
Apocalypse in DxD

The Lamb of God, or Lion of Judah opens the first four of the seven seals, which summons forth four beings that ride out on white, red, black, and pale horses. Although some interpretations differ, in most accounts, the four riders are seen as symbolizing Conquest, War, Famine, and Death, respectively.

LUVxLUX · 漫画同人
37 Chs


( Ralph's POV )

The pervert is doing well, using Ascalon to nullify Albion's power. He destroyed Vali's Armour and took his dragon orb out and attached it to his own gauntlet.... that must have cost him a large part of his lifespan.

The power of gods come from 'Authority'.What 'Authority' exactly is? 'Authority' is the power to rule over existence, for example- Poseidon has authority over seas which grants him the ability to control water bodies. Ddraig and Albion also have their own Authority, Domination and Supremacy.

Ddraig's Domination allows him to warp reality to increase his power, in other words, the universe itself supplies him with power.

Albion's Supremacy allows him to divide anything that is under the rules of the world ever someone's existence.

Domination and Supremacy are Authorities of opposite nature, though the Issei's power of Supremacy is incomplete, it will cost him a part of his lifespan.

Anyways, Vali tried to use Half-dimension but it was Interrupted by Issei. How the hell he got so much power suddenly? It's because Azazel told him that Vali would shrink Rias's breasts into half their size. Whatever.... at least he managed to push Vali back.

Vali: Situation calls for it.Juggernaut Drive.

Albion: Vali are you sure?

Vali: I, who am about to awaken,

Am the Heavenly Dragon who has taken the principles of supremacy from God

I envy the "infinite" and I purs...

Let's see the full power of White Dragon Emperor.... ah, fuck.. the barrier protecting the Academy shattered and a young man wearing a Chinese armour appeared out of nowhere. It was easy to recognize him, Bikou the descendant of legendary Sun Wukong.

He took Vali with him and rest is all bullshit, I am leaving.

( POV end )

The next day, the ORC got to met their new club advisor Azazel with his new mechanical arm.


Few days went by nothing interesting happened, Gremory peerage fought a panties monster..... yes, a panties monster. A monster made of panties.


In Delfós family, they were having an important discussion about their next step.

Jamie: Nothing interesting has been happening lately, why are we still staying here?

Ralph: It's because I don't want to go back to the Black Circle yet.

Ryan: Again... dad is one of the leaders of the Circle, you all think that he would agree.

Liam: I just want to get out of here. We are not getting stronger staying here anyway and if we go back to the Circle, our life will be back to usual, completing tasks and training.

Blair: That's the reason I am staying here for so long.

Ralph: Then maybe, we should take a trip.

Ralph statement got everyone's attention.

Blair: Trip?

Ryan: Brother what do you mean?

Ralph: We have all gotten stronger but we haven't unlocked our main weapons, so until we unlock them we should use something as a substitute.

Liam: That's actually a... good idea.

Ralph: Which types of weapons, do you all want?

Ryan: Obviously, a sword.A large sword.

Jamie: Guns, bows... any long-range type weapon is fine with me.

Liam: Unlike the original Famine, I like to fight close combat so a spear suits my taste.

Blair: Can I join in? I want a magic staff.

Ralph: Welcome aboard. So, where should we start? Sword, bow, spear or staff.


-A few days later, Ireland-

After arguing for hours mainly because of Blair, they finally reached a decision. Liam's spear is first on their list.

They travelled through a portal to the other side, the hidden magical realm of Ireland. Ireland is connected to a different dimension. Only those with connection to the supernatural can travel to the other side, the place where Irish divinities the Tuatha Dé Danann and other supernatural beings reside in, the other world which is known as Tír nAill.

The entire magical realm was divided into ten parts.Tír Tairngire ("land of promise"), Tír na nÓg ("land of youth"), Tír fo Thuinn ("land under the wave"), Tír na mBeo ("land of the living"), Mag Mell ("plain of delight"), Mag Findargat ("the white-silver plain"), Mag Argatnél ("the silver-cloud plain"), Mag Ildathach ("the multicoloured plain"), Mag Cíuin ("the gentle plain"), Emain Ablach ("isle of apples") and Tech Duinn ("House of the Dark One").


The Four Horseman and Blair were currently in Tír Tairngire. The legends described this place as a supernatural realm where there is everlasting youth, beauty, health, abundance and joy, and where time moves differently and it's somewhat true, the Aurora in the sky, tiny rabbits like beings with wings flying everywhere.

Blair: "So... where do we go first." , Even the usually cool Blair was shocked by the scenery.

Liam: Brother?

Ralph: Which spear do you want to try first?

Liam: Mac an Luin, the spear of Fionn mac Cumhaill.