
As a father, I just want to quietly watch you live a long life

Li Che had transmigrated and, after living nineteen ordinary years, he opted to accept his fate, marrying and having children, striving to support his family. But the moment his daughter was born.... Through his daughter, he rose in status, and his life was no longer ordinary. ... With his daughter’s safe birth, you gained a Dao Fruit, "Immortal Artisan". When his daughter turned one, safe and sound, you gained the Dao Fruit "Dragon Elephant Vajra". At his daughter's age of two, free from illness and disaster, he gained a Dao Fruit, "Pure Heart". By the time his daughter was three, lively and clever, he gained a Dao Fruit, "Chess Saint". His daughter was four, five, six years old.... ... Li Che discovered that with each passing year of his daughter’s age, he could condense a Dao Fruit to enhance himself. From then on, Li Che harbored a simple and unpretentious wish. A Dao Fruit a year, quietly safeguarding longevity. As a father, he only wished... Starting from the warmth of his wife and child by the hearth, to peacefully protect his daughter's immortality. Silently condensing countless Dao Fruits. Henceforth cultivating his spirit, invincible between heaven and earth.

Li Hongtian · 玄幻
87 Chs

Chapter 44: Breath Concealment, Hidden Weapons, Poison Tempering, What Kind of Hero Are You?

The rain plummeting from the high sky became torrential, turning into a roaring deluge like the thunderstorms of midsummer in the midst of winter!

The night grew ever deeper.

Raindrops struck the bamboo hats, splashing up hazy mists of water, making the powerful blood and qi of the confronting martial artists seem slightly chilled.

Li Che's eyes were fierce and ruthless, as if the savagery accumulated over two lifetimes was fully ignited at this moment.

He tilted his head back, looking up at the dark sky, as transparent raindrops fell and misted upon the Cute Bull Mask, blurring his vision.

The environment was harsh, but… for Li Che, it was the perfect opportunity provided by heaven and earth.

The cold rainwater was most likely to erode vigor.

The pitch-dark night was most suitable for concealing one's form.

Combined, it was the ideal time to conceal one's breath and strike from the shadows.
