
Apocalypse in DxD

The Lamb of God, or Lion of Judah opens the first four of the seven seals, which summons forth four beings that ride out on white, red, black, and pale horses. Although some interpretations differ, in most accounts, the four riders are seen as symbolizing Conquest, War, Famine, and Death, respectively.

LUVxLUX · 漫画同人
37 Chs

Maybe we are evil

( Jamie's pov)

"Sinners must be punished.", A voice was heard. While hiding in the darkness of the room, I got a good look at our 'summoner'. He had white

hair and he was wearing the uniform of a priest.

Freed: My name is Freed Zellen. I'm a priest, performing devil exorcisms for mankind.

Hearing he's a priest, Issei took a few steps

back while Freed took out a pistol and a handle, which ended up being a light Sword.

'Too much star wars.'

Without waiting, he summoned his sacred

gear, which made Freed even more excited. He went in for a punch but Freed avoided he attacked and slashed the devil's back.

I was ready to jump in when the scream of a girl was heard. She was looking terrified at the dead bodies on the floor.

Freed: Asia-chan, did you break through the barrier?

Asia: What is this?

Frees: So you're still a beginner. This is our job, we kill humans who associated themselves with devils.

'This guy...', I was getting amused.

Asia: "Bu-", she stopped when she saw Issei

on the floor.

'Wait a minute, don't tell me this is the


Issei kept his head low and apologized, while Freed explained to the girl that a human can't live with a devil unless a fallen angel approves.

"Fallen angels? Those guys again?"

The priest prepared to end Issei's life when

Asia got in between.

Freed: Oh, no.

The girl begged the priest to let Issei go, saying he's a good person and that God wouldn't approve of this. This made me more amused, more than that... I could not help but laugh. But this made the priest angrier and he ripped the girl's clothes and pinned her to a wall.

The priest started spouting some nonsense about she needed punishment and how it's a priest job to fuck a nun. I stepped out of the shadows and kicked him on the back, it's just rapists personally disgust me.

Issei: Who are you?

"I am here too.", said Ralph picking up the girl and then leaving her not far away from there.

Freed: More humans aiding devils?

Jamie: Trust me, I don't give a fuck about them.

"Oh, a feisty one. I like it...but you'll have to stay in line.", Freed said almost killing Issei, if it wasn't for Kiba who popped out of a red circle, followed by Akeno, Koneko and then Rias.

Playing the hero Again.....

Kiba: I'm afraid I can't let you kill him. He's one of us.

Freed: Haha, this is awesome. More devils, please stay quiet and let me kill you!

Akeno: "Ara, Ara, Even a devil can choose his opponent.",She said with a devilish look.

Freed: Oh, is that love or a death glare? I love to give AND received a death glare.

Gremory: Why don't I eradicate you with a glare.

She announced preparing to strike if it wasn't for my yell.

"Wait your turn, Gremory. I saw him first!"

When she turned at me, her eyes widened

when she saw golden lightning covering my skin. The power of this lightning surpass Baraqiel's lightning and is strong as if not. stronger than Indra's lightning.

"It's time to show the devils, what a conqueror looks like."

During this dark aura covered Ralph and I launched a lightning bolt at Freed which he blocked with his sword but he ended up losing it. It was destroyed by his lightning, which was stronger than Baraqiel's lightning and probably was strong as if not stronger as the power of Indra's lightning.

Freed ran away with fallen angels and took Asia while Ralph was distracted but not before getting hit by Ralph's dark energy which had strong corrosion power in it. Freed dodged most of the power released by the attack but that little part attack he was hit by may have destroyed his skin, nerves, muscles and most part of his bones of his hand. In the end, he escaped with the fallen angels into a portal.

Rias: Who are you both?

Ralph: You know Liam?

Rias: Yes...

Ralph: We are his brothers.

Rias was surprised by this and said they have broken the agreement.

Rias suggested that we should go back with them to ORC with them, it was late and I needed my ten hours sleep but ok, let's do this.

Issei: What about Asia?

Rias: They already left

Ralph: Let's go back first.

One of our Horsemen powers is to open teleportation portals, it could be used to transport anyone or anything unlike devil seals used by Rias which can only be used by devils. Rias disappeared into a portal leaving us there.

- In the ORC-

We all got back, but Issei wasn't happy and grabbed my collar despite his injured leg.

Issei: I thought you are human and she is also human then why didn't you saved her.

' I am getting sick of this. '

I said nothing and punched him in the stomach which made him cough blood.

"She made her choice joining the Church's dark side, she made her decision joining them so yes, I don't care about her."

I looked at Ralph expecting him to say something.

Ralph: He may help those who aren't part of supernatural on their own violation but she made her decision.

"Maybe we are evil. So what?"

( POV end )

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