

"So Qian what do you plan on doing now?" asked Lin

"I don't know... but when the bandits came I just felt so powerless.. and i never want to feel like that again" said Qian.

"So uh could you train me?" asked Qian.

"But why would i do that?" teased Lin.

"Uh so you could gain a loyal subordinate for the future?" offered the boy.

"HA by the time you become anything worthwhile I would be already at the saint level" laughed Lin.

This statement caused Qian's head to droop down as he though Lin would train him because he though Lin only saved him because he saw something worthwhile in him.

"But I guess I can train you, if only for the amusement" laughed Lin.

"Really!?" asked Qian excitedly.

"really" replied Lin.

"Now first we have to decide if you want to become a magus or a warrior, to be a magus you would need a affinity towards one of the elements and to become a warrior you only need battle-qi" lectured Lin.

"I want to be a magus!" said Qian.

"Don't decide so easily, both sides have their benefits as magi have great attack power and are versatile but however they are very frail, while warriors lack long range attacks but are generally extremely fast and also powerful. My recommendation would be for you to train in both the magus path and the warrior path" explained Lin.

"But wouldn't training in both paths make it so you train slower than you would training just one path?" questioned Qian.

"It would make you slower than some one who trained in just one path but doing so comes with benefits as you would be able to cast support spells on yourself and also fight on the front lines" said Lin.

"Okay? I guess." accepted Qian.

"Now first we need to find your elemental affinity so that you don't waste time training in a magic style where you have a weak affinity" Said Lin.

"Now since i don't have any tools to really measure your affinity we'll just have to do this the hard way" said Lin.

"The hard way?" questioned Qian.

"Yup I'll amplify the elemental essence in the air or bring you to extreme locations that are ambient in a certain element and you'll have to meditate and see if you have any talent in that element" said Lin

Lin first had Qian meditate and proceeded to cover the surrounding area with wind elemental essence.

"Can you sense anything?" asked Lin.

"No? am i supposed to see something?" replied Qian.

They proceeded to wait another 30 minutes but was met with a lack of success.

"Don't worry this just means you don't have a affinity with the wind element" said Lin

Lin then had brought Qian onto his back and raced to a big pond and had Qian meditate next to it but was similarly met with a lack of success.

They were finally met with success when Lin had Qian meditate near a volcano and Qian was finally able to sense something.

So uh for the next week or two it'll be one chapter per every 2 days. Sorry about this but I have multiple finals and regents and also labs due. I'm sure you guys understand right? :3

I'll probably do a mass release of like 5 chapters once my finals are done.

iiCreationcreators' thoughts