
Apocklol- He who is above everyone

Man opened his eyes, forgot everything and lost his memory . Who is the man and what will he bacome or who is he is the questions he thought and couldn't find answers. So he began on a journey to find answer.

Happy_ff · 奇幻
1 Chs

New Begining

Huh.?.hm? ( After my eyes opened)

Where am I?

More important question- Who am I?

I think I forgot who I was or who I am...

...This place looks like a place fine enough before it collapsed

My inner were like this}

But it looks like body of mine is fine,

I need to take a exit from this creepy place

Just when I was about to move

And Going to the exit looking thing or a collapsed door ...

So you'r awake now?huh?

Guess it took u a long time..

A voice came from inside me

I was confused and suprised at the same time

H-huh..whoa. ( Shouting)

I begin to start shaking and I was soo confused

But voice said something like

[Don't panic I not ur enemy]

I question that voice

Who are u exactly and how do you know that I am awake

[ "You see just you think I know that because

I am inside ur mind]

My mind what did u mean

[ I am inside ur mind and I am possessing you]

Or so what voice that

But I was not sure to trust that voice

Because it may be a evil being or a ghost

Then another words came from that voice


[Just trust me I know what u are thinking

But I am not evil but opposite,I am ur friend

Who will help u in times of need ]

I said " ok but I still am not trusting u"

Or so something like this

Then voice said

[ Don't u still trust me ,I guess it's natural for u and I don't mind that ]

That voice is like " I imma ur best friend"

That emotion

But then I was thinking

Voice came from inside saying that

[ You need to go out from this place or u will be in a dangerous situation]

Danger when I heard that I begin to panic

But suddenly

I was reminded by that place that "I need to hurry"

Thinking about that I begin to run to that exit

( The one from before)

But I was late because the danger was already there


Suddenly a giant bug like creature appeared

As if he was finding his prey

Which is ofcourse me

I begin to tremble but I gather some courage

To handle that situation , It was because I was already informed of that danger( Giant bug)

I had nothing to save my life so I had no choice but to ask from that voice

Hey, "please help me or give me atleast some advice"

But nothing happed or silent begin to


Then the bug attacked me as if he was hunting for his food ( Me)

He attacked me with his hands looking things but I successfully doged them

But with that experience I was so scared

I even shout like

H-Help? Please someone help me?

But no response , I shouted for many times

But the end result was same

Suddenly it looked that I pissed (anger) the giant bug (Monster), with my shouting

He ( the bug ) attacked with acid attack

which came from his mouth

I almost saw death with that acid coming

But suddenly,

[ Give me your body for a sec ]

W-What is happening

( Some strange thing happened )

That was my thought at that moment

Suddenly my body move on its own as if I had become a doll and had no control over my body .

But I dodged that acid attack

I can see other things with my eyes but couldn't move my body

Then I saw that something covered my body

Which I couldn't understand

With that element on my body I attacked the bus which in reality I didn't because my body wasn't under my control

With that attack the bug died with my hands

I was so scared because I saw everything that happed but couldnt do anything

I was like " what happed"

My body felt normal like nothing happened

And I can also move my body again

Which mean my body was in my full control

That felt like a miracle since I thought I lost my body and I died

That was my opinion

After a while that voice came again

[ It was really close]

I was so confused and at last I asked the voice

W-What did u do with my body

But no response came like last time

Then I easily took a exit from that creepy place and I didn't encounter any monster like last time

I had many question when I left that place like

How did I get there in the first place

Who is voice

Why the monster was there

Why my body was taken over by someone

Who am I

There are many question in my mind but I had no answers

With that in mind I started a journey to find that "who am I"


The new ch will come the day after tomorrow

This is my new work

and I have no experience of it

if anyone is interested in this please tell me if anyone have any King of camplain

Thanks for reading my first work

Happy_ffcreators' thoughts