
Apocalypse in DxD

The Lamb of God, or Lion of Judah opens the first four of the seven seals, which summons forth four beings that ride out on white, red, black, and pale horses. Although some interpretations differ, in most accounts, the four riders are seen as symbolizing Conquest, War, Famine, and Death, respectively.

LUVxLUX · 漫画同人
37 Chs


In a forest near the villa where the wedding should have been, 2 individuals were talking, a girl and a monkey warrior.

Monkey: Well, well, we came to check on the dragon and found out something way more interesting, don't you agree?

Girl: Haha, I never expected the human to hide so much potential. It's making me shiver just thinking about it nya~

Monkey: Again with your plan of getting power?

Girl: Fufufu, I wonder, what else is he hiding?

..... ....

( Ralph's POV )

Next day. After an eventful day, we moved to the mansion, looks like the devils haven't planted any spying devices here... I can finally relax. Don't get me wrong, I'm fine with the idea that the devils may be hostile towards us, but at the same time, I can't stop thinking that this may cause problems in the future. What's done is done, I can go to sleep now.

"Hey, how about we go get some drinks?",My younger brother Liam asked. Normally, I would agree with him, but as I said, all I wanted was to sleep.

"You can go, I'm too tired.", I simply responded.

"You sure?", Jamie questioned and I nodded. "Well, I'll bring some home for you. Be careful, you know what happens when you sleep."

Ah yes, my curse...how can I forget. Well, at least I can watch the stars if I can't sleep. And so, as my brothers left, I got on the rooftop and gazed at the stars. For some reason, this action, it reminded me of a hunter I met during my travels. He was old but still caring for 2 little boys...rest in peace, Mr.Blaze.

During the night it's pretty cold outside and I was wearing just a t-shirt and jeans. But at the same time, I'm a living flamethrower, so the cold never bothered me anyway. Everything was calm around

me until I felt something, better said someone hugging me from behind.

"Long time no see.", the person said and

I recognized her instantly, same ears, same


"Stop clinging to me.", I warned, but she didn't move an inch.

"Eh?! But it's so cold outside and you're warm. Come on, Ralph~". She somehow learned my name, but I didn't know hers.

"Sigh. Who exactly are you and why are you here?", I asked her.

"Hmm, you don't remember me? How cruel~". She was starting to get on my nerves.

"I meant your name. You know mine, what's yours?", I questioned one more time.

"Should I tell you? Why not, I'm Kuroka, it's a pleasure to meet you ". In an instant, my eyes changed colour. If she knows that much, she can be a danger.

"Oh, why the sudden change? You're not going to hurt me, are you?", She asked, pretending to be hurt.

"I said that I'll do it if you give me a reason. I'm at the edge of my patience. Why are you here?", I asked raising my body temperature.

"Sigh.fine, fine. You know, I did say I'm looking for power, remember?", she started explaining.

"Then you got the wrong house. The pervert doesn't live here.", I specified.

"I know that. Besides, my instincts tell me you are stronger than a dragon, so...". She started to learn more about me, trying to seduce me.

"You want me to give you a shower of flames so you

can continue gold-digging?", I asked in a mocking way.

She didn't seem to enjoy the comeback, but she didn't get angry either.

"You see, this is why I like you. You don't throw yourself at just anybody. Your girlfriend must be really lucky~"

"Yeah, when I meet her...", I said with stopping myself from saying 'again'.

She seemed surprised by my words.

"O-oi.I thought guys don't usually talk about this kind of stuff cause it's embarrassing."

"Well, I'm not just any guy.", besides, what's the point of trying when I can see their souls... they're all rotten.

"Hmm, then that means you're free. I still have a chance~", she said to herself.

She got even closer, to the point where she was forcing me to look her in the eyes.

"Hey, won't you give me a chance?~", she asked with hope in her eyes...and a bit of lust.

For the sake of it, I looked at her soul. Of course, there was corruption because of her hunt for power, but there was something else...an untouched part dedicated towards a single person. Genuinely speaking, I was going to destroy her soul. Ralph control yourself or you will go all heyday like last time.

"Sigh..even if I were to give you a chance, that wouldn't happen in a day. If you want to get me, cheap tactics like seduction won't work on me. As I said, I'm not Hyoudou." For some reason, my words made her smile.

" Well, that's better than a 'no' " she explained before licking my right cheek.

"We'll meet again, Rather "

After that, she disappeared.

Me: Fucking Bimbo...

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