High-schooler Yuuto Sakurai is not your typical teen. He prides himself on his peculiar mission - to protect the love lives of those threatened by encroaching third parties. When charisma and physical prowess attempt to steal away your beloved, Sakurai leaps into action. For just 10,000 yen, he'll ensure your love story remains untainted. Armed with conviction and a no-discrimination policy, he is the Anti-NTR Man - a one-man crusade against romantic usurpation.
Minoru watched the paramedics load Sendo into the ambulance.
"The police will be here shortly," one of them mentioned before they departed for the hospital.
"Don't worry about the others back in the mixer, and this big bouncer guy here..." another added.
"We know where to take those."
As the ambulance doors shut and it sped away, Minoru leaned against the establishment's doorframe, lost in thought.
'I guess these guys must be buddies of Mr. Kurose... That means there's some sort of narrative at play here. When the cops show up, I should probably just play along,' he mused, gazing up at the stars.
'It's been ages since I dealt with this kind of mess... I hope this doesn't mean more trouble is heading my way.'
His gaze drifted back to the now quiet street. 'Usually, I'd be asleep by now... That punk kid is probably snoozing comfortably on that hospital bed, skipping school tomorrow and for the entire week,' Minoru thought with a hint of envy recalling Sendo's peaceful state.
'Join your Kendo club? As if, you dumbass.'
He sighed, remembering Sendo's fight with the bouncer.
'Well, it wasn't the worst I've seen. I'm a tough critic when it comes to fights... Still, it was pretty embarrassing for a Kendo practitioner...'
His reflection was interrupted by the approaching sound of sirens, drawing him back to the impending arrival of the police.
'Well, maybe I'm just biased, since I always compare Kendo fighters to that guy...' He thought as a car pulled by near him, with its window rolled down.
"Get in from the back, Minoru," Seichiro called out calmly.
Minoru glanced down, noticing Konro in the front seat and Gon in the back with Sakura. Without any desire to deal with the incoming law enforcement, he directed Gon bluntly:
"Hey, Gorrila kid. Out. I'm the only one sitting next to her. Don't make me say it twice."
With a resigned sigh, Gon exited the vehicle, allowing Minoru to slide in next to the still unconscious Sakura.
"...It's Gon...!" he muttered under his breath as he re-entered the car, sitting next to Minoru with Sakura between Minoru and the other closed door.
Once the doors shut, Seichiro pulled away from the curb, leaving the flashing lights and the sound of sirens fading into the night.
"How is she?" Minoru asked, his focus squarely on Sakura, barely acknowledging Konro and Gon's presence in the car.
"She'll be okay," Seichiro responded, his voice steady. "Now, listen closely. Got some things I want to go over. It's also about your sister."
Minoru nodded, his expression shifting to one of alert attentiveness.
From the rearview mirror, Konro caught Minoru's gaze, swallowing hard.
Meanwhile back in the park...
A large black minivan without sirens pulled over next to a bench where two unconscious girls lay. A team of women, clad in black paramedic uniforms with their faces covered in masks, swiftly disembarked with two stretchers.
"The FD'd girls from INK are here! Move fast!" one of the paramedics called out, her voice urgent as she directed her team to hasten their efforts.
Kneeling beside one of the girls, she gently patted her forehead, her other hand forming into a fist as she murmured with a mix of sorrow and anger, "How terrible... Those damn bastards!"
"They're just children..." she whispered bitterly, her teeth clenched in frustration. Slowly, her expression softened as she took comfort in the sound of the girls' gentle breathing, reassuring herself they were still with them... In a way.
"Thank you, Mr. Kurose. We'll take it from here," she said, her gaze lifting to the horizon as if she could see Seichiro there, offering her silent gratitude as the stretchers were loaded into the van.
Back to the car ride...
Minoru's expression was unreadable as they crossed a bridge.
Konro was sweating bullets.
With a glance at Minoru, Seichiro sighed and pulled the car over.
"Gorilla kid... out," Minoru called again, his tone flat.
With a subtle nod, Gon opened the door and stepped out, without even muttering his actual name.
Minoru soon left the car and walked over to the front seat where Konro was sitting.
He calmly opened the door. Konro was frozen in place.
"Konro Yukie, right? Get out. Now," Minoru instructed. Without arguing or looking back at Minoru, Konro complied.
Minoru then walked to the edge of the bridge, standing over 20 meters above the water.
"Stand next to me," Minoru instructed. Konro did as asked, recalling the four people Minoru had taken down in an instant back at the mixer, and his affiliation with the infamous Black Letter.
Minoru stood silently, staring at the water and the stars, and how they merged on the horizon.
"I don't threaten people," he began, startling Konro who had his gaze lowered.
"It's a hassle, that's why. There's a chance it's going to work, there's a chance it won't and they'll just act all brave and fearless about it, or maybe they'll cooperate out of fear and pain, and then they won't cooperate later when they stop feeling it, and I just give up," Minoru explained, while Konro listened closely, occasionally glancing at Minoru.
"Same goes for promising gifts if they listen and do what I want them to do. I'm going to have to remember to do favors, and act a certain way just to entertain someone who did or was going to do something for me. And also, there's a chance that it won't work, so I just don't do it. Like threats and torturing people to comply with what I want, it's just a hassle," he added with a sigh.
"That's why I prefer just being upfront about what I'm going to do, rather than doing threats, torture, or bribes. I know myself best," Minoru stated, his tone flat yet resolute.
"Take a look at the water down there," he directed, nodding toward the river as he spoke to Konro.
Seichiro watched the exchange with a resigned sigh, while Gon's heart raced with tension.
Minoru watched Konro intently as the latter hesitated, then reluctantly leaned over the railing.
"Lean further," Minoru instructed. "Really stretch out. Get a good look at the river below."
Konro, now visibly anxious, met Minoru's gaze.
"Do it. I dislike repeating myself," Minoru said, his voice unwavering as he locked eyes with Konro.
With a shiver, Konro complied, pressing his chest against the railing and dipping his head as far down as he dared without tumbling over, gripping the iron tightly.
"Now, focus on what you see," Minoru continued, his hands in his pockets, his demeanor calm. "Notice the ripples on the surface. See how the moonlight reflects off the water and meets your eyes. Imagine the spray of the water touching your face. Taste the salt in the air. Hear the sound of the waves clashing." His instructions flowed evenly, immersing Konro in the sensory experience of the scene before him.
Konro didn't even need to try hard.
As Minoru spoke, Konro could instantly visualize everything. Below them, small waves rippled across the surface of the water. The moon, diminished to the size of a pinball from this height, shone brightly, its reflection continuously disrupted by the moving water. The salty mist from the ripples moistened his face, making it feel as though he was mere inches above the water.
Minoru's voice, flat and uncompromising, broke through Konro's reverie.
"Just remember, if I ever find out you've so much as breathed the same air as my sister again, you'll long for the luxury of focusing on something as simple as this water," Minoru said, his tone icy. Konro remained rigid, clamped to the railing.
"You'll wish I was just the type to push you off a bridge," Minoru concluded, turning to walk past a stunned Gon and sliding back into the car next to Sakura.
Gon, still outside, looked on in disbelief at Konro, who seemed petrified.
"Gorrila kid," Seichiro called out flatly.
"I'm trusting you," he added, rolling up his window. Minoru quietly shut the car door, and with a soft rumble, the vehicle pulled away, leaving Konro and Gon alone on the bridge, enveloped by the chill of the night air.