
As Grimmjow in Solo Levelling

NobodyWillNotice · 漫画同人
14 Chs


(3rd POV)


The goblin screeches as it launches towards Grimmjow, who was standing calmly in the puddle.


Grimmjow's voice rings out before he simply raises his arm and swats towards the goblin, instantly obliterating the poor monster's body into nothingness.

"Hmm." Grimmjow hums in displeasure as he eye's the goblin's blood on his hands. "This is awful." He speaks and covers his nose with his free hand.

Crouching down, Grimmjow cleans his hand in the puddle beneath him, before standing upright again and looking to his sides.

"You can never go wrong with right." Grimmjow mutters before walking down the dungeon at his right.


"Was the saying right or left?" Grimmjow grunts while looking at the slightly taller goblin, who appears to be shooting magic towards him.

Grimmjow raises his right hand and catches the magic spell in his hand before snuffing the tiny fireball out.

"Hierro was it?" Grimmjow muses. "What an interesting passive ability. Granting the wielder hardened skin capable of shielding even greater attacks than this... Fireball?"

Grimmjow sets his sights on the mage goblin who was busy preparing another spell.


Grimmjow suddenly appears behind the mage goblin and grips the monster's head. "Sonido... grants me incredible speed... Anyway, you are a nuisance." He states and crushes the goblin's head into mush.


Grimmjow wipes the blood off onto the goblin's attire.

"Guess I had to go left." Grimmjow muses as he scans his surroundings. "Was this the 'Boss' of the dungeon?" He starts walking in the opposite direction he came from. "Gotta hurry up, from what I know of games, dungeons usually close after the Boss is defeated..."


"Interesting..." Grimmjow mutters as he stares at the blue swirl in front of his that is gradually closing up after he left the dungeon.

"Does it wait for me to exit before it closes..?" He mutters. "Or is there a set time limit after defeating the Boss?"

Grimmjow throws the thought to the back of his head before looking at his surroundings.

"Seems like the dungeon was spawned in a forest..." Grimmjow states as he starts walking in a single direction. "I'm bound to exit the forest if I just keep going straight..?" He mutters, unsure of his decision.

"Solo Levelling..." Grimmjow mutters. "I assume dungeons started spawning in this world, which in turn gave people powers... God said that this world revolves around power... And those who gave it." He concludes. "Who gave the powers? Are they the same people who spawned dungeons? And for what reason?"

All Grimmjow could get to was questions that made more questions. "Argh." He groans. "What a fucking headache."

Suddenly Grimmjow stops and glances to his left. "I know you're there." He speaks up.

"Ah!" a Muffled sound of surprise could be heard, before a woman of average height comes out from behind a tree.

Long brown hair reaching her lower back, partially covering her blue eyes in her face.

Seeing her, Grimmjow's eyes widen a bit. "Is floating something common here?" He mutters as he spots the woman's feet hovering above the ground.

"Y-you..." The woman's quivering voice sounds out. "You can see me?!" She exclaims in surprise and what Grimmjow thinks is excitement.

"That would be correct." Grimmjow states as his muscles tense slightly. The woman in front of him was far too sketchy for his tastes.

"Really..? You can really see me?" The woman asks with fear laced in her voice, causing Grimmjow's sharp eyes narrow.

"Why wouldn't I be able to see you?" He questions, still on guard.

"Because I'm dead." The woman answers.

Her abrupt answer caused Grimmjow's thoughts go haywire. "What?" He asks.

"I died." The woman answers once more.

"So what? You're a ghost?" Grimmjow questions in sarcasm, clearly not believing the woman's answer.

"How did you die then?" He asks after remembering that he knew absolutely nothing of this world. For all he knows, ghosts could be roaming everywhere.

The woman points towards the direction Grimmjow came from. "I died in the dungeon you just cleared." She says and continues. "My team also died, but somehow I'm the only member that's still here on earth."

"Earth?" Grimmjow asks after picking something up from the woman's explanation. "As in America, Africa and Asia? That Earth?"

"Yes..?" The woman answers, unsure of Grimmjow's questions. "What Earth do you think?"

"Sorry. I was confused for a second." Grimmjow brushes off the question. "You said you died in the dungeon. Does that mean that you..."

"Are an Awakened? Yes." The woman finished Grimmjow sentence.

"Awakened..." Grimmjow mutters before clearing his throat. "Do you know how to exit this forest, miss..." He asks.

"Su-Ho." The woman says. "Just Su-Ho will do."

"Su-Ho? Are you perhaps Korean?" Grimmjow asks as he himself was American in his previous life, although he can't remember his name.

Su-Ho looks confused at Grimmjow's words. "Yes. We've been speaking Korean this whole time."

Grimmjow's eyes widen. He had never learned any language other than English.

"But about your previous question, you can exit the forest if you just continue in the direction you're going." Su-Ho states, causing Grimmjow to exit his thoughts before smiling at her.

"Thanks." Grimmjow says and walks on, questions popping up in his head after meeting the interesting ghost.


(Grimmjow POV)

"Why are you following me?" I stop and turn towards the ghost who's been following me for a few minutes.

"A-ah." She sounds startled. "You wouldn't leave a defenseless woman all alone in this forest would you?" She questions me.

Bullshit. "You're dead." My heartless answer causes her to freeze up. "Besides, you've been in this forest ever since you died, so I see no reason for you to follow me."

"But I do have a reason!" The ghost exclaims.

... What is her reason? Does she want my help with something... Or... Does she want to curse me?

Call me weird, but this is a ghost. For all I know, she may want to possess me when I let down my guard or something. "What reason?" I ask after a few minutes of silence, making her go silent and look at the ground.

"I'm lonely." She mutters, but because of my enhanced senses, I easily heard it.

"Not my problem." I say before turning around and start walking away, feeling the ghost stay at the spot she was.

Now I have to figure out what the hell am I going to do when I get out of this forest.
