
Wild Vacation

I woke feeling groggy as the two weeks finally started today. As I got up, I noticed Emerald, Neopolitan, Argint, and Luna all sharing my bed with me. I carefully got up so as not to wake them up and get breakfast started since I had Teams, RWBY, PERN, and NALA over, and they would be leaving later today to go back to their respective homes. I stretched as I got up and put on a bathrobe to avoid streaking in front of someone.

As I made my way to the kitchen, I yawned, then suddenly I felt a spacial disturbance in my home and muttered.

" What now?"

Spacial disturbance usually means teleportation or other Space-related abilities, so I am not looking forward to dealing with whoever is messing around in my home. I went to the source in my foyer and suddenly saw a girl literally crash into my couch in a flash of green light. Well, let's see who my intruder is.

I walked over to see an ashen-haired girl with a scar over her left eye carrying a sword on her back. I, of course, fortunately and unfortunately, recognized the girl as I knew of her but never met her personally. Cirilla Fiona Elen Riannon, or more affectionately known as Ciri, and I could not help but curse at the implications of her arrival.

" F*ck."


Cirilla groaned as she started to wake up from using her Elder Blood too much to fight and then escape the Wild Hunt. Still exhausted, she forcibly pulled herself up and stiffened as she heard an unfamiliar voice.

" Easy, Cirilla. You still need some time to recover."

She reached for her sword only to find it missing from its usual spot on her back. The Young Witcheress then looked at the source of the voice and saw a 7-foot giant of a man in a... Bathrobe? Light gray hair with piercing metallic gray eyes with her sword in his... Paws!? Cirilla was getting weirded out and nervous about her situation. Taking a moment to assess possible escape routes, then requested.

" I would like my sword back."

" Sure, it's junk to me anyway."

The man tossed the sword to her, and she grabbed it by its sheathed blade. Feeling offended, she retorted.

" Zireael is not junk."

" It is to me, and I have high standards. It is a fragile, slightly sharp stick with pathetic Magic enchantments."

The giant in the bathrobe started with a bored look. Cirilla frowned at her gift from her Father in all but blood being dismissed and challenged.

" Like you have better?"

With a wave of his paw, three swords appeared out of thin air, making the Witcheress' instincts scream out DEATH. One sword was pitch black with an ominous, deathly aura radiating from it. Another was pure white with a sacred feeling surrounding it, and the last seemed less of a sword and more of a creature made to take the form of a sword. The giant smirked as he said.

" You were saying?"

Sending the swords back from where they came from, Cirilla realized she had stopped breathing in their presence and gulped silently as she understood she felt genuine fear for those swords. She quietly asked while gripping her sword nervously.

" Who are you?"

" Well, Cirilla, my name is Silva Branwen, and I am an old friend of Vesemir. While this is our first meeting, I have heard of you from him."

" You know Uncle Vesemir!?"

" That's what I said, yes."

Silva answered calmly and sighed as he complained to her.

" You certainly made an entrance into my home, and now I am worried the Wild Hunt is going to have an interest in my homeworld, which is going to be annoying at best and concerning at worst."

" Sorry, I-."

" Don't apologize. I know you have no real mastery over your abilities, considering you overshot into my neck of the woods."

The giant stated that he was not going to hear it and added.

" Since you are here, you might as well join me for breakfast."

Silva got up and said.

" Come along then. You must be hungry."

Cirilla did not get a chance to say anything as her stomach grumbled, as it had been a while since she had a decent meal.


Silva entered the kitchen with Cirilla and spotted Summer already making a batch of fresh cookies. He greeted the Silver-Eyed Mother.

" Morning, Summer."

" Morning, Silva. Who is our guest here?"

Summer looked at the Witcheress with curiosity, and the Snow Leopard Man answered.

" She is a relative of a friend of mine that I am going to look after for a bit as a favor to them. Her name is Cirilla."

While technically not a lie, it was not the whole truth either, and Cirilla chimed in.

" You can call me Ciri."

" Nice to meet you, Ciri, I'm Summer Rose."

The Silver-Eyed Warrior greeted the new guest with warmth, and the Witcheress then bluntly asked.

" So you're his wife then?"

Silva suppressed the urge to facepalm himself at Cirilla's lack of tact, and Summer scratched her cheek as she was unsure how to describe her relationship with the young man. The Snow Leopard Man decided to change topics to more immediate matters, like breakfast.

" Well, Summer, since you already have something sweet whipped up, I'll add to that with some French toast and omelets for everyone. Chef Bots, you have your orders."

The cooking robots stirred from their recharging stations and went straight to work, making breakfast for everyone. The Witcheress was immediately curious about them and asked.

" What are they?"

" Artificial constructs that handle cooking and cleaning the kitchen."

Silva explained it in a way that his guest would understand, and Cirilla immediately eyed them with desire as she commented.

" Sounds convenient."

" That they are."

The Snow Leopard Man stated with a bit of pride in his creations and added.

" While breakfast is being made, mind coming with me for a bit, Cirilla? We have a few things to discuss before everyone else wakes up."

" Ah, sure?"

Silva then led Cirilla to a dining table away from the others to speak in private.


" Okay, to start things off, no mentioning of your world or anything you're curious about that you might see as the concept of other worlds and universes is a bit of a secret, and not everyone in my home knows it."

I told Cirilla directly to avoid explaining too many things and added.

" I will also answer all your questions later after everyone leaves to head to their respective homes for a vacation."

" Okay, then what if I were to say let something slip and had to explain myself?"

The Witcheress said to me with a sly smile at her thinly veiled threat, but two can play that game.

" Then words are no longer relevant."

I directed all my malice at her without restraint and made her break out in a cold sweat. I wouldn't kill her, but I would not take any sh*t from her, either. Cirilla may prioritize her well-being first at the moment since we just met, which I approve of, but that does not mean I will tolerate her trying to manipulate or leverage me to her advantage. I calmed down as I showed her the stick and now for the carrot.

" Vesemir is a dear friend of mine, and I know he views you as the niece or granddaughter he never had, so you are welcome to stay as long as you want because I can deal with the Wild Hunt if they appear. Maybe I can even help you hone your gifts as I can prevent or mend any accidents that might occur."

" Yennefer tried, but she couldn't really teach me anything."

I smirked at her and told the Witcheress.

" Yennefer of Vengerberg was trying to teach you like a Sorecess when you are not. Your Elder Blood makes your abilities instinctual in nature. It is literally in your blood to know what you can or cannot do. You just need a safe environment to practice and experiment, plus someone to treat you in case of any mishaps. All of which I can provide."

Cirilla looked like she was considering my offer, and I asked.

" Will you mind yourself?"

She gave me a curt nod, and I relaxed a bit. The breakfast bell rang, and I got up to eat as I got the feeling this was just the start of a long day.