


46 Chs


As she pointed her finger towards me, she spoke

"FOR YOU!!!!!"

As I heard that words from her mouth I got too scared. I was about to run away when she grabbed my hand from behind.

She pulled me so harder in the grave that she dig, and immediately started throwing soil on me while laughing madly.

I was just shouting out of my lungs then I somehow managed to stood up from my their and pulled her harder and started running away from her, I can feel the footsteps were still after me.

I was running when I heard a car's voice "was it police?" I thought. I was just running too fast not knowing what is going on round me.

As I was running suddenly my head hit with a hard chest, As I looked in upward direction "ah what a relief" It was Joe.

He looked at me angrily and afer seeing me that much terrified his face expression changed he became worried and said

"L...Lia you okay" he worriedly asked.

"Joe pl..please ta..take me from here, please I'm scared, please she is following me" I said while hugging him tightly not letting him go.

"Lia who is following you, look there's no one around her" he said while raising his head and looked around.

"Isa, Joe I don't wanna talk, I'm scared please take me home" I said while holding him.

"O..okay come" he hold me and we went towards the car.

He made e sit on the front seat and sat besides me on the driving seat and started driving. The whole ride was silent.

He brought me home and took me to my room, made me sit on bed while he himself started walking in the room.

"How you can be so dumb? Lia, I thought there must be some sences remained in you" he furiously said. I can clearly see anger on his face.

"I don't know Joe, why I was there But it was her she was real Joe she knows everything aout us, how come I can't believe her" I said as wanting him to trust.

"Oh did you find her then huh?, where is she? why not bring her here?" he shouted.

I just kept my mouth shut as he was so angry. I was sitting there while lowered my head just like a cat who is being scolded by her owner.

"Look Lia, you are mature enough to understand thatthe one who death is death he or she can't came back neither in another form we ourselves burried her in the soil, how come you can find her"?

he said while sitting in front of me.I was still looking downward.

"Speak something" he said in a seroius tone.

"I..I am sorry", I said still looking downward. I felt a tear on my cheek.

"Agh~ why? why are you girls like this? Lia please don't cry" He said while caressing my hair.

"Joe I remembered Isa, I wanna meet her just once" I said while bursting int teaars.

"Lia stop crying, have patience" he said while hugging me.

"Get a hold to yourself, Lia" he said.

I looked at him but was wondered that why he is not crying maybe he know how to hide feelings.

"It's late Lia, I think you should sleep" he said while standing up from the bed.

"I gotta go too" he said while walking towards the door.

"Have a good sleep,Lia" and turned the lights off before leaving.

I wastired already and after a while I just slept.

In the morning, I was still sleeping when my phone rang, I woke up and checked the caller ID it was Joe.

I picked up

Me: "Hello"

Joe: " Good morning, Lia, whassup still sleeping"?

Me: "yesh just wokeup"

Joe: "how are you now"

Me: I'm good.

Joe: ah okay I just wanna know if you are doing okay.

Me: oh yah I'm doing good.

Joe: okay then take care.

he hung up. I got up from bed and went towards wshroom and took a bath. I had my breakfast and then I came into my room.

I was just scrolling down my social media app then I got a call from Adam. He asked me that he wanna meet me and wants to talk to me.

After a while, I got up from bed tied my hair in a bun wore overcoat and went outside to meet Adam.

As I went to the cafe I saw Adam was already there, he seemed sad. I went in the cafe and sat infront of his seat.

He looked at me and said "hye"

"Adam everything's good?" I confusidly asked.

"Lia I don't understand what to do, I really can't do anyhting " he asked with a very sad face

"Adam bro tell me what happened?" I asked.

"Lia since childhood I never got the love I wanted, you know about my parents very well when I was a kid they sent me abroad for studies. They never called me never asked me if I was doing okay just sent me money every month.

According to them 'money is like Aladin's lamp from which one can do everything.'

When I came back, they just greet me and went for a business trip.

But when I came to that college I met you guys, all of you were too good and caring.

But Isa she was like wow, When I came tot that colege she was the first person I met, I was being bullied ny some bad boyes and was bleeding then she came to me and treated my wound.

She was so caring she was talking to me as if we know each other foer thousands of years, then she introduced me to you guys.

Ever since I fell for her, Among all of you she was the only person who listened to me. You know what Lia the day she dead I had prepared a dinner for her at that night and was supposed to porposed her.

I even texted her aking if she will go on a dinner with me, and she agreed, then why, why everything being ended up like this?

Lia whenever I needed her she ws there for me, but the time she needs me most, why I wasn't there???" he started crying like a baby.

I can see his face turned red and tears were uncontrollabley flowing from his eyes.

"Adam it's not your fault buddy, she sucided, okay let's imagine you were there what will you do huh? all you could dois stopped her, but she has to commite sucided she must have done that till yet"

I said trying my best to councile him.

"Look there is a fixed time for everyone's death, if she wasn't commite sucide back then she must have been did it till yet" I added.

"She didn't commite sucide Lia" he shouted while hardly hitting the table with his left hand, and everyone started staring at him.

I sighed and asked " what makes you think that she didn't commite sucide?"

He stood up and said

"I'll prove it that someone killed her or forced her to jump from the building" he said with a strong confidence in his eyes and he left.

I went out from the cafe and started walking while thinking.

"Adam was right, why will Isa commite sucide, she lacks nothing" I mummered.

"There must be someone who did something to her or persuade her to do so"