
44 - Litu's Wife Beholder met Wrath

Curt. The King's Palace.

"What did Litu's wife tell you when you paid her a visit?"

The Monarch addressed the man standing before him. As you would guess, there were quite the numbers of the chiefs present too. Only one of the men with odds was not around.

The man standing before the king whom he had addressed was the same man who had been bothering Litu's wife about relationship.

The Monarch actually had no idea of that hideous intention. Plus the magic of it all was the fact that, the man was the son to the chief with loose tongue. While the lady was the daughter of the man who was always against that odd chief, the man's father.

"She had given up hope and would love to remarry."

He said. He looked at his father. He was glad that the lady's father was not on seat.

The Monarch sighed. He had a tough time believing. He knew that the fellow was up to no good.

"Where's her father?"