
Apocalypse: A Gathering of Beauties in My Base

In the haze of the world's end, humanity is plunged into despair. Yet, amidst this desolate apocalypse, there is one who shines like a meteor piercing the dark night. Dylan, a fortunate soul reborn by accident, possesses spatial abilities from his past life. He returns to the world ten days before the impending apocalypse. Unlike others, he does not succumb to fear and sorrow but brims with ambition. To him, doomsday is merely a millionaire's vacation. He lavishly hoards supplies, constructs the most luxurious temporary shelters, customizes deluxe off-road RVs and large yachts. While others struggle to acquire temporal energy, he indulges in luxury, reveling night after night. Yet, he is not merely a hedonistic tycoon. Confronting the invasion of extraterrestrial species, he faces them without fear, directly challenging their strongholds. Behind him, stands a group of beauty supporters who find hope because of Dylan's existence. And those extraterrestrial species will face unprecedented threats. In the world of doomsday, Dylan becomes a beacon of light, his life akin to an eternal flame, illuminating humanity's path of hope. As for the extraterrestrial species, they may think they can easily crush humanity's last hope. However, they fail to realize that they will face a challenger brimming with courage, an indomitable symbol of humanity—Dylan.

MidnightEcho · 科幻
100 Chs

Psychic Confusion of Zombies

She was amazed by Dylan's combat prowess and courage, so at a critical moment, she gathered her courage and opened the window to help them.


Sure enough, those zombie dogs heard her flute sound and immediately quieted down, dispersing and running towards her direction.


After calling out to Dylan and seeing them safely retreat, she finally breathed a sigh of relief.


The zombie dogs gathered beneath her window, not howling, but looking up at her obediently.


She quickly closed the window, and after a while, she heard the zombie dogs downstairs starting to growl and run away again.


Several people listened in astonishment, it seemed that Jodie had also awakened to an ability, and this ability was quite special, actually capable of confusing zombies.


"Miss Jodie, I presume Alberta has already explained the current situation to you today?" Dylan asked.


"Yeah! Is the world really going to become like you said?" Jodie was still somewhat skeptical, but with zombies rampant outside, she couldn't refute it.


"Yeah! It's only going to get worse than you imagine! Fortunately, you've also awakened to an ability!" Dylan said solemnly.


"An ability? What's my ability? Is it this flute?" Jodie asked as soon as she heard about the ability, quickly pulling out the flute to examine it.


"Not the flute. Your ability should be a psychic one. With this ability, whatever you play on the flute will work!" Dylan explained to her.


"Miss Jodie, the world is very dangerous now. Why don't you join our family? I, Dylan, can guarantee that you won't be cold or bullied, and there will be good food to eat! How about it?" Dylan invited Jodie straightforwardly.


Jodie glanced at Alberta, then at Dylan, and said, "Well, Alberta has already mentioned it to me. Besides, I don't have many relatives in Bluewater Bay.


My parents are in a distant city, and I don't know how they are doing now.


I feel that you people are really nice, especially with Alberta here.


I'm willing to join you!"


"Great!" Dylan was very happy. With Jodie joining, their future missions to kill zombies and gather supplies would be safer.


However, Dylan didn't show too much excitement but rather said solemnly, "But I have to tell you, joining this family is not like playing house in peacetime.


 We are a community of fate, and everyone has to bear their own responsibilities and obligations.


 Not abandoning, not giving up, not betraying, that's our bottom line. And you also have to obey my orders. Can you accept that?"


As Dylan said this, Alberta and Dorothy were also listening seriously, both of them approving of Dylan's words.Dorothy suddenly raised her right hand and said, "Dylan, I, Dorothy, will always follow your command! My life belongs to you, and I will never betray you!"


Dorothy wasn't stupid. She had to make a statement first to make it formal. Moreover, she relied on Dylan for everything, and he contributed much more than she did.


The crucial point was that he understood the post-apocalyptic world better than she did; he was much stronger than her, so she willingly pledged her loyalty.


Seeing Dorothy's firm declaration, Alberta also raised her hand and said, "Um, as Dylan's girlfriend, I will always be on the same page with him. Whoever regards Dylan as family is my family too."


Jodie looked at Alberta and Dorothy's solemn expressions and understood how important Dylan was to them. This also indirectly proved that Dylan was a capable person.


Looking at the warm environment she was in now, with electricity, food, and good friends, it was like heaven compared to before she met Dylan and his group.


So, why wouldn't she wholeheartedly follow them?


Emulating the actions of the other two, she raised her hand and said, "I, Jodie, swear to join this family and obey Dylan's command. Not to abandon, not to give up, not to betray! If I violate this oath, may I die a miserable death!"


Dylan nodded approvingly, satisfied with the effect. Even though such an oath was worth less than nothing in the apocalypse, attitude still mattered.


"Alright, from now on, we're all family. We share the glory and bear the losses together.


Come on, let's raise a toast. Welcome, Miss Jodie, to join us!" Dylan proposed, and the four of them raised their glasses and drank to the last drop.


After the meal, Dylan gathered everyone around the coffee table in the living room and pointed to a pile of crystals on the table.


"Today, Dorothy and I collected a total of 320 crystals. Let's divide them up!"


Jodie looked at the pile of crystals in astonishment. Alberta had already explained to her their significance and their role in manipulating time energy during the day, so she knew what such a pile of crystals meant.


"Dude, I have a suggestion," Dorothy suddenly said.


Dylan looked at her in confusion. "Oh? What is it, Dorothy?"


"I think you should absorb these crystals yourself. You can't always distribute them to us.


 I feel like with over twenty years' worth of time energy, I have more than enough to deal with those zombies. But you, as our leader, should quickly improve your strength.""You said that once the time energy reaches over 1000 years, there will be a qualitative leap in physique, right?


I suggest that you absorb the excess crystals yourself after your time energy reaches over 1000 years.


After Dorothy finished speaking, Dylan pondered for a moment.


Indeed, if the time energy surpassed 1000 years, there would be a significant improvement in physique, and conventional weapons would no longer pose a threat to the body.


 At that time, except for encountering high-level mutants or individuals with higher time energy, or facing heavy artillery and powerful abilities, nothing would threaten him.


It was true that improving the physique of team members was important, but ultimately, everything revolved around himself.


 With him around, they would be safer!


Besides, both Alberta and Dorothy already had over 20 years of time energy. At this level of time energy, their physique was already unmatched.


"Alright! Do you two have any objections?" Dylan looked at Alberta and Jodie.


Alberta shook her head, indicating no objections.


Jodie followed suit, saying, "I haven't contributed anything anyway, so I won't take any!"


Dylan smiled and checked Jodie's left arm. Her time energy was less than 350 days. He handed her 20 crystals and said, "You can't refuse! Take these 20 crystals and absorb them.


 This way, you'll have over 20 years of time energy, and your physique will improve significantly. When we go out, you won't lag behind!"


"This... How can I accept this?" Jodie hesitated, feeling unworthy of receiving without contributing.


"Just take it, Dylan is right!" Alberta advised.


"Yeah, Jodie, with enhanced physique, you can go out with us to kill zombies! Otherwise, with your small frame, you won't be able to keep up!" Dorothy joked, patting Jodie's shoulder.


"Well... Alright then! If we have more crystals in the future, you guys should share more!" Jodie agreed, seeing everyone insisting.


Alberta and Dorothy took Jodie and taught her how to absorb the crystals.


Meanwhile, Dylan glanced at the small crow coal ball hiding in the cage and took out over 30 unstarred crystal nuclei from his pocket.


This little crow was scared of Dorothy. As long as Dorothy was around, it would never come to Dylan.


"Come on, little coal ball, let me show you what delicious treats I've brought for you!" Dylan spread out his palm and placed the crystal nuclei in front of the coal ball.


The coal ball, which was initially listless, suddenly brightened its eyes when it saw the crystal nuclei.


Perhaps it was instinctual, as it seemed to know that these crystal nuclei were good things.


 It directly one of them in a gulp.


After swallowing the crystal nucleus, the coal ball stretched its shiny black feathers and enjoyed the sensation.