
Messaging Black

I, Silva Branwen, came up to the Belladonna Manor and used the knocker on the door, and waited for a reply. After a minute, the door opened to reveal Kali Belladonna, and she greeted me with a smile.

" Hello, again, Silva; sorry, Ghira is out right now and wouldn't be back for a while. I can take a message if you want."

" Actually, I am here to see you, Mrs.Belladonna."

" Oh? How can I help?"

The mature cat-eared woman tilted her head as she asked, and I explained.

" I have been planning on hosting a beach party for a while now, and I was wondering if you knew of any secluded and private beaches where there would not be any uninvited guests showing up out of the blue."

" I know just the place; follow me!"

I followed Kali to the docks, where she took out a small motorboat she owned and got in with her. As the cat-eared woman drove the boat, I said.

" Thanks, Mrs.Belladonna."

" Oh, please call me Kali."

" I will from now on, Kali."

After a few hours, Kali drove towards an island that was roughly west of Kuo Kuana and said.

" Let me introduce you to my private little getaway, Azure Island. It's a great place to catch some tuna when they're in season, and right now, they are not, so no one really comes here right now."

" This will work perfectly, Kali. Thanks!"

" Glad I could help, but I have a quick question, if you don't mind."

I replied casually.

" Sure, ask away."

" Is this beach party private?"

" It's mainly for family and friends, but if you want to join in on the fun along with Ghira, you are welcome to; after all, the more, the merrier."

I got out of the boat to check the island and scout out a good location for the party. After spending a few hours on Azure Island, I found a good spot to set up camp and committed it to memory so I could come back later. I went back to Kali and saw her looking at the sea with a hint of melancholy, and I asked, concerned.

" Is something the matter?"

" Just thinking about the last time I was here... With my daughter, Blake."

" I'm guessing it's been a while."

" Yes, the last time I saw her, Ghira and I got into an argument with her about staying with the White Fang instead of leaving with us when Sienna took over."

I nodded in understanding and said.

" Yeah, the White Fang has changed for the worse, in my opinion. They are less about equal rights and more about getting payback on humans."

The cat-eared woman sighed as she agreed.

" Unfortunately, you are right about that, Silva."

" If you want, I can see if I can find your daughter and give her a message if you want. I get around a lot, and it would not be too hard for me to find the branches of the White Fang in any of the kingdoms."

I offered since I have directly seen Adam and can use Door To Darkness to get him since Blake is likely following him around like a puppy, despite being a cat faunus. Kali gave me a sad smile as she said.

" Thank you for offering, Silva, but I can't impose on you for a personal matter like this."

" It's no big deal for me, Kali; distance means nothing to me since my Semblance can let me travel from one side of the world to the other in mere moments."

While the cat-eared woman looked hesitant, she also seemed a bit hopeful at my offer, and I pressed a bit more.

" Kali, I assure you I can probably find your daughter with little to no issue, and I can even bring you to her once I find her if you really want."

" Can you really?"

" Once I find her, it's just a portal away to meet her again."

Kali took in my words for a few moments, then said.

" Meeting her might be a bit much since our disagreement, but could you deliver a letter instead?"

" It would be my pleasure, Kali."


After a few days since finding a spot for the beach party, I went and used my Transmutation Semblance to create a Mistral-style ( Japanese) inn for everyone to rest at during the night by gathering some wood and using my Semblance to shape it. After outfitting it with all the necessities, I went to track Blake down to give the letters Kali and Ghira gave me to her. I opened a portal to Adam at night and saw the White Fang camp set up deep within Forever Fall forest and went on to try to find the ninja cat girl.

I carefully checked the tents one by one while keeping my ears open for any signs of patrols. It was easier than expected, as I soon found Blake still awake, reading a book by candlelight, and I entered her tent. She noticed my presence and asked with a guarded expression.

" Can I help you?"

" Just got a delivery for you, that's all."

I handed the letters over to Blake, and she took them as she looked at me with an arched eyebrow. I left her tent quickly and opened a portal back to my place in Vale. I'll tell Kali tomorrow that I have delivered the letters since it's late now.


Blake Belladonna was curious and surprised by the sudden delivery of some letters, especially since it was given to her by someone she didn't recognize from the camp. She looked at the letters more closely and saw some familiar handwriting, her parent's. The ninja cat girl's eyes widened at seeing this, as she was not expecting letters from her parents at all. Blake looked at the letters with mixed emotions for a few minutes before deciding to open them. She spent the next several minutes reading both letters and felt guilty about leaving home after an argument about her continuing with the White Fang under Sienna's leadership.

The letters both asked if she was okay, eating alright, and hadn't gotten into any trouble. The ninja cat girl had a bitter smile directed at herself since she could tell the love and concern conveyed in her parents' letters despite the argument she got into with them about her choices. After rereading them once more, Blake stored the letters in her knapsack for safe keeping and then wrote her own letter in reply. She looked out of her tent in the hope of giving her letter to the same messenger that delivered the letters to her but found no trace of the snow leopard faunus.

The ninja cat girl made plans to ask around for him tomorrow and hoped he could pass along the letter she wrote back. Blake went back to her tent and blew out the candles before heading to sleep.