
Another Life as Older Brother

A boy who died after his revenge on his family. Reincarnated into the world of Anime. The last world he watched before he lost everything. Will he lost everything again, resent the world he currently lived or get a brand new life? PS: English is not my native language. I don't own anything except my character. (Current World : Danmachi)

Rouxk · 漫画同人
94 Chs

Monsterphilia (4/4)

The shop that we open, ended earlier than expected. Ryuu and Chloe already went back and forth to restock the ingredients but with the monster that escaped, make the event ended with less monster.

"Noooo!!!! Don't tell me, I just cut my money." I said while realizing why the event ended earlier than expected. "It's alright, Ageas-kun. Our profit even exceeded the prediction we made." Lunoire said beside me while still counting the valis.

Her sentence ring on my head and echoed over and over again. Covering the background sound of people having a happy time watching the event. Her voice woke me up from a nightmare into something that worse than a nightmare.

"Nooo.... it's even worse!! We can grab more profit!!" I shouted alerting Ryuu and Chloe that cleaning the table while I dropped on my knees.

"Yaho~, Ageas-kun." Someone went to the counter where I'm at. I lift my head after trickling tears of grief "Hmm? Yes, what can I help? We only have takeaway right now." I said weakly.

"Eh~? That hurt, Ageas-kun?" She said in a cute manner. "Who? Sorry, if we met before. Seriously too many beautiful Amazoness around here." I said really forgot who's the one in front of me.

"It's Tiona!! from Loki Familia. We met the other day." Tiona said while Tione stood behind her. Apparently, our conversation took Ryuu's attention. "I'm sorry, we are closed for today." Ryuu said with a cleaning cloth in hand.

"But, Ageas-kun said I can still order takeaway." Tiona said refuting Ryuu resulting in glare between them. "It's fine, Ryuu. It didn't take much work anyway." I said tried to mediate between both of them.

"Ageas-kun. We're close." Ryuu said glaring at me this time. For some reason, she looked scary even though her facial reaction is the same. "Lunoire, let me count the money." I whisper to Lunoire trying to run away from the situation by swapping place with her.

She cheerfully nodded and took my place while I took her place. "Ageas-kun... Can you make me some portion?" Suddenly someone appear in front of me, made me lightly shriek in surprise. Looking at who it was made me relieve "Oh, It's Shakti. Sure."

"They're close!" "We're close!". Tiona and Ryuu both said at the same time while looking at Shakti and glaring at me for trying to sell more.

While the three of them put on staring battle royale contest. I dropped to the ground again " I just want to make more money." I cried in silence.

"Just give me the food. I will pass them the food." Lunoire whisper to me but what I saw isn't Lunoire, but an angel instead. An angel which for some reason had Valis coin behind her.

Quickly I pass her the food. 3 for Tiona since Tione, and Lefiya also there, 1 For Shakti. "That's enough, all of you. Here's the food. Now, pay up." Lunoire said while putting their order in front of her.

Shakti and Tiona took the food grudgingly. They kept staring at each other even when they got what they wanted. "Oh, Ageas-san. You open here. May I order one?" Someone said in a carefree manner.

"Oh, Tsubaki! Sure. Here you go." I said while giving her the takeaway order. "Thank you, Ageas-san. Your place looked pretty popular." Tsubaki said while walking away.

"Hey! Why don't you stop her?" Tiona said toward Ryuu while Shakti seems to support her this time. "I don't know." Ryuu said quickly without thinking much and still kept her usual expression. ""Tch.. Fine."" Both of them said the same thing before walk away on their own. Ryuu went back to wiping the table.

"Hah~ You should really be more sensitive toward your surroundings, Ageas-kun." Lunoire said after the commotion between the girls. I already slumped on my table while Lunoire talking "Hmm? What are you talking about? Do you think, I'm that dense that couldn't see the situation? Of course, I knew their interest in me but then what do you want me to do with it?" I said while looking at people walking left and right.

"Eh!? You realized that!?" Lunoire looked surprised. "Of course I realized." I said without any motivation since the place already put 'closed' sign.

"Then, why don't you take responsibility for them? You looked like a good guy except for your behavior around money like Mama Mia." Lunoire said since her sense didn't as sharp as Chloe. She said that made me looked at her confusingly "What do you know about me!? Ah, Sorry. Well, It's just... I had my own problem." I said back to looking around after giving a short answer without explaining further.

Noticing my expression made Lunoire not push me with a question too far. She only sighed and continue counting money.

After a while, we had done all the cleanup. To save time, I help with the tables and chairs by using Gate of Babylon. "Finally, It's over. Let's go back. I need to check on Bell and Hestia." I said to break the ice. Everyone stretched their body after the long day and there's still Hostess of Fertility that opened at night hour after this.

Just the time as the sun goes down, we went back toward Hostess of Fertility. "Osh.. Mia-san. We're back." I said while putting the tables and chairs to their position.

"Oh, how was the sell?" She asked. "You would be surprised." I said while making a coin sign with my hand. "How were Bell and Hestia-sama?" I ask her with concern.

"She's still sleeping, while he is waiting outside the door. They're upstairs." Mia said while pointing at the stairs. Syr already started running toward the second floor. "Oi, Syr. Brought this." I said while throwing a blanket to her.

I relax for a second while waiting downstairs and leaning on the wall. "I'm sorry, Bell-kun. Because of my wallet, you and Hestia-sama had to go there and met with danger." Syr said after using the blanket on Bell which cause him to wake up. Bell shook his head "No... It's not because of you." he said with a genuine smile.

"By the way, Bell-kun. I saw your fight with the monster while protecting the orphan children there. The moment I saw you, I fell in love with you. Tehe~" Syr said while running downstairs after being called by Mia.

Syr then noticed me leaning on the wall and smiled at me before one of us could say anything. We could hear Bell yelling "Ah!! Moooouu... Stop teasing me!!" which made us giggle a little. "See you later, Ageas-kun." Syr said before went to the kitchen.

I went up the stairs finding Bell that clutching his head by thinking too hard. He then noticed me by the sound of the wooden stairs I made while taking a step. "Ah, Nii-san, How was your day?" He said greeting me with a smile on his face.

"You could really smile as if nothing happened. You almost die back then." I said while ruffling his hair. "Bell...-kun." Someone said. Bell and I already looked toward the door. "Let's greet our Goddess." I said to Bell while he replied with a smile "Nn!".

We both went to greet Hestia that sitting on the bed just woke up. "Just took some rest, I told you." I said while Bell already walked inside. I took a sit on the sofa while Bell went beside Hestia.

"How is your condition, Kami-sama?" Bell ask Hestia. "It's already all better now. I just tired, That's all." Hestia said while showing her biceps.

"By the way, Kami-sama. How could you get this knife? It said 'Hephaestus'." Bell asked while showing his dagger. "Of course, it's from Hephaestus familia." Hestia said with a smug face.

"But, Kami-sama. Hephaestus's craft costs a lot of money. How about the money?" Bell said quickly but met with Hestia patting his head. "Bell-kun. You want to be strong, aren't you? I don't want to be the Goddes that can't help her member. Just sit there waiting with worry about my member. This time let me help you." Hestia said while smiling sweetly toward Bell.

"Well, other than that. I find a way to pay it off." Hestia said with full confidence and lighten the mood a little. Bell already crying feeling touched by the effort. "Stop crying over small things. You stupid brother. Other than that, you said it yourself. Chibi Kami-sama." I said while knocking his head a little.

"Eh!? You will help me right, Ageas-kun. You said it yourself!!" Hestia quickly changed her character and pulling my clothes. Bell wiped his tears and snot but then look at me "Eh!? Nii-san knew about this?".

" Yeah, I knew about it but it seems like our Goddess had confidence in her words." I smile evilly toward Hestia.

Quickly the mood turned to the usual atmosphere around our house. Maybe it's not a pretty looking house but it sure is warmly welcome us.


"You worried about them, Ryuu?" Lunoire asked Ryuu which looked like blanking out for a second. Ryuu looked at Lunoire and pause again for a second before shaking her head "No." she said and continue her work.


"Bete!!! This is your fault!!!" Tiona kicked open Bete room's door. "What are you doing, Tiona!!?? Want me to kick you fly!!!?? Ha!!?" Bete quickly shouted. The sound of the door being kicked open with her full strength traveled around the manor where Loki Familia live.

Gareth which had a room close to Bete came out of his room. "What are both of you doing!? Seriously." He shouted.

"This girl kicked open my door!!" Bete quickly said while glaring to Tiona. "It's because of you!! After all... after all... He didn't even remember me now!!!!" Tiona said with her whole body trembling with anger and leaving Bete and Gareth with some of the tears flying from her eyes.

"You can't be angry about that, Bete. You also hold some mistakes on that." Gareth said after thinking about who Tiona said but, with recent events, he realized who. Bete also seems to know who's Tiona talking about. "Tch... I knew that old man. I also felt a little bitter after knowing what I did when I'm drunk." Bete said while staring at the dark empty hallway.

Raul opened his door in curious "What is happening here?" He said after noticing only Bete and Gareth there while the other member actually scared to open their door. "Nice timing. I sleep here, Raul." Bete said entering his room and slam the door leaving Raul alone in the hallway after Gareth is gone inside his room.

"Eeeehhh!!!??" Raul shouted alone in the hallway.

If you found anything weird just comment on it.

Sometimes I got brain lag and can't think of a word. The problem being a non-English speaker.

Rouxkcreators' thoughts