
Burning Orange

" Are you certain of this, Silva?"

" Yes, general."

I answered James Ironwood's after I gave my report on what was happening in Atlas and the cause being the White Fang. He frowned as he struck his desk with anger and cursed.

" Brothers' take them all! I heard rumors of a new high leader within the White Fang, but I never thought they would go this far!"

" General, right now is a time for action. The White Fang's most likely targets are SDC HQ and other businesses with a history of poor labor conditions for faunus employees and other such discrimination amongst Atlas."

Tindick took what I said and furiously pondered his next action. Then suddenly, the Ace-Ops finally showed up, and Clover Ebi saluted the general and said.

" Sorry for the delay, general, but we ran into complications when trying to get in contact with you. We kept on running to members of the White Fang as they attacked civilians."

" I am aware of the situation Clover, but with communications down, I am unable to give any orders to the soldiers stationed around Atlas."

I offered my advice on the matter at hand that could put things in my favor

" General, why not send the Ace-Ops to help restore the comm towers while I tackle the White Fang until you can start giving orders to your army?"

He looked at me and asked with a serious expression.

" Do you have any issues putting down these terrorists for good?"

" Who do you think you're talking to, Tindick?"

I asked back, as he should know by now I am used to having blood on my hands, or rather paws. My only issue is whether or not to spare Adam this time around because one, Blake is still probably infatuated with him and has not realized his true character. Two, the ninja cat girl still has hope for the White Fang and is willing to stick with them for the time being, and taking out Adam might result in her staying with them instead of attending Beacon. I can roughly guess where he might be at during this operation, and I can easily get the necessary information out of the grunts and lieutenants.

For now, I need to get Tindick to owe me, and I gave him some compelling reasons.

" I am more worried about the aftermath of the White Fang's actions, so I want to limit the political blowback by doing something about this situation because a faunus working against this terrorist attack will send a message that the White Fang is a group of radicals that don't speak for every faunus."

The general considered my words, then said.

" You have permission to engage the White Fang as you see fit, Silva Branwen. Ace-Ops I want communication back up now!"

The Ace-Ops saluted the general and went to follow his orders, and I left through the window again. Soon reaching the ground, I concentrated my Aura in my ears to find the nearest fight through sound. I soon picked up something on my right and used Flash Steps to move quickly through the streets. I saw some White Fang grunt throwing explosives at a building, and I took out my Aura hand cannon. It resembles a heavy revolver for the most part and is outfitted with a large metal stock so that I can get a decent grip on it with my paws. I set it to stun and pull the trigger.

The shots I fired were fairly quiet compared to the usual gunfire since it relies on Aura to form the bullets and the necessary force to propel them, so the grunts had no idea what hit them. After over a dozen shots, some I missed as I haven't gotten any shooting practice in yet, they fell unconscious, and I went up to them to use Soul Archive. Okay, I now know where the nearest captain is, and they will know where Sienna and Adam are at. I rabidly moved through the streets and occasionally put down some of the White Fang grunts without killing them.

If any die in this attack, they will be made martyrs, which is the last thing I need right now. I soon found the captain, and she was a snowy owl faunus with owl wings attached to her back. Admittedly, she seemed angelic with her long silver blonde hair and lithe figure; under other circumstances, I would've tried my luck to talk to her and see where it would get me, but priorities. I took out my black ax and projected a large black Aura blade. I then used Flash Steps to get behind her and her guards and swing the Aura ax with all my might.

I sent them all flying, and only the captain managed to regain her balance by using her wings to adjust herself mid-air. Her voice is cold and crisp as she demands.

" Who are you?!"

I kept silent and charged at her to close the distance. The White Fang captain took out her spear to block my ax. Unfortunately for her, she couldn't stop me that easily; I changed the size of the ax blade and made it larger in an instant, and swung at her exposed midriff. Sending her tumbling back, I made the ax blade smaller and hacked at her with her back to the ground. She blocks desperately with her spear handle as I continue to attack her without mercy. Her spear broke under my assault, and I cleaved at her Aura-protected body, which shattered instantly.

The White Fang Captain fell unconscious from having her Aura depleted, and I used Soul Archive on her to find out where Sienna and Adam were. They are leading most of the White Fang on an attack on Schnee Dust Company Headquarters; why am I not surprised? I guess my effort in trying to change it through Willow wasn't enough or didn't matter to those who have suffered under Jacques's regime, but it is irrelevant right now. I opened a portal with Door To Darkness to SDC HQ and saw corpses of humans and the White Fang, plus signs of battle. As I headed towards the entrance, two White Fang grunts stopped me.

" Halt!"

" We can not allow you to go any further, brother."

I took out my red and white axes. The red one's blades glowed orange-red from the heat on its blade, while the white one let out a metallic screech from its vibrations. I slashed at both their weapons and they were cut in half. I used the back of my axes to strike their heads and knock them unconscious, then went inside to give Sienna Kahn a choice and to decide how to handle Adam.


Sienna Kahn felt pleased that the plan was moving forward with only minor issues that the captains and lieutenants were more than capable of handling. She used her weapon, Cerberus Whip, a chain whip with three detachable blades linked together that can burn, freeze, or electrocute when hitting a target, to take down another SDC guard. The Bengal tiger woman smiled at the justice she was delivering to this company built with the blood and death of her fellow faunus. The only reason Sienna was not enjoying herself more was that the company's recent changes made it more... faunus friendly.

Part of her, a small part, didn't want to attack a company that was changing and starting to treat their faunus employees better. However, this attack is absolutely necessary because, regardless of its recent changes, it is still a widely known business that has a history of abusing the faunus. Sienna noticed Adam Taurus, a rising lieutenant in the White Fang, cutting down the guards with great relish and felt his enthusiasm was a bit too much. She is all for punishing humans but going too far sends the wrong message she is trying to create.

Sienna wants the faunus to be heard and respected, not denounced as a feral beast that needs to be put down immediately. She will speak to him later about the importance of restraint and remind him that revenge is not what the faunus need, regardless of how wanted it is by the majority. The Bengal tiger woman checked the time to make sure that they were not too far in to escape later, and they had about another hour until they needed to make an exit. She turned towards Ilia Amitola and saw her dispatch another guard.

Sienna knew of her story. In fact, every member of the assault force had a history with the Schnee Dust Company that made them want payback in one way or another against the company. She hoped by putting this force together that, they could somewhat settle their grudges and focus on the future of the faunus instead of thinking of past grievances. The Bengal tiger woman led her forces deeper into the company headquarters and reached the main storage area of Dust, their target. She ordered the grunt in charge of handling the lock to open the storage area.

" Open it."

" Yes, High leader!"

Sienna looked around and ordered the rest of her troops.

" Defensive positions, everyone!"

As she waited, one of the grunts called out.

" High leader, we got company!"

She turned to face the corridor that was expecting more guards to stop them but found only one person coming up to them. A faunus no less, his animal trait was that his arms were similar to that of a snow leopard. He towered over everyone there, with him being 6'7" or 6'8", and he was armed to the teeth. Sienna briefly recalled a young boy from years ago when Ghira Belladonna was still the high leader with the same trait. He also had the same pale gray hair and sharp gray eyes, and the snow leopard faunus called out.

" Sienna Kahn, I have come to bargain!"

Sienna frowned for multiple reasons, like that her name was known, that the faunus in front of her was likely a negotiator working with the humans, and that every hair on her body stood on end as she could feel how dangerous the one in front of her was. The Bengal tiger woman's instincts were deterring her from starting a confrontation with the man in front of her, and this only happened with faunus that could be considered Alphas. She kept a cool head and asked calmly.

" Who are you?"

" Silva Branwen, an independent contractor, currently working for James Ironwood."

She growled at what she heard but quickly schooled herself and replied.

" We do not negotiate with humans, not today!"

The rest of the White Fang group there roared out with approval at her words, but Silva silenced them with a bestial roar which sent shivers down her spine. Sienna felt the pure rage and aggravation in that roar, and the snow leopard faunus then said.

" You aren't negotiating with Tindick but with me as I am here on my own initiative, or do you just want to skip talking altogether?!"

The Bengal tiger woman then felt it, bloodlust erupting from the snow leopard faunus, and not one member of her forces dared to breathe, including her. She cursed her luck as she was dealing with someone with a lot of blood on their hands, and while her group was bloodthirsty, they were only recently blooded against the SDC guards, who were barely qualified fighters. No one can produce such killing intent without ending more lifes than they could count. After it went down, Silva then asked once more in a cold tone.

" Are you willing to talk or not?"

Sienna then ordered after calming herself.

" Adam, Ilia, with me."

She hoped that with the two of them with her that if things broke down into a fight that, they would provide her with enough support to face the snow leopard faunus. As the three walked up to Silva, Ilia recognized his traits and informed Adam and Sienna with a whisper.

" Adam, high leader, that's the assassin behind the Red Auction Incident!"

Sienna relaxed at hearing that and felt that things might turn out in her favor after all, and Adam smiled at meeting the one that killed those human scum. As they now stood in front of him, Silva said coolly.

" Let me be blunt with you. Leave and go back where you came from before you make a bigger mess than you already have."

Sienna bristled at what she was told but controlled herself but Adam however.

" Do you have any idea how close we are to making the humans pay for what they have done?!"

Before anything else could be said, Silva coldly ordered.

" Take off your mask and look me in the eyes, Adam Taurus."

The bull faunus angrily removed his mask to show his scar, his right to exact vengeance on the humans. Silva was unphased, which shocked Adam, and the snow leopard faunus told him.

" Do you know what I see when I look at you? I see an angry little boy that feels the world owes him for hurting him and wants to return the favor several times over. Let me tell you one truth; the world does not owe you or anybody anything, and terrible, unreasonable things happen without cause or reason every day. You and the White Fang being here is proof of that; the world does not owe you equal rights, so you take them."

Adam went ballistic.



Sienna chides the bull faunus, but Silva just laughs at the insult, then replies.

" I know plenty, Adam Taurus. I know that in the end, unless you change, you will drive everyone away from you and will only feel spite and pain."

The Bengal tiger woman stops Adam from drawing his sword and glares at him. After a few moments, he looks away, and Sienna focuses on Silva, then asks.

" Why should we leave when we are this close to completing our objective?"

" Why do you think the Schnee Dust Company is undergoing such rapid changes with little to no pushback? It is because I am the one that arranged Jacques Gele's disappearance, Willow Schnee's ascendence, divorce, and other matters. I am not about to allow you to ruin all my hard work in trying to make the lifes of faunus better with your foolishness and desire for revenge."

All of the White Fang felt stunned at what they heard, and Sienna dumbly asked with wide eyes.

" You, you did all of this?"

The Bengal tiger faunus soon started to feel a grudging respect for the one in front of her. He succeeded in a way that was different from her or Ghira's paths and had actual results to show for it. Ilia looked at the snow leopard faunus in a new light; not only had he killed those human scum, but he changed the company that took her parents' lifes. Adam was still seething at what he was told earlier, but his anger decreased slightly at hearing how a faunus was now the puppet master behind the Schnee Dust Company. Silva didn't care about their feeling at the moment and asked.

" Will you leave on your own accord?"

Sienna looked at the rest of her men, and while some still showed a bit of reluctance at just leaving, the others looked either willing or were considering it. Suddenly the door opens to the Dust storage area, and Adam bellows.


Adam's speech stopped the wavering of the White Fang grunts, and they moved to fulfill their vengeance. Sienna roared out with fury at her authority being usurped.

" ADAM!"

" High leader, we can't stop here! Think of the lives lost during this operation. How can we face them and their families if we just turn back at the words of a single faunus that has sold his soul to the humans?!"

Sienna considered his words for a moment and hated to admit that he had a point. There was no guarantee that Silva was speaking the truth despite being a faunus, and the thought of someone like him being behind several events connected to the Schnee family seemed ridiculous now that she thought about it. Ilia wanted to believe in what Silva said, but logic said it was too unrealistic to be true. The snow leopard faunus sighed and muttered to himself.

" I guess I am not really charismatic."