
Another marvel insert

Black_Berry_Sans · 漫画同人
1 Chs

Prologue 1/2

It's been about a month since I woke up here I'm alone in a place I don't know and I don't feel like me like there's something inside trying to get out, I'll blackout and wake up somewhere else in clothes I wasn't wearing, covered in bruises and cuts with wads of cash it was terrifying at first but after a while, I stopped blacking out but I could still tell it was there just waiting for when it was needed, so I stayed away from people removing myself it wasn't hard I was used to it I didn't really like people that much but it gets to you eventually we're social animals after all.

A week ago

While on my bike going to the store stuck at a red light I was rammed by a garage truck which I assume killed me on impact because the last thing I remember was seeing the truck before waking up on a pier surrounded by cops telling me to wake up I was taken to the police station where they asked if my parents lived around here and I told them. I didn't live with my parents I haven't for year's they seemed confused at my answer asking me my age telling them I was twenty-two they didn't seem to like that saying it's not good to lie to the police for some reason they were talking to me like I was a child so I ask if they had a mirror I could use a female officer gave me a makeup mirror and as I liked in the mirror what the fuck I'm a kid again.

I was shocked to find out that I wasn't twenty-two anymore I reverted to a teenager I hated being a teenager it sucked and now I got to live with it all over again I started to panic and fell to my knees and the cops tried to comfort me to the best they could've done but they kept asking about my parents and what their names were so they could come to get me so I told them their names after about ten minutes they came to ask if there were any other relatives they could try to contact they tried about three more before asking what my name was and I told them I was Jacob Walker the next time I would see the officer lady would be three hours but they weren't alone they had two guys with them with military outfits on asking if I had any other form of id they could see but I didn't I still didn't understand how I got here after I kept telling that they started to get frustrated and then the two military men which I would find out later aren't military are here to take custody of me.

After leaving the station they put me in cuffs and a black bag over my head telling me to keep quiet and for the next six hours they drove while I was in their trunk I was starting to think maybe these guys aren't military when we eventually stopped I took out of the trunk and ushered in a room stripped and searched for anything I may have on me then when cleared I was hosed down with a strange metallic liquid it wasn't fun then given a set of jumpers and thrown in a cell four by two very uncomfortable, the next day I was put in a room with about a couple dozen other people differed in race and gender and from what I could tell they were all roughly around the same age fourteen to sixteen with a podium in the front of the room and about two hours after I was brought in this room an elderly woman came in the room walking up to the podium and said welcome everyone shall we start.

Right after the woman spoke she introduced herself her name was Doctor Nikita Sokolov and she was the head doctor of this facility and there was something wrong with all of us and they wanted to find out why and fix us some of the people in the room started to speak up asking why and getting scared and While she tried to tell everyone to calm down it wasn't working groups I assume are guards came rushing in the doors hitting eveveryone who was still talking back that was the first time we saw that we don't talk we don't ask questions we do as told when we're told and as exactly as we're being told some we're able to pick up on that faster than others, but it didn't matter if you did what you were told you were still beaten eventually you became numb to it and it was just apart of the routine.