

"Isn't graduation a big deal in America?" Harry asked Rogue as they walked down the street to Times Square. "I thought you had a whole ceremony with hats, gowns and family."

"We're mutants, Harry." Rogue shrugged. "Most of us don't have family. Or at least, not family that want us."

"Still, I would have thought you'd want me there." He said a little hurt.

"Ah knew you were completely unavailable." She said reassuringly as she pulled his arm around her waist and leaned in as they walked.

"So what do you do now? Find a job?"

"That's the plan." She nodded. "But the Professor asked me to consider joining his X-Men."

"I'm going to have to make you so much armour." Harry groaned.

"Not a magical, Sugah. Ah can't use it.

"No, it was something I realised. I've been making armour like mine as though anyone should be able to use it. When they couldn't I tried to find a way to power it.

"But it takes a whole lot more power to charge the armour than your bracelet.

"Instead I am designing basic armour. Like Fury asked me to originally."

"So what will it be able to do?" She asked.

"Protect you from the basics. Fire, heat, cold, poison, stabs, bashes.

"But it won't let you fly. It can't provide oxygen. It won't be able to compensate for a fall. If you get hit, you'll still get knocked around, it just won't touch you."

"So if I fell from a plane…?"

"The impact would kill you. Oof!"

Harry and Rogue went sprawling into the road as they were knocked over by a tall sandy-haired man.

"Dude! What the hell?" Harry said angrily as he stood, bringing Rogue with him.

And that was when a dozen black SUVs screamed into place around them.

Harry recognised the SHIELD suffix on the plates… and Fury stepping out of one of the SUVs.

"Nicholas… I'm sure it was an accident and the man will apologise." Harry reasoned.

"At ease soldier." Fury ignored Harry and looked at the sandy-haired man.

Harry gave a long-suffering sigh. "Nicholas, answer me this; am I going to be lecturing you or him?" He jabbed a finger at the man who knocked them over.

"Both." Rogue answered instead as she rubbed her sore elbow.

"Harry, that's Steve Rogers." Fury said quietly as he approached. "Captain America."

Harry gave him an appraising look. "You look good for being nearly ninety."

"Ninety?" The man frowned.

"Steve, you were asleep for nearly seventy years." Fury informed him.

"Let's get the man a toothbrush and a shower." Harry said decisively.

Everyone looked at him curiously.

"Every time I wake up after a long 'nap' I want to get washed and brush my teeth."

"I want to know what is going on." Rogers demanded.

"You were frozen in the ice you crashed the plane into." Fury explained. "It is now seventy years later and we managed to find you."

"Nick, is he a flight risk? A danger?" Harry asked.

"No. But he is one of the people I want to recruit."

"Then have your people bugger off. I'll take Mister Rogers for a walk and try and answer his questions."

"You don't know what he wants to know." Fury just scoffed.

"I know enough. Plus… I have access to SHIELD databases."

Fury growled. "Fine. I'll send you the address for his new apartment." He turned to the agents and twirled his hand in the air, signalling for them to move out."

"You're British." Rogers commented as the SUVs left.

"And you and her are American." Harry nodded. "But I prefer to go by Harry and she prefers Rogue." He nodded to his girlfriend as he held out his hand.

"Steve." He said cautiously as he shook the hand.

"So… " Harry said as he began to walk with Rogue. "Seventy years. Most of the people you know are likely dead. We can track down the records later.

"Here are some of the basics you need to know.

"World War Two ended in 1945. The allied forces pushed Hitler back and ended his tyranny. It was bloody and the losses were great on both sides.

"Since that time, there have been numerous conflicts that involved multiple countries. But none that spanned the globe.

"As you can see from the street around you, technology has advanced. You take the most sophisticated computing device you have ever seen and we can now strap it to your wrist." He tapped his own SHIELD issue smart watch.

"Is baseball still a thing?" Steve asked worriedly.

Rogue laughed. "Baseball, football, basketball, hot dogs, burgers… everything you enjoyed still exists and is much bigger."

"But there has been a lot of culture change." Harry added. "For instance, you see all the various colours of skins?" He indicated the mass of people around them. "Segregation was ended in the fifties.

"There are still racists and bigots, but the mass government institutionalism of it has been stopped."

"There go my plans for after the war." Steve chuckled. "I wanted to work on equality and recognition for the black men and women who served with me."

"We can check for records. Whilst many have passed on, there are still some who are still around."

"Erm… is that normal?" Steve asked with a blush as he saw a lingerie display in a store window.

"Sex is now a very open business." Harry nodded. "Although that is literally a clothing shop. You can see the difference in fashion." He again gestured to the people around them.

"You can't pay for sex openly, prostitution is illegal." Harry told him. "But people display nudes in a very public manner and there are thousands of movies of people having sex."

"It is all consensual and legal." Rogue quickly assured him.

"And moral?" Steve challenged.

"Different culture." Harry reminded him. "People's values change.

"But most people are happy to live their own lives and leave us to live ours. The ones you'll hear the most are those who want others to suffer.

"And that brings us to global communication." Harry said as they stopped in front of an electronics store with televisions showing the news. "News is reported as it happens, in full sound and colour.

"We can talk to each other across the globe and see each other with modern technology."

"We can also travel the globe in about twenty-four hours." Rogue added. "And space!" She added excitedly. "We've landed men on the moon."

"Marie, can you take Steve on the rest of the tour?" Harry asked his girlfriend. "I know some people who might be willing to bring him up to speed and lived through the war."

"Sure. I'll take him to a few places."


Rogue knew exactly how to handle things. She had walked with Steve for a bit longer and explained mutants, the Fantastic Four and others.

Then she had taken him to a taxi and to somewhere she knew Steve would appreciate. The Statue of Liberty.

It helped to bring things home for the time displaced soldier. To see the symbol of what he fought for against the backdrop of the futuristic city.

Harry had surprised both her and Steve when he appeared and portkeyed them to a familiar place.

"Buckingham Palace?" Steve asked. "Are we even allowed here?"

Harry had told Steve they were using a form of teleportation. He left out magic for now.

"Captain America, you are always welcome here."

Rogers turned to see the King standing there. "Majo- I mean, Your Majesty." He quickly bowed with Harry.

"Seventy years, Steven." The King said as he came closer and clasped the man's arm. "We thought you were dead.

"We are very glad we were wrong."


Harry left Steve Rogers in the capable hands of the King. He alerted Fury who spent ten minutes grumbling. Harry didn't hear this as he handed his phone to the elf kits and told them to play.

Harry had to apologise to Ally and Dobby when Fury started cursing Harry… such words were not meant for ears so innocent.

Steve was clearly struggling with everything. All his friends were dead or old… except Fury who hadn't seemed to age, just lost an eye.

Harry wanted to visit Betsy and Brian as he hadn't seen them since before the Stark Expo.

He was horrified by what he found.

"B-Betsy! What the hell happened?" Harry asked as the newly reprogrammed Jeeves led him into the sitting room.

Betsy Braddock was seated in an armchair. She had thick bandages around her head, covering her eyes.

"I just got into a tousle with a mongrel." She shrugged with a smile.

"Why didn't you call? Where's Brian?" Harry demanded as he knelt in front of her and took her hand.

"You were… 'elsewhere'." She shrugged. "No one could tell us. We were just concerned you were well."

"Betsy! I can live in that fucking impenetrable suit!" Harry said angrily. "When one of my best friends is hurt… I need to know."

"It doesn't matter, Harry." She sighed. "Nothing can be done. I just have to deal with the nightmares."

"Y-Your eyes… "

"They were gouged out." She said softly. "It was someone called Slaymaster. Incredibly strong and working for Vixen.

"Payback for the bank job and her capture."

"What happened to the bastard?" Harry asked as he tried to remain calm.

"Brian… he saved me. He killed Slaymaster. And now he's vanished."

"I'll try and find him." Harry promised.

"I can't feel him." She said with a hitch in his voice.

"You've been alone here since he vanished?"

"Jeeves has been taking care of me."

"Touch my mind. I know how hard the silence is for you. I've lowered all my defences."

Harry grimaced slightly as he felt the slight pressure as Betsy's psychic touch was now heavily tainted by her pain and distress.

She collapsed into his arms in tears.


Harry held Betsy until she had worked her emotions out. He told her to use his eyes whenever he was around.

Provided he wasn't in the bathroom. That had gotten a laugh from her.

"What about functional prosthetics?" Harry asked. "I can get magical or technological ones."

"No." She said firmly as she curled into his side on the sofa. "I don't want foreign objects… there."

"Will you let me give you your sight back at least?" Harry begged.

"No foreign objects."

"I can do it without implants." Harry said dismissively. "I'm always altering the runes on my metal plate. I made it so that I can see even if I'm blindfolded."

Betsy stiffened. "What do you mean? Ho- Oh my god!" She sat up as Harry brought forward his memories of numbing his skull, peeling the skin back and carving on his metal plate. "Are you insane?"

"It's painless and it means I can alter things if something is wrong." Harry shrugged. "Now, we are going to pack you a bag and you are coming to stay with me and Pix. At least there will be more people for you to sense."


"This is not your home." Betsy remarked dryly as Harry led her into the palace.

"I remembered that there are still magical paintings and the like. You never really liked them because you couldn't sense them."

"Elizabeth!" They turned as the King hurried towards them, his aide and Steve Rogers following. "What happened?" He demanded as he held her by the shoulders.

"She was attacked by someone working for Vixen." Harry said. "The bastard gouged her eyes out.

"Brian is missing."

"It's not so bad, Your Majesty." Betsy said quietly. "I can still see… sort of."

"She was at home with no one but Jeeves." Harry explained. "I brought her here were there are people she can sense."

"Of course." The King nodded and turned to his assistant. "See to rooms appropriate for Miss Elizabeth and a personal aide."

"It's fine. Honestly."

"Elizabeth… it is not fine. It will not be fine for sometime." The King said softly, he pulled her against his chest. "I will need time to come to terms with this… and I hope you will help me through it."

"I was going to ask Saffy, Dobby's mate to care for her." Harry said.

The King just nodded. "Steve, I will see you again later."

"Say no more, Your Majesty." Steve shook his head solemnly. "I wish you both all the best."

"We're not getting married." Betsy's muffled voice sounded.


"She's joking Steve." Harry smirked. "Betsy, I'll see you when I get back."


"Are you serious?" Megan was already crying and Harry had just finished explaining Betsy's injuries. They were in the Xavier Institutes largest room. Everyone knew Betsy as she was a frequent visitor.

"Sir Harry, please extend, not just our thoughts and sympathies, but also our efforts as mutants to aid and if possible heal her somewhat." Charles said formally.

"Of course, Professor Xavier."

"I will also extend every effort to finding her brother. Please pass on my offer for her to use Cerebro in the matter."

"What happened to Slayback?" Rogue asked angrily.

"She says Brian killed him when he rescued her. Vixen somehow escaped custody so tomorrow I'll be talking to Scotland Yard and MI5 about tracking her down."

Harry sat back and sighed. "I do have a request. Earlier this morning, before I found out about Betsy, I met someone…" He looked to Rogue.

She shook her head. "Ah wasn't sure if it was classified."

"Captain America was found frozen in ice in the Arctic. He was perfectly preserved and SHIELD woke him up. He ran into Marie and myself."

There was a snort. "He was lucky ah didn't deck him."

"Literally ran into us." Harry smirked. "But, long story short, Marie and I took him for a short tour of Times Square, gave him some updates on the last seventy years and then Marie took him around New York whilst I arranged for him to meet the King.

"He's a good man. Very gentle and patient considering he was a costumed hero in the middle of the war."

"And your request?" Ororo asked.

"I'd like for him to visit here. Maybe stay a day or two. He has an apartment in New York, but x-gene humans were still very hush hush in his day. I think this would be the best place to learn about them."


Charles had asked for Betsy to come and visit as soon as possible as he wanted to talk with her. So Harry had brought her and Steve the next day.

Charles sat in his wheelchair as Betsy sat on the sofa in his office.

"Harry says you don't want prosthetics."

"Hard foreign objects touching… there. No." She said firmly as she sat there with two white eyepatches covered with black sunglasses.

"And what if we could grow your eyes back?"

There was a slight hesitation. "I don't need them." She said defiantly.

"You want to be stronger than those who did this? To prove something?" Charles asked.

"I can still see, just not like I used to."

"Betsy, you are very special to us here." Charles told her sincerely. "Not because you are another mutant. You are our friend. Many of the younger ones look up to you.

"I want you to let us help you. Not because you are weak as you are, but because I want you to stand as a testament to the fact that… things can be fixed.

"Slayback took your eyes.

"We can put them right back. That is a far more impressive message to send. Adaptation is an amazing gift of humanity, but it usually comes at a cost.

"Let us heal your eyes and restore them. The next time you come across this Vixen, you can look her in the eye and she will know she is powerless against you."


"If these children are only learning what other children do, why aren't they in normal schools?" Steve asked as he sat with Harry and some of the recently graduated students.

"A lot of us are runaways." Rogue answered. "I put a boy I kissed in a coma… I had to run."

"When x-gene humans first exhibit abilities it is usually a result of hormones." Hank McCoy explained as he sat there without his bracelet on. "It happens in their teens, usually as a result of stress. As such, there are x-gene humans who never exhibit abilities. They remain dormant."

"But wouldn't it be better to send you to a regular school and use this as an orphanage?"

"Orphanages are no longer used in the US." Hank answered. "Foster care is now the de facto method for placing children with no family.

"The Xavier School is a boarding home."

"But why not place the children with families? Give them a chance to experience that."

"Because the government and others are constantly trying to kill, capture and experiment on us." Pyro scowled. "The only reason we know Harry, Pixie and Betsy is 'cos Doc Grey was speaking at a hearing where they wanted us to register."

"Register for the purpose of tracking us like criminals and animals." Hank elaborated as he saw Steve didn't see the issue. "They wanted us to register our abilities as though they were weapons. To submit to regular checks. To regulate our rights to breed."

Steve turned to Harry with a dark look. "And you're sure Hitler is dead?"

"He was just one of many, Steve." Harry smiled softly. "Many came before him and many have followed in his wake.

"I have been fighting one of them for some time. He killed my parents when I was a baby. He's been on the run for a few years now."

"Harry… " Hank held up his bracelet questioningly. Why were they not openly discussing magic?

"One shock at a time, Beast." Harry grinned. "But if you want to give it a go…" He gestured to Steve.

"I will be insisting on your aid for a demonstration." Hank grinned.

Harry drew his wand from his holster and turned Hank into a big blue cat. "I'm a wizard. Magic is real." He then cancelled the spell on Hank.

"That is not what I meant!" Hank said indignantly as the other former students laughed.

"I broke the ice. You can handle the rest." Harry shrugged.

"I know about magic." Steve frowned. "I served with some magicals during the war. It was all classified. His Majesty told me you and Pixie were magicals and that I shouldn't be surprised if I saw some of the… house elves?"

"Yeah, Dobby and his family live with me and Pix." Harry nodded.

"I never met any magical creatures other than wizards and witches. But they did tell me a bit."

"I had so many quotes ready." Hank grumbled.


It was an hour later that they were joined by Betsy and Charles.

"Betsy has agreed to let us help her." Charles said with clear relief from his wheelchair.

"On one condition." The blonde declared. Charles was clearly not aware of this. "Harry has to try and make Charles walk again."


"Those are my conditions, Charles." She stated.

"There is an issue though." Charles explained. "I have undergone treatment before, but it took away my telepathy. I am not sure-"

"Charles, did Harry give you back your legs?" She interrupted him.

"No, this was decades ago."

"Then why don't we wait and see what the Miracle Worker can do?"

"Why does everyone expect me to just succeed?" Harry groaned. "What is going to happen if one day I fail?"

"Harry, I will hold nothing against you." Charles assured him. "I have been in a wheelchair for years. I have never had any expectation of walking again, and I will not expect you to change that."

"One day I'm going to fail and then… it will be bad." Harry sighed.


Harry immediately set about investigating SHIELD's files on replacing body parts. Everything from cloning to prosthetics.

He also went to talk to his teacher in healing, Madam Pomphrey. This was the first time he had stepped foot in Hogwarts since he stopped the invasion of Hogwarts.

"Mister Potter, do you have an appointment?"

Harry raised an eyebrow at the new head, Minerva McGonagall, between them stood the Hogwarts gates. "I wasn't aware I needed one. But I am expected."

"Then why wasn't I informed?"

"No idea."

"Then I'm afraid-"

"Sir Harry! I didn't honestly expect you to return. But we got your message." Lieutenant Flint smiled as he walked up with Hagrid.

"Lieutenant." Harry nodded with a smile. "I don't particularly want to be here, but I figured it would be rude of me to drag Poppy away and never actually visit."

"Open the gates, Mister Hagrid." Flint patted the half giant on the back.

"Lieutenant Flint! This is highly inappropriate!" McGonagall objected.

"It's all above board and being done by the book, Headmistress." Flint said dismissively. "Sir Harry's appointment was noted in the schedule. I don't understand what you think the issue is."

McGonagall growled quietly and stormed off.

"Thank you, Mister Hagrid. I can escort Sir Harry from here." Flint nodded to Hagrid who just shrugged and ambled off.

"For the record Sir, she clearly knew you were coming as she beat me down here." Flint told Harry. "She seems to hold a grudge against you."

"A lot of people do." Harry sighed. "And unfortunately, the ones who I've done nothing to outnumber the ones I've put away. By a very wide margin."

"Well, she's not going anywhere unfortunately. She may be a pain to deal with personally, but she is usually very professional."

They reached the doors to the castle. "If you remember the way I'll leave you to it and return to my station, sir."

"What should I do if McGonagall tries to stop me? Or someone else tries."

Flint laughed. "Show them your ID. If that doesn't work, knock 'em out and send me a message. I'm a squib, so I can see your patronus."


Harry didn't have any trouble getting to the infirmary. Even after a few years away, he remembered the route.

"Ah, Sir Harry. I'll be with you momentarily." Poppy nodded.

She was standing by a bed tending to a young first-year girl whilst a male stood with his back to the door.

The man turned, saw Harry and smiled. "Harry! I didn't know y-urk!"

Neville Longbottom went flying back with a bloody nose to land on his butt.

The first-year screamed and Poppy had to place a calming arm on her. "Mister Potter!"

Harry just glared at her. "I promised myself that the next time I saw Neville Fucking Longbottom I'd punch him on the bloody nose!"

"B-B-But w-why?" Neville stuttered as he held said bloody nose.

"Why?" Harry parroted incredulously. "WHY?! 'Oh Harry! Stop playing your stupid muggle games.'" Harry said in a high pitched voice. "That's why you bloody moron! I was clearly choking on a bottle… which was entirely your fault, but did you do what a normal person would do? No! You decided the fucking half-blood was playing games he learnt IN THE FUCKING MUGGLE WORLD!

"You utter arse! You made me swallow twelve whole hours' worth of luck potion that got me stuck in a suit of armour for nearly a year!"

"Harry James Potter, you will calm yourself or I will tie you to a bed." Poppy growled.

"Hit me with a fucking calming charm." Harry snapped at her.

Poppy flicked her wand and Harry breathed in deeply.

"Oh god… I needed that."

"You needed to punch me?" Neville whined, still on the floor.

Despite the calming charm, Harry was still… not happy. "Yes! You nearly got me killed! It made me question how you made it through the Department of Mysteries with just a bloody nose."

"I tripped." Neville said in his pathetic defence.

"Why are you even here? Didn't you pass your NEWTS?"

"I'm apprenticing under Professor Sprout." He said proudly, finally getting to his feet as the blood had stopped.

Harry's eyebrows rose. He turned to the first year. "How did you end up in the hospital?"

"P-Professor Longbottom… he… erm… nudged me? Into D-Devil's Snare?" She said hesitantly.

"Dear god in heaven." Harry groaned. "Poppy, this moron needs a minder. Clearly I'm not the only one he nearly killed.

"God's sake! What if Snape was right and he nearly did kill us every other potions lesson?"


"Harry, calm down." Poppy ordered. "Longbottom, return to your class, I will send Miss Cailing along soon enough."

Neville moved off grumbling under his breath.

The doors closed and Poppy turned to the first-year. "I want you to head to your common room and wait for your next class. Do you understand, Miss Cailing?"

"Yes Miss." The girl said as she slid off the bed. "Erm… Miss Pomphrey… is Professor Longbottom really going to kill us… on accident I mean?" There was clear fear there.

"No, my dear, he's just a little… clumsy. Run along."

The girl nodded and skipped off.

"Cailing." Harry called out. The girl looked at him curiously with her hand on the door. "Remember, his name is 'Long-bottom'." Harry grinned.

The girl giggled loudly and ran out the door.

"Was that necessary?" Poppy glared at him.

"Listen, I've had a lot of people try to kill me, But Neville is the only one who did so because he was a complete idiot. Is it really so uncommon to see someone choking in the wizarding world?

"I mean… there is a spell to fix it."

"Yes, Harry, I agree that Mister Longbottom was acting particularly… moronic, and that it nearly cost you your life and freedom.

"But you are now a knighted hero. You cannot go around punching people willy-nilly! It is an insult to His Majesty."

Harry conjured a chair and sat down, conjuring one for Poppy as well. "It was the one thing I promised myself I would do if I ever got free of the armour.

"I've done it. I've let go of my grudge against Neville… but I will still call him a moron for the rest of his life."

Poppy rolled her eyes. "Why did you come here, Harry? I assume it isn't an emergency as you didn't ask Dobby to kidnap me."

Harry's face darkened. Poppy actually recoiled as it was far beyond the anger he displayed with Neville.

"Betsy Braddock. Someone gouged out her eyeballs. Brian killed them, but Betsy, she's putting on a brave face and is being an inspiration to the kids.

"But I know she's hurting. I've been letting her touch my mind when she's alone so she doesn't get scared. I can feel her pain, both mental and physical."

"Merlin." Poppy gasped. "Why didn't you call me immediately."

"I was not on planet Earth when it happened. I only found out a day or so ago."

Poppy stood up and walked to her office. "I'm calling someone to replace me here, then you can take me to her."


"Elizabeth Braddock, of all the irresponsible things…"

The students sat there giggling as Poppy ran diagnostic spells on Betsy's empty sockets. The healer had been ranting at the woman for nearly ten minutes.

Of course, what Poppy didn't realise was that Betsy was giving a mental commentary to the students.

"Poppy Pomphrey! Are you actually trying to blame Betsy for this?" Ororo demanded.

Poppy blanched. "Merlin help me. I'm sorry Betsy. I've gotten so used to dealing with children who bring their injuries on themselves.

"If you want examples, feel free to root through my surface thoughts. I've prepared several of Mister Potter's more memorable adventures for you."

"Hey!" Harry objected. "How have I brought any of my injuries on myself?"

"I'm sure I wouldn't know. Nobody ever bothered to explain to me how you ended up in my care with magical exhaustion, broken bones, basilisk poison, extreme Dementor exposure… there are more, should I go on?"

"Nothing you've mentioned were my fault." Harry glared at the back of her head. "They were all either Riddle, Lockhart, Fudge or Umbridge's fault."

"Riddle?" She turned to face him. "Are you telling me that the rumours of him in the school in various years were true?"

"Our first and second year." Hermione answered as she walked in. "In our fourth year he had an agent in the castle disguised as Professor Moody."

"Miss Granger." Poppy nodded to her.

"B-Betsy?" Hermione stuttered as she saw the woman with eye-patches. "What happened?" She asked as she rushed forward to kneel next to her chair.

"A revenge attack from one of Brian's enemies." She shrugged. "It's done. I'm coping and Harry has convinced everyone to try and heal me." She said apathetically.

"Stage one. Denial." Hermione frowned at her.


"Miss Granger is saying you are going through the first stage of coping with loss." Charles answered. "Not to worry, we will cover them in private.

"Miss Granger, please avoid those sorts of comments and observations. It is not helpful to the process."

Hermione blushed and nodded.

"Well, I have finished my assessment. Would you like to hear it in private, Betsy?" Poppy asked kindly.

"Why bother. Let them here the bad news first hand." She said defeatedly.

"Don't be a defeatist, dear.

"All the magic I know won't grow your eyes back. The only option is prosthetics. I advise asking Harry and his friends to investigate the best options and then see about having Harry do the enchanting."

"Whatever. I'll leave it to the Miracle Worker." Betsy waved a hand. "What brings you to New York, 'Mione? Clearly it wasn't me."

"Oh! Right." She nodded as she stood and turned to Harry. "Why on earth did you attack Neville?"

"I said I was going to do it and now I have. I'm happy to call it even." Harry shrugged.

"Miss Granger, I was there. Harry punched Professor Longbottom on the nose, shouted at him and that was it." Poppy explained.

"Why does Neville think you are about to call a blood feud, then?"

"Because he is still a moron." Harry rolled his eyes. "Tell him to suck it up or I will tell Lavender and Pavarti that he was the reason I threw up on them.

"And Poppy, make sure he is monitored with students."

"Harry! Neville is a respectable teacher." Hermione admonished.

"He is also a clutz." Poppy said as she stood. "Let it be, Miss Granger. You can assure Professor Longbottom that Harry will not be attacking him further. The matter is settled as far as Sir Harry is concerned."

"Longbottom?" Jubilee snorted. "I thought I was hearing you wrong."

"Is someone's phone ringing?" Jean asked as she checked her pockets.

"Probably one of the kids in class." Harry said.

"It is definitely in this room." Jubilee looked at him with a frown. She stood up and leant over Harry as he was sat next to Rogue. "Harry… why aren't you answering your phone."

"Because we aren't allowed to swear in front of the children."

Jubilee looked at Rogue who just shrugged.

"Harry, just take his call. You know it is going to be important." Betsy smirked.

"Never should have let you in my head." Harry grumbled as he stood. He pulled out his phone and answered it. "What do you want now Nick?"


"What exactly do you expect me to do about it?"


"I'm fairly certain this is what they call an act of war."


Harry pulled the phone away from his ear and winced. "Mind your language, Nicholas. There are children nearby."


"Yeah, yeah, I'm going. I'm going." Harry sighed as he hung up.

Harry raised his left arm and his armour, sword and shield flowed on to him. "For the record, he sometimes calls me for stupid stuff." Harry told them before turning on his armoured heel and vanishing.

"I never noticed he wasn't wearing his shield on his back." Piotr said in surprise.

"He got fed up of carrying it everywhere so he made a bracelet." Megan said as she also stood. "Rogue, I'll call you if anything goes wrong." She turned on her heel and vanished.

"That wasn't a portkey." Jean frowned.

"Apparition." Poppy explained. "In England it requires training and a license."

"They were silent." Hermione noted. "Those two are very skilled."

"At least they don't smell like farts like Nightcrawler does when he teleports." Jubilee gagged.


"Susan, looking hot." Harry commented dryly as he appeared in the Baxter Building, home of the Fantastic Four. Fury hadn't exactly been forthcoming with the details just that he needed to get to the Fantastic Four.

"Not now, Harry." The former Invisible Woman and current female incarnation of the Human Torch glared at him.

"Kid, might be best to stick to business." Ben patted the armoured shoulder. "This interrupted Susie's wedding."

"Wedding?" Harry flicked up his visor.

"Wedding?!" Megan demanded as she appeared. "You were getting married and you didn't invite us? What the hell Sue?"

"Ah! Harry!" Reed greeted them as he entered the room. "I assume Fury informed you of the situation?"

"He said there was a possible alien incursion. Nothing about your girlfriend looking so hot."

"What? Oh!" He was startled to see Susan on fire.

"That Silver Surfer dude must have done it." Johnny mused as he looked at his invisible hands.

Well, tried to.

"Is this the alien Fury mentioned?" Harry asked as he handed Susan a spare bracelet he carried.

"Yes." Reed confirmed. "He caused a lot of mayhem just by flying through the city. Johnny confronted him and… now this is happening."

"Ben, can you give Johnny your bracelet?" Harry asked.

The currently human Ben Grimm removed his bracelet to become The Thing. He was not happy. "I've got a date later so I want it back."

"You've got four spares." Johnny scoffed as he put it on causing his hands to become visible.

"Listen, we don't have time to worry about Johnny. I've tracked the energy this 'Silver Surfer' gives off. His last four destinations were destroyed.

"They were planets." Reed warned.

"As in… Pluto, Uranus…?" Harry asked.

"As in from neighbouring solar systems. Each one capable of sustaining life."

"Y-You think he's here to destroy Earth?" Harry asked fearfully.

There was an uncomfortable silence.

"So we find him and stop him." Johnny said decisively.

Ben snorted. "That's what I like about you Match Head. You always keep things simple."


Reed was able to predict the next location of the Silver Surfer's resurgence as London. Specifically, right by the London Eye. A major tourist spot.

Johnny described the Surfer like a being made of silver who rode a surfboard. Like Ben said, Johnny kept things simple.

They arrived too late to confront the Surfer.

Harry had portkeyed straight to the location whilst Reed assured them they had help to bring.

"Is that a sink hole?" Harry asked over the comms. The River Thames was literally draining into a massive vortex in the bed.

"Looks like it." Pixie frowned from a nearby SHIELD building.

"Contact Bobby. He might be able to freeze any waves to protect the civilians."

"On it."

"Reed, where are you?"

"Coming in fast on a helicopter." Reed answered.

Harry was not happy. They were using a helicopter when he could have brought them instantaneously.

"How do I stop the Thames from draining? Wait- I think I can see your surfer guy." Harry said as he spotted the silver figure.

"Harry, you have to stop the Surfer." Reed said urgently. "Forget the Thames. If you don't stop him he will destroy the whole planet.

"We'll handle the local damage."

Harry turned and shot after the Surfer. "Reed, if this guy traps me in my armour… well, just ask Pixie about Longbottom."

"Uh… ok?"

The Surfer was fast, but nothing that Harry couldn't match. He pulled up alongside the seemingly male creature with metallic skin, riding a surfboard of similar material.

"I want to talk." Harry said with a sonorous to combat the high winds.

The being actually stopped. Harry had to fly back several hundred meters.

"Talk is futile." The Surfer said in a deep voice as he stood calmly on his surfboard, miles in the air.

"And yet you stopped." Harry countered. "Why are you here? Are you trying to destroy this planet like the others you've visited?"

The being raised an eyebrow. Well, a hairless one. "I did not think this planet was advanced enough to trace someone like me from so far away."

Harry just waited.

"I am the Herald of Galactus. The Devourer of Worlds."

"Well… this world is not on the menu." Harry said firmly. "Go find another that isn't inhabited."

"The choice is made. My Master already comes. All that you know, is at an end."

"Listen, either you leave and tell your 'master' he isn't welcome here or we will face him when he comes."

The Surfer let out an amused breath. "Your world does not have the ability."

"You mean like we don't have the ability to track you?" Harry asked with a smirk, hidden behind his visor. "Did you think there was anyone on this planet who could catch up to you? Stand in the air and talk to you?"

"It does not matter. My Master is already coming. He will not turn away."

"And you? Are you going to be causing more destruction here? It is my duty to stop you if that is the case."

"My duty is to prepare this world. Your concerns are not mine."

"Alright, lets get this started then." Harry was pretty terrified as he drew his sword. Here he was, about to face down a planet destroyer.

The Surfer fired a bolt of energy at Harry. Harry raised his shield.

There was negligible impact. Harry peaked over his shield to see the Surfer in a freefall.

"Arnie… did the shield just reflect his energy back at him?"

"Seems like it. You might want to grab that board and go after him."

Harry hadn't noticed the silver surfboard still floating there. He grabbed it under his shield arm and shot after the Surfer, sheathing his sword.

As Harry raced after the falling invader his mind was racing. This being was capable of destroying worlds. Harry had witnessed him destroy part of a large river. How had he managed to defeat this creature.

Harry caught the unconscious Surfer a mile above France. He then headed back to where Megan was waiting at the SHIELD building.

He contacted Reed on his way. "I've got the Surfer. I managed to deflect his energy with my shield. What is the energy?"

"You did? That makes sense I suppose. He uses cosmic energy, similar to what changed the four of us."

"Where are you? Where is Ben?"

"We're still at The Thames. We've contained the situation for now."

Harry changed course. "I'm on my way."


Harry landed in a fairly desolate area. He was right next to the London Eye. It was eerie as it was usually filled with workers and tourists. Now there were just four people in blue and a lot of military men in a uniform Harry didn't recognise.

"Ben, give me your bracelet." Harry ordered as he laid the Surfer down but kept hold of the board.

Ben fished it out of his shorts and handed it over. "How many am I gonna hav'ta give up, Kid?" He grumbled. "Alicia is gonna kick my ass. Stone or not."

Harry slipped the bracelet on the surfer and cast a sticking charm on it. He then stood. "Alright, he should be secure. Ben's bracelet cancels the cosmic energy that fuels his transformation. Hopefully it will stop him using his abilities."

"Err… Harry could I get a couple of those?" Johnny asked. "I've been meaning-"

"We'll take it from here, Potter." A tall black man in military uniform marched up with other soldiers holding weapons.

Harry moved in front of the Surfer, the Fantastic Four took up positions behind him. "And you are?"

"General Hager, United States Army. We've been tracking this alien."

"Well, I'm Sir Harry Potter, in His Majesty's Service. I will need to see the authorisation that allows the US military to operate on England's soil."

"You don't have the clearance."

"And you are a liar." Harry countered. "Pixie. I need back up to deal with an illegal foreign military incursion."

Hager gestured and the soldiers aimed their weapons at Harry. "Stand aside, Potter."

The soldiers began to shiver as their breath began to mist.


They looked down to see solid ice creeping up their legs.

Hager pulled his pistol and aimed at Reed. "Stop this or I kill Richards."

The pistol began to freeze from the trigger out.

"Now, now, Sugah. Ah don't take kindly to those who threaten my friends. Especially my boyfriend."

Harry relaxed as Rogue and Ice Man crested over the sides of the Thames, both made of and riding ice.

"I got this, Rogue." Ice Man assured her as the soldiers were now frozen in columns of ice up to their necks. They were chattering wildly.

"Ah can't leave you alone for a minute without you getting into trouble, can I Darlin'?" She smirked.

Harry flipped up his visor and looked at her curiously. "What is it with the women in my life going to extremes? First Sue gets all fired up and now you're ice cold?" He said as he tapped her with his finger on her ice nose.

"We've been experimenting." Rogue smiled. "I can take a substantial amount of someone's power and they can recover in seconds with that Pepper Up Potion."

"Er, Rogue, they aren't cleared for that." Reed indicated the frozen soldiers.

"Oh, right. Well, Pixie is sending some people to pick 'em up."

"Where should we take him?" Susan asked as she indicated the Surfer.

"I know a place." Harry said.


No one wanted to risk using magical transport on the Surfer. They didn't want him waking up.

Harry handed the board to Ben and then flew the Surfer to the Darkmoor Research Centre. After the attack that saw Brian empowered as Captain Britain, the Centre had been upgraded with security equipment and personnel. Highly trained SAS soldiers now kept watch over the facility.

Harry was well known at the Centre as he often made use of the equipment and scientists to test his own experiments.

He quickly explained things to the SAS commander and took the Surfer down to The Bunker where he and Brian had examined Tony Stark.

Minutes later, the Fantastic Four arrived with Rogue and Ice Man.

"First things first." Harry addressed them, still in armour. "This place does not exist."

"Gotcha." Ben nodded in his rocky form.

"Ben, stay out here and don't let go of that board unless Reed or I tell you to." Harry led them into a holding cell where the Surfer was strapped to a vertical bed that Harry had quickly enchanted.

"Alright everyone, brace yourselves. We don't know if that bracelet will work." Harry warned.

The room was filled with the sound of fire, cracking ice and sliding metal slats.

Harry turned and looked at Rogue curiously. "Colossus insisted." She shrugged her metal shoulders.

"Let's do this, Harry. I've got a job interview in a few hours." Ice Man said with a bit of impatience.

Harry cast an enervate. The Surfer shifted groggily before his eyes shot open to reveal the silver orbs matching the rest of him.

"You have defeated me." He stated. "It will not matter. He will still come and devour your world."

"Who is 'he'?" Harry asked. "Is it this 'Galactus' you mentioned?"

"He will devour your worlds, like he has done others."

"Is his power like yours?"

"He is the one who empowered me. It is his power I wield."

"Pixie, make a note. M-Bomb. M-Shield."

"Got it." The young mutant witch confirmed.

"Describe Galactus. His physical traits." Harry ordered.

Images began to appear on the Surfer's stomach. "You wish to know the face of your doom. Then hear my story.

"My name is Norrin Radd. I was born on the planet Zenn-La. I was happy and in love."

Images of the Surfer's life played out on his stomach. "Then Galactus came, seeking to devour my world. To kill us all, including my beloved Shalla-Bal.

"I confronted Galactus, convinced him to spare my world. In return I became his herald, tasked with seeking out suitable planets."

Scenes of the Surfer finding inhabited planets and then leading the massive humanoid figure of Galactus in blue and purple, to his meals.

They watched as he drained the planets of life.

"This is the last being you will see."

"Alright, so we need a spaceship so we can go up there and pound on him." Johnny said as he punched his fists together.

"You think it would be so easy?" The Surfer asked. "You think that the thousands upon thousands of planets before you have not tried."

"It only takes one to succeed." Harry said quietly in thought. He looked up at the Silver Surfer. "You disgust me. You sacrificed the rest of the universe for one person.

"Does Shalla-Bal know what you did? Does she agree?"

The Surfer wouldn't meet his eyes, concealed though they were behind the visor.

"That's what I thought." Harry sneered. "You can stay here. Once we have defeated Galactus, pray that I do not tell Shalla-Bal of your crimes."

Harry turned and marched out, the others following.

"You think you can beat him easily?" Ice Man asked as Harry locked and sealed the door.

"God no." Harry dispelled his armour to his new bracelet. "I just wanted him to suffer. Utter asshole."

Rogue returned to flesh form as Bobby did the same. She wrapped her arms around him. "Ah know he didn't make the best of choices, Harry. But… Ah'd sacrifice myself for you."

Harry returned the hug. "It isn't your sacrifice that causes me the concern. It isn't the Surfer's. It's what he bartered. He paid for the safety of his love by selling out all those other planets.

"Filled with people like you and me, who love each other.

"So, I'll tell you now. If it comes down to it, you kill me yourself if it will save others. I will love you and respect you for it."

"Yeah, real Romeo and Juliette you two are." Ben grumbled as he stood with the surfboard. "Now what do we do with Galactus?"

"Pretty much what Johnny said. We get a ship and go pound on him."