
18 - Take

"Ride on Professor!!!!"

One of the ladies amongst the crowd called out. She was seconded by many more with whistles and shouts and shrieks and wails and all. He was done already with the noises. He needed them to be quiet for the sake of love.

He raised his hands but they kept shouting and shouting and whistling and yelling. Why wouldn't they? Their professor, the great leader, who was charged to court by the government had been returned.

It's a great course for them of course. They had every right to be happy. To be glad. To keep yelling throughout a year. Hyperbole.

"Your words, Professor. Your words!!!"

A man who probably was in the death of his 30s said. He was dressed in a caftan, mimicking the professor. His black shoes and hat too, though he had a pair of glasses on.

The professor looked towards the guy and smiled. Twas always a refreshing moment to see that you have some descendants or followers who even take after your dressing just to imitate you.

He had heard a lot just while standing there. He had heard people trying to speak the way he did address the people. He loved all and appreciated their love.

What the government had done was just to earn him more followers. Because people from neighboring villagers were coming to the island.

Even Africans, such as Nigerians, South Africans, even Indians, Danish and all were coming to the island.

He knew he wouldn't be able to count all of them. It had been a long while. There were a lot of things he would have to put in place.

He looked at the stretched crowd, there were even reporters there. Reporters who quit working with the government and had moved to the island with the Professor just to give him a live coverage which even was another thorn.

He had just gotten there 2 hours ago and he hadn't been able to say anything. He had no idea if the people never got tired.

He loved their zeal and energy but they could actually use it on and for something else.

He beckoned to one of the men he had entrusted the park to.

The fellow walked to him. He was dressed in a top and a jean trousers. His feet were strapped to sandals and his eyes were as though they were the strength of the sun. He got to him.

The professor struggled to put a message across to the fellow.

He sent the fellow away. The man fought his way through the crowds till he got to where some of the reporters were. He took them with himself.

As he was going to proceed with them to the Professor, the populace prevented them from proceeding.

The crowds looked towards the professor for his approval. He waved them a cool and they allowed the reporters and the fellow through.

Though some still wouldn't want them to proceed after the professor's acknowledgement, but they were dealt with by folks who loved bullying.

The reporters arrived at where the Professor was and he conversed with them for a while.

The set up the necessary tools needed for the coverage and all the twenty mics from the twenty TV stations were lined before the Professor.

There was nowhere to put them, so they were held by the reporters while the professor had his way with the words; the camera was set on a preferred and well thought height.

"Let's be calm, we're here."

The professor said and breathed into the mic.

There were echoes and shouts and yells and all. Whistles were ringing at the ends of all hills. The joy of the master.

He waved them to be quiet and the noise began to be smothered.

"Obviously you don't want to hear me speak."

He said again and there was a sudden silence. As though a spell was cast on them all.

A drone was sent to capture all that was happening. Under its coverage was it caught that there was a white and wierd force going amongst all of them.

No one knew what it was or where it did come from, but all that was seen was the fact that, whoever the stuff touched mated silence.

"Very well."

The professor resumed.

"I appreciate your kind gestures and your undaunted stances despites the waves of odds and calibrated complications."

"Ride on, Prof."

One of the people called. He ignored.

"I'll keep this briefly as it should be that we all may go rest and get prepared."

"Prepared for what?"

Another person called but he would ignore again.

"There is a good news and a bad news."

No one said a word. He loved that. That gave him a moment to reel over the words and push out the punchlines without having to make them wait in vain.

"Goodnews is, I'm back without being jailed. The government though did cut the supplies of basic needs and all, but we've gotten a supply response from one of the private enterprises from the south of these waters. We're in good hands and would survive the odds."

There were cheers and all but he hated them. They should do that after he was done addressing them. They should had known that by then.

"A lot of schooling I'll still have to do."

He said and waited for some flow of air to push their way through his larynx. He was being calculative.

He continued.

"Bad news is that, according to the statistics and the logic of reasoning, in complement of the basic theories arrived at and specimens of observation which were examined by the basis of hypotheses, the alien machines should arrive earth today."

"Not today. I haven't had sex!!!!"

A man wailed and many joined in the uproar.

The Professor knew that the chance of getting them to keep quiet again was hundred to one so he wasn't even going to have himself stressed.

But he wished to let them know what they were supposed to do.

Amidst the uproar and cry and wail and distortion came spaceships flying in the air and a strange voice on the mics of the professor.

Everyone was held in a trance of whether to keep quite and pay attention to the new voice or run away because of the spaceships.

The end has come!