldn't believe what he was seeing. This place was like nothing he had ever seen in his life. Blaise saw the awed look on his friends face and said, "Welcome to the Scorpion Sorcerer's lair."

Theo replied, "This is got to be strangest revelation of my life."

Blaise said, "If you think this is a revelation, just wait until you find out who the Scorpion Sorcerer is. Come on, let's hurry." They made their way to the command center and Remus opened a set of oak doors. They were all looking at a 5X5 foot parchment that read Marauders map. Remus had managed to recreate the original Marauders map and made quite a few improvements to it with his newfound dark arts knowledge.

Remus tapped the map and said, "I solemnly swear that I am up to no good." Suddenly the map came alive and showed everyone inside and outside the castle. The map now covered a good portion of the forbidden forest. The map showed Harry Potter fighting against twelve opponents.

Theo looked at Remus and said, "Shouldn't you go help him?"

Remus replied, "I assure you, it won't be necessary. However, we will monitor the situation." Remus cast another spell and called out, "Brianna Zabini". The map showed her exact location and they all saw that she was in one of the rooms adjacent to the potions lab. Malfoy and his goon squad were shown to be surrounding her.

Theo bellowed, "We have to get to her now, they are hurting her." Theo's eyes were now burning with fury. Blaise looked at Ginny who looked back at him and they both nodded. Blaise looked at Remus and asked him to find them a spot where they could portkey that was devoid of people. The map showed the potions class room to be empty.

Xiana was in near hysterics by now. Both her husband and her baby sister were being attacked. She took deep calming breaths. They needed clear heads right now, and not a panic frenzy. As much as she wanted to help her husband and sister, she could not afford to be seen or accidentally be cursed. She had a little one to think about. The danger was too great. Damn she hated feeling so helpless.

Blaise, Theo and Ginny portkeyed directly to the potions lab and made their way to the door. Blaise cast a silencing charms and they all shouted Reducto at the door. Just as they were entering, Malfoy and his goons were escaping through a hidden passageway. Damn it, Blaise thought Remus map never showed that passage. He probably didn't know that it even existed.

Upon seeing the bloody form of his girlfriend on the floor, Theo completely lost it and shouted Avada- Kadavra. Just as Theo was uttering his spell, Ginny let loose with one of her darkest spells, Nebula-Exustio. Theo's spell missed by a fraction, but her spell let loose an acid cloud that managed to connect with Goyle's left hand just as he was entering the passageway. Ginny heard a loud scream coming from the passageway. They all wanted to follow the bastards but they had to take care of Brianna first. The passageway managed to seal itself off anyway.

Theo dropped to his knees by Brianna and gently put her head on his knees. By then tears were streaming down his face. Blaise and Ginny had a look of pure fury on their faces. Ginny took out her new wand and began uttering a series of diagnostic spells. After what seemed like a couple of minutes she managed to say, "They did not rape her. Her virtue is intact. However, she has suffered a long time under the Cruciatus and she also received many cutting hexes. I have healed her deepest cuts, but we need to get her down in the lair stat."

October 15, 5:50 PM

They all portkeyed back to the lair where they were met by their tutors, by then all of the student population belonging to the Scorpion army was present. Neville, Tonks, and Luna had already set up the infirmary and Hinrich Schäfer their potions master was already bringing his new post Cruciatus restorative potion. They gave Brianna a bunch of potions. Most of them were restorative potions of one sort or another.

Ten minutes later Brianna was looking much better on the outside, at that moment, Harry showed up in the lair. Everyone looked up to find Harry slightly dishevelled and he was cradling his ribs. What got their attention however was the neon green glow of his eyes and the bluish white magical aura surrounding him. They could all hear the air crackling around him. His body magic was on full blast. This meant that Harry Potter was pissed beyond reason, and a very pissed off Harry Potter was a very frightening scene to behold.

Theo Nott was not someone who feared many people, but looking at the man coming towards them, Theo nearly crapped his pants. The look on the man's face was terrifying. As the man came closer, Xiana ran to him and began crying on his shoulder. The man began pulling his magic in and Theo could now make out the man's feature. For the second time that day, Theo was left Speechless. Blaise saw the look on his friend's face. Blaise came over and said, "Theo, may I present the Scorpion Sorcerer, also known as Harry Potter."

At that point, Theo was just too stunned to say anything. The events of the day had caused his brain to shut down. Theo just nodded at Harry and made his way back to Brianna. She looked to be in a catatonic state. Harry made his way to Brianna and said, "She has buried herself in her mind. It is early enough that we may be able to bring her back. She hasn't had time to build her psychic walls. Who the fuck did this to her?"

Blaise answered, "Malfoy, Crabbe and Goyle."

Harry looked back at Blaise and Theo and replied, "Time to permanently take out some death eaters." Both men nodded at him. Harry turned back to Brianna, and removed the illusion charm he had around Anubis. Once Anubis became visible, Theo let out a gasp, and Blaise put his hand on his arm and motioned for him to stay quiet.

Harry turned to Anubis and hissed, "Great one, I am going to need your help. I will need you to help search my friend. She had buried herself in her own mind. I need you to tell me when you feel emotions from her. I will also need you to protect my mind from her magic. She may try to fight me at first."

Anubis replied, "Do not worry master. I will guard your mind."

Harry took off his Basilisk cloak and he gently took his thumbs and opened Brianna's eyelids. He brought forth his Legillimency power to bear, and began a surface scan of her memories. He was looking for her consciousness. Her surface thoughts weren't even thoughts, they were just gray noise. This meant that she had retreated deep within her subconscious.

Thank God, Brianna was an accomplished Occlumens. The organization of her thoughts would make it much easier for him to scan for her presence. Harry immediately noticed that her magical channel from her magical core to her PONS was almost closed. This almost closed off channel is how the body protected itself from the brain. By shutting down the magical connection from the brain to the body it prevented further physical damage. Essentially it prevented her body from being further harmed by her own magic. Harry's first priority was to enlarge her magical channels back to what they were between her magical core and her PONS.

Harry decided that the best way, to do this was to let his mind act as her conscious mind, since she was buried deep in her own mind. This was essentially analogous to a back up disk for a computer. Essentially, Harry would bring back her conscious systems one by one. Once Harry had a direct link to her decision center, Harry implanted a command to reach her magical core and pushed her magic through the channels in order to enlarge them. This task took about thirty minutes to complete. The channels had already been created, the restriction gate artificially imposed on it, had to be dissolved in order to allow maximum power flow.

When Harry had finished the task, Brianna's brain and her magical core were again reunited. With no pain receptor commands emanating from the brain, her own magic began healing her stressed body and mind. Harry helped her with this by channelling some of his magical energy and slowly converting it to healing energy. Being able to cast spells wordlessly meant that he could modify his magic within his mind to attain a desired result.

Thirty more minutes passed, and Harry felt that her brain was healed. Now he had to find her and help her reconnect with her mind. Harry was beginning to feel very tired. He had sensed all of her folders but he still couldn't feel her presence. Harry knew he was missing something, and it was just at the edge of his consciousness. Her mind was organized like he had thought them. It was organized like a muggle computer hard drive. Harry had scanned all of her readable folders. Then it hit him like a ton of bricks. He had to search her hidden folders.

Harry probed her mind further. He willed the hidden folders to show themselves. He found three folders. Two of which were very personal and Harry had no intension of going there. At any rate, they didn't give off any powerful feelings. The third folder Harry noticed was emanating very strong feelings. This folder seemed to be dedicated to her memories of Theo and her. No wonder, she hid that folder. She was a Slytherin through and through. Slytherins were very private people. Her consciousness hiding in that folder made a lot of sense. In her mind, she was with Theo, and she felt that he would protect her.

Harry approached the folder and sent her all of the love he had for Xiana, the strong emotion of love would let her know that he had only good intentions towards her. He kept calling to her. He kept telling her that it was over and that the real Theo was waiting for her to come back. He told her that her brother and sister were very anxious to see her again. Slowly Harry was able to breach her hidden folder and met her on the conscious plane. She asked him what he was doing in her head. Harry gave her a full account of everything that had happened. He told her that he had helped her core magic reconnect with her mind and that she would be fully healed. She tensely felt his mind and knew that it was really Harry. Brianna relaxed and allowed Harry to guide her back from her subconscious mind and to reality.

Harry pulled out of her mind, and shortly after Brianna's eyes came into focus and smiled at the people surrounding her. She smiled at her boyfriend's tear streaked face. He gently took her hands and kissed them. Harry collapsed into a waiting chair feeling absolutely drained. Two hours had passed since he merged with her mind.

Xiana went up to him and kissed him with all the passion she could muster. Harry kissed her back. Remus came over and gave him a crushing hug. Everyone after that came over to pat Harry on the back. What he had done had never been done before. Harry had filed all of his memories of the event for later analysis. Understanding first hand the effects of the Cruciatus on the body and mind, gave Harry some knowledge on how to bring some of these victims back to consciousness.

Theo came over to Harry and said, "I want you to know that I am willing to pledge myself to your cause. Blaise explained everything to me. You are the third choice I have been looking for. Plus it's the least I can do for what you did for Brianna. If it weren't for you, she would be lost to us. She means more to me than anything else in the world. When you are rested I want to make my pledge of loyalty to you."

Harry shook his hand and said, "Welcome to the family." With that, Xiana led him to one of the infirmary beds. She gave him a slew of restorative potions and made sure to heal his ribs. They weren't broken, only hairline fracture, which was easy enough to repair. He would be bruised to a couple of days. She kissed him and Harry fell into a deep sleep.

October 15, 8:30 pm Romania in the Carpathian Mountains at the Moldoveanu Dragon Preserve.

Charlie was coming out of the trainer barracks. He had just finished an intense session of love making with his girlfriend of four years. Michelle and he had been seeing each other for a very long time. Charlie needed to make one last round of the pens before calling it a night. He gingerly made his way to the Hungarian Horntail pens. Nina, one of the oldest female Dragons, had been feeling out of sorts. Charlie had been giving her lots of Daka, and Chamira mushrooms in her diet. She seemed to be getting better slowly.

Charlie noticed that everything was quiet all of a sudden. Charlie stopped to listen more carefully but he still couldn't spot any sound. This caused Charlie to become nervous all of a sudden. He took out his wand and began moving slowly toward the pens. Charlie was now close enough to the pens that he could make out the food silos.

Just by the North end of the food silo, Charlie spotted a black cloak. Oh, oh he thought, this couldn't be good. Charlie crept slowly forward and cast a disillusion charm on him self. Unknown to Charlie, Bellatrix Lestrange, Severus Snape and nine other death eaters were waiting for him. He had taken the bait as she had predicted. The fool was boxed in and she immediately gave the signal to attack. She along with three other death eaters lunched finite-incantatum from behind his flank.

Charlie immediately felt three spells hit him in the back. He then felt his disillusion charm disintegrate. He immediately threw himself on the ground and saw a bunch of Avada- Kedavra spells fly overhead. Fuck, fuck, fuck, he thought. Based on the number of lights he saw there must be well over ten death eaters here.

Charlie crawled over to the nearest water trough. While doing this, he was hit by several cutting hexes. His leg was bleeding, but there was nothing he could do at the moment. He immediately configured some stonewalls and called his brother Bill to bring some backup. When he was done his call, he quickly coordinated some targets and lunched a series of dark curses. He cast Stannum-Ancile/ Stannum-Ancile/Reducto-Maximus/ Nebula-Exustio / Retroago-Figere-Scipio.

Charlie was very happy to hear screams of pain coming from the death eaters. Unknown to Charlie, he had just killed five of the death eaters. One death eater had his head blown apart, and dark poisoned lances had skewered two more death eaters. The other two had their lungs burned by an acid cloud. They had been completely disfigured. Bellatrix couldn't believe the amount of dark magic the Weasley boy was throwing around. She didn't waste a whole lot of time thinking about it. She gave the signal for the remaining death eaters to throw the Reducto curse. Just as the Reducto curse was launched, she and Snape cast the Avada-Kedavra.

Charlie's elation was quickly replaced with dread. He tried apparating but was unable to do it. There must be anti-apparition ward up he thought. No one would ever know why Charlie never tried using his portkey ring. The Reductor curses slammed into his transfigured walls and they were blasted to bits. Charlie never saw the green light coming from behind him. The last thing he felt was a green glow enveloping him and he knew no more. Charlie died that night with his cherished Dragons.

The Dragon's seemed to realize what had happened and started getting angry. Nina, the oldest Horntail at the preserve, saw one of her caretaker go down, and roared with anger. The Dragon turned around towards the feed Silo to find one of the puny black cloaks hiding there, Nina reared up and sent a massive wall of fire at the annoying insect. The death eater died on the spot. Bellatrix saw the Dragons getting agitated. She had no intention of taking on any enraged Dragons. She took down the wards, and told her crew to apparate to their next target. Bellatrix took her wand, pointed it high in the air, and cried Mosmodre.

Meanwhile back at his apartment, Bill and Fleur were cuddling on the couch and watching muggle television. Now, Bill understood his father's obsession with all things muggle. The things they created with their science were truly remarkable. Just as Bill was reaching for another Butter beer, his cell phone rang. He picked it up and found a very nervous Charlie talking at the other end. Suddenly Bill jumped to his feet and said, "We'll be there very soon, just hold on."

Fleur said, "What is going on?"

With a worried, look on his face, Bill said, "Charlie is being attacked, at his Dragon preserve by death eaters."Fleur's hands immediately went to her mouth and said, "Quickly call Remus, we will need backup."

Meanwhile Remus was looking at the Marauder's map on the wall tracing the footsteps of the headmaster when his cell phone rang. He picked it up and found Bill at the other end. Remus face suddenly hardened and he quickly went to get Harry.

Harry was sleeping soundly when he felt himself being shaken up. Remus said, "Harry wake up! Death eaters in Romania are attacking Charlie." Harry immediately jumped to his feet, although a bit shaky and bellowed, "Neville, Luna, Blaise, Ginny, Akima, Michael, Remus, and Yadislav suit up with full battle gear." Within five minutes, they were all standing in front of Harry. Harry took out two rings, which he enlarged, and cast a portkey charm on them. Harry then said, "Everyone, grab on to the rings. Three, two, one," They were off.

They ended up at Charlie's barrack where they met Fred, George and Lee. Harry took out his wand and said, "Point Charlie." The wand pointed to Charlie's position. They carefully made their way to his position until they found Bill waiving at them. As they approached Bill, they saw Fleur sitting by a body on the ground. Ginny let out a wail and ran to Fleur followed by the twins and Lee Jordan.

Harry felt his eyes water but ruthlessly suppressed his emotions for the time being. Remus' shoulder sagged as he wept. The rest of group looked very sombre. Blaise left the group to be with Ginny. Harry approached Bill and said, "Have you had a chance to determine what happened."

Bill replied, "Charlie fell to the killing curse. I have already walked the perimeter and found the bodies of six death eaters. At least he took six of the mother fuckers with him." Bill had tears streaking down his cheeks. Harry hugged Bill as he sobbed on Harry's shoulder. Harry said, "I swear Bill, we will have our revenge." Harry let Bill collect himself and squeezed his shoulders.

Harry then made his way to Charlie and bent down to hold his hand. Harry kept thinking of the good times he had with Charlie. Harry muttered, "You will never be forgotten my friend." By then his girlfriend Michelle showed up and screamed when she saw her boyfriend's dead body. What a horrible day this had been Harry thought. Harry gave Charlie's girlfriend an address so that she would know how to reach them. He told her that they would let her know when the funeral was going to take place.

There was nothing else they could do and so Bill cast a stasis charm on his brother's body, and they all portkeyed back to the Scorpion lair. Once they reached the lair, Harry went and transfigured a rough block of granite into a beautiful stone coffin with Dragon carvings all over the box. Xiana stood some distance away. She knew that Harry needed to do this. She didn't want to pressure him to talk. He would pour out his feelings to her when he was ready. She simply admired his work. The coffin was truly a work of art. The top of the coffin box had a beautiful Hungarian Horntail Dragon on it. Harry took two small emeralds and fixed them where the dragon eyes were supposed to be.

Bill came over and thanked Harry for his help. Harry replied, "Charlie was also my brother. You are all my family in one fashion or another." Harry then gathered everyone around the coffin and said, "Tonight, we lost someone very dear to our heart. The first time I met Charlie I met someone who was truly at peace with himself. Charlie taught me how to live one day at a time. Charlie was larger than life. I will truly miss my brother." Harry stifled a sob at the end with tears running down his face.

Everyone else followed Harry's lead and spoke about what Charlie meant to them. They spoke of their love, their pranks, and their time together. It would take some time, but this ritual seemed to help everyone with his or her grief. Knowing that other people shared and understood your pain, made bearing it that much easier.

Harry went to Xiana, buried his face in her shoulder, and hugged her. He let out the silent tears that he couldn't show anyone else. Seeing him bear the weight of all these responsibilities broke her heart. Why did her husband have to play such a critical role in this damn war? She of course knew the answer to that question. There was simply no one else that could do what Harry could. Leaders aren't made they are born.

They all decided to stay at the Scorpion lair. It was already 11:30 PM, and they were bushed. Harry and Xiana lay on a double bed and went to sleep in their combat gear. As Harry laid his head on the pillow, he swore he would get even. With that thought in mind, Harry decided to pay Voldemort a little visit.

Harry checked the integrity of his link and seeing that nothing had been altered, he proceeded to gently connect to Voldemort. Harry made sure to bring his Occlumency shield to full strength. Harry mind linked to Anubis and told them his plans. His familiar became very alert and proceeded to reinforce his shields. Harry quickly connected to the beast and made sure to stay on his surface memories.

The scene that greeted Harry was pure disgust. Voldemort was leaving a muggle home. The home itself had the mutilated bodies of four muggles, two adults, and two children. The bloody maniac was strolling down the road as if it were a bloody Sunday walk at the park. Harry was trying to figure out where he was. Voldemort was passing by an overpass and happened to look at the sign. Harry read Liverpool. Not far from the house he came from he entered another house where two families were tied up.

Voldemort said, " Ah, Lucius I see you are about to initiate my new recruits. Make sure they understand the pleasure of being one of my death eaters."

Lucius bowed low to his Lord and replied, "They will know that the true pleasure is in serving you my Lord." Voldemort cackled and answered back, "That is as it should be Lucius. I will be returning back to headquarters very shortly to monitor the success of our raids. Do not fail me Lucius." Voldemort looked around and Harry could see Draco, Crabbe and Goyle along with Narcissa.

Thus began a disgusting display of inhumane acts. Draco was laughing with glee as he was raping and torturing a twelve-year-old girl. Meanwhile Crabbe and Goyle were having a go torturing and raping a fourteen-year-old girl. Narcissa Malfoy ended up castrating a nine-year-old muggle boy. The parents were screaming and crying. Lucius cast an Imperio on a mother and had her sodomize her son. Voldemort left shortly after the fun began and Harry woke up. It was time for some payback. Harry carefully dropped the link to Voldemort and made sure to put back his mental shields in place. Just by looking at the magical aura of the tunnel link Harry knew that he was in full control.

Harry went to grab Neville, Blaise, and Theo. He told them about Lucius and his merry band of assholes. He told them about Draco, Crabbe and Goyle being present. Harry could see cold revenge in their eyes. They all dressed in full battle gear and Harry created a portkey. They took the portkey and were immediately transported to the little overpass that Harry saw in his link. Harry immediately took out two crystals the size of baseballs. He activated his anti-apparition and anti-portkey ward generators.

Harry told them to cast a disillusion charm on themselves and assigned specific target to all of them. They carefully made their way to the house, and found the door slightly ajar. Harry cast a silencing charm on their feet and proceeded to locate the source of the noise. It seemed that all the fun was happening in the kitchen. Harry made sure that his hood was on and had his troops form on each side of him. When they were close enough, they cast the stupefy spell just as Draco was finishing his victim off with an Avada-Kadavra.

Instantly Lucius, Narcissa, Draco and one more adult death eater fell to the ground. Crabbe, Goyle, and two more adult death eaters turned around and cast Avada-Kadavra in their vicinity. However, Harry and his group had dropped to one knee expecting the comeback. The return spells all flew high and Harry counter attacked with some dark arts.

Harry hissed Bi-Iz-Neturu and watched as a green light surrounded by a black sheath hit the death eater. An unholy scream came from the adult death eater. The man was literally melting away. The skin first melted away like hot wax, and the muscle fibres liquefied into a yellowish protoplasmic soup. The brains melted away into a black liquid and the bones burst into flame and combusted to ash.

Crabbe and Goyle threw up and dropped their wands. Theo and Blaise stunned them and right after that they in turn threw up. Neville managed to stun the last adult death eater. When the death eaters were all incapacitated, Harry and Neville banished all of their portkeys except for one, which Harry kept. They also banished their knives, and destroyed all of their wands. Theo and Blaise could see the fire in Harry's eyes and knew that this was going to get real ugly. Harry told them to put their hoods up. Harry and Neville took their time and immobilized the remaining death eater with metallic ropes.

Harry enervated the remaining death eaters and cast a silencing charm on all but Lucius. Lucius found himself waking up thinking to find Order of the Phoenix members above him, but the reality of the situation soon changed for all of them. The one person whom they feared stood before them. Lucius had seen images of what this man could do and he was not to be trifled with. Lucius decided to adopt a voice of authority in the hope that this man respected a true pureblood wizard.

Lucius finally said, "I demand that you release me this instant. If you do, my lord may decide to spare you." All Lucius heard was the most chilling laugh that he had ever heard. This one sounded even colder than his lord and that was saying something.

The man standing before him replied with such venom that Lucius felt his blood freeze when he said, "You disgusting piece of shit, you are in no position to demand anything, and I am in a position to grant you nothing."

Lucius sneered and replied, "I want you to tell me right now what you want from us?" Lucius was suddenly hit in the face with such ferocity that his nose instantly broke, and his right cheekbone fractured under the impact. Blood was flowing freely down his chin and unto his shirt.

The hooded man with the glowing green orbs answered back, "You fucking piece of shit, you will not talk to me unless I have given you permission. I rule here, you would do well to remember that. Make sure that your whore of a wife understands that concept also."

Harry took out a large black rope, which was encrusted with small bits of black diamond gems and concentrated on it and cast Portus. He then gave the rope to Neville and told him to wrap all the Malfoys along with Crabbe and Goyle.

Harry then started hissing to the shock of all the death eaters and said, "Great one, how would you like some entertainment tonight like I promised you?"

Anubis became very alert and replied, "Do you mean it master? Do I get to bite tonight?"

Harry chuckled and answered, "Yes great one, you get to feed on magical energy tonight."

In truth Anubis received all the magical nourishment he needed from Harry. However, biting a victim was like having a triple layered chocolate cake to him. Harry removed the disillusion spell and told Anubis to go and bite the two adult death eaters sitting on the far wall. Anubis slithered away until he met his first victim and quickly sunk his fangs into the man's leg. He then proceeded to bite the other fat death eater. Within seconds, the men began to shake violently and scream as if their vocal cords would rip from their throats. Harry knew what was going to happen, but he found the experience to be fascinating anyway.

The men's eyes suddenly went white and their skin turned gray and parched as if they were mummified. Suddenly all of their tissue loss their moisture and the men shrivelled up like dried prunes and became silent. Harry started hissing again and said, "Ah, great one, did you enjoy that?"

Anubis replied," That was fantastic master. They were quite tasty."

Harry lowered himself and let Anubis crawl up inside his shirt and let him settle his head by his favorite position, which was by his left shoulder. Harry then went to the dead muggle family and cleaned them up with one wave of his wand. He then bent down by the little girl and Harry muttered softly, "Rest in peace little one. I'll make sure to avenge your death and the death of your innocent family." He bent down and kissed her forehead.

When Lucius saw the Scorpion Sorcerer kiss the child, he knew that he and his family were in deep shit. His only hope was for his master to come back and check on him, but very little time had passed from the time his Lord left to now. The big question in his mind was where was he taking him and what was he going to do with them.

Harry walked back to the group and saw that all the Malfoy's, Crabbe and Goyle junior were all tied with his special rope. Harry took out his wand and while tapping the rope said, "Vengeance." They all disappeared instantly. Harry walked back with his troops outside and collected his ward generators. He deactivated them, and put them in his pocket. Harry then told his troops to portkey back to the Scorpion lair. He told them he was going to make their prisoners comfy. Harry took the time to cast Ahak-Nakeb. A giant Scorpion appeared in the sky. When Harry was done they all were portkeyed away to their destination.

Harry arrived at his home at Potter castle. He immediately went down to his dungeons. Harry had put a lot of work to make his dungeons gothic and medieval. After all appearance was everything. The rooms were filled with Stalactites, hanging from the roof. Harry had cast a freezing charm in all of the dungeon cells. Cold temperatures naturally weakened people he had read. Harry had also studied muggle torture methods throughout the ages and had come up with many interesting ideas. There were chains with hooks suspended from the ceiling and also there were normal chains and shackles attached to the wall. Harry made sure to use rhenium for all of his metal work, it was the most resistant to stress fatigue and corrosion.

Harry had put an ancient magical iron-smelting oven in the middle of each dungeon cell. The blue magical fire, which powered it, was extremely hot. The heat however remained contained in the fire itself. Therefore, next to no heat was released in the surrounding area. Harry had also transfigured a full set of branding irons.

Harry had also transfigured and conjured spiked chairs, pincers, presses, a long Vietnamese needle set, and an acid bath to name a few. Harry had truly let his imagination run wild. Every time he thought about his parents or his godfather's deaths at the hands of the death eaters he found another creative way to torture them. Harry wanted this time alone with them, because he knew that Xiana would not approve of him torturing them for any major length of time.

Harry had no shadow of a doubt that he could torture creatures such as them. Harry now firmly believed that people who committed the acts of atrocity that he had witnessed tonight could not be considered part of the human race. Harry entered the right dungeon and saw that his prisoners were lying on their side on the floor shivering. Harry made sure to separate Crabbe and Goyle from the Malfoys. That way they would gain no moral strength from them. Harry stunned them both and levitated them to the dungeon adjacent to the Malfoy's suite.

Once Crabbe and Goyle were secured in chains and shackles, Harry removed all of their clothing except for their boxers. They slumped to the cold ground and Harry locked the doors. Harry then went back to the Malfoy's and stunned Lucius first. He then levitated Lucius to a granite chair, which had long and wide armrests. The armrest itself had restraining straps for immobilizing the arms and hands. Harry completely immobilized Lucius' arms, hands, and legs.

Harry then turned his attention to Draco. He incarcerated his legs and arms. Harry then levitated him up in the air and cast numbing charms on his back and chest. He then animated the hooked chains and had them violently attack Draco. Two of the hooks imbedded themselves deeply on his breast muscles and two more hooks imbedded themselves just under the shoulder blade. Harry then caused the chains to become as tight as possible. The chains were pulling on the muscles at a 45-degree angle. Harry then released the levitation charm and enervated Draco. The screams coming out of ferret boy were inhumane to say the least.

While Draco was busy ripping his vocal cords out, Harry turned his attention to the bitch that had castrated an innocent little boy. Harry could see her mouth move but no sound was coming from her. Then Harry remembered that he had cast a Silencio spell on her. He removed the spell and could hear her screams and plea of mercy. Harry dripping with venom said, "You mean show you mercy like you did to that innocent little boy tonight? I think not whore." Harry then stunned her and levitated her to the wall. He tightly shackled her to the wall and removed all of her clothes but left her knickers on.

Harry brought out another one of his little creations. It was a dark quartz crystal, which had a large sapphire gem at its center. Harry had managed to replicate his Dementor magical signature into the gem. The quartz ball was charged with raw magical energy and a thin rod of Naquadria connected the sapphire to a diamond cone, which acted as a focusing lens. There was a nub which was made of crystal clear quartz which was connected to the sapphire and was set at 90-degrees from the focusing lens shaft.

This nub contained the activation and deactivation charm. There was another larger nub which was set 180-degrees from the focusing lens and that nub was connected to the large dark quartz ball. The quartz fed raw magical energy to the sapphire, which converted that energy into a Dementor's magical aura. The Naquadria shaft amplified the Dementor aura and focused it on a person. The results should be the same as having a Dementor nearby. The quartz ball was good for about three hours. Of course all of this was theoretical, but it was worth trying.

Harry set the ball on a stool facing her. The stool was set far enough that she couldn't knock it off. He activated the ball and watched her reaction. She immediately crumpled to the floor and screamed. Well he thought, so far so good.

Harry walked back to Lucius and enervated him. The first thing that Lucius noticed was the intense cold that he was feeling. Lucius then recognized the hoarse screams of his son and looked up to see him hanging off meat hooks. He then tuned his attention to his wife's screams and noticed that she was almost naked and left shivering on the cold floor. Lucius couldn't believe how bad things had turned out on what was supposed to be a magnificent night for death eaters.

Lucius then looked at the most menacing green orbs that he had ever seen. Lucius still couldn't make out the man's face, but the eyes were a sight to behold. There was immense power there, power to maybe even rival his Lord. All Lucius could think to say at the moment was, "Why is it so damn cold in here." Lucius was shivering.

The voice that answered back was as cold as the cell itself. Harry said, "What's wrong Malfoy, haven't' you ever heard of the term "when hell freezes over"? Well, welcome to hell." Harry decided that Draco should see his dear papa. After all, a family that suffers together is a family that stays together. Harry took his wand and allowed the overhead chains to bring Draco down so that his feet could support his weight. Blood had flowed from the hooks down to his knees. It was quite a sight to behold. Harry wanted to keep him alive long enough for Theo and Brianna to get a piece of him.

Draco couldn't believe the pain he was in. He had never experienced such pain. By now, the numbing charms had worn off and the burning on his back and chest was excruciating. The damn cold was sapping his strength. His father looked to be o.k. though except for the shivering. Draco would give anything to know who that fucking Scorpion bastard was.

As if reading his mind, Harry said, "I am sure by now, you are all wondering who the Scorpion Sorcerer is? Well I think it's only fair for you to know who your eventual executioner is, don't you think?" Harry lowered his hood and heard the gasp coming from Draco and Lucius and they both managed to say, "Potter?" at the same time. Harry gave them his most evil smirk and replied, "Vengeance is best served as a cold dish, don't you think? I told you little Draco pooh, that your end was coming. Now you see the truth of it. Don't you worry blondie, you and I are going to have lots of fun before this is over. You will regret ever fucking with me, Malfoy."

Lucius always knew that the Potter heir was a powerful wizard. But, this went beyond anything he ever imagined for the brat. How he had become so knowledgeable in the dark arts was beyond anything Lucius could come up with. Lucius was beginning to realize that making an enemy of the Potter heir may have been a grievous mistake. Finally Lucius found his voice and with a sneer said, "Look Potter, I get the point. You have had your little fun now you can stop your torture session and let us go. I promise to let the ministry go easy on you."

Harry laughed, like a man possessed. When he was able to regain enough control he brought his full magical aura to bear, and said, "My dear Lucius, I have not yet begun torturing you. I don't consider people like you human you see. Anyone who can kill innocent babies and enjoys it deserves torture beyond imagination. When I am through with you Lucius, your suffering will be legendary even in hell. You will pay for every innocent whose life you took. I have become the law, the judge and the executioner. You Lucius Malfoy have been sentenced to death by torture due to your crimes against Humanity. I Harry James Potter will be your executioner."

With that Harry walked to his implements cabinet and picket up a set of very fine titanium needles. He came back and sat in front of Lucius who spit in his face. Lucius sneered and said, "You may kill me but the Dark Lord will see that you are exterminated Potter."

Harry gave him a vicious smile and picked up a six-inch needle. He carefully looked at it from all sides and said, "You know what the problem is with you Malfoy. It's privilege. You think because you are a wizard and you have money you can shit on anyone. You see, this is why I don't plan on torturing you the wizarding way quite yet. I feel you need to learn a lot more about muggles. I sense you don't respect them enough. I intend on showing you the error of your ways. I will show you that muggles aren't as stupid as you seem to think, inbred. Are you by any chance familiar with Asian torturing methods? Probably not I would wager. Now let me see how does that go? Oh yes! Now I remember."

Harry took the needle and placed it underneath his right hands middle fingernail. Harry slowly pushed and heard a popping noise. He could see the head of the needle underneath the nail, pushing against the soft tissue. Harry thought that Malfoy's voice box was going to explode. His screams could wake the dead Harry thought. Harry then took another needle and stuck it underneath his pinkie fingernail. Harry repeated this procedure until all of the fingers on Lucius hand were bloodied and needles were sticking out underneath every nail.

Harry looked down at his feet and noticed that even his little aristocratic feet and toes were properly manicured. Well, Harry thought, that just wouldn't do. Harry went back to his implement cabinet, and picked up a muggle hammer.

Harry looked at Lucius with a malicious sneer, and said "Now I don't know if you enjoyed my special needles as much as I did. I remember telling you that muggles were pretty good at some things. Torture is definitely one of them. Now, here is some more education about muggles. You see this implement here? Well this happens to be called a hammer. Now muggles can do incredible things with these instruments. Unfortunately for me I failed wood shop. However, I think I have come up with a way to redeem myself. "

Harry suddenly took the hammer and slammed it on his right foot's little toe with a sickening crack. The toe was smashed to a pulp. The tip of the small toe bone split and separated from the rest of the toe. Bits of crushed flesh were left hanging on the split bone with blood spilling everywhere.

Harry then took his hand to his ear to hear the inhumane screams coming from Lucius. By then, Lucius was crying and whimpering for him to stop. Harry sneered and said, "Oh, you mean you want me to show you mercy like you showed that little muggle girl is that it? Well I could do that. However, I am enjoying torturing your pureblood inbred ass way too fucking much!"

Harry took the hammer and swung it and smashed the big toe on his left foot. The sound that came out of that one, actually made him queasy for a second. Draco simply vomited on himself. Not a very strong constitution that one Harry thought.

Harry ended up smashing three more toes until Lucius passed out from the pain. Harry cast a cauterizing spell at his ruined toes. It's not like he was going to use them again, Harry thought. After about thirty minutes, Harry cast the enervate spell on him. Lucius woke up sick to his stomach. His voice box felt like it had exploded.

Harry said, "Well Lucius I have decided to give you a breather. But I think your wife and son need a real bonding moment. Now as I understand it, you inbreds love the purity of your blood. Because you like it so pure and according to you there is no greater honor then breeding with another pureblood. I can only imagine that you love fucking your cousins, sisters, brothers or whatever combination feels good to you since there are so few purebloods left anyway. Well let's see if we can take this ideal a step further." Harry whirled around and cast imperio at Draco with all of his power. He didn't want the little shit fighting his command.

Harry walked to Narcissa and cancelled the Dementor crystal and put it in his pocket. He then stunned her and moved her to the table propped up against the Eastern wall. Harry bent her over the table and put a sticking charm on her so she couldn't move. He then removed the hooks from Draco's body and cancelled the restraining metal ropes on his legs and hands. He told Draco to stay where he was.

Harry walked over to him and whispered in his ear while pointing at his mother. Draco was fighting with all his might to not listen to Potter, but he simply couldn't fight him. He felt so much better staying in his blissful world. There was no worry in this world. Just obey Potter and feel happy. Draco walked over to his mother and raped and sodomized her. This was going on while Lucius was conscious, watching and screaming.

Harry looked at Lucius and sneered, "Tell me Malfoy how does it feel, when it's your own family who is being abused and tortured? I don't know about you, but I call it poetic justice. After all even the muggle good book says eye for an eye and tooth for a tooth." When Draco was spent, he told him to go sit in the corner. Harry then cancelled the sticking charm on Narcissa, and cast the Imperio curse on her and told her to go wait in the opposite corner.

He then told Draco to go lay on the table. Draco obeyed and Harry conjured leather straps and tied his feet and hands to the table. Harry then walked to Narcissa and whispered commands in her ears. She immediately obeyed and walked to a cabinet filled with all types of knives. She picked a blade that had a snake wrapped around the handle and walked to Draco. She cut his loincloth away and proceeded to castrate him. Draco screamed, cried and vomited on himself.

Blood was flowing everywhere and Harry cast another cauterizing spell where his privates used to be. Harry then went to a cabinet and gave them all a blood, energy and nutrient Potions. Harry banished Draco's bits into a jar and filled it with formaldehyde. Formaldehyde was a muggle preserving liquid. Harry then conjured underwear for both Draco and Narcissa. He brought them back to their original position.

Draco was once again hoisted on the meat hooks and chains, and Narcissa was chained to the wall. Harry decided to give her a top to cover her tatas. It wouldn't do well for Xiana to find out that Harry had Narcissa naked. Just for spite Harry took Draco's bits in the jar and placed the jar three feet away from his face. Harry thought, let him stew on his crimes against that innocent muggle girl Harry thought.

Harry walked back towards Lucius and said, "I hope you enjoyed the show. After all you seemed to enjoy doing it to innocent muggles. I thought that you wouldn't mind seeing your own family going at it." Harry looked at his watch and noticed that it was nearly 5:00 a.m. The next thing Harry wanted to do was destroy Malfoy manor. Before that happened however, Harry wanted to secure any valuables from Malfoy manor that could help in the war against Voldemort.

Harry was convinced that a family as old as the Malfoy's must have a very extensive collection of magical books both light and dark. Before destroying Malfoy manor, Harry needed to do his homework and find out all the pitfalls contained in Malfoy manor. In order to do this Harry needed to rape Malfoy's mind and clean him of all his knowledge. Harry remembered his motto. Show no mercy.

Harry walked to Malfoy and grabbed his head with his hands and kept both of his eyelids opened with his thumbs and brought forth all of his mental power to bear and went into Malfoy's mind. Harry encountered very powerful mind shields and Harry funnelled his core magic directly to his PONS and then through his eyes and began filling Malfoy's head with pure magic. Under the power of Harry's attack, Malfoy's shields began to crumble.

A few minutes later Harry was savagely raping Malfoy's mind for all it was worth. Harry saw many of Voldemort's rituals and saw something about Horcruxes that seemed very important regarding Voldemort's supposed immortality. Harry made a mental note to investigate that particular subject later on.

Harry dived further into Malfoy's mind and began siphoning all of the important knowledge about Malfoy manor. When his was done, Harry left a ball of his own magical energy inside Malfoy's head. The bastard was going to feel a lot of pain in his head from now on. Looking at the memories, Harry felt all of his restraint concerning that family gone. They were plain evil and deserved everything he could throw at them. Harry needed to get his troops together to raid Malfoy manor.

Harry looked at Lucius and said, "I'll be leaving for now but don't you worry, I'll be coming back real soon. Harry removed the imperious curse from Draco and his mother and heard them crying and whimpering. Narcissa was in near hysterics. Draco seemed to be in a near catatonic state. Harry exited the dungeons and made sure to cast all of the dark wards he knew. No, one was getting in or getting out without his permission.

Harry apparated to the Scorpion Lair to prepare for the destruction of Malfoy manor.