
Arranged Marriage With The Billionaire Son

A debt. A contract. A marriage. Ashley's father borrowed money from a wealthy billionaire to expand his business. Unfortunately, the expansion failed making the company and the family on the brink of bankruptcy to the extent of almost selling his last property which is their house to pay back the debts. But one fateful day, Mr. Walter came to the Black's family house and gave them an absurd offer which would help them pay their debt and get their company back on its feet. The offer was simple. Since Mr. Black was owing Mr. Walter about 10 million dollars, he offered to forget about the money and even help the company to get back on his feet if... Ashley gets married to his philanderous son, Michael, for a year! Read to follow up with the rollercoaster story of Michael and Ashley's one year contracted marriage, their heartbreak, their scandalous past and how they later fell madly in love with each other!

naijasugaplum · 现代言情
4 Chs




Michael stared blankly at his room door, not realizing when tears dropped from his eyes. He cleaned his eyes and sniffed.


"He collapsed? When?" The next words that were spoken by his elder sister, Michelle, made his phone fall from his hands.


He couldn't believe it; he really couldn't believe it. His dad was in a coma. As if just realizing the words that kept ringing in his head, he picked up his car keys from his table, left his room with a bang from the door, and ran out of his house, forgetting to lock the door.


He sighted his car, which was neatly parked in his parking lot, entered, and drove out hurriedly towards the hospital with a speed that he'd never driven before.


The smell that came from the hospital reminded him of memories he wished not to remember—the smell of drugs, injections, and mostly blood. It reminded him of how and where his mom died. He hated it.


On reaching the room that was assigned to his dad, he sighted his sister, his only sister, seated outside the room, crying. He ran to her and hugged her, assuring her that everything would be alright, even though he knew he was so scared.


"I... I was talking to him on the phone, and before I knew it, he collapsed. He collapsed Michael, then his driver called and told me he was already admitted and that he was in a coma." She wailed heavily. He patted her back, telling her soothing words that could calm her.


"Everything will be alright; dad can't leave us; he can't. He has to live; to reap the fruit of all his hard labor, he has to." He assured her and himself. He stood from the seat and walked closer to the door, opening it slightly. He could see his dad lying unconsciously on his sickbed, an oxygen mask placed on his nose with drips and pipes neatly arranged beside his bed. As he saw him, he cried silently, remembering exactly how his mom died.


Dad can't die. He can't. He can't. He can't. He muttered silently. He stared at Michelle, who was still crying and drained of emotions, and shook his head. She can't take this, and neither can he. It's too much information for her, for him, and for her unborn child. He saw her protruding belly heave up and down as a result of her heavy breathing. Soon she fell, screaming in pain, holding her belly, holding him.


"Doctor! Nurse!" He screamed. Nurses came rushing toward us along with our family doctor, Mr. Philips.


"She's in labor. Call her husband now!" Mr. Philips instructed.


He quickly took out his phone from his pocket and called Ryan, her husband, and his childhood friend, who was in Australia, for a business meeting, informing him about the news.


Six hours and forty-five minutes later, his sister was still in labor, and his dad was still in a coma. Ryan was already waiting along with him, praying for a miracle.


Soon, the door to the labor room opened, and out came Mr. Philips.


"She has delivered a bouncing baby boy; we had to do C.S. since she couldn't push." As soon as he said that, Peter ran toward the labor room but was stopped by the doctor.


"She's resting now; everything was successful; just give her time." He advised, patted his back, and left.


"Thank God!" He sighed. Ryan came to him and hugged him.


"I'm a father! I'm a father!"


An hour later, he was seated on a chair in the room Michelle was admitted to. He stared at the beautiful baby in his arms and smiled.


"He's so beautiful," he muttered as he held the baby's soft hands.


"You're so beautiful!" He heard Ryan's voice as he held Michelle's hand, kissing her fingers with love in his eyes. "I love you."


"I love you too," Michelle confessed with a weak smile on her face. Her mind was not really at rest.


"Everything will be alright, babe. Everything." Ryan assured her, and she nodded, believing him.


Seventy-six hours later, they were inside his dad's hospital room, seated. He was awake. Everyone was happy, including Michelle, who had a wide smile on her face. Their dad was also happy as he held the baby in his arms, blessing him. Satisfied, his dad looked at him and asked:


"Michael, when will I be expecting yours?"


"Dad, let's not talk about this now. I want you to focus on recovering." He advised, intending to change the subject, but his dad was adamant.


"I've already gotten a wife for you." His dad stated:


"What?! Dad!" He exclaimed, which made his dad cough. He ran to his dad's side and gave him water. His dad drank it and stared at him with sad eyes while Peter collected the baby from their father.


"Her name is Ashley, the only child of Mr. Blacks, owner of Millennium Inc., which ran bankrupt. She's well-mannered, and I'm sure she's going to be a good wife, I assure you."


"Dad, I'm just twenty-four."


"Just twenty-four but reckless, how many times have I caught you with a woman on your bed? How many times, Michael, do you tell me?"


"Dad, that's my private life; let's talk about another thing."


"Can't you see Ryan? He's your friend, yet he's married already and has a son." His dad praised him, and he stared at Peter, who had a smirk on his face.


"Yes, dad, he's married because he has been dating Michelle since high school; he met the love of his life at a very young age; and besides, don't forget that he's two years older than I am; he's Michelle's agemate. I'm still too young, and I haven't found anyone yet."


"That's why I found one for you; see, Michael, I don't have much time left, so I want to see you settled. I don't want to die knowing my son is irresponsible."


"Dad! You won't die; stop saying that! And besides, I'm responsible. Once I'm through with my schooling, I'll officially take over the company, you know?"


"You know that's not what I mean." His dad stared at him, daring him to object. He stared at Michelle with pleading eyes, begging her to talk to their dad for him.


"Listen to dad!" She said. "Don't argue, and just listen to him; accept everything he's saying." He looked away from her, knowing fully well that she was not on his side.


"Listen to me, son—" His dad coughed uncontrollably. "Listen to me."


"Dad, don't bother; I'll see to it he marries her, so don't worry." Michelle assured their dad.


"Yes, sir, please." Ryan also.


"Thank you, my child—" He coughed more and more until blood gushed out of the old man's mouth before he passed out.


"Dad! Dad!" They all screamed, begging him to open his eyes. Several attempts to wake their dad almost proved abortive, and it was then Michael realized he had to stop his Cassanovic characters and take up the responsibilities he'd been avoiding.


"Fine, I'll marry her dad. Please wake up." He pleaded as tears flowed out of his eyes.