
She Will Become A Monster

編輯: Henyee Translations

Winter in Xiang City always arrived exceptionally early. Qiao Lingxiang stared silently at the dried leaves floating down the side of the road. She looked at the time. A few days later, Xiang City would be shivering cold.

If she still wanted to sleep in the basement, she would need two layers of blankets.

This wasn't difficult to arrange. She hadn't packed up her things from her dorm so if she told the dormitory auntie that she wanted to go back to get her blanket, the auntie would allow her.

However, her stamina was awful. She would pant heavily the moment she performed any light exercise. Things that seemed simple and easy to others were a big deal for someone Qiao Lingxiang's size.

With this in mind, she came up with a plan. She would visit the cafeteria for food first before going to her dorm to pack her blanket. Then she would walk home… and walk to her basement.

However, the instant she walked out of the classroom building, she ended up beside the parterre again.

Qiao Lingxiang noticed that Qiu Chen, Xiong Yangbo, and Zhong Tie were sitting beside the parterre with bruises all over their faces.

Were they waiting to beat her? She knew that things wouldn't end so easily.

Qiao Lingxiang's heart turned cold. She didn't have anything now. So, she was afraid of nothing.

She strode over with large steps.

Qiu Chen, Xiong Yangbo, and Zhong Tie were fiercely beaten up by Cen Yi and Lu Zhengqing a moment ago. They sat beside the parterre and were venting among themselves.

Basically, Qiu Chen and Zhong Tie both blamed Xiong Yangbo.

Xiong Yangbo hit Qiao Lingxiang with a brick to the point where she fainted. He didn't inspect her properly and made them think that Qiao Lingxiang had dead. They had almost scared themselves to death.

When they saw the fatty, Qiao Lingxiang, walking over with her schoolbag, Qiu Chen and Zhong Tie kept quiet. They were still hurting from Cen Yi's beating. His warning still lingered around them. They didn't dare to do anything to Qiao Lingxiang.

On the other hand, Xiong Yangbo was young and immature. He was seething with anger because of Qiu Chen and Zhong Tie's accusations so when he saw Qiao Lingxiang walking over slowly, he stood up immediately and shouted at her angrily, "What are you looking at? Are you stupid? All you do is complain to your sister's admirer. If you have the guts, come and hit us yourself."

Qiao Lingxiang stopped in her tracks. She looked at Xiong Yangbo with an empty gaze. In the end, she didn't reply to him. She continued to walk forward.

Zhong Tie pulled at Xiong Yangbo when he saw this. He wanted Xiong Yangbo to stop talking.

But Xiong Yangbo continued.

"So what if I hit you? I didn't hit you to death."

This caused Qiao Lingxiang to freeze. Her heart turned into ice. She turned on the spot. She wanted to ignore Qiu Chen and his friends and head to the cafeteria, but now, she was walking straight towards Xiong Yangbo.

She picked up a brick on the ground and threw it at Xiong Yangbo. She said furiously, "If you hadn't mentioned it, I would've almost forgotten about this. You hit me with a brick. So what if you hit me? All of you think it wouldn't matter if I died. My life has nothing to do with you. What right do you have to hit me?"

Her heart was empty but that didn't mean she wouldn't get infuriated when she heard such words. Suppressing her feelings for so long caused her to lose control today.

Yes, Qiao Lingxiang had decided to let herself loose. No one loved her but she didn't need love from anyone else. If other people hit her, she would retaliate.

What was the point of being a good student? No one cared about her. They only thought she was a troublemaker. Her classmates looked down on her and everyone treated her like some weird monster. They ostracized her and pushed her out of their community.

In that case, she would become an actual monster!

Xiong Yangbo didn't expect Qiao Lingxiang to still have so much strength after he hit her with a brick earlier that afternoon. She was bleeding all over her face at that time.

He froze on the spot, dazed. Zhong Tie pulled at him from behind so Qiao Lingxiang's brick wouldn't hit his head. Instead, it smashed into Xiong Yangbo's arm.

He screamed in pain. Immediately, he flared up in anger. He grabbed Qiao Lingxiang's clothes and started wrestling with her.

Xiong Yangbo howled loudly.

"I'm so unlucky today! I was hit by Cen Yi and now, you're hitting me too!"

The two of them grappled with each other. They were a similar height but Qiao Lingxiang was 125 kg so she pressed Xiong Yangbo directly to the ground and strangled his neck immediately.

Xiong Yangbo hit Qiao Lingxiang's stomach, chest, and face continuously… but neither one could get the upper hand.

Beside them, Zhong Tie watched Qiao Lingxiang picking up another brick as the punches rained on her body. He hurriedly dashed over and snatched the brick from her hand. He pushed her off Xiong Yangbo's body.

"Qiao Lingxiang, are you crazy? How dare you retaliate? If you don't retaliate, we won't hit you!"

"Am I supposed to let you hit me without retaliating?! What kind of logic is that?"

She screamed. How was this fair? She couldn't retaliate when other people hit her. If she retaliated and other people kept hitting her, it would be her fault for retaliating. Fair, fair, this was so fair. Hahaha.

Qiao Lingxiang was already immersed in the fight. She turned and grabbed Zhong Tie. Then she punched him a few times.

Qiu Chen opened his mouth. He felt the swollen edge of his lips hurting so he paused before pointing at Qiao Lingxiang and saying angrily, "You want to fight? Sure, if you have the guts, don't complain to Cen Yi this time!"

"I won't. I'll take responsibility if I beat you to death. I'll go to jail!" Qiao Lingxiang screamed shrilly. She took a few hits from Zhong Tie. She stretched out and clawed aimlessly at the air. Zhong Tie's face and hands were covered with bloody scratches.

Zhong Tie had already been beaten by Cen Yi so his strength had dropped by half. His entire body was hurting. There were ghastly scratches on his face and hands.

He wailed in pain. He was burning with anger too.

"Qiu Chen, she said she won't tell Cen Yi. Hit her!"

Qiu Chen rushed forward and kicked Qiao Lingxiang a few times. His body hurt too. Cen Yi was a muscular boy who was well-rounded when it came to sports. Compared to the weakling Qiu Chen who only knew how to bully small children, he was a much better fighter.

Cen Yi could evade his vital organs but still make him cry in pain.

Because of his injuries, Qiu Chen couldn't fight properly. His pants were grabbed by Qiao Lingxiang and she almost pulled them off.

Qiu Chen needed to hold onto his pants and hit Qiao Lingxiang at the same time. A second of inattentiveness enabled Qiao Lingxiang to drag him to the ground. She rolled over and picked up a brick with her hand. She wanted to smash Qiu Chen with it.

Qiu Chen quickly blocked his head. Qiao Lingxiang noticed. Oh, so when you fight and get hit, you need to protect your head first. She learned something new.

She evaded Qiu Chen's head as she whacked him with the brick. All her strikes landed on Qiu Chen's arm. After all, that was a vital spot of the body. Not everyone was as lucky as her. She only fainted for some time after her head was struck. It wasn't even hurting now.

The world was a little messy but if you killed someone, it would still be troublesome.

Qiao Lingxiang learned from her past experiences and mimicked Qiu Chen, Xiong Yangbo, and Zhong Tie's reactions when they got hit. She endured their attacks when they beat her and retaliated with much difficulty amidst their kicks and punches.