
As Sasuke in Tower of God

Kira is an average Highschool boy who spends his time watching anime. Today he finished watching the final episode of Naruto and Contemplating whether to watch Boruto or not. But unfortunately, he died When an Alarm clock came out of nowhere from his room’s window and hit his head. The next movement he woke up, he was in front of a Core which called itself GOD. The ‘God’ gave him a single wish for his Reincarnation and He chose to Reincarnate as Sasuke in Shinobi world. But the god Decided to reincarnate him in the world of the Tower Of God. Because reincarnating as Sasuke is one wish according to it. . [Discord] * * https://discord.gg/euFKUFWmAj

ForbiddenLord · 漫画同人
26 Chs


"If you beat them even more, they'll be dead," came a chilling statement. A set of heavy footsteps thudded and echoed throughout the demolished surroundings.

Sasuke, his gaze fixed on the four individuals on the verge of death before him, suddenly turned his attention toward the direction of the approaching footsteps. And there, he saw her.

A fair-skinned girl with dark hair tied into a ponytail with a ribbon on the left side of her head, piercing red eyes, a tall and lithe figure with an average-sized bosom—she walked slowly toward his direction, her gaze both curious and shocked.

" Yuri Ha Jahad " he called out, She might have been the most beautiful woman he had ever seen in his entire life.

"Hahahaha… did you see, Evan? Even an Irregular who entered the Tower not long ago knows about me. Know my greatness!" Sasuke's initial impression of her being gentle and elegant vanished as she laughed like a fool and struck a comical pose.

"Princess, please maintain your image!" Evan shouted helplessly from the Pocket.

"Oh, shut up," Yuri silenced him and turned her serious gaze back to Sasuke. She began to walk around him, inspecting him closely.

"Hmmm…," she murmured before suddenly pulling his collar and bringing her face dangerously close to his. Their lips were just a breath away from touching. As he inhaled the rose-like scent of her breath, he felt his throat go dry. After scrutinizing his Rinnegan more closely, she stepped back. Not gonna lie, he kinda disappointed,

'He's too handsome,' she thought inwardly, her face flushed. She then used her Shinsu to float the injured teammates, Just as she was about to leave, she turned around and locked eyes with Sasuke.

"Don't make me wait too long on the 20th Floor!"

Before he could fully grasp the meaning behind her words, she vanished.

Sasuke stood there in a daze before a soft smile spread across his face. He opened a portal and teleported to the place where an emotional drama was about to unfold.

Meanwhile, Evan remained seated in the Test Director's office, glaring at the coffee-sipping bastard in front of him. Despite the calm facade, Evan sensed a flicker of excitement in his eyes during Sasuke's battle with his team.

"I don't know what you're planning by not reporting the appearance of two Irregulars to the Jahad Family, but if something happens to that boy, not even Evankhell could save you from Princess Yuri's wrath."

"Oh, that's quite the daring remark for someone who tiptoed into the Floor of Testing, The Hell of 'The Infernal Evankhell'..."

Evan's forehead twitched But, Hansung Yu didn't give him a chance to retort,

"Anyway... does it look like I can do anything to him?" Hansung Yu questioned.

Evan didn't reply. He simply got up, picked up his bag, and walked towards the exit. Without looking back, he spoke, "I'm not talking about him; it's Baam."

Hansung Yu watched the dwarf as he steadily left the room. Alone and finished with his coffee, Hansung Yu stood up with a faint smile.

"Then, I'll have to apologize..."

In the looming mountain above, stood Two figures silently. Below them the Regulars waited in front of the Dolphin Queen for Baam and Rachel's exit, None of them spoke a word from the beginning But, one thing they had in common was their expectation of the scene that would unfold in front of them.


Suddenly, a noxious green liquid erupted from a hole in the Dolphin Queen, and along with the grotesque liquid dropped Rachel, appearing on the verge of fainting.

"Turtle! The Turtle is out!"

Sasuke, perched on the hillside, struggled to suppress his laughter, casting a bemused glance at the Test Director beside him.

"You really made her exit through a... Butthole?," Sasuke quipped with a sly grin.

Hansung Yu, unruffled by Sasuke's knowledge, responded with a faint smile, " A Shit should come from the place as it should "

Sasuke's lips twitched at the guy speaking so profoundly about shit. He turned his attention back to the ground below him.

He watched as all of them fell into despair and some started crying as Rachel revealed, that Baam fell down trying to save her. She shed a crocodile tear and fainted after saying her farce. He felt vomiting.



The following day,

The 'loss' of 25th Baam devastated everyone, particularly Rachel, who was rumored not to have consumed a drop of water since the incident.

Inside a spacious hall, Sasuke occupied a quiet corner, scanning the room's occupants, and noting the absence of Endorsi and Rak.

Moments later, as commotion filled the hall, Leoro-Ro entered and quelled the uproar by announcing that they all passed the Test and could go up the Tower. He then proceeds to explain about how Baam might be dead and that they can't find his body. The hall became devastated and Rachel 'fainted' once more.

Sasuke left the hall in the middle of Rachel's nonsense and went towards the Test Director's Office.

Upon reaching the office, he knocked on the doors politely, not out of fear due to the prior encounter... definitely not.

Soon the doors opened itself and he saw an engrossed Hansung Yu reading a Book instead of the usual coffee-drinking routine. He got suspicious and tried to check the Book to see if it was something forbidden or a Book of Vishanti or something like that. But,

'101 Ways to Blackmail Someone'

Sasuke narrowed his eyes at Hansung Yu's nonchalant reading. 'What is this guy plotting now?' he wondered but decided not to investigate further. Instead, he straightforwardly stated his purpose,

"I want to meet the Administrator."

{Floor 134}

Above the boundless sky, a colossal Floating Castle presided, encircled by numerous smaller castles, each bearing a distinctive red circle-like emblem with the words "Ranker Administration Office" inscribed above it.

Inside the Central Meeting Hall of the RAO, Ten Figures sat facing the figure who sat on the right side of the empty main seat. He is a handsome man with long silver hair that reaches the ends of his feet and a masculine body that gives off an enigmatic feeling.

From the look of things, it could be seen they are in the middle of a meeting.


In the middle of the meeting, the door burst open with a resounding bang, and a disheveled brown-haired man in a white suit hurried inside.


Instantly, pressure engulfed the room. Even though the ten seated figures were not the direct targets, they felt as if an invisible hand were squeezing their throats. High Rankers or not, they were mere Regulars before this imposing presence. The man who had entered under pressure fell to his knees, blood oozing from every orifice.

"W-Wait, hear me out... Deputy Director Aisand!"

"You have ten seconds," Deputy Director Aisand spoke in a raspy voice with a lack of interest,

"There's been a change in the Tower... All Administrators, from the 2nd Floor to the 134th Floor, have approved a new Position."

"Hmmm? Administrators getting involved? Go on," Deputy Director Aisand showed a faint spark of interest as if even the involvement of all Administrators barely piqued his curiosity. He eased the pressure to allow the trembling man to continue.

"The new position is called 'Shinigami.' It was held solely by the Position's Creator. That's is until yesterday."

"Today, we observed changes in the Ranking Stele,"

Deputy Director Aisand looked dead in the eyes of the brown-haired man as if asking; is that all? Did you disturb me because of this??

The brown-haired man, whose name is Arankar, felt a bead of sweat on his forehead. He gritted his teeth and continued,

"The changes aren't that of normal High Rankers, it's the Positions of the Family Heads of Arie, Khun, Po Bidau, Lo Po Bia, and Tu Perie— They all changed their Positions to the new Position, Shinigami."

"And... it doesn't end there. Our Supreme Commander Adori Jahad has also taken on the Position of Shinigami," He said the last word soundly, expecting to see some reaction from the heartless monster in front of him. However,

The Deputy Director Aisand still looked at him with the same disinterested gaze,

"If you're finished… Leave! " he spoke mercilessly without care of the feelings of the one in front of him. The nearby Ten figures looked at Arankar in pity.

Arankar felt like jumping down the Floating castle and suicide. But, he didn't give up.. he'll show his last trump card and gain a reaction from this bastard today otherwise he'll be called a Turtle from now on!!

"There's one last piece of news, Sir... The one who created this Position is an Irregular who recently entered the Tower. He singlehandedly defeated Princess Yuri's team."

"Is that s—" Deputy Director Aisand's eyes widened mid-sentence.

In an instant, he vanished from the castle, appearing in an unknown, shadowy location. After a brief assessment, he muttered, "How is this possible? Is this her doing? No, there's no sign of a connection... Wait!"

"He isn't even in reality?!"