
Apocalypse with a cheat sheet

Bai Yanlong reset her life to three days before apocalypse. She would have liked to rip a new one to novel gods for giving her such a short time, but she hasn't got the time. Not that she can do much if there was more time. After all, she's but a poor college student from a middle class family. Now if only she could catch all the super powers in the world... What is this? she got the super powers? ... this doesn't sound right.. she has never been this lucky.. oh.. wait a minute why did that door handle vanish? she is sure it was there in middle of that door. It is only when she looked up that she realized. no good thing ever comes with out a price.. ֍-----------֎-----------֎ Discord : https://discord.gg/mRhYYtHPEy Instagram: Miuhozuki I answer questions on Discord, and post character pictures, location profiles and relevant content to story on Instagram.

miu_hozuki · 科幻言情
22 Chs

Clean up

Yanlong slowly trekked upwards, carefully holding the chaotic bead towards empty air.

She had a bad feeling this chaotic space will simply devour even concrete walls and metal doors if she so much as touches them with it.

She stumbled onto the floor and heaved a great breath.

The stink of blood and rotting meat is still in the air, but that's one thing all apocalypse survivors are accustomed to.

She sent a message to Meibing.

Yanlong; Cleaned up the spider zombie on the second floor.

Yanlong; Handle the rest. I will trust you, MeiBing!

Yanlong; I will meet you later. I have another urgent task to handle.

Yanlong; Leaving now.

MingZhu; Wait!

MingZhu; You wait a moment, Yanlong!

HuoMei; Bai Yanlong!

HuoMei; Stop for me!

Yanlong put the beeping cell phone away in space, cutting off the communication.

She walked to the room nearest to the vent, jumped on to the top bed, then climbed on to the ceiling frame from there.

In two hours, she returned to the admin building. She paused in the vent, drank her water, ate two hard tack biscuits.

She truly felt depleted of energy.

First, she has to handle that olympian zombie.

It will be an unparalleled disaster if the nucleus is found by another zombie, and Yanlong is entirely unwilling to let this treasure fall in hands of another human other than her.

All the apocalypse's top one percent have come from grabbing chances early.

So, she must grab that olympian nuclei.

Thus, after bolstering herself with water and sufficient food, Yanlong carefully crawled over to the location where she had last seen the Olympian zombie.

There were no other zombies enroute.

Why would there be!

University announced early closure when it saw fog, except for mad scientists, almost all of them must have returned to the living quarters.

She watched the zombie for more than half an hour before slowly descending the blood strings.

In just a single movement, she cut off the zombie's head.

It's quite anti climatic.

She retrieved the nucleus with blood string.

It is only then she lowered herself.

She took a picture of the zombie's face, sent it to her friends.

then retrieved his Id card, wallet and all other items on him.

Yanlong bet the id card would open the experimental plant space in front of her. She's not going to open it any time now, for plants are far more strong in apocalypse than zombies or animals.

If a plant truly had a malicious mutation, it's power almost always far exceeds that of an animal in the same tier.

Conversely, it's very easy to kill the plants if one knows their weakness.

Yanlong pocketed the nuclei, started walking towards the nearest bathroom.

She has to mix cactus-grow solution before she approaches the cactus.

The security measure applies to her too, and as long as she approaches that cactus, she will die just the same as others.

Thus, when she was twenty meters away from the cactus, Yanlong jumped onto the ceiling frame, started crawling slowly towards the safe spot ever so gently.

The precautions she took before meeting the Olympian of wearing thick clothes, wrapping herself like an exported meat pack came into use very much.

When she is ten meters away from the cactus, she ever so gently patted it, making sure she is in the blind spot of the attack zone.

The spine attack came so fast, Yanlong was startled internally even if she prepared herself.

She has a fifteen minute gap now.

She crawled right atop the cactus as fast as possible.

The cactus grow, and the mutator zombie and cactus thorns all are shredded together into a fine mud like substance.

Yanlong poured the prepared solution into the bucket underneath the cactus.

In just a few seconds , the cactus dropped. A normal person would never have been able to tell the difference.

If not for the cactus girl's knowledge, even Yanlong would not be able to tell, for the devil's in details.

The openings that shot out horns opened themselves outwards, the pink string which is half a hair's width, which ran all over the cactus loosened it's taut appearance.

It's really impossible for a non specialist to notice these tiny differences. Once again, Yanlong thanked her lucky stars she was able to find the cactus girl before another zombie.

Another zombie would have done everything the cactus girl wanted without question!

Then a super turret type cactus would have remained in girls dorms, killing everyone without thought.

Now, she slowly crawled back to the dean's room.

The cactus will evolve on its own now. If Jiushu thought the evolution too asymmetrical, she would adjust it's evolution with the cactus girl's nuclei.

She found everything where she left them.

Then she settled down on the ground, first stored the Olympian nuclei in white jade without absorbing it.

The Olympians are known for having strong will, but low power. As soon as she put the Olympian nuclei inside, two other green nuclei came hurtling towards it, incorporating themselves in the Olympian tablet thoroughly.

Rather than sensing how that transformation takes place, Yanlong picked up her mobile, removed the 'do not disturb' setting.

The messages flooded her phone.

HuoMei; Yanlong! Where are you? Why did you run away so fast?

HuoMei; what do you mean clean up! I still see zombies upstairs!

Yanlong; Before that, tell me exactly what happened last night, and what's happening now!

MingZhu; yesterday we tried cleaning up the second floor! Blah… blah …

Biyu; Now, the living are trying to mooch off us!

Yanlong; Does one of you have Huomei under control?

Biyu; I really regret not making friends sooner!

Biyu; I am trying to get her under control!

Suyan; I don't think Huomei is wrong! I was afraid too!

Yanlong; Suyan! I understand you were afraid, but you overcame it!

Yanlong; Taking in people now is like taking in pets! Only, these pets have far too many demands, and none of the loyalty.

Yanlong; if their demands are too much, pack all your stuff, move up to the second floor!

HuoMei; That's too much! How can we abandon friends!

Yanlong; Tell me someone gagged her mouth.

Biyu: Mei Bing did!

Yanlong; good job.

Yanlong; leave all leadership and diplomatic decisions to Mei-bing!

Huo mei: She's too cold!

Yanlong; You are too kind!

Yanlong; you can not afford to raise cowards and cut throats. You either suppress all of them with power, or leave them to their fate.

Yanlong; Even you are not powerful enough to afford the luxury of mercy!

Huomei; Fine. *pout* listen to Mei Bing.

Huo mei; You don't love me *pout* *pout* *pout* *pout*

Huo mei; I hate you! *angry* *angry* *angry*

Huo mei; Where are you?

Huo mei; When will you be back?

Yanlong; sleep for today!

Yanlong; Good night! *love* *hugs* *kisses*

Huo mei; *appeased* *asleep*.

15 minutes later!

Huo mei; *good night* *hugs*