
Genius Prince

One day in the summer of my third year in this world, while I was killing the flies who were bothering me, I decided to try a permanent way to remove them, by controlling them and possibly changing them. At that point, I only used telekinesis to move objects and the spell that I developed supported the natural systems of the body by supplying additional nutrients, increasing metabolism, and blood flow, healing wounds, clearing the mind, and supporting the functions of the brain which I decided to name "meditation". Therefore it was the first time I decided to use magic in this way. It is already extremely hard to use magic outside the body, I suppose it is even harder to use it to affect a living being other than the caster of the magic. Nonetheless, I still had an idea of what I was doing, because the magic I used on myself was basically genetic engineering on a smaller level.

Then started my experiments with flies. The first few flies I caught died the instant I tried to use the magic I used on myself. I then slowly adjusted the amount and the way I used the magic. At one point, I could implement my will on the flies to some extent. I perfected the taming technique by the next week. Furthermore, I was successful in breeding them forcefully and then transforming the larvae they bred into a fully grown fly in a few seconds with magic, in addition to obeying my will without further magical interference from birth. I then simply instilled the command to stay away from humans. I repeated the command to all the flies I saw. Since they reproduce at an extremely fast speed, I expect no further annoyance from flies for an eternity. This was dangerous magic as I could very well use it to destroy anyone I wanted without even lifting a finger, but I have no wish to wage biological warfare. Flies are dangerous carriers of diseases, so solving that problem alone is a great step toward my goals.

I will try this magic on animals later on when I am confident in my ability that I won't kill the animal and have an environment that allows me to freely conduct my experiments.

For the next step in my plan, I needed to prepare a stage to gather my father's attention and his vassals' support. To do that, I decided to demonstrate my intellect. For that, I read a passage from this world's version of the bible to my mother, who immediately reported it to my father, and I was asked to read random passages from the book selected by my father and the vassals. All of them were astonished and my parents even hugged each other from overjoy, an act otherwise would seem improper. Still, the clergymen themselves almost hugged each other, celebrating my "blessing", as they called it, so it was fine I guess. I wasn't bothered though, and I also explained to them and talked with them about the various passages in the holy book. The holy book which I call "bible" contains stories told by the previous "prophets", I asked if they truly were to the Goddess, but she gave me an evasive answer, which I thought was because she was hiding her embarrassment on her chosen prophets failing to make her religion the largest in her own world and losing to nonexistent deities.

Thus I was called the "genius prince". I buried my embarrassment and accepted their compliments with the utmost humility. With this display of intellect, I was granted more privileges and was ordered by my father to study more under several scholars. I have to say that the Goddess' religion in this world, albeit lacking, is several times more advanced in terms of what it promotes than the religion on earth: coexistence, benevolence, humility, and honor in the community and oneself. The fact that the holy book does not contain any intimidation by suggestions of hell or violent punishments to heathens and aggression made me applaud the Goddess, though the stories and the laws suggested by the prophets were severely backward.

My brother was not happy with this development and tried to appeal to my father claiming that giving this kind of education to a toddler would affect my judgment and that I was dangerous. His appeals failed to change anything, except to help divide the factions even more. My father advised precaution to my mother and stationed more guards in my section of the palace. I expected Fir to try to stir things up in the near future, so I myself decided to speed up the process.

To that end, I managed to get my father's permission to have one of the small gardens within the palace complex reserved only for my use. I first made them reinforce the door, so that I can be left alone, then I collected the seeds of the grapes I was eating, as they were readily available and brought them to my garden and planted them in intervals, and started the next phase in my experiments.

Plants are generally less complex than animals and evolve faster, so it was way easier to work with plants than with animals. I could adjust the growth rate, taste, size, and compatibility of the plant with the soil, and increase the yield rate of the fruits. This development was perfect for the future I envisioned, with this ability, I could create new crops and alter the ones in use to be perfectly compatible with the land they were grown and the increase in crop yield and variations would drastically reduce hunger, poverty, and diseases.

However, it was still too early for me to show these abilities. I cannot risk an assassination attempt by my brother, or a crazy fanatic priest before I am at least old enough to directly challenge my brother. Well, it will be more like crushing him than challenging him.