
Ascension of Suzetsu Otsutsuki

Princess Kaguya sought to get out of the clan's control and manage her own destiny. She got in contact with the Tree God, and they devised plans to fight her companions, the planet invaders, although things don't always go as expected ... Perhaps by luck, coincidence or fortune, a series of events occurred where Suzetsu Otsutsuki was born. A guy who carries with him genes of the most powerful beings and whose abilities will be the basis of his strength. This is the story of a guy who forged his own path, fought fierce and bloody battles, fell in love with incredible women, and defied countless challenges until he reached the top of the Multiverse. This is the English version, so sorry for the mistakes, my language is Spanish.

Walmano · 漫画同人
88 Chs


The group watched in admiration as the young man managed to defeat the mighty beast. The girls gave a long sigh while holding their chests and the others screamed as they raised their fists.

However, in the next moment, when they saw the huge toad's body explode releasing large amounts of corrosive liquid and very close to Suzetsu, their faces changed. They saw countless poison splatter! All life and trees touched for dozens of meters around were instantly withered!

~~ Whoosh ~~ - Suzu's figure flew straight up!

King Toad is dead, but he removed the toxin before he died!

"Impressive!" - Kuisha's big eyes shine with little stars!


Coriana's face changed drastically, and she rushed over with great speed!

Coriana hugged Suzetsu and discovered that his body was blue and black right now. This is the manifestation of the toxins that enter his body.

His right arm was covered in green poison, and she felt as if his arm was about to rot. The poison spread rapidly, his lips turned black and his face turned black ...

"SUZU !!" - Kuisha was slow to react and then, almost teleporting, appeared next to the young man while she hugged him. She used her medicine to try to clean the poison from Suzetsu's skin, but it was useless, the poison was absorbed directly after touching the human body.

The girls' tears couldn't help but drip.

"You ..." - Suzetsu made a weak voice.

"Don't talk" -Coriana cried as she used some medications to treat the poison.

"This is not working" - Kuisha panicked completely seeing that the medicine was not working ...

"Well ... don't squeeze me so hard Kuisha"

Kuisha soon realized that she was holding the young man too hard due to how nervous she was. She then watched as Suzetsu gave them a sour smile and sat cross-legged. Then, to everyone's surprise, the intoxication seemed to disappear from his body until after a few seconds it returned to normal.

"SUZU!" -the 4 yelled with joy when they saw him in his normal state, although he was clearly pale, scarred, and seemed extremely exhausted.

The young man looked at them gently, it would be a lie to say that he had not felt warmth in his heart while he saw them so worried, especially when he saw the girls' unease.

It was an extremely dangerous battle, if he had not used his head well at the right moment, perhaps he had been the one defeated. But that's what he was here for, looking for challenges, maturing, and gaining experience. As for the poison at the end, he was not too worried, he trusted his body's resistance to the final explosion and although it was something very toxic, the amount that splashed on him was very little, so he had no problem absorbing it.

When he finally managed to stabilize himself, they helped him back towards the cave.

2 days went by in the blink of an eye. His body was much more recovered, except for the loss of spiritual type energy, but his physical was already impeccable. His resilience was amazing.

They were enjoying a delicious lunch from Suzetsu's kitchen, which by now could be compared to a little chef. After finishing the meal, the young man laid his eyes on the group.

When the 2 girls saw his look, they suddenly felt like crying and they felt her chest tighten, it was like a goodbye look.

"Suzu ..." - Coriana said with eyes that were already turning red.

Suzetsu gave her a soft smile, but this only made her feel even more heartbroken. Then the young man spoke to them.

"It has been 4 very good months, but everything must have an end ..." - the young man began to say some friendly words to them, and then they described some plans. The girls got to the side of him, even Kuisha who generally stood proud, she seemed to forget and clung to Suzetsu's arm. Coriana insisted on wanting to stay with him, but she could only surrender knowing that when the young man said something, he stood firm in his decision.

Suzetsu had already communicated with Sairaorg with the communication crystal and explained some things to him, then confirmed that they would meet in the forest tomorrow.

When the group learned that tomorrow they would separate, they were surprised and saddened by the soon separation. Coriana just gave a long sigh.

"When ... When will we meet again?" - Kuisha asked with some difficulty.

"Hmm maybe in about 6 years" - Suzetsu replied after thinking a bit.

"..." - the group looked with different expressions, but everyone felt uneasiness.


At night, Suzu was reading a novel about the human world given to her by Grayfia, apart from cultivation it should also distract his mind with others themes. He was alone in his cave, the 2 men and the 2 women had separate caves, on the Southside that of Suzu, in the middle of the girls and the North of the other two, in addition to the 3 they were connected in a small path.

The young man was immersed in reading but then he gave an intriguing smile as he glanced outward, then he went back to concentrating on the novel as if he didn't notice anything.

"Kuisha, your hands are sweating too much"

"... Are you different? Besides, you forced me to follow you"

"Well, you know ... but you didn't refuse either, don't forget"

"But ... what will we do?" - Kuisha was sweating from how nervous she was, but also with some anticipation.

"This ... look, we are here, so relax" - Coriana did not know the answer, fortunately for her, they have already arrived.

10 minutes later they were still outside the cave entrance, Suzetsu rolled his eyes.

"How much longer will they be out ?!"

"Kyaaaaaaaaaaaaaa" - the beauties shouted when they learned that they were discovered.

Then they both said permission and entered the cave. They did not dare to look directly at the young man, but after a while their eyes caught the young man reading quietly while he was naked above. Their faces turned red, but they were staring at Suzu's perfect body.

"Well, what are you doing here?" - he asked as he put the book away.

"We ..." - they did not know how to answer.

"Don't push yourself too hard, let me guess. How will we see each other in a few more years, so are you a little anxious? "- Suzetsu asked as he looked at them wearing pretty pajamas. If he wasn't used to goddess-level beauties like Yasaka and others, maybe he would have had a different demeanor.

But he was not a stone, by spending the months away from the Gremory family, also due to his own growth and maturity absolutely unbecoming of his age or perhaps because of the pressure of training and the need to free himself, he felt that his appetite in other subjects was also growing, although for the moment he could contain himself.

"We ... we don't want you to forget us and ..." - Coriana finally answered with some bitterness, she wanted to continue but no words came out.

The young man remembered the actions of the beauties when he was seriously injured by the venom of the beast and could not help feeling a certain sweetness, then he called them.

"come here" - Suzetsu said as he lifted the blanket and motioned for them to lie down next to him.

"... Y ... Yes" - they replied whispering while their hearts beat like never before.

The beauties stood next to him, Suzu opened his arms and hugged them both. He immediately felt their bodies tremble.

"What do you think of tomorrow? … "- so the young man began to talk to them about different topics so that the girls were not tense.

Suzetsu felt that he couldn't just advance with the girls, after all, they got closer tonight because tomorrow they would part. He would prefer that everything come in due time, if something is possible then it must be seen in a few years, perhaps by that time the attitudes will be different.

Thus they entertained themselves talking about their lives, some plans, wishes until they fell asleep.

The next morning Suzetsu woke up and felt dampness on his body. The 2 beauties were drooling a bit as they rested their faces on his chest. From the young man's movement, both beauties woke up and saw the situation, their faces burning as they hurriedly cleaned up.

"Good morning"

"Good ... good morning Suzu"

"Let's get up, that guy will be here early" - he told them as he stroked their head.

"Yes" - answered the beauties while giving a bright smile, even Suzetsu was a bit in a trance. They noticed and were happy about his loss of composure.

"Suzu, we ..."

"I know what you mean, but I don't want this to be out of gratitude. If we are destined, then we will see it in the future "- The young man felt that the girls could be grateful to him and that they might not feel romantic feelings, so it was best to wait in a few years.

"Good" - they replied and in a quick attack, both kissed the young man's face before leaving the place.

Suzu stayed in place while he watched with a goofy smile until he sensed movement nearby.

"That guy is finally here" - he quickly put on training clothes.

He then jumped from the cave throwing a fierce downward fist.

~~ POOM! ~~

I had 3 hellish weeks, luckily now I have 2-3 weeks 'free' so I will release several chapters. Tomorrow I will surely upload another.

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Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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