
As a ghoul, In twilight

THIS IS A FANFIC.Boy reincarnates in twilight as a ghoul, decides to make some changes . twilight belongs to Stephenie Meyer. Tokyo ghoul belongs to Sui Ishida and the dragon belongs to Blue-Deep. I just made up some stuff CURRENTLY ON HOLD, BECAUSE I'M OUT OF CREATIVE JUICE.

vishwa_dula · 奇幻
15 Chs



After my secret night visit to the Quileute community, I left the territory till I was put off the wolf's tracking ability. Going deeper into the forest I stopped at a distance.

After my changes I was itching to test out my new abilities. Vampires were definitely natural mana users. That much I was sure. The control over water, that one Egyptian vampire had was definete proof of that. My theory was that, when a human is turned into a vampire, they will gain a gift related to a special characteristic they possesed beforehand, making that characteristic into a magical one. Like how Bella Swan, who had her mind always shielded as a human managed to manifest that ability to a greater extent after her turning.

I had already discarded the clothing I wore in the trip miles ago into a bonfire ,put on new ones and covered my trail, so I was free to mess around to my heart's content.

"What are you even waiting for" the impatient nagging of the residental dragon echoed through the my mind making me remember the good all times when she was acting all narcissistic and her holier than thou attitude

Seriously, she went from a sadistical, super powerful adult into a sadistical, super powerful man child just after spending time with me.

Maybe It's the hormones, i mused internally while I thought about it for a second before I quicky pulled my mind back into the game.

Right! Super powers! Let's go.

I pushed my hands foreward with a grunt, my heart thumped, each beat resouunding through my body as my excitement manifested bodily. A new sensation i had never felt before came to me as my blood in my body gained life. The excitement i experienced passed on to my blood, and it began to dance.

Not really dance, but tremble with energy, giving off a unique rhythm that captivated me. Instincts came to life, giving the mana infused blood, which I named Ichor that moment, a purpose as the it burst out of my body through god knows where. The ichor hovered in the air, pulling more and more from my body till it formed a jiggling ball of red infront of me.

I was curious. I never willed or shaped anything to make coconut sized ball of blood infront of me, and so I tentatively poked the ball.

' pop '

It lost its shape the moment the tip of my index finger touched the surface. Viscous red fluid splattered on to the earth below, forming a small pool on the moist forest ground. But when I thought hat all was over, the ichor began wiggling aggressively, like how venom from the amazing spiderman 3(the one with Toby Margurie) did before it began to rise vertically.

Two stick like pillars rose from the ground before joining at about seven feet forming rectangular frame. Then the remains Bega filling the insides of the frame, creating a structure that everyone is familiar with.

A door.

While I stood there with a puzzled mind, Artalis began analysing.

"Hmm, from the movement of your mana, this seems to be a subconscious result. Your mana must've changed into the form of what gets you most commonly excited. Which raises a question, why are you excited from doors? "She looked at me with a look that was a mixture of questioning and a bit of wary.

Looking at the door that looked like it was made of a huge solid block of Ruby, I tried hard to find a reason for me to possibly be excited by a door.

I mean it's a door. You open it, you close it. You lock it and unlock it when leaving. Other than that, there's nothing special about it.

" maybe it's meant to represent what makes you most excited, than it being the object of excitement itself?" Artalis once again expressed her opinion as my mind was roaming through the possibilities for a door to excite me.

When I began thinking about it in that manner, it began to make sense. Reincarnation and being born to a new world excited me, so the door should represent my love to travel to different environments. Doors keep different environments seperate, but still connect them.

As my thoughts wondered, a stray thought made me freeze. The god said that every fictional world ever believed by masses, exist somewhere in the universe, and I wanted to leave this world even before I transmigated/reincarnated. That though should be, no must be the focus of this . I grew more and more confident as evidence presented themselves to me.

This must be the way out of this world, my gateway to the anime worlds, the waifus ,the ultra powerful action packed cannon time lines. My stepping stone to a multiversal world hopping adventure.

Excitement that had dwindled with the appearance by the door, rose up once more, as I reached out and grabbed the spherical orb that served as the knob to the door, it's cool touch making the moment feel more vivid. Artalis too kept quiet, something she had done rarely after her personality change. The moment held a certain amount of sacredness, even the environment seemed to have gone quiet .

I gripped the knob tighter, my knuckles whitening from the pressure put on it before I began twisting it.

The knob turned easily, similar to a normal door, and not like one made of blood. It clicked as the mechanism worked, and the door opened a crack, making a Ray of light escape through. I hesitated no further. Grabbing the knob, I pushed the door, putting g my weight behind it and opening it .

New world, here I come!