
Arcane Immortal

Robert Frost, CEO of a multinational company, transmigrates to the world of Immortals and Arcanists. He must confront the consequences and make difficult choices that test his will to survive in this mystic world. Follow Yuan's journey as he learns about his immortal bloodline and sets out on a quest to find out his true potential. With each challenge he faces, he gains a deeper understanding of the world around him and the true nature of his destiny. In a world where strength and power reign supreme, Yuan must find his own path and rise to greatness as an arcanist with an immortal bloodline.

Daoist_Drumstick · 奇幻
168 Chs

Liu Fire Immortals

The villagers exchanged confused glances. They had never heard of anyone by that name. Even the village hunters, who had seen their fair share of world, couldn't place the name.

Just when it seemed like the situation might turn violent, a figure emerged from a nearby . It was the Village chief, and he seemed to recognize the warrior immediately.

"He lives in the smithy of the village please follow me I will take you to him," The Village chief spoke.

Warrior dismounted his horse with a fluid grace that belied his immense strength.

Today Yuan slept late. it was the first time he had tried ale. His uncle offered him a cup and told him he wanted Yuan to have his first ale with him as a man. But after drinking only one cup. Yuan was knocked out cold. He had just woken up and was looking for his uncle. But his uncle was nowhere to be found. He even looked in the smithy his uncle was not there. Yuan used his ability to see if he could figure out if his uncle was there. His ability did not show anything but he got signals in his conscious space. As if his ability understood what he was trying to figure out, and it confirmed that his uncle had left.

Yuan felt delighted and depressed at the same time. Delighted because the ancestor was right. This ability was really scary. It could help him unravel things that could not be done by anyone.

But he felt depressed that his uncle left him without even telling him.

Yuan was sitting in the courtyard in a depressed mood, thinking about how his uncle got him drunk to run away. Yuan sighed. He was wondering what he should do.

He heard some commotion going on in the village, but he was in no mood to go check it out.

At that moment, there was a knock on the door. Yuan went and opened the door. When he opened the door, he saw the village chief standing there with a warrior dressed in red armor standing behind him. The warrior looked massive and very strong. Behind the warrior and village chief, other villagers were standing, looking curiously at what was going on.

Seeing Yuan, the warrior's expression softened somewhat; he removed his helmet, revealing a face that was both stern and handsome. He followed the village chief to Yuan's home.

"I am Flame Duan, a warrior of the Lord," he said, bowing slightly in respect. "I'm here under his orders to bring you back to the family."

Yuan had never seen an immortal warrior before, and he couldn't help but feel a mixture of fear and awe.

Flame Duan, for his part, looked at the boy, too you could see some respect in his eyes

The villagers looked at each other in confusion. Why was this warrior bowing to Yuan? And who was this Lord that Flame Duan spoke of?

The warrior spoke again. "Do you have your identification token with you?"

Yuan nodded his head solemnly. "I'll bring it out."

As Yuan went to his room to get the red medallion, the villagers began to murmur amongst themselves, wondering what was going on. What was the real identity of Yuan, and why was a lord sending an army to fetch him?

They didn't have to wait long for answers however, as Yuan emerged carrying a red medallion in his hand.

Yuan handed the medallion to Flame warrior. When Flame Duan took the medallion, a small fire appeared in his palm, and it appeared that he was testing the medallion's authenticity.

After verifying that the medallion was indeed authentic, Flame Duan nodded.

He spoke, "Follow me."

Before Yuan could understand, Flame Duan turned around and left.

Yuan followed him. When they got close to a massive horse, Flame Duan jumped on the horse. He scooped Yuan up onto his horse, his armor clanking as he did so. He turned to the villagers, and his voice was stern as he spoke.

"You have seen nothing here."

"Tell no one of what has transpired today, or there will be consequences."

With that, he and his army turned and rode off into the distance, leaving the villagers to wonder what kind of power the Lord wielded to command an army of immortal warriors.

Yuan couldn't help but marvel at the magnificence of his grandfather's accomplishments as he cast his gaze into the distance.

He saw the vast Bugol City, with a population of over 500,000, sprawling towards the Qinmen Seas in the form of an arc along the mountains. Nestled between the seas and the mountains, the city was tall and imposing.

Bugol's carefully planned streets and buildings were surrounded by a massive 40-meter wall that served as their defense. The red river meandered through the rich soil beyond the city, continuously watering the fields as it meandered through the vast areas of land and water.

The legendary Red Castle, located in the heart of the city, could house over 5000 warriors. It's towers had huge crossbows on them to show anyone who might want to attack that the city was not to be taken lightly. The castle was built to be impossible to get into. It had a fortified center and complicated mechanisms at its entrances to keep people out. The battlements could be made longer or shorter, and the entrance, which looked like a tunnel, had at least five layers of sluice gates that were at least 10 meters deep. People said that the castle was so well protected that only with a thousand warriors, lords of the city could defend it as long as they had enough food and water.

People came to Bugol for different reasons, but everyone was amazed by how smart the architect of the Red Castle was. Even a famous general from a noble family had looked at the castle and decided that even with a well-equipped army of 50,000 soldiers and siege equipment, taking the castle would be disastrous.

But the castle had never had to stand up to anything. Instead of focusing on defense, the previous lords of Bugol, the Liu immortal's ancestors, often fought in the mountains directly, which always worked.

The Liu Fire immortals were known for being crazy in the Najin council, and no one dared to stand up to them, especially since they had geniuses in their family.

The high lord of the Kiyoyama, once the Liu Fire immortals' greatest enemy, had said that the combination of lunacy and genius multiplied the Liu Immortal family's power. In a protracted, bloody battle, Liu Bo's elite warriors defeated 20,000 of his best soldiers, with less than a tenth of them making it out alive. Liu Bo's warriors were among the best on the entire continent!

In the several hundred years that the Liu family has been around, they have had two High Lords, nine Magistrates, and many Regents and Patricians. They held over 250 thousand acres of land and had great armies, powerful cultivators, and countless subordinates with strange occupations like Cherufe warlocks, Caorth riders, and Salamander spherics.

Fengyun was heaven for battle-thirsty Liu Immortals. This was a continent that was never at peace.

Fengyun was constantly engulfed in the blaze of battle. Most of the time, immortals and arcanists engaged in combat with demons, beasts, or other types of creatures who were attempting to take over the continent.

There were clashes among the immortals themselves, too; for instance, the light and dark immortals could not stand one another. They would always fight when they came into contact.

Similar conditions existed among Arcnists; they fought among themselves to survive; Shadowmancers, Soulbinders, and Blood Callers, for example, were fiercely competitive with one another.

Beasts, devils, and other creatures more explicitly obeyed the law of the jungle; the strongest in each group ruled over the others.

Even the outer worlds were affected by the constant fighting in the continent.

During the turbulent times, it would not have been difficult for the Liu family to have their own Vizer or grand Vizer in just a few generations. They just had to use their resources wisely, set up a full government with laws and an economy, and distribute their profits among their ranks in order to achieve this.

Through these methods, the Najin council acquired more than half of its current Vizers, but the royalty of other kingdoms regarded members of the council as outliers and illiterates. The royal family was regarded with the most contempt by them.

But no one showed this contempt for the royal family in public. Najin council royal family wielded unfathomable power, and as a result, they continued to command the respect of the other royalties and noble families.

Coming back to Liu's. The Liu family had unparalleled ascendancy, but due to their short history, they were less wealthy and influential than other families. They were also thought to be too unpredictable to merit any admiration and respect of other nobles.

High Lord Liu Bo, the current ruler of the Liu fire immortals, was a perfect illustration of their impulsiveness. Fifteen years ago, he was a mere grade 3 fire immortal. He took less than twenty years to destroy the Shadow Palace of the Dusk Forest, which surprised the whole Najin council. Many had entered the forest before him, but none had the guts or the know-how to prevail with 50 Fire warriors and 1,000 men.

After occupying Red Castle and taking over Bugol, the home of the leader of the Liu Fire immortals, Liu Bo attained the rank of High Lord at the young age of 55. His exploits were told like fables as they were passed down orally and even written about in books. His power, though, was limited to Red Castle and the areas he had annexed.

Liu Bo exercised strict authority over his family. There was never a member of the family who dared to defy him. He was fierce and tenacious, with a fiery temper. Despite the fact that Red Castle belonged to the entire family, as a leader, he treated it as his own private property. He was the one who sent warriors to pick Yuan from Jingshui.

Jingshui Village was 10,000 miles away from Bugol; Yuan's journey with flame Duan and other warriors took around four months. During the trip, Flame Duan shared with Yuan some details about his family history, as well as information about the customs and distribution of power on the mainland. By the time they arrived in Bugol, Yuan had gained some understanding of his family.

As Yuan had never given it much thought in his previous life, the idea of a family was a relatively new one to him. Unfortunately, he passed away before he could fully explore this question for himself: what, exactly, did it mean to have a family?

The great flame warrior Flame Duan, however, saw great significance in the meaning of family, and for him, it had a deeper meaning than most people realized. It was very important for the warriors and noblemen who worked for the Liu immortal family to stay alive. The bloodline connected every member of the clan, not just close and distant blood relatives, and it extended beyond that. Different bloodlines possessed unique abilities, and their combinations could lead to new powers. Some were stronger than others, and many died pursuing them. Therefore, marriages held a different meaning in Fengyun. It wasn't just about politics; it was also meant to make the next generation stronger and more powerful.

Even after hearing all of this, Yuan was more confused than ever as he stood at the entrance to the castle. The pieces of information given to him by Flame Duan felt like tiny puzzle pieces that he could not fit together.


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