
AOT : The Ymir's Saga

In an alternate reality, Titans weren't confined to a single planet; they were integral to a sprawling interplanetary network that linked diverse worlds across the galaxy. Tasked with safeguarding planets and their inhabitants from external threats, Titans had become the linchpin of the interstellar defense force. However, this newfound importance didn't guarantee universal acceptance. Some planets viewed Titans as encroachments on their autonomy, leading to simmering tensions and occasional conflicts. Yet, for Ymir, a Titan born into a world entrenched in warfare, this interplanetary structure symbolized hope—a chance to transcend personal battles and contribute to a cosmic cause. As the narrative unfolds, it traverses from Earth-centric conflicts to a grand interplanetary stage, eventually intertwining with an intergalactic storyline. Politics and intrigue serve as the backdrop, enriching the tale with unexpected twists and ethical quandaries. Readers can support the author's creative journey and gain access to exclusive content by joining their Patreon campaign at P@.treon/DarkLord001, fostering a vibrant community around the evolving narrative. This project promises an enthralling exploration of cosmic politics, personal growth, and epic conflicts across the vast expanse of the universe.

DarkLord01 · 漫画同人
36 Chs

Earth: The Cage

Deep in the depths of despair, far from the embrace of warmth and the comforting light of day, Ymir found herself trapped in a dismal existence. Confined within the confines of her prison, she huddled in a corner, her body curled into a fetal position. The surrounding stone, cold and unforgiving, held her captive, a relentless grip squeezing the last remnants of her humanity.

Unable to stand, unable to stretch her limbs, Ymir felt the weight of her confinement press upon her like a suffocating shroud. Her body, once powerful and vibrant, now withered and fragile, bore the scars of her torment. Bound by unseen chains, her hands remained shackled behind her back, a constant reminder of her powerlessness.

Naked and vulnerable, Ymir shivered against the chill of the rock beneath her. The darkness, an ever-present companion, enveloped her like a suffocating cloak. Time lost its meaning in this desolate realm, as days bled into months, and months into years. It felt as if she had been trapped in this suffocating void for an eternity, isolated from the world outside.

The ache that consumed her being was a relentless torment, driving her to the brink of madness. Her joints, once supple and agile, now fused together like rusted iron, denying her the simple act of movement. The passage of time had rendered her body a prison of agony, each moment stretching on like an eternity.

How much time had truly passed? Ymir could no longer discern reality from illusion. Days melded into nights, and the concept of time blurred into a hazy abstraction. She had become a relic of her former self, a hollow shell trapped within the confines of her own despair.

A child who has been told everytime by her father that she was the child of prophecy, that she's the gift that heaven's have bestowed upon him today has turned into mere animal. She don't even know what she is, where her fate lies.

Alone in the darkness, Ymir's existence had become an eternal cycle of torment and solitude. Her cries for release were swallowed by the unforgiving void, unheard and unanswered. The weight of her captivity bore down upon her, threatening to crush her spirit and extinguish the last flicker of hope that remained.

In this desolate prison, Ymir's mind wandered through the corridors of her memories, longing for a taste of freedom and the touch of sunlight upon her skin. But for now, she remained trapped, a forgotten soul condemned to endure the unyielding embrace of darkness and the relentless ache of her broken body.

I will die soon...

And then there was light, a lamp started moving her way. The light of the lamp burn her eyes.

Echoing through the underground cellar, she heard fragments of unfamiliar voices and military orders, their meaning eluding her in the haze of her confusion.

"She's remained motionless all this time. We were strictly warned not to approach," one voice murmured, filled with a mix of curiosity and caution.

Tap, tap, tap, tap—the sound of heavy military boots resonated, growing louder as they descended the stairs. Ymir's gaze shifted toward the figure approaching, their form cloaked in darkness. The air grew heavy with an aura she recognized, an unsettling energy that permeated the entire environment, casting an eerie shadow over the castle.

"Has she shown any signs of movement?" Zar's voice cut through the silence, his tone laced with a blend of authority and frustration.

"No, Master," came the reply, filled with a sense of obedience and trepidation.

"She has remained in this state for months. We have our orders, and yet she merely breathes and cowers," Zar mused, his voice heavy with a mix of puzzlement and resignation.

Ymir's mind whirled with unanswered questions, her fragmented memories and scattered thoughts struggling to form a coherent picture. She yearned to break free from the shackles that bound her, to understand the world that had become a confusing labyrinth.

Zar was filled with a sense of belonging to Ymir, not because he felt petty for her but because they both were born in that cave, the darkness that seeps inside of him, flows through Ymir's vein as well or was it light that was inside her.

She was lying before him, a stark contrast to his own form, her body bearing the marks of a divergent existence. Her thoughts, her essence, were uniquely her own, separate from his own tortured consciousness. And yet, in that profound connection, Zar found solace. He understood the echoes of voices that reverberated through his blade, for they resonated within Ymir as well.

She was not same like him, her body was different her thoughts were her own, he understands all those voices that resonates in his blade. He understands the power that he and his blade posses, it was not his own it was a shared one, one that may have conscience of it's own.

In this intricate dance of shadows and light, Zar felt the intertwining of their fates. Bound by the abyss of their shared birthplace, they were destined to navigate the depths of their intertwined powers. It was a union of darkness, a testament to the enigmatic forces that shaped their existence.

"Tie her to a chain and then attach the chain to the stones. Make sure she can't transform back into a Titan."

"Bring the whole structure to pantheon."





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