
Another Chance in the World of Remnant

For those of you who read my other work, A Second Chance in Remnant, this is basically a separate story that works as a rewrite. Feel free to comment on what you want to or don't want to see I hope you enjoy.

ShadowlessBlade · 漫画同人
280 Chs

Studious Remnant

I, Silva Zelretch Branwen, pierced the head of the Elder Alpha Beowolf with Rua Scáth and finished my third Search and Destroy mission for the day. A week has gone by since Ozpin gave me clearance to tackle missions for school credit, and I am already on my 17th mission, more than earning enough credits for the semester. At first, Glynda served as my supervisor, but after showing that I am more than well enough equipped to handle Search and Destroy missions, she only came along for other types of missions like Investigations or Search and Rescue.

This is my last mission for the semester, as it earned me enough credits to pass. I stretched and went back to the nearby settlement to let them know that their Alpha Beowolf turned out to be an Elder and get my mission complete. I ran through the woods with Flash Step and soon reached the settlement. Oddly enough, it was the same one from the Volume 4 character short where Ruby fought against a Beringel. I knew from the statue in front of the tower that the little cookie monster crash-landed onto.

After getting my kill confirmation from the settlement leader, I hopped onto the airship and went back to Beacon. Now I just need to help Ruby with the Midterms coming up.


To say Ozpin was surprised would be an understatement. In about a week, Silva Branwen had completed 17 missions without issues. In fact, it seemed that the young man could tackle just about anything. With Search and Destroy, no Grimm gave him any challenge. Search and Rescue was completed easily with little to no loss of life. Investigations were handled with cold precision with no legal issues. The old wizard wanted the snow leopard man on his side, but he knew what Raven knew, so getting him to work against Salem actively would not be an easy feat.

Thankfully, Silva had no interest in graduating early, so it gave Ozpin time to convince him to work with him. The old wizard then recalled Team RWBY, PERN, and NALA, with whom the snow leopard man had close relations and already had plans to bring into the fold before realizing just how sharp a weapon he would be against the Queen. Ozpin was not above manipulation by any means, but he knew he had to handle Silva carefully, or any attempt could and would backfire on him as the young man had Raven as a mother.

The old wizard started to plan to bring Silva Branwen into his fold for the sake of the war against Salem.


Ruby was ready to scream out in frustration at the stress of catching up on the two years she skipped and with Midterms coming up. However, at least if she can get over this hurdle, she will be all caught up and could handle the next semester with no issue. She went over her notes in the library and textbooks her Dad recommended for her to help catch up. The little cookie monster did consider talking her team into a team study session but gave up on that idea since it was only she who really had to worry about Midterms.

As Ruby studied, she heard a familiar voice call out to her.

" Hey, Ruby, got a moment?"

It was Silva; she always had a moment for him.

" Sure, what's up?"

" I know Midterms are just around the corner, and since I am exempt, I figure I could help you catch up."

" Really?!"

This was just what the little cookie monster needed; she may be a bit jealous that the snow leopard man was free from the exams, but here he was willing to help her. Silva smiled as he told Ruby.

" Come to my room this weekend, and I will help you get caught up and then some."

" Thanks! You have no idea how much this means to me!"

The little cookie monster hugged the snow leopard with relief and gratitude. Silva could not help but chuckle at Ruby's exuberance as he returned the hug.


I waited in my foyer at my Forever Fall Manor as I was expecting a text message from Ruby to bring her over. I took out one of my books from my travels, Icha Icha Paradise. However, it was crappily written erotica. It did do an impressive amount of description for the women that did not make it seem excessive, so it was not all bad. That old toad sage clearly is only getting action from women he pays for, whether it be for still having a hard-on for the slug princess or he just has no game, I don't know.

As I mentally critiqued each scene that was written, I heard someone call out to me.

" Silva."

I looked up from my book and saw Summer looking at me.

" Yes, Summer?"

" What are you reading?"

" Just one of the series I picked up from my travels. Why?"

The elder Rose looked at my book with interest and asked.

" Is it any good?"

" Not really. While big in its homeworld, it only shows a lack of cultural development in that world since compared to some decent ones I have read from the same genre. I could probably make a killing in that world by writing my own story."

" What genre is it?"

At her question, I grinned as I replied.

" Erotica."

" Oh... Oh! I, ah, will leave you alone right now..."

I chuckled at seeing Summer so easily embarrassed, and seeing that she was here, I offered.

" Summer, a moment."

" Yes?"

The elder Rose avoided direct eye contact as I told her.

" I plan on helping Ruby catch up on the two years she skipped for Midterms, and I am wondering if you want to help."

" Of course!"

She immediately replied with excitement at having a chance to spend more time with her daughter as Ruby and Yang usually have their hands full from Beacon. I then finally got a text message from the little cookie monster saying she was ready to come over. I opened a black portal, and Ruby came over.

"Let's get started, Silva! Oh, hey, mom!"

The younger Rose told the elder Rose, and Summer returned her daughter's greeting.

" Hello, my little rosebud. Silva just told me you are getting some help from him for Midterms, and I am also going to help."

" Thanks, Mom!"

Ruby replied as she was happy to spend more time with her mother. I got up and got their attention.

" Before we get started, we need to make one more trip."

I opened a portal with Kaleidoscope, and the little cookie monster asked with a look of confusion.

" Um, Silva, aren't your portals usually black?"

" Let's just say we are going somewhere particularly special."

I gestured for the mother and daughter duo to go through the portal first, and they only hesitated for a moment before going through. I then followed and closed the portal behind me as the two took in the foreign sights. Ruby was the first to ask me.

" Um, Silva, WHERE are we?"

" Yes, Silva, I am also curious as this city is nothing like I have seen during my time as a Huntress."

Summer also marveled but also looked confused, and I told them bluntly.

" We are in another World called Earth or, more specifically, the Tokyo ward of Keyakigaoka in Japan."


The two shouted in surprise, and I then told them.

" Let's grab a bite to eat first, and I will explain everything."