
Chapter 2.



I'll be using this format for conversations for now and see how it works out:

e.g., Lucien: .............

If its good, I'll keep using it. Honestly, I prefer it since its easier than the normal way since it can sometimes get confusing. You can also vote if I should keep it.


Moving to Beacon Hills was quick, as what was remaining were our clothes and essentials. Amara had already shipped what she considered important ahead of time. It also helped that she handled furnishing the house a month earlier. We moved three weeks prior to Canon.

We had decided on a huge mansion that was some distance into the woods, as that would help when we wanted to shift and go for a run. The mansion featured ten bedrooms and included an extra outhouse in case it was needed. It also has a gym, heated swimming pool, game room, in-house theatre for movies, a library, a big dining room and sitting room, and an exquisite kitchen, plus a garage that can hold up to 20 cars.

Under the basement were an extra three floors that were well constructed to house a prison/dungeon, an armory for both supernatural weapons and normal ones, and a vault for precious things.

Amara was first sceptical when I told her about the mansion, and she questioned how big it was, so I informed her that I was going to make a harem. Well, lets say the conversation ended with several broken walls in the house in New York. But she accepted when I told her we would be alive for more than 500 years.

Apart from that, the last three years were an interesting time. To gain more experience, I became a mercenary/hunter with the alias Reaper. I took on jobs concerning both normal and supernatural cases, and I wrecked havoc. No one ever saw my face, and that included the clients. The only way one could reach me was through an untracable website run by an AI I created called Alana. She also handled our businesses and investments, so the money always grows.

Something interesting I discovered when hunting was that, when killing humans, it somehow added onto the power of my soul and in turn strengthened me, making my powers stronger. For supernaturals, I had to kill and eat them in my full tiger form so I could gain their powers, which boosted both my soul and mental capabilities. Now in my shadow phase, I can stay intangible for as long as I want. My venom, if I wanted, can cancel healing completely. And I also obtained animal control; now I can communicate with and control animals.

The most interesting thing was when I killed a nogitsune in southern Japan and devoured it. I gave me powers in illusion, emotional vampirism like Stiles, meaning I could feed on negative emotions caused by pain, chaos, and strife and grow stronger. I can also temporarily possess others if they ingest my blood. It was honestly cool. Amara also joined me on some of the cases; guess she adapted after understanding this side of the world.

[Frost Mansion]

{Lucien P.O.V}

I woke up to my alarm ringing, and with a skillful movement, I turned it off before getting out of bed. After a few minutes of stretching, I got in the shower and freshened up before getting ready and heading downstairs for breakfast, which Amara already made.

It was around a week before Canon begins, and I decided to tour the town before it went to shit. So the first stop was the Nemeton; since Laura was killed near there, it seemed appropriate to scout the area first. With a quick drive to Beacon Hills Preserve, I arrived at the forest.

Although the Nemeton was a huge tree that acted as a beacon for supernatural creatures, drawing them closer to Beacon Hills. I guess that's where the town's name came from. However, it was cut down by Deaton under Talia Hale's order, hoping it would weaken the Nemeton's power to attract supernatural creatures. But still, even as a stump, it still draws the supernatural closer but remains hidden until you find it.

So how do I find it? Simple: rely on my control over the earth element to sense the tuleric currents and the strongest energy that draws me in. Closing my eyes, I focused on the call of the earth below my feet and the connection to it, then I focused on the energy flowing like a current. There were several of these currents, all varying in sizes and the concentration of energy held in them, so I focused on the largest one that had the most concentration of energy.

I followed the flow of the energy current as it headed deeper into the preserve, and then it came. Something calling out. It was strong but gentle, even calming. Sort of like a mother's gentle call, so I followed the call in the tuleric current until it reached the origin. The Nemeton.

The view in the tuleric currents was very different from physical sight. In the tuleric currents, the Nemeton was a convergence point for all the other tuleric currents, slowly feeding it, but the energy wasn't enough to affect things on a large scale. Though the energy still seemed to have an effect since it seemed to portray an energy projection of the Nemeton, it was extremely dim, almost fading away.

With the location found, I cancelled the connection and looked in the direction of the Nemeton. My eyes glowed, changing to my tiger's eyes and, like a telescope, zoomed in until I saw it. It was 800 meters ahead of me, a short distance away for someone like me, so it only took a couple of seconds.

Standing before me was a large stump of the Nemeton. Seriously, this thing is wide. Placing my hand on it, I channeled my energy into it, trying to sense if it is still suppressing the nogitsune here. And in the middle of it, I sensed a presence wrapped up in the power of the Nemeton. It was small, disguising itself as a firefly.

The Nogitsune, aka Void Kitsune, is a type of kitsune that loves causing chaos, pain, and strife and feeds on it to strengthen itself. For now, I'll let it be and see what it will do if some changes occur in the future. Since its secure, time to proceed with my plan.

I wanted to mark this place and near here as part of my territory so I can know when Peter will come here and lure Laura here so I can save her. I marked the trees in a kilometer's circumference around the Nemeton, adding a bit of my blood and aura to the markings. Once I completed the circle, it lit up, and the connection formed with me. I could now control what happened in this area, and as an additional perk, no one would notice it. I also formed a connection to the Nemeton; it wouldn't do anything, but now I can sense it and its wellbeing, so to say.

With that done, I proceeded with the tour of the town. First popping in to the sheriff's station and meeting with him for an introduction. He's a nice guy, and I also liked him in the show. We talked for a while and even gave a donation to the sheriff's station, and the dumbfounded look when I gave him a ten million dollar check was entertaining.

Sheriff: Mr. Frost, I appreciate the donation, but this is too much.

Lucien: Please, just Lucien, I'm your son's age. No need for formalities. Plus, we'll be living here for a long time in the future, and this town will be our new home. Anything that I can do to help make it safe is worth it. So keep it; it will help, and you can also use some of it as a bonus for everyone working here. I'm sure they'll appreciate it.

Sheriff: Thank you then, Lucien.

Lucien: You're welcome; you can also think of it as an apology for the troubles in the future.

Sheriff: So a bribe?

Lucien: It's not a bribe if it helps everyone. Anyway, Mr. Stilinski, thank you for your time. I have to get going; there are still a lot of places to see in the town.

Some of the places I visited were the hospital, Deaton's clinic, though I didn't enter, the school, and finally finished at the burned-down Hale house before heading home. Interesting thing I discovered is that I grew, adapted, and became immune to mountain ash after testing. Wolfsbane wasn't an issue, but I also ingested it and adapted to it, so now I'm pretty much good.

The same can't be said for Amara; she's immune to wolfsbane, but mountain ash affects her, but she has resistance to it. She can cross a mountain ash barrier, but it takes effort.


Next chapter: Saving Laura.

Chapter delivery: Monday evening or Tuesday

Any suggestions or ideas are welcome but will still go through vetting. Should I turn Stiles into a weretiger? (Suggested by a fan) (I'm considering it)

Thanks for the support and reading my work.
