
Finishing Remnant

Rinko Iori woke up with another pounding hangover and with a soreness between... Her... Legs!? This woke her up immediately, but she found herself restrained by thick, powerful arms around her waist. Feeling the warm and hard thing against her back as she was in the little spoon position, she looked over her shoulder to see Silva Branwen snoozing away as he held her.

Guilt racked the housewife as she realized she had cheated on her husband, but she started to remember last night as she came again and again, and her womb was dyed white from someone other than her husband. She shuttered from equal measures of pleasure and fear that she might have gotten pregnant from the last night. She then went to feel her sore vagina and scooped out a lot of white dried substance. One thought crossed her mind.

" I definitely got pregnant again."

Rinko felt sick with herself as her eyes got misty at the betrayal toward her husband. How was she going to face him again? How was she going to explain herself to her son Sei? As she quietly sobbed, Silva woke up.

" Rinko? What's the matter?"


The housewife's sudden shout jolted the giant awake, and he quickly put two and two together. Sighing, Silva told his new lover.

" Rinko, look at me."

She only sobbed harder into her pillow, and the giant growled in annoyance as he grabbed her and pinned Rinko under him. She resisted his grasp, but it was a futile effort as she was too weak compared to him. Silva then assured her gently.

" You aren't going to get pregnant, Rinko."

" But we-."

" I am on a medication that prevents my sperm from fertilizing your eggs as intended, and the chance of you getting pregnant is about the same as I would use a condom regardless of how much I pour into you. Your period will roll around, and you will have nothing to worry about in that regard."

At the giant's explanation, which was a half-truth as she would not get pregnant since he turned off his fertility, the housewife asked unsurely.

" Really?"

" I promise."

Silva let go of Rinko as she felt relieved but then brought up the last night.

" That aside, did you and I?"

" Yep."

The giant answers while popping the P, and the housewife returns to feeling guilty and ashamed. Silva then asks out of the blue.

" When was the last time you spent time with your husband?"

" What?"

Rinko asks in confusion at the sudden question, and the giant replies.

" You heard me."

The housewife hesitated for a few moments before answering.

" A few..."

Although Silva heard her whisper the last part clearly, he told Rinko coldly.

" Louder Rinko."

" It's been a few years!"

The housewife exclaimed, and the giant told her reassuringly.

" While you and I share blame for taking last night as far as we did, your husband is not blameless either. He left you alone, expecting you to be a good little housewife waiting for him to come back for who knows how long. While it could be taken as having faith in you, it could also be seen as him being foolish and taking you for granted. You are a beautiful and charming woman, and the best mother any child would be lucky to have.

I can't begin to comprehend why he would willingly separate himself from you for so long, and nor do I want to. What you want to do next is up to you. You can treat this instance as a moment of weakness and beg for forgiveness from your husband the next time you meet him. Or you can accept that you have needs and Takeshi has not been a very good husband to you or father to Sei with his long absence. The choice is yours, and I will respect it even if you want to distance yourself from me."

Rinko was stunned by Silva's little speech and looked away as she replied.

" I... I need to think..."

" Take all the time you need."

The giant gave the housewife a quick peck on the forehead before he got up and went to get started on breakfast. Rinko was in a daze once more as she touched where Silva kissed her absentmindedly as she felt lost on what to do.


I won't deny that part of me feels pleased with myself for banging Rinko. Heck, even my darker desires were to impregnate her last night, but I withheld as there are plenty of other women in the multiverse where I can sate the darker parts of me with little to no guilt as there are both heroines and villainesses that exist. I went to the kitchen to get the chef bots started on breakfast, and this time, everyone would have to make do with hangover medicine since they should not have been drinking in the first place, especially Ruby and Aila.

As I waited for breakfast, Ruby was the first to show as she held her undoubtedly pounding head with a groan.

" My head is killing me..."

" That's called a hangover, Ruby, as you get it after having too much alcohol, and before you ask, Qrow does not get them as he is never fully sober."

The younger Rose groaned as she sat down and laid her head on the table while waiting for breakfast with me. Not long after, Aila joined us as breakfast was being served, but she seemed fine. Maybe she has some hereditary resistance to alcohol? We quietly ate breakfast, and Summer showed up just after Aila, Ruby, and I finished eating. Needless to say, the elder Rose had a nasty hangover as well. Now, what to do today?

Meh, I might as well focus on the younger Rose's studies for the time being and get the silver-haired girl set up for attending school next semester, which would place her around when Build Fighters starts with Reiji showing up from the Arian Colony due to his crystal. Interesting, but not really important since her situation is now different. Maybe I should bring Aila back with me? Something to talk about later. For now, let's get Ruby up to speed on her studies since she only really needs to review her first semester from Beacon.

" Come on, Ruby, we still have some studying to do."

" But my head hurts!"

At her complaint, I retorted.

" You brought that down on yourself, Ruby. So less complaining, more studying."

I picked up the younger Rose like a princess, which made her into a blushing mess, and told Aila before I left.

" Make yourself at home, Aila, and do what interest you. I got to get Ruby caught up with her studies since she skipped a few grades."

" Can I come?"

I thought about it for a moment and figured I might as well introduce the concept of the Multiverse to her and see if she is interested in coming back to Remnant with me.

" Sure, I also need to tell you a few things as well."


Aila Jyrkiäinen's mind was blown by the bombs her legal guardian, Silva Branwen, decided to drop on her. The Multiverse, parallel worlds, alternate universes, separate independent dimensions. The fact her sort of friend, Ruby, could be considered an otherworldly alien and that Silva was not technically human shook her up.

There was no room for doubt since the younger Rose demonstrated her Semblance, and the snow leopard faunus showed windows to other worlds with his Magic of all things. While the silver-haired girl was still processing this new information, Silva was teaching Ruby tactics and strategy against Grimm.

" You see, a good way to identify the danger level of a Grimm horde is by making note of local species and whether if there are any older members of the creatures of Grimm. The older a Grimm is, the more likely they are to hang back and let younger Grimm charge undaunted to test or break the defenses of your position. Particularly, old Grimm are even able to identify weak spots in defenses if they have a lot of experience.

Some of the troublesome varieties of Grimm are not ferocious and savage but those that have unique abilities like Apathy or unidentified species that may be born from a fusion of different Grimm to birth a whole new kind of monster. A prime example is an ancient record of a Grimm code-named Yamato no Orochi, a Grimm formed from several King Taijitu to form an eight-headed nightmare that destroyed several settlements in the past and took dozens of Huntsmen and Huntresses to take down where most lost their lives."

Ruby diligently took notes as Silva went on explaining viable tactics against hordes of Grimm depending on the environment you are in and even went over some animals that could help cull numbers if directed with the right incentive. As the two went on, Aila finally asked out of curiosity as she wrapped her head around of the concept of the multiverse.

" What are Grimm?"

" Monsters native to my and Ruby's homeworld. Usually, pitch-black monsters of various shapes and sizes with white bone-like masks and parts with burning red-yellow eyes that have a destructive instinct to destroy humanity and the faunus and their works."

The snow leopard man answered with a simplified explanation as explaining the Brother Gods was a can of worms he was not going to open just yet, at least not until he dealt with them permanently first. After the younger Rose's lessons were over, Silva asked Aila.

" The reason I explained my and Ruby's origins to you, Aila, was because I was wondering if you have any attachments to this world and wanted to come back to Remnant with us."

" To another world?"

" Yes, for a fresh start if you so desire. However, to be clear, because time flows independently for every universe, even if I leave you here, I can come back almost exactly at the same time as I left, and it would be like I never really left. I am only making this offer because I want you to have more options for yourself. Your life is your own, and I will respect your choice."

The silver-haired girl thought about what the snow leopard man explained for several moments before asking.

" Can you tell me more about your home?"

" Certainly."

Silva agreed and gave Aila a lot of food for thought.


Another day ended in the Build Gundam Universe as Ruby was almost completely caught up in her studies, and I needed to make some plans to return for Midterms back at Beacon, then the two-week break where I would check on Raven and Salem. I feel pretty sure she is going to get better grades than Weiss, which would be pretty funny because I know the snow princess will have a look of disbelief at seeing her team leader who jumped two whole years in advance. I chuckled at the thought as I got ready to sleep, and I suddenly heard my door open.

I found Rinko entering my room in her bathrobe that I gave her as she closed the door behind her. Before I could say anything, she told me.

" This only until Sei comes back from his School trip!"

The blue-haired housewife came up to me as she took off her bathrobe to reveal her naked form. Looks like the temptation got to her, and if it got to her once, it can get to her again and again. Now, I just need to see how far I can push her.


" Everyone got everything?"

Silva asked Ruby, Summer, and Aila as they were preparing to head back to Remnant together. The silver-haired girl thought a lot about whether to stay or go with them and ultimately decided to go to the homeworld of Silva as she did not have any real attachment to her homeworld as there were more bad than good memories. The younger Rose replied to the snow leopard man's question.

" All packed and ready to ace my midterms!"

Ruby was completely confident in passing her midterms after about six months to catch up on the two years she skipped. Summer added.

" It will be nice to be back home, but this was a nice study vacation as well. I would love to do this with Yang as well."

" Oh, Yeah. Hey Silva, if you were to go off to another world with Yang, where would you take her?"

Silva answered plainly as he checked his calculations in his head for his return trip to Remnant.

" I have a few ideas, but I am honestly considering going somewhere where puns don't exist just to mess with her."

Ruby briefly imagined her sister's reaction to such a world and was laughing at imagining her horror. The elder Rose had a wry smile at the thought and was also tempted to do just that in hopes of "fixing" her stepdaughter's sense of humor. Silva was also smiling at the thought of Yang arriving in a world where puns don't exist, and his mind wandered to his new lover, Rinko. Things between them turned out better than he had expected, as the housewife was VERY pent-up, and they went beyond a sex-focused relationship to something far more wholesome with dates and spending time together.

Although her son Sei was none the wiser of his Mother's new relationship, he thought Silva was simply a good friend to his Mom. That worried Rinko a little as she was concerned with her son's lack of perception of social subtleties and did not want him to grow old alone. The housewife was still undecided as to whether or not to divorce her husband, but Silva did not press the matter as he would respect Rinko's choice.

" Let's head home, everybody."

Silva said as he opened a multicolored portal, and they went through it, leaving the previous world behind.