

terrified and despaired, confused and chaotic is what we could describe the situation we are in this days . Sudden natural disasters and weather changes, abnormal animals mutations appearance. doomsday, apocalypse, judgement day and the end of the world are the most commonly used words nowadays. while people are caught in doubt and uncertainty, the whole world heard that voice, the voice that will be remembered as the savior and the exterminator at the same time . [[ Your protective world barrier have been expired ]] [[ Your world server have been connected to the universal server ]] [[ You have been connected to the universal server ]] [[ Your world have been reconnected to the endless land ]] [[ You shall be given a system to help and guide you to survive ]] [[ be mindful that once you die, your corpse will be revived as a cursed undead ]] [[ For more information, call your ‘ system’ ]] Davis is a normal young man who got stuck in this chaotic time, would he survive? would he perish? let's follow him in his journey and see what's the fate got for him, his friends and followers in this new mysterious world . [[ it's my first novel guys , so i hope you don't mind my mistakes and if there is any tell me in comments and i'll correct them , thank you in advance ]]

BigVolt · 奇幻
12 Chs

The forbidden bloodline



>Name : Davis Veron

>Title : { Natural hunter }

>Level : 6 (100/3000)

>System level : +SSS (MAX)

>Attributes : (unused points : 20)

Strength : 7 (10)

Physique : 7 (10)

Agility : 8 (10)

Vitality : 8 (10)

Stamina : 8 (10)

Will (soul) power : 10 (10)

Intelligence : 7 (10)

Sensitivity : 7 (10)

Magic power : 2 / Mana : 1 (NEW)

UC : 100.007.600 / Fame pts : 2200

>Bloodline ability : Super adaptivity ( 3.56%)

>Skills : { }

>Equipement : { }

>Missions { }

>Events { }

>Inventory MAX level { }

>Shop { }

>Underlings { }

>Territories { }

>Glories { }


Davis seeing this screen with all these new terms made him astonished. He can somehow understand the vague meaning of these words, but he needed the system to explain everything, so he may not be misdirected.

[[ the system will start an explanation about the host's system and status ]]

[[ the system is the method that the holy core made, so that all living creatures may have a way to survive and become stronger. Hosts can make use of the system through status, which contains many options, the more you become stronger the more options you will have ]]

[[ Now about the options, no need to explain Name, Title is a buff, and can be gained when the host makes an exceptional achievement. If the host have many titles, only one buff can be active, it cannot be stacked]]

[[ Level is the host current power, cultivation or rank, the system made the levels to simplify the power ranking and made it unified through the whole universe. It could be possible for two hosts to have the same level but not the same power ]]

[[ System level is the authorization given to hosts which makes a limitation to what they can have access to. For example, B-tier authorization access can only be able to make the host buy an item in the B, C,D,E,F and G-tier category, and not above ]]

[[ Attributes are a way to make the host understand his body's limits, advantages and weaknesses. This way it would be easier to know what he wants to develop more, making him more powerful in a specific and professional way. For example, an agility specialist host focus more on his sensitivity and agility. ]]

[[ unused points are the way the system makes the host stronger, when the host kills a creature, it leaking life energy and essence goes back to the world, which the system converse a part of it to attributes points, while the rest get exchanged as UC and Fame points. This is the system way of keeping the universe working and developing. The unused points cannot be manually distributed, since that would make the host stronger, but with a malnourished foundation. To allocate the points, the host needs to train hard and exercise in a special way, they could also be auto-located when he is constantly pressured in life and death situations. If the host needs to know the meaning of his attributes, he can check them that later in the status. ]]

[[ UC or the universal coin is the united currency in the universe which makes it easier to buy, exchange and transfer money between host and system or between the hosts themselves. The Fame points are imaginary coins that the host can obtain by killing, leveling up, finishing missions or by having an achievement, they can be used to upgrade the system level. You had already maxed the system level, so Fame points are meaningless to you ]]

[[ Bloodline ability is the body way of getting more stronger, the body or more accurately, the body's genetic system absorbs the elemental energy or the mana from the surrounding and uses it to mutate and evolve, after the evolution is complete, the host will gain his bloodline ability which can variate from host to other. The human race is known for its variation of bloodline abilities unlike some others races. ]]

[[ Skills are the techniques given by the system to make it easier for the host to become stronger and survive. They are classified into two big categories : the active skills and the passive skills.]]

[[ The active skills are divided from bottom to top into G,F,E,D,C,B,A,S,SS,SSS, each grade is limited to a level, lv1 to lv10 hosts can only use a G-tier and F-tier skill and not above, lv11 to lv20 can use F-tier and E-tier skills, etc. The skills from G-tier to C-tier can be learned instantly with the help of the system, while the skills above these tiers ( B to SSS ) need to be learned manually by the host.]]

[[ The passive skills are harder to obtain, since they can be auto activated and have no level limitation, which makes them an important resource for the hosts. The passive skills are divided into three types :

The basic type skill : the more easier to obtain, like sword mastery skill, spear mastery skill, cooking mastery skill …, there are the basic skills that were known to hosts before, their advantage is that they can level up with the host, they start with a G grade, and if the host train in them well and become more stronger, the skills can also level up and can reach to SSS grade.

Unique skills : these are the unusual skills that have some odd effects, these types of skills can be purchased if the host has an B level system.

Special skills : based on law skills like life, space, death, time and fate laws, they are the harder skills to obtain, only if the host has an S, SS or SSS authorization that he will have the privilege to buy a skill in this caliber.

Special skills can be learned instantly by the host, but he need to practice it to fully understand it and unlock its full potential ]]

[[ Equipements are weapons, armors, clothes, accessories and items that have an effect on the host stats. They too are classified into grades from G grade to SSS grade with the corresponding level limitation. Special items need A, S, SS or SSS to be purchased, but they positive point is that they can be used at any level.]]

[[ Missions are given by the system to make hosts stronger, and provide them with rewards when they complete them ]]

[[ Events option is a way to invite a particular division of hosts, to a particular benefits assembly done by organisations with an A grade authorization or above, the contents of these events are always to make benefits like tournaments, auctions, exchange auction, even legacy trials and dungeon exploring … ]]

[[ Inventory is a space given to hosts for saving their valuables, it can only give access to the host himself. The capacity is related to the system level, the higher the system the higher the capacity ]]

[[ Shop is the platform where the system sells all kinds of things, from skills and items to living creatures and raw materials ]]

[[ Underlings option gives the host a list of the people who swore their loyalty to him. With your system level, this option will show you the loyalty parameters of your underlings which makes it hard for them to betray you. Your lovers, slaves and pets are under the effect of this option too.]]

[[ Territory will show you the regions under your authority, it will provide you with a rough idea about the regions surrounding your world. If a territory was attacked to host will be alerted ]]

[[ Glories is an additional option that will record your achievements ]]

[[ You should know that your maxed system level gave a full option system with all benefits unlocked, hosts with low system level will have a low system with limited options]]

The system finished his explanation and quieted down so that Davis could fully digest all these information. After some time, Davis asked the system, " can I use the bloodline now so I can live again? I have people to protect, so please can we hurry up?".

[[ It depends on your ability to unlock the bloodline seals, you need at least to unlock 5% of the bloodline seals to be revived ]]

" Alright, let's get started right away"

[[ please check your inventory and select the item ]]

Davis went into the inventory option, when clicked on it, the screen turned into a divided table, 100 squares were on the first page while the number of the first page was 1/10 which means that his inventory has 1000 slots, each slot can have x100 of the same item.

Some slots are filled with items he got from the rewards, when he focuses on something it will display it information on a new screen. In no time he found the parasite bloodline since the items he had are not that many.

When he clicked on the item, a notification was shown in front of him.

[[ Do you want to use the ' anti-energy evolved parasite bloodline '? ]]

" Yes", Davis answered without delay.

[[ The host will consume the anti-energy evolved parasite bloodline, the system will monitor the host bloodline and guide him for a better result. The fusion of the bloodline will start now, be ready host ]]

After the notification Davis felt something was itching in the middle of his chest area, the itching was negligible at first, but after a few moments the itching turned into pain and the pain turned into an unforgettable torturing. He felt like his whole soul was being poked by a hundred thousand needles.

" ARGHHHHHHH", screaming with all he had was all Davis came with to relieve a bit of his pain.

The pain was increasing, and Davis felt like he was in hell for eternity. After an unknown time, the stabbing pain lessened, he started to feel a lot better as he heard a notification from the system.

[[ Bloodline seals unlocked : 1% ]]

" ARGHHHHHHH", before he could even think, the intolerable pain was felt again.

In this lonely dark void, the sound of screaming never stopped for 3 days...

Green city was living the nightmare, the undead were roaming the streets, searching for prey, while the mutated beast would ride the city day and night. The city that was known for its quiet and peaceful atmosphere was now a hunting ground, with the plants growing everywhere, Green city was now green-tier than what it was supposed to be.

In Freedom street, plants have covered almost everything, Elina's house, that could not be recognized anymore due the climbing plants that almost reached the roof, was now a battleground of two 2.5 meters tall beast, one of them was resembling a rat, well a giant rat with bloodthirsty eyes, the other one was a giant black cat with yellowish eyes that contains a bit of humans intelligence, the cat was now having an intense battle with its previous prey, what is supposed to be a cat bullying a rat was now an equal battle of two hungry predators.

After five minutes of wrestling and biting, nature seemed to take its course, as the cat killed the mutated rat. The inside of the house was upside down, the furniture was destroyed and the walls were not in a good shape anymore.

The giant black cat laid beside the door of Davis' room, and began to lick his wounds making purring sounds. Before long, the door was opened showing the figure of Elina, she had a pale face, messy hair and a thinner body, her eyes were red due to the lack of sleep. She was nowhere her previous graceful self, the apocalypse had made her like this, and Davis disappearance had made her a hard blow. She was now like a soulless body, her survival was thanks to her loyal cat Lili which never left her side after that dark day.

Elina looked at the injured Lili and her eyes seemed to regain a bit of warmth, she crouched down and began to pat Lili black smooth fur, making her purr with happiness. The cat never forgot the one who took care of her when she was a small pet, protecting Elina was its purpose of life now.

" Ah Lili, you are my last family member, Davis is messing since that day, I have no way to check on him if he still alive or not, the damn internet and network are not running anymore, all our neighbors are now roaming the street eating each others while the fucking beasts are attacking our house everyday. what have we done to be in this situation, oh God", Elina started crying and sobbing, making Lili as her pillow, the cat seemed a lot smarter and started to lick Elina's shoulder as a way of consoling.

This day was the third since the dark day, Elina almost ate nothing, the fridge was not working anymore, and all the food stored inside was no more edible, even though there was some canned food in the kitchen, she had no appetite, nor the mind to do anything. She just shut herself in Davis' room, curled in his bed and feeling his remaining smell and warmth that brought her a bit of safety and hope that Davis was still alive, her heart could feel that Davis was no more in this world.

She was somehow right, because Davis had really died three days ago, however that hasn't made her lose hope, something was telling her that Davis was still alive and he will return to her safe and sound. You can call that her sixth sense or her feeling for him were strong enough to feel his existence, or maybe even some kind of ability, because while she was sobbing and thinking of him, something in her mind have made a sudden change, she could finally feel it, she could feel right at that moment that the connection between her and Davis have returned somehow.

Elina stood up and ran with all her power to the window, she used her shaking hands to remove the plants that had already reached the window on the second floor. Elina poke her face from the window and began to search the street, after finding nothing she directed her gaze to the north where she could see the giant trees that were invading the city, she fixed her gaze their for a long time before turning around with relieved face and went to the kitchen to eat something to regain her strength.

' Thank God he is alive, I swear I can feel him, is this because of the ability that was written in my status?!' Elina thought with her mind at ease after her discovery, she could literally feel a connection between her and Davis a few moments ago.

The ability that she was talking about was what she got the past days when she was thinking of Davis the whole day while sniffing his clothes. The system sent her a notification telling her that her body started to evolve and she got a new ability.

The ability's name was ' Telepathy', she only had a rough idea about it and that it was something related to feeling others from a distance.

While Elina was thinking of Davis, not noticing that her feelings for him have made a big change after he went missing. In the direction that she was staring at a while ago, deep in the jungle, a white cocoon was shining with a grey light, the trees and plants surrounding the cocoon seemed to wither and die when the grey light passed them.

Inside the cocoon, Davis suddenly opened his eyes, they shone with a cold light, his body releasing a thick killing intent and an ancient aura, making him look like an evil existence that wanted to devour the whole universe.