
Applying Logic to the Unknown

When Caspian wanders out into the forest to meet with his friends, things take a dark turn and he ends up in a race for survival against the unknown. Follow Caspian as he lies, steals and plans his way into a less frightening life, as long as he does not get eaten first. All rights to the picture go to the original artist.

MrRereader · 奇幻
60 Chs

Feeling of loss

This ladies and gentlemen is chapter number ten that I have prepared. hopefully, when this is released I will have at least ten more waiting in line. Hope you've enjoyed it up to this point.

And let me give you a slight spoiler, there will be plenty of romance, and Caspian will have a relatively smooth road, there will be no family drama, no odd interruptions none of those things, only what lies in his own head and the circumstances surrounding ''her''.

Have a good one and remember, if the novel gets like 100 pps by Friday I will do a double release on the weekend.


''Wake up''. Said a sweet voice whispering into my ear. ''Wake up''. I can feel the shivers as if the cold morning air embraced me.

''Boss, wake up''. The way she calls me boss in a gruff manly voice.

Wait, gruff manly voice.

Feeling a hand on my shoulder I slowly open my eyes, they feel and heavy and crusty, the consequences of getting wasted yesterday.

''Boss you finally woke up, Olek's about to open up, we should get going''. Who were you again, oh yes, Ubam.

''What time is it''. I ask while rubbing my beard, it makes a scratching noise as some stuff falls out of it.

''It's almost midday Boss, we tried to wake you but you wouldn't budge.'' Of course, I wouldn't budge, you know the dream I had, it was majestic.

''I'm awake now''. Taking a look around the tavern, I can see my underlings cleaning up from yesterday, Olek was behind the counter cleaning the mugs while Vun, now dried and cozy was sitting down on a chair while sipping his drink, this man can hold his alcohol.

There's only one thing missing. ''Ubam, where is Justine at?''. He looks at me confusedly.

''Whos Justine, Boss, if she's one of the ladies from the brothel I can go ask''. No, keep it in Caspian, do not insult your subordinates, no matter how stupid they are, it is unbecoming.

''Ubam do not get me started, I'm talking about the raven-haired lady from last night, I spent the whole night talking with her''. He looked at me and shrugged.

''No idea what you're talking about Boss, I don't remember no raven-haired human here''. How useless, I had bigger hopes for you Ubam.

Getting up I quickly notice something, my cloak is gone, taking a quick look around I can't seem to find it anywhere. Just as I was about to turn and ask Ubam if he's seen it I noticed that the fools already gone.

Left with no other choice I head over to Olek and ask him the key question. ''Olek, have you seen Justine?''

He looked at me in confusion. ''Whos Justine, none of my wife's girls are called that''. Man don't you get me started also, it is starting to tick me off.

''Olek, don't you remember her, its the dark-haired, orange-eyed lady that came in late into the night.'' As I say this I gesture at the are around my neck to show her height

''She came in?'' He asked confused. ''How did she come in?''. Using her feet, of course.

''Trough the front door, I remember everyone drinking and laughing when she came in.'' Olek seemed both uncomfortable and doubting at the same time.

''That's not possible Caspian, no one could've come in''. But she did, is he getting senile, can giants even get senile.

''Olek, are you okay, why would she be unable to come in?''. I'm waiting, better give me a good reason.

''Caspian, listen here, all the doors and windows were both locked and barred, with iron at that, strong enough to stop a giant, I did it so we could all be safe in our night of revelry''. That's a mighty fine reason, I'll give you that.

''But Olek, I clearly remember her stepping through the opened door''. He frowns and places the tankard down.

''I checked the lock in the morning Caspian, all doors were still locked from the inside, no one came in.'' This is preposterous, are they playing some sort of game.

With a huff, I knock on the table.''I had about enough of this Olek, just tell me where she is, I know you saw her, everyone did!''. They are taking this a bit far for a game.

Olek places both his palms on the counter and leans forward, his shape towering over me. ''Caspian, if what you say is true, what were we doing when you last saw us?''. Nice try but you won't intimidate me.

''Well after she came in I invited her to have a drink''. He nods and gestures me to continue.''After that, we walked hand in hand to the counter, where I wanted to grab a chair, then...'' I hesitate, my fuzzy memories coming back.

''Then what Caspian, this is important, strange women do not just appear in locked rooms with only one person seeing them''. The chill on my spine intensifies, my eyes water slightly.

''Then I wanted someone to grab a chair but everyone was asleep''. Olek's expression grows dim.

''We were asleep?'' He asks.

''Yes, you were just laying on the counter, I remember seeing you dozing off, right over there''. I point at the edge of the counter.

With a swift pace Olek walks over, he looks around for a bit then nods his head. ''Ay, this is where I woke up, truthfully I can't quite remember falling asleep myself''. This is giving me some really awful vibes.

''So Caspian, you are saying that a strange woman opened a locked door, came in, and you decided to invite her to a drink only to notice that everyone was asleep, then you proceed to ignore this strange situation and do what exactly?''. Hearing his accusations I don't know if to blush or go deathly pale, I'll choose both.

''Listen, Olek, do you know what happened, where is Justine?'' Olek quickly moved his head around as if to make sure no one is listening.

He comes closer to me and whispers. ''Listen here Caspian, you need to forget about it, she was never here, and you don't know her name either''. You're making this worse than it already is.

''But why what's wrong?'' I whisper back.

''Listen Caspian, and listen closely, there are dark things prowling around in the night, each more evil than the other, and you Caspian, have slain a powerful and sinister monster in the woods, do not look at me like that, even if you didn't do it with your own hands you still played the biggest part in its death, you, Caspian, are its spiritual killer, and that fact will follow you for a long time.''

He ended his shushed speech with his hands crossed over his chest.

''What does that have to do with Justine tho''. I insist. Olek seems to lightly lose his temper.

''Are you daft boy'' He grumbled at me in the classical giant way. ''Whatever that thing was she was attracted to the aura of death around you, any warrior worth anything can tell that you have slain a mighty thing'' This makes me think back on all the glance she threw towards the head, it may not have been repulsion after all.

''So what was she Olek, we just talked she didn't do anything to me''. His nose twitched in disdain as he answered.

''I don't know Caspian, but heed my word, whatever it is, you need to forget about it, don't look for her, don't think about her, hell, you are forbidden from speaking her name in my tavern, are we understood?''

With a grim face, I nod lightly, remembering some of the things we talked about yesterday. It was overall a pleasant conversation, ranging from the weather to family and friends to likes and dislikes, to hobbies and interests, and so on and so forth.

And she was so very soft and warm.

She truly was a charming lady but that alone would not make me look for her, no, there is something else that makes me quite desperate to find her, this feeling of loss surrounding me can only mean one thing.

She took my cloak!