
Apocalypse Fortress

It had been 10 years since the apocalypse had started. Zombies, mutated beasts, the works. Most of humanity had holed up in small shelters, living each day in fear, not knowing if it was going to be their last. Natasha, after having been betrayed by her "friend", died, left behind to distract a zombie horde while foraging for resources. Unexpectedly, she woke up in the past, one year before the start of the apocalypse, with a strange system in her head that allowed her to buy and sell materials, information, power, structures, and weapons. She decided that she wouldn't let what had happened to her in her last life happen again. She was going to build a base, save as many people as possible, and prepare for the apocalypse. --------------------------------------- Chapter lengths are around 1500 to 2500 words per chapter. Please leave a rating down below, it really helps!

TromJH2424 · 都市
23 Chs

Kyle's Encounter

----------------------- Kyle Tamber's POV -----------------------

I woke up, sitting blot upright in bed.

"What the hell?!" I exclaimed. If someone were to be observing me at that moment, it would seem as if I was staring in bewilderment at the open air in front of me, but I wasn't just staring at air.

<Download complete. Initiating startup sequence>

<Advanced Esper(AE) starting up>

Rubbing my eyes, I couldn't understand what I was seeing. I had been woken up by a loud chiming noise. Thinking it was my alarm clock, I went to slap at it when I saw this screen in front of me.

<AE User Interface>

<User Status>

<User Rank>

Looking at this, my mind blanked out for a moment as I sat there trying to comprehend the situation. Finally gaining focus again, excitement floods through my veins.

"No way! Could it...it must be! What else could it be?!" Just barely managing not to shout, I continue, thinking to myself.

"If it is what I think it is, then... Aha!" Mentally clicking on <User Status> in my mind, a list of numbers pop up.

<User Status>

<Health : 9>

<Strength : 8>

<Agility : 11>

<Endurance : 9>

<Willpower : 8>

<Intelligence : 10>

<Charm : 11>

<Luck : 14>

<Active Skills : None>

<Passive Skills : Fortune's Touch>

'I knew it! It's like those novels which I've read before!' I exclaim, but in my mind this time. 'Wait... if I have a system...DID I DIE!!!' Beads of sweat start forming on my forehead. I frantically reach to turn on the bedside lamp, relieved when my hand hits the switch.

'Ok, I haven't died. Thank god.'

Looking back at the screen, I regain my excitement. 'Since I have a system, doesn't that mean that I can become over powered, defeating the bad guys, saving the heroins, and making a harem!' I almost start drooling thinking about it.

'I got to check this out!' Getting out of bed, I make my way out of the bedroom and into the living room. I had just moved out of my parents house, so the rooms weren't very large at all, barely able to be called rooms.

Sitting down on the couch, I try to mentally click on the thing that interests me the most, the passive skill Fortune's Touch. When I click it, a description of it pops up, which I then read.

When I finish reading, I'm a little disappointed. I had thought that with a name like Fortune's Touch, whenever I touched something, I would be able to change its fortune, but it was much less impressive than that, but still amazing.

Basically, events would favor me, like I would meet the right person at the right time or I would happen to be in the right place at the right time.

'I need to test this. How much does it affect fate? Will it make other people be unlucky? Since its a passive skill, does that mean that I can't use it directly?' Questions spun about in my mind, but to answer each, I would need to test out my ability.

Quickly putting on some clothes, which were worn out and needed to be replaced, I head out to leave.

Passing by the kitchen counter, I decide to take my trusty pocket knife along with me, just in case.

Walking outside the apartment, I decide to go and buy a lottery ticket. Instead of taking my old, beat up car, I had an unexplainable feeling that walking would be a good idea, but I didn't know why. Stopping on the spot, I realize that my ability had just come into play, making me have the feeling that I should walk that way.

Making my way towards the store, I get the feeling that I should take a longer route than normal. Going with my skill's wish, I turn to the left, going down the sidewalk on another street.

While taking my time, I suddenly spot a cute teenage girl walking down the road. Although I wasn't a pervert, I still appreciated the view.

Trying to look nonchalant about it, I start to continue making my way down the sidewalk. Before I even take my first step, my instincts, or more likely my skill, screams for me to run towards her. Not even questioning why my skill wanted me to do this, I run towards the girl, who looks at me questioningly, and with a bit of fear.

Just as I am about halfway to her, I see a hand coming out from an alleyway, grabbing ahold of the girl. As the girl tries to let loose a yell, the man covers her mouth with his free hand, stifling her scream before it can escape her mouth. Seeing the girl being dragged away into the alleyway, I try to run even faster, my feet hitting hard against the ground.

When I reach the alleyway, I see the girl, struggling in the man's tight hold, being dragged back towards a white van with its side door slid wide open.

Running down the alleyway, I pull out my pocket knife, which I had put in my jacket before heading out. Arriving in front of the man, who doesn't even notice me as he is still struggling to hold the flailing girl, I flip out the knife and stab into his upper right arm.

Letting out a yell, the kidnapper loses control of his right arm, allowing the girl to break free. As the man tries to put pressure on the stab wound, I pull out the knife, stabbing him in the stomach before I run back down the alleyway in the same direction as the girl.

The man, seeing as he failed to capture his target and also sustained grievous wounds, stumbled back into the open door of the van, which was then slid closed by another person in the car. As I see them driving away, I can't help but be confused as to why they gave up so easily.

'It must be my skill at work here.' I thought to himself, catching up with the girl, breathing heavily.

"Hey, are you okay?" I ask once I steady my breathing.

Looking over at me, she gratefully responds,"Y-yes I a-am. T-thank you." She stutters out these few words, still wracked with fear from her encounter.

Trying to act cool, I say,"Eh. It was nothing."

Visibly taking a second to calm her nerves, her fear lessens. She then says to me,"Really. Thanks. You saved me back there. Who knows what they would have done to me if they had successfully caught me."

"Really, it wasn't much. I hardly could just stand there, watching as that happened."

"Well, I really can't thank you enough." After that, she puts out her hand,"Let me introduce myself. My name's Amelia Parker, but you can call me Amy. May I know the name of my savior." At the end of her sentence, a humorous light glints in her eyes.

"Oh, uh, I'm K-kyle. Kyle Tamber." I stutter a little, thrown off by the smile on her face. She must have a strong will to regain her composure so quickly after what just happened.

"One sec. I need to call my friend Natalie and get her to pick me up." Dialing a number, she holds the phone up to her head, muttering under her breath something which I could just barely hear,"I hope Tes doesn't find out about this. She wouldn't let me go into town alone anymore."

As she calls her friend, I stand there, not knowing what I should do. She hangs up the phone, telling me that her friend would be here soon.

After waiting less than 10 minutes, a Range Rover, which was custom colored in bright pink, pulled up beside us. Jumping out of the car, a cute, pretty woman runs over to Amy, lifting her off the ground in a bear hug.

"Oh my god Amy! I can't believe something like that happened to you! I'm so glad you are safe!" After giving her numerous kisses all over her face, she turns her gaze to me.

"You must be the man she said saves her. I can't thank you enough for saving my little Amy! How could I ever repay you?!" She says.

Looking me over, seeing my worn out clothes, she continues,"Seeing your attire and age, can I assume that you just recently graduated from collage and haven't been able to find a good paying job?"

I was stunned that she could tell all that from just a single look. "Eh, yes. I just graduated from collage and haven't yet found a permanent job. Why do you ask?"

Giving me a grin, she continues,"Well, since you saved Amy, I can hook you up with a well paying job which you don't need any experience to do. You don't even have to do much either. So, what do you think about this?"

I only think about it for a moment before I agree to it, at which point she invites me into her car, driving me and Amy back to where she came from.

Hope you like this new character POV. This won't happen much by the way, and to answer a question you guys might have, no, there aren't going to be many people in Kyle's situation, and normal Espers in the apocalypse don't have a system like Natasha and Kyle have. If someone does have a system, which will be the rarest of the rare(like, uber super rare), it won't be as powerful as Natasha's system.

Leave a comment on what you thought of this chapter, and as always, GIVE ME YOUR POWER STONES!!!

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