
As Sasuke in Tower of God

Kira is an average Highschool boy who spends his time watching anime. Today he finished watching the final episode of Naruto and Contemplating whether to watch Boruto or not. But unfortunately, he died When an Alarm clock came out of nowhere from his room’s window and hit his head. The next movement he woke up, he was in front of a Core which called itself GOD. The ‘God’ gave him a single wish for his Reincarnation and He chose to Reincarnate as Sasuke in Shinobi world. But the god Decided to reincarnate him in the world of the Tower Of God. Because reincarnating as Sasuke is one wish according to it. . [Discord] * * https://discord.gg/euFKUFWmAj

ForbiddenLord · 漫画同人
26 Chs


"Holy crap!"

The entire Floor fell into a state of chaos as Adara's declaration echoed through the 21st Floor. Rankers who had remained after the selection process now scattered like frightened rabbits, their fear of getting caught up in the impending war evident in their panicked expressions and hurried movements to get on their Flying Carriers.

As they hurriedly fled, whispers of concern and uncertainty filled the air.

"What the fuck? This is War between Irregulars! We need to get out of here!"

"I didn't sign up for this shit! I just wanted to take a shot at her, not get shot by her!" One young Ranker with a disheveled appearance stumbled, nearly tripping over his own feet, as he gasped for breath.

"Hey, kid, what's got you in such a hurry?" The Senior Brother from earlier asked, his voice tinged with amusement.

The young Ranker panted, struggling to regain his composure. "D-Did you hear? War... the Yeon Family... they're declaring war! I don't want any part of it!"

The Senior Brother chuckled, patting the young Ranker on the back. "Well, we better keep moving then. The last thing you want is to be caught in the crossfire."

As the Rankers continued their hasty retreat, the sky above the 21st Floor transformed into a spectacle of both awe and dread. Innumerable Floating Ships, Warships, and Floating Castles Warped, their imposing presence casting a shadow over the Garden.

The Shinsu Flow in the surroundings trembled beneath their weight, and the land crackled with pressure. The Yeon Family, known for their disdain on men, had brought their full might to bear on the guy who spoke ill of their 'Mother'.


The sound of Canons roared, intermingled with the low hum of Shinsu shields activating, locking the entire Space. The Rankers who had fled watched from a safe distance through their Lighthouses, their eyes wide with a mixture of fear and curiosity.

The Floating Castles, magnificent and imposing, seemed to glide effortlessly through the air. Their cannons and turrets bristled with power, ready to rain destruction upon any who dared oppose the Yeon Family.

In contrast to the sleek and agile warships weaving through the sky, standing in the Land as spec as dust, Sasuke's lips twitched at the situation. It's as if Yeon Family expected this to happen and he just walked right into their net.

The main Army of the Yeon family disembarked from their warships and formed Squadrons behind the Ten Corps Commanders, standing in a unified and organized manner. Each Corps consisted of four Division Commanders, with a total of Fifty High Rankers including the Corps Commander. Then there is Yeon Adara, a High Ranker ranked in the Top 30, and above all, the esteemed 'Godmother' of the Yeon family, ranked at number #17.

The gravity of the situation could only be compared to wars of the past.

A Great Family vs an Irregular.

"This is as far as you go," Yeon Adara, still engulfed in flames, stood in the sky, locking eyes with Sasuke.

Sasuke felt his skin crawl with goosebumps, his blood burned with excitement rather than the hotness of their Flames or them. He was not one to shy away from battle, especially not with an entire army of beauties. Shouldn't he demonstrate his 'Youth' to them? Perhaps his idol had set him up to court all these women?

"Big bro... I never thought you would be so caring towards your little brother," Sasuke expressed his gratitude to the trembling Urek, who sat in the hall with a mouthful of popcorn and coke, spectating the entire spectacle. He then reevaluated the army, activating his Rinnegan.

"Hmm? I don't believe the Army of a Great Family only amount this much? Why are you hiding your Rankers from Branch Families?"He asked, both confused and curious.

Surprisingly, it was Yeon Ilarde who answered, having regrouped with Yeon Adara. "Ara Ara~, only this much? You are quite delusional, cutie. Our branch families have other matters to attend to. Don't worry, this big sister is more than enough to fold you~"

An unmistakable shiver traveled down Sasuke's back.

'Don't tell me she's a 'Yandere' material? No, Sasuke! You absolutely must stay away from this woman!' He had already planned his escape route. Hypothetically, in the event of losing, though it seemed impossible unless their family head intervened or by some other 'underhanded' methods.

"Why are you sweating? Hehehe~ Just you wait, you'll have to marry me because of those hurtful words," Ilarde giggled and took a seat on a suspended throne.

"Charge!" Yeon Adara interjected, seeing the atmosphere shifting, afraid that Ilarde would change her mind and order a retreat. She refused to back down after coming this far... she wanted to taste his blood! The feeling of going all out!

'Ah, such bliss!'


Sasuke narrowly dodged a fireball that exploded near his face as he thought, 'Why did I get involved with these crazy women?'

"Aren't you going to summon your Army of Death, kid?" taunted one of the Division Commander, launching another large fireball in his direction.



This time, he didn't dodge. The fireball engulfed him in a resounding blast. Sasuke flew above, tearing through the smoke-filled area as numerous fire-based attacks rained down on the spot where he had stood.

Hovering in the sky, using space manipulation rather than Shinsu, Sasuke replied to the division commander with a hint of amusement, "As the name suggests, I don't summon them unless I bestow Death upon my foes. Need to maintain the reputation, right?"

"Quite the cocky one, aren't you?" sneered the division commander, joining the Wave Controllers Formation. Her task was now complete, having lured him into the sky.

Sasuke had already noticed that the army had been divided into Positions and had completely surrounded him. Everywhere he looked, countless rankers were floating in the sky. There were over 5000 Rankers and 52 High Rankers in total, and this was not even their entire Army. The heritage of a Great Family was truly nothing to scoff at.


"There is no need for fodders in a battle between High Rankers," he said with a wide smile, positioning both of his palms near his chest, facing each other with a small gap in between.

[Uchiha Style - Dreamless Dream]


Deafening silence. The alert Army anticipated a large-scale attack and summoned all their defenses, but nothing happened except for the bright shine in Sasuke's Rinnegan.

"Is this guy playing with us?"

"Wait... Look at our Rankers."

After one of the Corps Commanders noticed something was amiss, everyone turned their attention to their Rankers, who now stood still instead of charging at the enemy. Worse yet, they were pointing their weapons at each other!

"An illusion spell?" Adara narrowed her eyes.

"Haha, yes... I don't want to deal with ants anyway," Sasuke replied with a laugh.


[Inverse] represents his third Tomoe's [Dimension] ability, which aptly allows him to invert anything. However, if he were to convert his opponents from the Yeon Family into allies, it would result in a permanent alteration. Such an action would undoubtedly lead to repercussions from the Yeon Family Head. Not that he is scared, it's just not worth to make enemies with beauties. At least, that's what his Big Bro said.

So, to better use the Ability and avoid making enemies left and right, He created a Technique by merging [Inverse] and [Genjutsu], [Dreamless Dream]. This amalgamation enables him to Invert only their perception, leaving the fundamental concept of Enemies and Allies intact. After all, He doesn't have enough mastery in this Ability to mess with it by touching the Concepts.


"Hahaha... I'm a Genius, no doubt!"


An immense wall of flame shot its way forward, enveloping Sasuke within in the midst of his laugher. The heat of the flames was such that not even he could take it lightly, prompting him to use Shinsu to coat his body. He peered across from within the flames to see a blazing Adara illuminating the battlefield with a crazy smile.

"Hehehe, looks like you've got some tricks up your sleeve. I've heard you are a flame user, Let me show you the difference between your normal flames and my Flames of Wrath"

"Flames of Wrath, use the Hatred of my opponent as fuel and ablaze everything to ashes!"

[Adara Style: Wrathful Embrace]

Innumerable Chains, as tall as five-story buildings, materialised from the sea of flames. Lunging and coiling around Sasuke. With a flick of his hand, he effortlessly broke free and threw a casual punch, *BOOM!* sending the charging High Rankers flying with the force of his shockwave.

"My flames have no effect on you? How is this possible?" Eyes widening, Adara fell into state of disbelief. She couldn't believe it. No— she refuse to believe she can't fuel her opponents hatred.

Adara concentrated all her flames into a single point, shaping them into a beautiful flower.

[Adara Style: Crimson Zigena]


The flower, no larger than a palm, detonated above Sasuke's head with Wrathful Flames, consuming everything within sight in its fiery embrace. The Sea of Flames blazed with immense fury, as if endeavoring to transform the entire battlefield into a realm of torment.

The Flames raged with furious intensity that Ilarde has to protect the Rankers and Floating Ships to avoid Destruction from friendly fire.


Out of nowhere, a section of blazing flames vanished into thin air, revealing a nonchalant Sasuke strutting through the sky towards Adara. Everyone who witnessed the scene—the army, those observing from the lighthouse, or even Ilarde—had their jaws drop to the floor. They couldn't believe their eyes!

Black Flames!

Sinister Black Flames danced around Sasuke, effortlessly devouring Adara's fire as if it were child's play. It was a sight that left them all petrified with terror.

"Of course it doesn't. Why should I bear any Hatred towards someone who's obviously weaker than myself. All I feel is… Pity." with a devilish smirk, he played with the Black Flames in his hand,

"And did you say… normal flames?"

"Ignite, Amaterasu"

Next Week, update will be stable I hope!

ForbiddenLordcreators' thoughts