
Chapter 43 : Against Two Ten Commandments ll

"Wow, this is delicious!" Galand exclaimed as he took a swig of beer straight from the barrel. "I really didn't expect wine to evolve so much in just three thousand years."

Melascula nodded in agreement, quickly downing her beer.

Arata chimed in while sipping another cup of beer, "It's true. Even though humans are the weakest of the five races and have the shortest lifespan, their focus on evolution allows them to leave a significant mark in such a short time. This wine right here is a testament to their progress. Many people have enjoyed it over thousands of years."

At that moment in time, a peculiar sight unfolded before the eyes of Ban and his comrades, akin to a surreal tale. Two formidable elites of the Demon Clan, Galand and Melascula, were in the throes of a frantic drinking session, accompanied by an unfamiliar guest.

Silent and incredulous, Ban, Jericho, and the others observed this peculiar spectacle, almost as if they had stumbled into the midst of a fantastical dream. These two monstrous adversaries, who had once harbored murderous intent towards Ban and Jericho, now found themselves ensnared by the intoxicating allure of wine, completely disregarding their erstwhile prey.

Galvanized by the rich, alluring aroma of the wine, Galand and Melascula, who had been sealed away for three millennia, displayed a childlike curiosity that surpassed their malevolence. They were drawn irresistibly into the world of wine, momentarily forgetting the vengeance they had sought, instead losing themselves in the pleasures of indulgence. It was a strange and enchanting tableau, where the allure of spirits eclipsed the thirst for blood.

Galand nodded in agreement with Arata's statement about humans.

Curiosity gleamed in Melascula's drunken expression as she asked, "So, who are you, really?"

Arata met their gazes with a confident smile and replied, "I'm Kasuga Arata, the one who's going to take you down."


" ... " - As Arata's words reverberated through the raucous tavern, a hush descended upon the once-boisterous establishment. Every patron in the room turned their attention to Arata, their voices stilled, their conversations abruptly interrupted. Yet there stood Arata, his countenance undisturbed, a simple, enigmatic smile adorning his face, as if he bore the weight of all their gazes with ease.

" Ha Ha Ha Ha " - Galand and Melascula suddenly burst into laughter, evidently taking Arata's words as a jest.

Galand, still with a drunken look, remarked, "I thought you were clever, but it seems I was mistaken. You're just a fool for challenging the Ten Commandments."

Melascula chimed in, "I genuinely didn't expect a human to be this foolish."

Arata's smile persisted, but it carried a chill as he responded, "Ah, the Demon Clan's elite, as expected—arrogant and proud, unable to fathom the existence of those more powerful."

Galand, now studying Arata more closely, commented, "You do know who we are. You're not entirely clueless, but you're quite the fool."

Arata added with a hint of nostalgia, "The title of 'big idiot' is actually reserved for my friend. Speaking of which, it's been many years since I last saw him," his thoughts drifting back over 16 years to the last time he had seen Yuu.

For Arata, a staggering 16 years had elapsed since he had last laid eyes on that scene. Yet, for Yuu, the passage of time felt drastically different, almost surreal. Thanks to the intricate web of time manipulation woven within the world of Owari no Seraph, mere days had trickled by in his perception, preserving the vividness of the memory that had remained etched in his mind as if it were but yesterday.

Arata's gaze hardened, and he stated with a clear intent, "Once I've dealt with you, I'll finally get to see him again," his determination unmistakable. "So, are you ready to meet your end?"

Startled and taken aback, Galand and Melascula recoiled in the face of an overwhelmingly savage aura that emanated from Arata. Their instincts kicked in, and they hastily retreated, their centuries-old existence now confronted by a chilling force they had rarely encountered.

Arata's display of his formidable killing intent, though only a fraction of its true potency, proved to be more than sufficient to send these Ancient Demons, who had witnessed the grand tapestry of history and fought in the fiercest of conflicts, fleeing in trepidation. It was not merely his own intent to kill that Arata wielded, but a chilling legacy inherited from Benimaru.

While residing in the world of Tokyo Ravens, Arata had experienced a profound connection with Benimaru, reliving the entirety of the warrior's memories. Through this unique bond, he had absorbed not only Benimaru's experiences but also the merciless, battle-hardened killing intent forged over a millennium. Benimaru had been a participant in countless wars, responsible for the demise of millions of both human and supernatural beings, leaving him with a chilling aura that could unnerve even the mightiest of entities.

Galand's fear was palpable as he asked, "What are you?"

Arata adopted a thoughtful pose and replied, "Well, that's an interesting question."

This was not the first time that Arata faced this question, as he asked himself many times this question, but he could not come up with a correct answer.

Arata was human, but he was also a Namanari, not to mention that he had a sleeping Demon Lord inside of him, and even the system didn't specify his true race, so no matter what Arata thought, he couldn't figure out what it was.

But in the end he decides what he will be and he will determine how he will live and his race doesn't really matter.

Arata's disgust was evident as he responded, "I believe I'm human," his eyes locked on Galand and Melascula, "or at least that's what I aspire to be right now."

Arata couldn't deny the unsettling revulsion that gripped him, even though the High Demon exhibited more human traits than the typical denizens of his kind. The mere thought of those seven hearts within them, a stark reminder of their grotesque nature, churned his stomach. However, he possessed a strong will that held back the waves of nausea threatening to overwhelm him.

Yet, amidst his general disgust, there were exceptions. Meliodas and Zeldris, the two brothers, elicited more pity than revulsion from Arata. Their tragic fate moved him more than the repugnance he felt toward their race.

In Arata's eyes, the Devils from High School DxD seemed almost preferable to the Demons of Nanatsu no Taizai, as they bore a closer resemblance to humans, save for their distinctive bat wings.

Arata recognized that his disgust was irrational and peculiar, but it remained an undeniable truth. It fueled his determination to vanquish both Galand and Melascula, viewing their elimination as the means to reunite with his beloved sister, an outcome that outweighed the loathing he held for their kind.

In a cold, unwavering tone, Arata issued his command, "Apologies, but meet your end quietly." He then unleashed a barrage of Black Flame spears aimed at both Galand and Melascula.

The velocity at which the spear formation took shape and hurtled through the air left Ban barely able to follow its motion.

Reflecting on the past, Ban remembered how Arata's spear-creation process used to demand precious seconds, and the velocity of those spears paled in comparison to what he witnessed now. Back then, tracking their trajectory had been a manageable feat.

Yet, since his transformation into Astral Trinity, Arata's metamorphosis had not been limited to raw power alone. He sensed a newfound synchronicity between his physical form and his enhanced abilities. This harmony translated into a remarkable fluidity and precision in wielding and controlling his powers.

Then, with a deafening *booooom*, an explosion shook the surroundings. The temperature soared, and the Black Flame surged forth, reducing everything in its path to cinders, effortlessly obliterating a vast expanse several hundred meters away.

Arata's expression remained unchanged as he watched Galand and Melascula effortlessly evade his attack by taking to the skies with wings of darkness. He commented, "Well, it appears the Elite Demon Clan title wasn't merely for show."

In the face of Arata's biting mockery, the two adversaries couldn't suppress the grimaces that twisted their features. Their gazes, laden with murderous intent, remained fixed upon Arata, but beneath the facade of hostility, a palpable fear radiated from their trembling eyes.

For them, Arata's very presence summoned harrowing memories of Meliodas during his reign as the Commandments' leader. The recollection of that fearsome era sent shivers down their spines, and they found themselves gripped by an almost primal dread, even though they understood that Arata and Meliodas were distinct entities.

Despite this knowledge, they couldn't shake the unease that now connected their fear from Meliodas to Arata, and an involuntary urge to flee and reunite with Zeldris and Estarossa took root within them. Zeldris, their current leader, possessed the ability to harness the might of the Demon King, and Estarossa's formidable strength further bolstered their belief that safety lay in joining forces with their compatriots.

Arata, wearing a puzzled expression, inquired, "Aren't you going to make a move?" He locked eyes with Galand and Melascula, who were emanating killing intent but remained still.

With a sarcastic smile, he taunted, "Could it be that you're afraid?"

Silence enveloped the onlookers as Arata's unexpected provocation hung in the air. Wide-eyed, they gazed upon him, their initial surprise slowly giving way to a grim recognition. The sheer devastation wrought by his seemingly effortless attack compelled them to place him in the same ominous category as the monsters they had faced.

Amidst the quiet, Arata suddenly detected the crude thoughts of someone nearby, directed at him with disrespect. His gaze shifted towards the individuals seated beside him, and he couldn't help but suspect them as the source.

A nervous gulp reverberated in the tense atmosphere, as both Jericho and Escanor tensed under the weight of Arata's scrutiny. Avoiding direct eye contact, they refrained from meeting his gaze, a palpable unease settling between them.

Galand, feeling threatened by Arata's presence, exclaimed, "Critical Over!" Without hesitation, he unleashed his trump card, ready to face this formidable opponent head-on.

Critical Over, Galand's innate magical ability, served as a straightforward yet effective power, perfectly suited to his brawling nature. It permitted him to channel the entirety of his magical energy into bolstering his physical might. When invoking this ability, a remarkable transformation overtook Galand's form. He grew in stature, his body adorned with menacing spikes, and an overwhelming aura of dread radiated from him, instilling fear in anyone who faced him.

In his current state, Galand's strength had surged to an impressive 40,000, a formidable feat by most standards. However, it was impossible for him to bridge the colossal chasm that separated his power from Arata's. Arata's might, standing at 60,000, was already formidable, but during the night, it skyrocketed to an astonishing 300,000, a level that Galand could never hope to reach, even at the zenith of his own strength.

In a fit of anger, Galand shouted, "I'll make you regret underestimating me!" He unleashed a torrent of overwhelming killing intent directed squarely at Arata.

Galand, bearing the title of Truth within the Ten Commandments and serving as a loyal servant to the Demon King, embodied the epitome of pride and arrogance that characterized the Demon Clan. It was precisely these qualities that fueled his profound ire toward Arata, who had dared to openly ridicule and belittle him.

In the face of such mockery and disrespect, Galand harbored no hesitation in deploying his ultimate trump card, driven by an unyielding resolve to extinguish the audacious challenger who had dared to mock his stature and dignity.

Arata, his voice icy and his bard-like eyes devoid of emotion, muttered, "Troublesome." He raised his hands before him, conjuring a tornado with innate magic Tempest in one hand and a Black Flame in the other. The two merged seamlessly, creating a menacing tornado of Black Flame.

"In one fell swoop, I'll rid myself of you," Arata declared, his intent clear.

Without a moment's hesitation, Arata unleashed a devastating Black Flame Tornado, directing its destructive force towards Galand and Melascula with unrelenting fury.


The Black Flame's tempestuous whirlwind proved to be an unstoppable force of annihilation, laying waste to the landscape with terrifying might. In mere moments, several imposing mountains crumbled before its relentless onslaught.

Silent awe and disbelief held the onlookers captive as they beheld the cataclysmic spectacle. They couldn't fathom how a living being could possess such boundless power.

Even Arata himself couldn't help but be slightly taken aback by the sheer potency of the Black Flame Tornado, all while realizing he had exerted only a fraction of his magical energy, pouring a mere 25% into this cataclysmic display.

[Ding, congratulations on vanquishing Two of the Ten Commandments and successfully accomplishing the mission.]