
ascending to godhood then to multiverse godhood then to omniversal god

a man gets reincarnated with wishes and becomes a demonic hybrid read my book to know more

omnigodvoldigoad · 科幻
19 Chs

some of the info on the human races in goia multiverse

Humans haves the shortest lifespan of an average 45 years some can live past it.

Superhuman haves ability or 12 abilities's that most because their bodies can't handle more before self-destroying themselves's

And they have an average lifespan of 500 years.

High humans, the only Human race that can use a little magic and haves 13 or more abilities that max 28 abilities and can live up to 14000 years with an average lifespan of 5000 years.

Adamus the frist of the human race's depends on person if nature welcomes the person then the person protect by nature and have's little mana of nature but never the praha of it and they have can have 80 abilities max and with average lifespan of 15000 year's