
Another Naruto (Dropped)

Dave Anderson, A poor soul who lost his parents when he was 8 years old, became a victim of a sudden death. [[[Fear not, he was given another chance at life.]]] His new life started when he was born on Octomber 10th as the son of Minato Namikaze and Kushina Uzumaki. The son of two legendary ninja. Let's see how he paves his own path through the Naruto World..... Join him in his journey to greatness!!! ------------------------- Do give this a read. Just look at the cover man, I worked hard on it. Obviously the Naruto pic is not mine. However, the poster is mine. I was messing around at first, but somehow it came brilliant. Don't you agree? PS: I own nothing in this novel. Furthermore, I started writing this for my personal satisfaction. Read it if you want. Mwuhahahaaa.

Zorvog · 漫画同人
40 Chs

Sweetest Tooth In Konoha

Today was another typical day for Naruto. He was having an evening walk after his training session with Kitsune; he was mentally and physically exhausted. The main reason was Kitsune not getting tired.

From what he got to know, Kitsune's main body resides within his seal, as always. However, when she comes out, she uses a portion of it to materialize a physical body. After forming a body, she could always go away from Naruto for quite a while.

But as her chakra depletes, she needs to maintain a chakra channel with Naruto's seal to keep the chakra flowing into her body. That is to say, as long as there is sufficient chakra, Kitsune does not get tired and can use any technique she wills.

That's where Naruto's problem came from. As Kitsune was the Nine-Tails, she had an immense amount of chakra and terrifying chakra regeneration. This indirectly means she can go on forever without getting tired if she uses chakra in an acceptable amount.

Naruto's body is indeed more robust than anyone's. But that doesn't mean he has unlimited stamina. It was impossible for him to practice without a bit of rest. In short, after every training, he is left exhausted, fighting with a vixen with never-ending stamina. That would be the most accurate explanation.

{Some people asked how the process of Kitsune coming out works. So here you go.}

As he was walking, he saw someone he knew well sitting at a dango shop. Maybe a bit too familiar. Yup, that was none other than Anko Mitarashi. She was tasting some sweets.

'She indeed has the sweetest tooth in the village.'

Naruto thought while looking at Anko, who had an expression of delight. There were even traces of honey around her mouth. She also wore the same clothing: a thin mesh outfit from neck to thigh, a tan overcoat, and a mini skirt.

'Damn, If I hadn't seen everything that day, I would have been able to enjoy the art of imagination. Especially with her metal mesh outfit perfectly lining her body.'

He thought with an expression of loss. But it couldn't be denied that he enjoyed Anko's birthday suit at the hot springs.

After he threw all his perverted thoughts aside, he walked towards the dango shop, hoping to talk with Anko a bit and taste some sweets. Primarily because of Anko, though.

"Anko sensei"

{Image here!!!}

Naruto spoke while waving his hand.

"Ah, you are Naruto, right?" Anko asked while still eating her sweets.

"Yeah, the one and only Naruto Uzumaki."

"So, what brings you here?" Anko asked as she wiped honey from her lips. There was still some left, but Naruto didn't point it out.

"I heard that the best sweets in Konoha are here. So I thought of trying some. What I don't really know what I should buy."

Naruto had a pondering expression as he looked through the variety of sweets behind the glass cover. Hearing this, Anko, who has the number one sweet tooth title, couldn't resist giving out some recommendations to him.

"You should first try Dango, then maybe some Yokan and Daifaku. But if you like them sweeter, I suggest you buy..... Yeah, those are all the good ones."

Naruto couldn't believe that Anko could give such a speech regarding sweets. She knew in and out about them. In the process, she bought some cookie-like sweets and started munching on them like a squirrel after returning to her table.

Wanting to make a short talk with her, Naruto attentively listened to her explain about the sweets. He even asked some questions here and there, making Anko nod her head in approval.

To strike while the iron is hot, he asked, "Anko sensei, what's that mark on your shoulder?"

{Image here!!!}

This sudden question startled her as she quickly adjusted her wire mesh to cover the marking. In actuality, Naruto couldn't see the marking clearly, but Anko didn't know that.

"It-It's a disease," Anko replied, her face contorted into many different expressions. Sadness, fear, injustice, and anger. But she quickly hid it.

Without waiting for her to reply, Naruto stood up and declared, "I promise that I'll cure you in the future, Anko sensei."

Anko didn't know why, but she felt at ease hearing his words. She shrugged it off, thinking it was just a fluke. What a brat like him could do to help her? That was her thought. Although she decided to entertain that idea since it was amusing to see him promise her right off the bat,

"Boy, first, at least become a chunin before giving out those promises."

Her lips were curled up, and it seemed like Naruto's sudden declaration had brought her mood up. However, there was still a subtle hint of sadness on her face. I mean, it's pretty understandable with all the things that happened to her.

"I'll definitely be able to become a Chunin easily," Naruto said while behaving like an old man who had experienced everything. Which made Anko chuckle.

"You cheeky brat." She gave a firm pat on his back, which almost made Naruto throw up. "Hope to see you next year Chunin exams."


"Better believe it," He said while patting his chest as he calmed his coughing.

'Woman, don't you know how to be gentle?'

'Well, that itself adds a certain taste to her character.' A pervy smile could be seen again on Naruto's face. If Tsunade was here, she would definitely call Naruto Jiraya's little brother.

After that, Naruto departed for his apartment, saying goodbye to Anko. While he was walking, he was startled by Kitsune's voice.

"Didn't you just say you only cared about her curse seal a few days ago?"

"Hehe, just forget about it, will you? Didn't I tell you to forget those little details already?"

Nauro said as he patted the eight trigram seal through his cloth, feeling his sic packs. One of the things that were different about him from his future self could be his physique. Naruto's muscles were well-defined and had some mass to them. He was not the muscular type. It was more like a slim, fit build.

"Hmph, you and your small details. At least try to hide your silly smile. Only then will I even consider believing you."

He had a headache trying to answer her questions. 'Why go the roundabout way? Why not tell me you are simply jealous?'

As they were bickering with each other, Naruto finally reached his apartment. He got the keys, hid under the pot beside the door, and entered the room. It was messy, with noodle bowls and clothes thrown all around.


Naruto rubbed his hands together, saying, "I guess it's time for some cleaning. Wanna help me, Kitsune?"

Hearing this, Kitsune snorted, "Go and ask Anko to help you. Don't ask poor me."


After a while, he finally finished cleaning his apartment room. Now it could be said to be comparable to a 5-star hotel room. Not the design but the cleanliness. It was due to the various cleaning techniques he had invented to make cleaning easier over the years.

There were ones ranging from cleaning clothes, drying clothes, sweeping the floor, and many more. All those were made in collaboration with Kitsune and Naruto. Naruto gave ideas, while Kitsune suggested methods to employ them. All in all, it made his work way easier, as he never liked cleaning very much.

Following that, Naruto proceeded to train his fuinjutsu a little by taking out a piece of paper and writing seals on it. Obviously, they weren't suitable for that purpose.

How could he buy professional materials while he was poor?

Also, Kitsune gave him pointers on his mistakes since it was a delicate craft, and even a single mistake could lead to a defective seal.

He trained for several hours until he was mentally exhausted before falling onto the bed and sleeping. A few minutes later, Kitsune came towards him with a concerned expression as she covered him in a blanket and returned to her seal.

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