
8 - Take

Lagos. Nigeria. Channels TV.

"Let it be known to everyone that there will be a twist of movements and dealings in the government affairs, said the Federal Government. This is owed to the recent uproar and malady which had just hit the humankind. Several people do have their contentions, but many commoners and middlemen are sore afraid. Therefore, duties and offices would be closed gradually until further notice. Be sure that everyone takes this seriously and see the urgency that their is to it. Forces would be in the streets to ensure that orders are being adhered to. Military regime to be adopted. Whoever foils any order will be foiled. I'm Ishola Owonibi, Channels TV."

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London. England, UK. London Times.

"Nineteen wonders, here's London times. I'm Arnold Seashells. From the office of Boris Johnson, a news of worth and concerns. Take heed of the warnings which with feigning enthusiasm the prime minister had made his contention known. Meetings held with several other country rulers and leaders had edified the stance of the recent trouble which had taken delight in marring the affairs of the Humans. There will henceforth be a heavy curfew and only essential services are meant to move, for the period of three weeks. To be forewarned is to be forearmed. Take this seriously or be treated unseriously. Do well to catch us on the 9am news. Nineteen wonders, here's London times. Arnold Seashells."

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Moscow, Russia. NTV. Press Conference.

" We apologize to the population for the recent changes in the day-to-day operations of both the masses and the government. Although it was not formally initiated before it was implemented. Just note that everything we do is for the benefit of citizens, not for the benefit of the government. In addition to what has already begun, it should be noted that starting Monday next week, 06/12/2098, all citizens will be encouraged to stay at the door. Nobody expected to move. Anyone caught will be used as a model. And the copy, believe me, is what it is. We all know what's going on and the news that came to us from the alleged progenitors. Let's be guided and do what the government sees fit for us. Several other updates will be provided. The world government is eagerly awaiting a scientific explanation of recent events. Stay up to date. Let's stay focused and safe. "

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Beijing, China. Xinhua State news. Zhang Zhow.

" This is a terrible call from mankind. It is deeply regrettable that the People's Republic of China will inadvertently and actively violate certain human rights. This does not threaten any religion or sect. This is a recent change and several other governments have also implemented it. China Of course it is no exception. Our scientists have to take on work and functions. They aggregate all the knowledge that can be derived from the printed and soft versions of the myth and astronomical responses to life and human existence. Darwin's ideology is now Do research with other scholars whose ideas are thriving here. But please rest assured that the masses will be provided with food and other things necessary for life. The rent and taxes will be cut for a period of time until the whole thing is gone. Enjoy the rest Mysterious. Zhow Xinhua News Agency News"

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Tokyo, Japan. President's Speech.

" Dear Japanese, if you don't know what's going on in your world, let me talk. Our technology is broken by some creatures who call themselves our ancestors. They have been invaded somewhat. They breached the order of affairs. They have come to give some warnings about our way of life. They want to rob us of the cost of creating the whole human race and the ages of many human beings. They warned that they would either abolish technology or make us die with the products if we refuse to dance to their tune. According to them, they wanted to destroy everything we built and created. They promised to send their machines, alien machines. This can be called a shallow threat but might drown us. I'm not sure.Therefore, all citizens should continue their day-to-day activities while we wait for these orders and their invasions and machines. Don't be afraid. Continue your work as if nothing happened. Take not that what will be will be? Remember what Julius Caesar once proudly said: "The coward dies many times before his death." Be strong and safe. Let's do our best to stay alive. Alien threats cannot survive the wave of our unity. Peace."

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Washington DC. USA. House of Cards. TV show.

"If we will be objective, the Japanese government spoke better amongst all other governments. What'd you say?"

"That's a fair point, Fred. But what's your definition of objectivity? You see, Being objective doesn't mean trying to run away from the reality which Suga just portrayed."

The lady amongst them, who's dressed in some blouse, pencil trouser and a blue blazer countered the guy who just finished talking,

"Drake, you don't say that. He didn't run away from reality like you claim. He embraced it. Should I say, he's the bravest of all the rulers. You don't really have to restrict humans because of what you know you can't even stop when it arrives."

Drake was always at alert,

"You think the alien machines will arrive earth? Claire?"

Claire chuckled. She knew what he was going to do. But before she could play around her point, Fred already hopped on it.

"You know, funny now. How about later we can't laugh? What happens then?"

Claire hopped on,

"Probably we'll cry."

Drake took a swig from the cup of Coffee before him.

"I think we got an email from the TWAS."

Fred said. Drake dropped the cup and reminded reminded him,

"Always remember to tell the populace what the acronyms mean."

Fred smiled and said,

"The World Academy of Sciences."

Then he popped the message up and the media guy transplanted the message on the TV screen,

Claire read it out...