
Arifureta: God of Extinction

A young man who’d been kidnapped to another world, Aziel Nox. Within this fantastical setting he’d only seen within Anime and Novels, how much of an impact can a mere 18-year-old young man have? Such a question….No one dared to assume the answer. ______________ World Travel/Multiverse Current World - Arifureta Potential World - Tensura Authors Notes: I’d like to give a forewarning about the ‘expressive’ language and ‘unique’ character that this story presents. If you aren’t a fan of profanity or what can be considered ‘evil’, I apologize, this isn’t something that aligns with your preferences. Anyhow, I’m writing this for fun, so there isn’t a fixed schedule or deadline between chapters. Please give constructive criticism and not blind hate. If I see it, I may be inclined to remove it. Support me if you’d like: patreon.com/Curaji *I don’t own the original story's franchise or any of the characters other than my OC.

Depraved_Chap · 漫画同人
49 Chs

Chapter 39: Call of Silence

The clawing stench of blood filled the air, bringing with it an atmosphere of death and despair. Corpses of large creatures that resembled dinosaurs lay strewn across the ground, collapsed in lifeless heaps. 

Grievous wounds marred their bodies, scorch marks, large gashes, bisected limbs and other such parts could be seen, scattered randomly in all directions.

The surrounding tall grass was stained a deep crimson. Droplets of red slid down their stalks, dripping slowly like morning dew.

In a cave not too far from there, two figures were present, both of which sat on a stone bench as a bright flame lit up the area in front of them, emitting a comforting warmth.

The only male present, Aziel, held a plate of diced meat, occasionally skewering his fork into one of them and eating it with a bored expression.

"You don't like it…?"

Yue, who was situated comfortably in his lap, suddenly asked.

She gazed up at him expressionlessly, her locks of golden blonde hair cascaded down her back as she leaned up against his chest. Her jewel-like crimson eyes glimmered with faint curiosity. 

"Mm… It's bland without any seasoning."

Aziel nodded his head, swallowing the food he'd just chewed. 

With the amount of monsters he had consumed over the course of his journey in the labyrinth, it was only natural that he'd run out of all the spices that had been bought from Horaud. 

Now, he was left with only the method to cook monster meat in a way that would, at the very least, make it palatable, but would also leave it quite tasteless. 

Still, he wasn't one to complain over trivialities, especially when it wasn't as bad as it could've been.

"...I can make it taste better for you."

Bringing a finger up to her chin, Yue asked with a mischievous grin, her cheeks flushing a light pink.

"Can you?"

Aziel raised his brows in feigned surprise.


Yue shifted in his lap, slowly bringing her face closer to his until they were mere centimeters away.

"Hm… I'll have to try it sometime."


"Of course."


Her heated breaths brushed against his skin as the tips of their noses met. 

Aziel's gaze softened irresistibly, a dangerous test to Yue's self control.

Opening his mouth, his alluring deep voice reached her ears, sending shivers down her spine. 

"I don't like appetizers, I want the whole meal."

Inhaling his masculine scent, a fiery heat burned in the pits of her stomach —she was intoxicated.

Desire oozing from her every action, Yue stuck out her small tongue, making immediate contact with his lips.

Slowly, she licked, sensually tracing an arc, savoring his lips as though they were a delicacy.

Feeling her soft tongue and warm saliva gently caress him, Aziel rested his hands on her lower back.

She kept her face close to his even after finishing, staring dreamily, fascinated with his captivating eyes.

For what seemed like hours they stayed like that, cuddled up intimately with their bodies overlapping. 

But as the faint sound of footsteps drew near, they both returned to their senses and ultimately separated, though Yue displayed an obvious reluctance on her part.


Crossing her arms, she pouted in displeasure. Turning her head slightly, she gazed at the cave entrance sitting only a few meters away. 

"She should've just stayed gone."

Yue spat, her tone vexed

Not even a moment later, a sole figure suddenly entered the dark room, beautiful tufts of snow-white hair swaying gently behind them. The girl's exotic dark red eyes gazed ahead blankly, staring into empty space. 

The mask of indifference she displayed seemed as though nothing could ever bother her, as if she was in her own world. But someone perceptive enough could easily notice the faint trace of loneliness lingering behind her uncaring gaze. 

Suzu didn't bother looking in Aziel or Yue's direction, continuing on with no indication of having registered their presence.

Yue rolled her eyes and decided to ignore her, while Aziel also didn't pay it too much mind either. He'd already known what the cause of this situation was from the start.

Yue too, had realized why Suzu was behaving like that quite some time ago, but was no longer concerned with her, or rather, was actually triumphant at solidifying her position above her.

Though most of her gloating had been easily brushed off by Suzu's uncaring attitude…right?

After preparing another plate of diced monster meat, Aziel called out to her in a casual tone.

"Here, come get something to eat."

However, she cast her gaze about randomly, her eyes roamed the rocky cave walls, wholly ignoring his words.

Seeing her unresponsive demeanor, he didn't kick up a fuss, only calling out once more in the same light tone.

"I cooked, come here and eat."

For a moment, she stood stock still, seemingly debating whether or not to listen. But after a few seconds, she turned in his direction, making her way toward him unhurriedly. 

Her face impassive, Suzu walked by, taking the plate from his hands without giving him so much as a glance. 

She looked completely apathetic as she headed over to a secluded corner, sitting down and eating in silence.

Yue's expression darkened, not at all pleased with the girl's current behavior. The way she saw it, Suzu should've been satisfied with the fact that Aziel bothered to offer her anything, much less ignoring his kindness.

Then again, it wasn't like she had to care about someone who'd already given up on pursuing the man they loved, an action she couldn't imagine replicating. As such, Yue snorted softly and shifted her attention elsewhere.

Aziel, on the other hand, slid his hands onto her waist, grasping firmly. The confused vampire princess made to look up at him, but was immediately interrupted by an unbearable sensation, a sensation that took her completely off guard.

"W-wai—Pff~! A-Aziel, sto—Mffff!"

His fingers danced around her torso, swiftly attacking all her sensitive spots, spots where she was most ticklish, of course.

Yue squirmed and writhed in his lap, attempting to free herself from this sudden onslaught but to no avail. 

By the time he was finished, she was left gasping for air, completely out of breath from so much laughter.

Aziel wrapped his arms around her limp body, allowing her to sink into his embrace securely.

Regardless of her feelings, she had no choice but to be dragged along by his will.

Still, he leaned forward, lowering his head until he was right beside hers.

"I thought you hated her…"

He whispered softly, though his voice contained a clear lack of interest. 

"I do…?"

Yue's eyes widened slightly upon hearing him up so close to her ear, but nonetheless responded in puzzlement at such an obvious comment.

"If you say so…"

Shrugging his shoulders, Aziel returned to his initial sitting position, eating his food as if nothing happened.

Unconvinced, Yue tried to take him by surprise with tickles in the same manner he did, but was quickly met with a single disappointing fact—he wasn't in the least bit ticklish. And so, she was left sinking her delicate fingers into his abdomen in the hopes of finally exacting vengeance.

Aziel simply chewed on a piece of tender monster meat, watching her fruitless struggle that seemed oddly endearing. 


Name: • Yue • 

Age: • 323 •

Gender: • Female • 

Race: • Progenitor Vampire •

Estimated Alignment: • True Neutral •

Level: 66

Job: Immortal Sorcerer

Strength: 1770

Vitality: 2030

Defense: 1440

Agility: 1770

Magic: 13440

Magic Defense: 13440


Skills:  • {Blood Regeneration} • {Vampirism} • {Form Dispersal} • {Blood Puppetry} • {Telepathy} • {Night Vision} • {Mana Efficiency} • {Rapid Mana Recovery} • {Blood Manipulation}—+Blood Crystallization—+Blood Transformation—+Blood Efficiency • {*Lie Detection*} • {*Acidic Blood*} • {*Mind Compulsion*}—+Mind Link • {*Illusion Casting*} • {*Poison Resistance*} •...[EXPAND]


Current Condition: Peak


Threat Level: Lethal


Potential: Peak


Overall: Extraordinary 




"Ngh… why aren't you ticklish?"

She looked up at him, aggrieved.

"…Because I'm me."




Name: • Aziel Nox • 

Age: • 18 •

Gender: • Male • 

Race: • Doom Primordial •

Estimated Alignment: • Neutral Evil •

Level: 50

Job: World Nemesis

Strength: 6515

Vitality: 6330

Defense: 6150

Agility: 6485

Magic: 6405

Magic Defense: 6405


Skills: • {Diamond Skin}—+Diamond Protection—+Focused Hardening • {Acid Needles} • {Increased Perception} • {Spatial Awareness} •  {Shock Invocation} • {Parasitic Spores} • {Melee Weapon Proficiency} • {Technical Proficiency} • {Acceleration} • {Multiplied Mana Recovery} • {Power Resistance} • {Pain Suppression} • {Weakness Resistance} • {Pressure Resistance} • ...…[EXPAND]


Current Condition: Perfect


Threat Level: Lethal


Potential: Limitless


Overall: Potential World Threat




Aziel raised his head, feeling a piercing stare drilling into him.

He, of course, knew who it was, but still looked over at Suzu anyway.

However, she had already averted her eyes by the time his gaze landed on her, emotionlessly forking cubed monster meat into her mouth.




Name: • Suzu Taniguchi • 

Age: • 17 •

Gender: • Female • 

Race: • Ancient Chimera •

Estimated Alignment: • True Neutral •

Level: 55

Job: Forcefield Creator

Strength: 1830

Vitality: 2155

Defense: 2190

Agility: 2040

Magic: 2755

Magic Defense: 2570


Skills: • {Tracking} • {Night Vision} • {Sense Heat} • {Detect Magic} • {Farsight} • {Sense Presence} • {Hide Presence} • {Foresight} • {All Elements Resistance} • {Physical Resistance} • {Petrification Resistance} • {Fear Resistance} • {Poison Resistance} • {Paralysis Resistance} • {Increased Mana Recovery} • {Doubled Mana Recovery} • {High Speed Mana Recovery} • {Mana Conversion} • {Mana Efficiency} • {Telepathy} • ...…[EXPAND]


Current Condition: Peak


Threat Level: Extremely Dangerous


Potential: Peak


Overall: Extraordinary




Aziel sighed helplessly, ignoring the pointed look Yue was giving him.

After finishing their meal, they would continue their trek down into the depths of the labyrinth, one that was soon to reach its end.

At present, they had only just stopped prior to dispatching the 'Sham Alraune', a humanoid shaped monster with the ability to physically control other creatures using its unique parasitic pollen spores.

Those under its influence would grow a flower on its head to signify the effect, simultaneously losing control of their own body while still being conscious. 

It was also there where Aziel obtained the 'Parasitic Spores' skill.

Though the trio had no reason to be concerned about such abilities since they possessed skills that directly countered those effects, making their initial attack a cakewalk. 

Meanwhile, both Yue and Suzu faced an astonishing rate of growth at Aziel's side, influenced by his 'Expedited Growth' skill due to 'Natural Alpha'.

Those who were designated as his own people were brought under its effects, accelerating their growth rate to absurd levels. 

The two girls had also gained quite a few new skills during their travels, expanding their repertoire.

Yue naturally possessed an inordinate amount of mana from birth, so her mana pool was, for now at least, the highest among the three of them. Even so, her physical attributes were the lowest, with Suzu standing slightly higher than her own.

And it was likely to remain that way as well.

Furthermore, while Suzu boasted far more skills than Yue herself, which were also quite strong at that, the sheer quality and synergy among Yue's skills more than made up for the gap in quantity.

All three of them together mowed down wave after wave of monsters during their march through each floor, completely unstoppable. Their progress was rapid, only slowed by the vast and expansive terrain that seemed never ending.

They'd gone down many floors until now, nearing the end of the labyrinth in its entirety. It wouldn't be long before they completed it, but—

"If you don't start pulling your weight, you'll be left behind, blondie.

Suzu suddenly mocked, glancing at Yue out of the corners of her eyes.

With the current situation being as strained as it was, it was up for debate if the three of them would manage to last until the end.

They walked down a wide cavernous area filled with cobwebs and large abandoned spider nests, lit up by an ominous dark green light. A clear slimy substance slid down the bumpy, jagged walls, making for quite the stomach turning scene. 

Any normal person back on earth would've no doubt fainted from sheer terror had they laid eyes on this sight.

"Mind your own business, coward."

Yue stared back contemptuously. 

"Coward? Just because everyone isn't as thirsty as you doesn't mean they're cowardly, you overgrown leech."

"But I'm the one who succeeded in the end, aren't I?"

"...So wha—"

"Aren't I?"

"Keep interrupti—"

"Aren't I?"

"Do you want to die?"

"Don't dig your own grave, sperm-hair."

"I'm going to fucking murder you…!"

Arguments like these occurred more often than not, many times resulting in Aziel having to break up a life and death battle between Yue and Suzu before it could begin in earnest. 

Each time, they were fully prepared to face off against the other, to make sure only one of them came out alive. 

They were truly akin to oil and water, they didn't mix at all.

After the earlier scene with Aziel and Yue a few days back, Suzu didn't speak to him even once over the course of their journey thus far.

Whenever it came time to rest and eat, she would always take her food and sit somewhere secluded. Whenever they fought monsters on each floor, she'd go off on her own and do as she pleased.

No matter the circumstances, she refused to acknowledge Aziel's presence, as if she wanted to make it clear that they no longer had anything to do with each other.

And although she was more than willing to speak to Yue, it was rarely ever anything positive. 

Even so, Aziel only watched her behavior from a distance with a wry expression, something that seemed to piss Suzu off even more.

At any rate, there didn't seem to be a way for Yue and her to ever get along.

"I hope you die."

"You as well."

Yup, there was definitely no way that'd happen.


I wonder what the next chapter's gonna be.

Hmm...take a guess.

What do they say, 'the calm before the storm'?


Anyways, leave your power stones in my back pocket.

You already know how it's goin' down.

It's crazy, y'know... what some people will do for a few power stones...

*Looks at you*

Do it.