
Anthology of Many

Multiple stories are written each day about heroes from many genres.

SteamingCloud · 玄幻
21 Chs

Story Twelve: Tomas

As Tomas regained consciousness, he realized he wasn't in his office building anymore. He stood up and brushed off the dirt from his clothes, looking around in bewilderment. In front of him was a giant stone wall with a heavy iron gate guarded by two knights who seemed uninterested in their job.

"Who are you, and what is this place?" Tomas asked, still dazed from the fall.

One of the knights looked at him with a bored expression and replied, "This is the entrance to the Kingdom of Arinthea. We are the gatekeepers, and we ask for your identity."

Tomas paused for a moment, trying to make sense of the situation. He then remembered the picture on his phone and realized that this must be some elaborate LARPing setup. He decided to play along and responded, "I am Sir Tomas, Knight of the Silver Rose, and I seek entry into the Kingdom of Arinthea."

The two knights exchanged a glance, and the one who spoke before shrugged his shoulders. "Very well, Sir Tomas. You may enter."

The gate creaked open, and Tomas walked through it, taking in the sights and sounds of the kingdom. The air was filled with the smell of roasting meat, and the sound of music and laughter echoed through the streets. People dressed in medieval clothing were going about their daily business, some selling wares, others engaging in sword fights, and some even practicing magic.

Tomas couldn't believe his eyes. This was everything he had ever dreamed of. He had always loved the idea of being a knight and fighting for a noble cause, but he never thought he would get to experience it in real life.

As he walked through the streets, he was approached by a group of knights who invited him to join them in their quest to rescue a princess who had been captured by an evil sorcerer. Without hesitation, Tomas agreed, eager to prove his worth as a knight.

Together with his new companions, Tomas set out on a perilous journey through treacherous mountains and dark forests, battling monsters and dodging traps along the way. Despite the danger, Tomas felt alive like never before, and he couldn't help but smile every time he defeated an enemy.

As the sun began to set on the third day of their quest, they finally reached the sorcerer's castle. With swords drawn, they charged forward, ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead.

But as they entered the castle's main hall, they were met with a surprising sight. There, sitting on a throne, was the very coworker who had discovered Tomas' secret LARPing hobby. The coworker had also been transported to the kingdom, and it seemed that he was playing the role of the evil sorcerer.

Tomas couldn't help but feel a sense of satisfaction as he engaged in a final battle with his coworker, knowing that this time, he was the one who would emerge victorious. When the battle was over, the coworker admitted defeat, and Tomas was declared the hero of the kingdom.

As he walked through the streets, people cheered and congratulated him, calling him a true knight and a hero. For the first time in his life, Tomas felt like he belonged somewhere, and he knew that he would never forget this experience for as long as he lived.

Days passed, and Tomas found himself fully immersed in the Kingdom of Arinthea. He had made new friends, joined different quests, and even visited the local taverns to drink ale and hear tales of old. He had never felt so alive and happy.

One day, as he was wandering the streets, he noticed a strange man in a hooded cloak watching him from afar. He tried to ignore him, but he kept catching glimpses of him wherever he went. Tomas knew better than to ignore something like that, so he decided to confront him.

"Who are you, and why are you following me?" Tomas asked, drawing his sword.

The hooded man lifted his cloak, revealing a familiar face. It was the gatekeeper who had let him into the kingdom on the day of his arrival. "I apologize for following you, Sir Tomas, but I have urgent news for you."

Tomas lowered his sword, intrigued. "What news?"

The gatekeeper gestured for him to follow, and they walked to a secluded spot outside the kingdom. "There is trouble brewing in the kingdom. The dark forces are gathering, and our allies are falling one by one. We need a hero, someone brave and pure of heart, to lead us into battle and defeat the darkness once and for all."

Tomas didn't hesitate. He knew what he had to do. "I will lead the charge. But I cannot do it alone."

The gatekeeper nodded, understanding. "I will gather the bravest knights and warriors in the kingdom. We will be ready when you are."

And so, the preparations began. Tomas trained tirelessly, sharpening his skills and honing his senses. He met with his fellow knights, strategizing and planning for the upcoming battle. He even visited the local mage, who gave him a potion that would grant him temporary invincibility.

Finally, the day of the battle arrived. The dark forces had amassed a massive army, and they were approaching the kingdom from all sides. Tomas and his army stood at the forefront, ready to defend their home.

The battle was fierce and intense. Swords clashed, arrows flew, and magic crackled in the air. But Tomas and his army fought with all their might, never giving up even when the odds were against them.

In the end, they emerged victorious. The dark forces were defeated, and peace was restored to the kingdom. Tomas was hailed as a hero once again, but this time, it was different. He had led an army to victory, and he had proven to himself and everyone else that he was more than just a nine-to-five worker.

As he sat by the castle's moat, watching the sunset, he knew that he had found his true calling. He was a knight, a hero, and a leader. And he was ready for whatever adventure lay ahead.