
Apollo Mecha

Mecha's are the key for control. That is how the big threat of control is managed by criminal gangs loom the planet of Caltorix, upon a fateful night one adult's life will change. He'll be challenged to climb out or fall, engage in battles with unsuspecting foes.

17rapidz · 科幻
5 Chs

Chapter 5, "Crews"

"Welcome back, Apollo!" Zaniah greeted.

"Oh, and who's this?" Zaniah questioned, confused.

"I'm Sol." Sol replied.

"Oh! Apollo, you actually got some members. Thank god you didn't go out there for nothing, I was starting to wonder where you were going." Zaniah said.

"Yeah, but we need some more members. In the meantime, Sol you can get started with moving the materials to the Mecha. Then I'll come help you with mechanical work." Apollo said.

"Alright, I know some mechanic stuff that can help out. But for the moment, you can just consider me your apprentice in training." Sol explained.

Sol then turned and began moving down the hallway then going to the storage area, to then move the materials and items to the docking area which was where the Mechas was stationed.

"Having an additional member is great, we have to figure what he's good at. Aswell, a crew requires more than this." Zaniah said.

"I would say you need a pilot, possibly a co-pilot that can do another role. 2 Mechanics, 1 Heavy Mechas, 2 Light Mechas and 1 Medium Mecha. 1 Captain, 1 Vice Captain and yeah so...in total I believe it would be around 10. Extra members would be good, but that's to just set it up you know?" Zaniah added on to what she had said.

"Alright, well, we can ask Sol some questions. Follow me." Apollo said as he walked down to the storage area.

Apollo opened the door, entering it. 

"Oh! Hey, Apollo!" Sol greeted.

"Hey, we were thinking...you wanted to join us right?" Apollo asked.

"Ain't got many people around me now, so yeah sure." Sol responded.

"Okay, what kind of things can you do in our crew? Like uh, a role?" Apollo questioned.

"Well, I can use a heavy mecha. I just need a more upgraded system. I can help with mechanic work." Sol replied.

"Sure, let's just get you up to standard with your mecha. So, we'll get you up to date with the roles around here. I'm Apollo as you know the Captain, Mechanic and Light Mecha user. Zaniah to the right of me is our pilot, she uses a Light Mecha like me but doesn't really go into battle since we need someone guarding." Apollo informed.

"Understood sir, happy to work with you." Sol answered.

"We're looking to get more members; do we have any ideas?" Apollo asked Zaniah and Sol.

"Well, you can always change people's minds in gang wars. But they are more suspectable to betrayal. You'll find people on your adventure. Wherever the wind goes." Sol replied.

"Mhm, I agree. I think we just got to keep going. We'll gain more members." Zaniah said.

"Alright, well Zaniah you go start planning different routes and me and Sol will work on the Mecha." Apollo declared.

Sol and Zaniah nodded, moving to where they needed to go.

Sol and Apollo finished up transporting the materials to the docking area.

"Your mecha is of no use of attempting a repair, we'll have to start from scratch. We can use some of it's materials." Apollo said.

"I'll begin making the structure of it, while I do this you go purchase some guns. Artillery, and whatever you think is suitable. It's in the storage area." Apollo instructed.

Sol departed from Epsilon then moving to a market nearby, deciding to buy some different attachments for the Mecha. 

While Sol was out in the market, Apollo began using materials to assemble the legs. He used metals and other materials to structure the legs. Wiring was put in this with different shield activation detectors. 

Shield activation detectors was automatic shields that would be turned on when bullets were fired near the location of the shield and its zone. 

Zaniah would be reading the news as she planned, she was stuck. Confused and out of ideas, having the pen in her ear, she flicked the page to the side.

"What's this, a PRISON BREAK! AND A LARGE ONE!" Zaniah shouted.

She was shocked by this, confused how it was nearby and realised that SCO members were coming nearby to re-group the prisoned members. Zaniah desperately went to Apollo talking about this, saying we needed to get this Mecha underway and try to escape. 

Apollo argued that Sol was out on the market, so we were forced to defend this spot.

They came to an agreement to defend this spot. 

At the same time, Apollo managed to structure the legs then structuring the rest of it. It took a longer time to do the wiring, the surrounding metals and materials around it. 

It was the core section, then putting the core energy into the centre of the torso. Then adding protective plating and metal structuring. 

Now structuring the rest of this, he began plating up the Mecha's body. It took a long time, but as he did this, he thought that a design choice could be implemented. 

At this moment in time, the Heavy Mecha looked like a gigantic turtle that could stand up due to its compressed, bulky build. Its cockpit was smaller than normal, but its large titanic chest offered large defences.

It was a slower but more effective at defending lands, protection and other details. After plating the rest of the Mecha, Sol managed to arrive.

"Hey, Sol nice you've came back! Before you show me what you got, I thought of adding a design choice to the Mecha." Apollo asked.

"It's quite protective and close together but the structuring works well. I think a flame pattern would work well if you put something like that on. Some orange, yellow gradient on it. I'll name the Mecha, Scorch." Sol replied.

"Cool name, nice...I like it!" Apollo said.

"Fitting the name, I got a flamethrower attachable to put on one of it's hands. Some better boosters, and oh a Hammer to add." Sol explained.

"Hammer? Why?" Apollo asked, confused.

"Well, my Mecha Ability is called Inferno Shatter. So it can create fire, lava and stuff like that when I hit the ground with something. It breaks the ground as well." Sol explained.

"Ah, I see." Apollo answered.

"Well, I will begin adding the boosters. You get the wiring to the hammer connected. And then we will attach the flamethrower."

Apollo began working on the back of the Mecha adding some boosters, they were to escape aggressive maneuverers approaching as a way to defend. So naturally, they had to be positioned at a different way to boost better for these narrow, tight escapes.

Apollo had managed to install the boosters now, then connecting the wiring to the core system. All of the core systems wiring was also connected to the cockpit. So only had to attach it to the core energy system. 

As Apollo was doing this, Sol was working on connecting the wiring to the hammer. The hammer was a large weapon with destructive capabilities. Since this wiring was much easier than installing boosters and connecting it, the wiring that Sol did took way less time helping him start on the flamethrower.

The flamethrower that was bought was more like a large attachable ring, it was placed upon the right hand of the Mecha. Sol securely placed it, tightening it upon the hand. 

Flamethrower's system used energy however converted surrounding chemicals (if available) into a much stronger flame. Yet, this did provide stronger terrain advantages, it depended on different terrains. It was still decent. 

Finally, they both jumped down to look at the mecha. Realising they had finished it, they both let out a huge sigh. Suddenly remembering about, the SCO members coming for their prisoned members.

They rushed to Zaniah, informing her about this.

As they did, they could hear the sounds of more ships coming. Apollo and Sol decided to get into the Mecha. No time to test the new one, they were thrown into battle. Ready to guard the ship.

Hellish conditions let loose upon the port town. It had incoming sounds of war that scared citizens, the marching mechas. 

Looking at this, Apollo made a rash decision to get back in the ship and fly near the prison. Riots ensuing after a previous clash earlier on in the week.