
Arcane: Champion Witness System

"Oh! So you're asking who I am?" "That's a good question, my friend!" He stood before her, spat out the yellow sand from his mouth, raised both hands shoulder-high, and proudly proclaimed, "I am a big shot in Zaun's Undercity, the ninth councilor of Piltover. I am the honored hero of Bilgewater." "What have I done?" "I once set fire to the Petricite Grove in Demacia and competed in height with the Yordles in Bandle City." "..." Standing in front of her, he spoke confidently. "And now, I've encountered you in the swirling sands of Shurima." "Alright, lady, I've said my piece. Could you please put away your weapon now?" ////This is a translation, I do not own this story or any character in it. The original author is [子梓木] ZiXingMu and the link to this book is https://www.69shuba.com/book/39724.htm Gonna update 1 or 2 chapters a day cuz I got another book I'm translating.////

TypicalFicEnjoyer6 · 游戏衍生
360 Chs

-273- Goddess's statue

Noxian Calendar Year 985, September 1st.

In the early morning, Zaun was shrouded in thick white fog, with a faint blue light emanating from the edges of the city.

Countless workers took advantage of the cool morning weather and started working early. Because if they work now, they can all sleep for four or five hours at noon, but if they wait until nine or ten in the morning to start working, they will not only lose their lunch break but also endure the scorching sun.

Of course, it's better to work in the morning.

But there's nothing to be said about it. After all, Zaun's working hours are like this now, getting up early in the summer but leaving work early, and getting up late and leaving work late in winter.

It effectively helps Zaun's workers avoid the problem of cold and heat.

"Hurry up, everyone behind, keep up quickly!"

"The people carrying the round carvings should be careful, don't knock them. If the wood is damaged even slightly, you know the consequences!"

Crossing the bridge and ascending to the floating city, the convoy is orderly driving towards the center of the island.

On the way back, there are already many workers.

Among these people, there are not only Zaunites but also many Piltovians.

The floating city welcomes its new life, and the new Zaun is highly valued by the residents of the Twin Cities. Not only Zaunites themselves value it, but even the Piltovians are curious about this island. They want to know what Zaun will become.

It's about the size of two Piltover, taller on the inside than on the outside, which means that if you walk to the center of the island, it will be like climbing a slope. Fortunately, the slope is not very steep, and the smart Taliyah noticed this detail.

And if you reach the center of the island now, you will see that at the highest point in the center, two renowned designers from the Twin Cities are currently stroking their chins, discussing the design of the highest point of the island.

Sido, a famous designer from Zaun, is now holding a notebook, shaking her head at the luxurious, thin-faced man wearing a single lens in front of her, saying:

"No no no, it should be more simple. I mean, why are you Pilties always like this? Why do you always think that gold and silver are the most beautiful colors? And apart from color, in terms of features, do you really think high-profile and luxurious fits the goddess Janna?"

"Heheh." Adjusting the single lens, Caspar put away his sneer, then solemnly said: "It's not like the style of Zaun is that great either. Do you want to use a messy, dilapidated construction method to build the statue of Janna? Then I want to know, Sido, do you want to use black or gray? Or do you want to bring in a few more containers to build?"

"Wait a minute, you two, haven't we already agreed? The statue only uses the original color of the round-carved wood, using cyan," another chubby designer wiped the sweat from his forehead and said.

Sido frowned, "That's prejudice. The current Zaun is not like that. Now, we can match gray and black to show nobility. In terms of style, it is no less than you Piltovians."

Caspar shook his head, "I admit that your architectural style has indeed changed a lot, but to say that it is no less than us?" He looked at Sido, raised his head, and Caspar said proudly: "I think you're just thinking too much."

Piltover has been rich for hundreds of years, nurturing the current architectural style.

Looking at Piltover City, you can see cleanliness and elegance, luxurious but absolutely not tacky style.

After all, Piltover is the most prosperous trade center on Runeterra, and it has gathered the best of everything.

And the fast-growing, smart Pilties, after integrating the architectural styles of various countries, created the current Piltover architectural style.

And now, Sido actually dared to say that Zaun's architectural style is not inferior to Piltover's?

Caspar certainly wouldn't agree. Of course, Caspar also admitted that Zaun's architectural style has its advantages, such as Zaun's extremely poor geographical environment and lack of materials. So Zaunites had to resort to unconventional means. In summary, Caspar believes it's more quantity than quality.

Zaun reduces facade decoration and has an unrestricted floor area ratio architectural style.

This culture is of course cultivated by Zaun over the past few hundred years, because of the large population but small land area, Zaunites are forced to adopt unique skills.

"You.....!" Sido stomped and cursed. Zaunite girls have a hot temper, don't expect them to have any noble etiquette when they are angry.

Not hitting people, that's Sido's last bit of restraint.

She is a Zaunite! And also a Zaunite woman who has experienced chaotic times!

Caspar snorted and looked at Sido, with a strange smile on his lips.

Watching Sido cursing in anger, Caspar not only didn't get angry, but also became happy.

Arguing with her is one of the things he enjoy.

Beside him, the chubby designer showed a wry smile. These two guys... the chubby designer was really speechless. Although they have been working together for three years, why do they still argue like children? Caspar is also very strange. As a noble son, his etiquette is excellent, but every time he faces Sido, he always can't control his mouth.

"Alright, you two, stop arguing."

When an old man wearing a shirt with a medicine bottle printed on it coughed and spoke, Caspar and Sido immediately became obedient, one smiling and the other folding their arms.

But at least they didn't argue anymore.

"The statue of Janna is important, Caspar, this is not only a matter for Zaunites but also for Piltovians. We must pay attention to it and create the most beautiful statue for our goddess. She deserves it."

Sido nodded vigorously on the side, "Exactly!"

"Grandpa Fu, I am a Piltie, that's right, but at the same time, I am also a resident of the Twin Cities. I am also a faithful believer of the Goddess Janna, so please don't doubt my faith in the Goddess Janna."

Caspar first politely said to the old man from Zaun, then looked at Sido, and said seriously:

"Sido, of course, you know that gold and silver are not just symbols of luxury; they are also symbols of purity. As the benevolent Goddess of the Wind, Janna should have silver robes and a golden crown, shouldn't she? Or do you think that black and gray robes or crowns can reflect Janna's selflessness and kindness?"

"You!" Sido gritted her teeth. She certainly didn't mean that! Caspar was talking nonsense again!

As a newly emerging designer in Zaun, she certainly understood the importance of gold and silver, and how the old Zaunites used to envy those colors. Liked black and gray? Don't be ridiculous; it's not like they couldn't afford gold and silver materials, Zaun was so poor back then, houses were made of shabby iron boxes, and they had to layer them up.

Old Zaunites genuinely liked gold from the bottom of their hearts, greed was not just an instinct carved into the bones of Piltover people, it was also in the Zaunites.

Therefore, Sido certainly knew that gold was a color symbolizing wealth and power, it was a proud and noble color.

And silver? That was even more important.

Silver represented nobility, purity, safety, and eternity.

She certainly agreed to adorn Janna's statue with gold and silver, but not in the way Caspar suggested. She was afraid Caspar would end up giving Janna's statue too much of Piltover's style.

Janna was the Goddess of Zaun!

As for black and gray. Well, Sido had to admit that those two colors commonly used in Zaun were indeed not suitable for Janna, even the second-best color, dark green, was not suitable for the goddess.

Dark green was too sinister; that color would feel oppressive.

After all, as everyone in the Twin Cities knew—Janna was a perfect deity, kind, loving, gentle, and holy.

She was a deity cherished and respected by both Zaunites and Piltover people.

The chubby designer interjected, "Caspar, Mr. Fu and I have agreed that the color of the clothes should be cyan or green, representing life, tranquility, and comfort, we believe that's most suitable for Janna's color."

"I don't deny that," Caspar nodded, "but please do not use black and gray."

"Caspar! You little....!" Sido screamed and suddenly jumped up, lifting her leg to kick Caspar hard, giving the Piltover nobleman a heavy Zaun-style flying kick, then landed steadily, looking at Caspar, who fell to the ground, looking bewildered.

Sido pointed at him and said loudly, "When did I say I wanted to use black and gray? I meant not to use too much silver and gold. Janna is the goddess of Zaun; she's not suitable for Piltover's gold and silver!"

"Nonsense! Janna is also the goddess of Piltover!" Caspar, who was kicked and bewildered, immediately retorted.

"She's Zaun's!"

"She's Zaun's, yes, but she's also Piltover's!"


Josh looked helplessly at the two young designers, his face changing suddenly from kind to cold, his voice turning icy, "Stop it, let's hurry up and get to work!"

"Yes, sir!" Sido straightened up immediately.

Caspar also stood up immediately.

Josh. Known as Mr. Fu in Zaun, he was once the uncrowned king of an underground mine in Zaun. Even the distinguished Mr. Vander and Mr. Silco from Zaun had to respectfully call him Mr. Fu.

This old man was not easy to deal with. When Vander emerged from the alley and took over Zaun, Josh actively surrendered and joined Vander, and with his hobby of design, he did not exploit the Zaunites like other barons did, instead, he protected them and formed a team of miners who also worked on design and construction.

As a result, those who knew this greatly respected him.

During that chaotic period, even Vander, who was thinking of stabilizing and saving Zaun, had indirectly exploited many ordinary Zaunites, and so did Mr. Benzo.

So Josh, he was probably the only Zaun gang leader who could pat his chest and say he hadn't opress his own people.

"Communication is over, the materials are also ready." Josh looked at the giant stone statue, which was still in its embryonic form.

This was the work of Linwin's apprentice, a girl named Taliyah.

A statue that was a whopping one hundred and twenty meters tall.

Yes, this was the prototype of Janna's statue, and in the time to come, countless designers and workers from Zaun would strive for it, building the first building on the floating city—the shrine of Janna.

This was a voluntary effort from everyone, and aside from that, this was something that could be boasted to their descendants when they grew old in the future.

"Yes, see that statue of the Goddess in the floating city? Yup, I help build that."

And so, everyone was voluntary, and the welfare treatment was excellent.

With the current productivity of Zaun and Piltover, everyone lived a comfortable life. Not everyone had Hextech refrigerators and air conditioners, but there were no problems with daily meals and hot water for bathing.

"Hurry up and work. The carved wooden dresses for the goddess Janna, she doesn't need a golden crown. Our goddess doesn't need that kind of thing. As for silver. It can be used as a staff for the goddess Janna." Josh made the decision.


"Get to work! I'll let the enforcers take me for a spin around the statue , I'll take another look at the overall image."

"The number of carved woods. It's a bit too much."

"Mr. Fu, how should we design the action of

holding the staff?"


"In their eyes, you are a symbol of sanctity, kindness, and beauty,"

In front of Linwin's desk, an incredibly fat bird nestled there.

Upon hearing Linwin's words, the chubby bird turned its head, using its wings to cover its face.

She was unhappy.

She understood Linwin's meaning; he was teasing her about being "fat" again.

And Linwin, looking at the chubby bird, had a wry expression on his face.

It seemed like since the day Janna was born in the Twin Cities, she hadn't slimmed down much. The first image of Janna in memory was of a tiny, adorable little bird, then she became a chubby bird. And when Janna finally digested the power of faith and transformed into a beautiful, slender bird, she ended up absorbing a huge wave of faith from the Buhru people.

Now, she was even puffier, rounded like a green, furry ball.

From a distance, Janna now looked like an inflated balloon, outrageously chubby.

"If you appear in front of them like this, they will definitely die of shock." Linwin joked about Janna.

Making a statue for Janna was Linwin's request, of course.

Janna, they said, was perhaps the most miserable deity on Runeterra.

During these thousands of years, in her strongest period, her shrine was just some small, the largest being half a meter in size.

And when the Emperor of Shurima ordered her shrine to be smashed, she truly had no home.

So this was Linwin's gift to Janna.

The statue of the Wind Goddess of Zaun!

"But it's too big," Janna flew off the table and perched on Linwin's head, of course, she was happy.

As an spirit deity, this statue was the most convincing proof of Janna's existence.

One man and one bird looked from the high-rise buildings of Piltover to the new Zaun floating in the air, where Linwin with excellent vision could see people working hard.

Making a statue for Janna, every Twin Cities person was voluntary, with smiles on their faces.

"Isn't this too wasteful?" But happy as she was, was Janna ever that affluent? She looked at the statue that was taking shape, speaking cautiously.

"You deserve it," Linwin shook his head.

"Look at their smiling faces, Janna, this is what you deserve."

The chubby bird nodded.

"I'm really happy," Janna said in a low voice.

Linwin nodded and then reached out to poke Janna's chubby little butt on his head.

"Then can you lose weight quickly?" 

The fluffy bird flew up.

"Smack!" The fluffy bird flapped its wings.


Taking a deep breath, Linwin covered his face, a clear mark appearing on his face, which was from Janna's slap.

This chubby bird hits hard...