
Don't Use Such Formalities

編輯: Henyee Translations

Lu Zhengqing held Qiao Lingxiang up so that she could separate herself from Qiu Chen.

Qiu Chen was already in a complete daze from all the strangling. Lu Zhengqing looked down at him. He pressed the cigarette between his fingers onto Qiu Chen's face.

His facial skin got burnt and a crackling sound could be heard. Qiu Chen screamed in pain. He snapped to his senses because of the pain and his neck and forehead hurt. There wasn't a single part of his body that didn't.

The pain made him so weak that he couldn't even crawl up from the ground. He lay on the ground weakly.

As for Cheng Tian, after withstanding a few hits from Cen Yi, he sustained injuries to his face, stomach, and legs.

Cen Yi seemed to hit him lightly but in fact, every single hit seemed strong enough to shatter his bones. Cheng Tian felt he couldn't continue like this. He panted. His entire body was drenched as though he just came out of a pool. He bent down and placed his hands on his knees.

When he saw Cen Yi walking forward, he raised his hand and motioned a "pause" sign with his hand.

He said to Cen Yi, "I'm not fighting. I'm not fighting anymore."

Cen Yi tilted his head. His tongue pushed against his inner cheek. He kicked Cheng Tian to the ground and scoffed.

"Are we going to stop fighting just because you say so? Did you ask for my approval?"

Cheng Tian coughed on the ground a few times. He straightened up and ran off immediately.

"F**k, what a coward. You're running away already?"

Cen Yi looked in disbelief in the direction Cheng Tian was running. He bent and picked up the school bag on the ground. He hooked the schoolbag casually and swung it over his back. Then, he walked towards Qiao Lingxiang.

Qiao Lingxiang's back was facing him. Her hair covered her face so no one could see the expression on her face.

Cen Yi walked over and glanced at Lu Zhengqing who was standing beside Qiao Lingxiang.

Lu Zhengqing shrugged and pointed at Qiu Chen who was lying motionlessly on the ground.

He said to Cen Yi, "He's still alive."

Then, he pointed at Qiao Lingxiang.

"She still hasn't snapped out of her daze."

Cen Yi nodded. He walked towards Qiao Lingxiang and asked her in a cheerful tone, "Hey, Qiao Lingxiang, have you eaten breakfast? Do you want to eat together?"

Qiao Lingxiang's short hair was wet and she was looking at the ground. She slowly lifted her head. Aside from some blood splatters on her face, there were no other visible injuries.

The red patch earlier had disappeared too.

She shook her head. Then, she nodded. Then, she shook her head again.

She said honestly, "I don't have food coupons. I want to treat you misters to a meal to thank you but I don't have food coupons."

Cen Yi fought for her again. Logically and emotionally, she should treat Cen Yi to a meal. Unfortunately, she didn't have any energy coupons to spare. Without energy coupons, she couldn't buy food coupons. Thus, she couldn't treat Cen Yi to any good food.

"I've already told you to stop using such formalities. It's so awkward that my hairs are standing up."

Cen Yi shivered. Then he smiled handsomely at Qiao Lingxiang and said to her, "It looks like you're fine too. Come, I'll lend you two food coupons today. My treat."

Since Cen Yi had already extended the invitation, Qiao Lingxiang felt it would be awkward if she didn't accept his food coupons. So, she followed Cen Yi and Lu Zhengqing to the cafeteria.

Up until now, no guards had appeared nor had school personnel arrived at the scene.

This was abnormal. They seemed to be held captive in this place. Aside from the students with good grades, the others were all left to survive on their own.

No one cared if you fought. No one bothered about Qiu Chen who was lying on the ground.