
Start/End of the war.

* Fyi

Everybody in the governments side,

The 7 warlords except Mihawk, Kaido by himself, Big mom and Katakuri, Cp 0, Admirals, vice admirals, Etc.

Whitebeards side

Shanks crew, Mihawk, and The rest of Whitebeards crew *

The government was ready on their seats just waiting for the danger.

It's been a couple minutes since the war started and Whitebeard has been on the losing side even though he wasn't giving up and fighting his heart out not even trying to hold back his fruit anymore.

Blood everywhere, but the only blood Ace could see were his brothers.

His family, they were sacrificing themselves to save Ace, he put them in that situation.

He hated it, not only that Luffy appeared out of nowhere aswell doing his best to reach him.

Kaido and big mom held off both Mihawk and Shanks as a distraction as the admirals fought Whitebeard and his crew.

Cp0 we're stopping anybody that got too close, friend or foe they were killed. No mercy.

Katakuri was put to guard Ace with Garp till his time to be killed.

Katakuri sat and waited patiently with certainty that he would not lose to whoever came up.

Ace got more sad the more he saw, he hated this, this isn't what he wanted. He wanted them to escape, he wanted them to leave alive.

" PLEASE LEAVE, DON'T SACRIFICE YOURSELF FOR ME " Ace shouted as tears came out of his eyes.

This only made Whitebeard smile and gave them even more spirit,

" We won't stop till you've come back to us. " He said as he continued fighting the 3 admirals.

Kens words still go through his head

" it's your fault " repeated hundreds of time as he watched his family die and his little brother struggle to save him.

" PLEASE GO AWAY " Ace shouted as Luffy just grinned.

" I'd never run away, what kind of pirate king can't save his own brother? What kind of pirate king runs away? I won't be so weak again! " Luffy shouted as his arms covered with Armament and letting out some Conquerors Haki.

Ace kept his eyes on him as he saw Luffy manage to escape and started running up the bridge towards Ace.

Garp quickly got himself together as he got close ready to fight, but the memories came over him as he let Luffy punch him out the way.

Ace was surprised and thought he'd actually get there but another voice reminded him it won't be that easy.

" Guess I have to bloody my hands in the end. " Katakuri.

" Wait please don't kill him, just kill me and end this war. " Ace said.

" Sorry, im not the type to hold back, and killing you isn't my job. " Katakuri said as he stood at the end of the small bridge Luffy was running on.

" I'll end it in one hit. " Katakuri said as Ace thought of the worst.

He maxed out his Haki and added it to the tip of his fruit powers as he sent out a liquid like attack.

Ace knew how strong that was, Luffy wouldn't survive-

Ace tried looking around to see who'd be able to help Luffy out, but everybody's as busy.

There were too many enemies, and they couldn't get rid of them that quickly.

Ace imagined his brothers death, Luffy death, he imagined the liquid swiftly going through Luffys heart killing him on the spot.

' It was my fault- It was my fault- It was my fault- ' Ace shouted in his mind as he cried as the liquid slowly moved.

He still remembered everything Ken told him as he looked at the sky,

" KEN! PLEASE SAVE THEM! " Ace shouted at the top of his longs.

Everybody stopped as they heard his loud voice,

Katakuris attack stopped as he saw what would've happened if he didn't.

Ken let him see a bit more of the future to see his death a little longer, he saw his arm being ripped off, and then grabbing his head and making it explode with his strength.

" He's here. " Whitebeard said as everybody looked at him.

* BOOM *

A huge amount of Conquerors Haki crashed down making everybody go into their knees, lay down, pass out, or simply just die.

" It's always fun to see weaklings fight for dumb reasons " Ken said as he appeared in the middle of the island as he looked at Sengoku.

" Just to get some authority back you took Ace who hasn't done anything wrong besides being a pirate? Rogers son you say? Don't you remember something similar that happened to you? You hated it but yet you're here doing it yourself. " Ken said as he walked towards Ace.

* FYI I read in a fanfic Sengokus kid got killed for the sin of being his son not sure if it's the truth tho but I'm still using it here *

" Who are you calling a weakling? " Charlotte and Kaido said as they appeared infront of him.

Struggling to stand up but that wont stop them.

" Hm? Oh look Tofu and Cake? Let's cut you up nicely. " Ken said as he placed his hand on his sword.

" Unknown style: Blink "

Ken quickly vanished and appeared behind the two cutting off both arms to both of them and after that another 100 cuts came and cut them to little pieces.

For Kaido they were small square like cuts and for Charlotte they were Triangle like cuts.

The both screamed as the pain came to them and their anger growing aswell. Once they turned around Ken had a piece of " tofu " and " cake " from Their cut off arms. He took a bite out of the Tofu and spit out blood " Needs more salt. " he took a bite out of the cake next " Needs some milk. " he said spitting it out aswell as he looked like the devil.

" Did he just eat them? " Shanks asked who was next to Mihawk and Whitebeard.

" I mean he did spit it out but that doesn't make it any less shocking- " Mihawk said.

" So, who's next? " Ken said as he stared at Sengoku scaring the shit out of him.

" KILL H- " Sengoku was about to shout as Katakuri who was next to Ace.

Ken appeared right next to Sengoku putting his arm around his neck.

" I wouldn't do that if I was you, I'm here to save them yk? So if you killed Ace and they want to kill you for that, who's gone stop me? Why don't you use your brain for a second and realize it's better to let Ace go away then lose most of your strongest warriors? What would you do after this war if everybody died and you were the last alive? " Ken asked.

A ball of lava was about to fly towards Ace to

Kill him off,

" Wait here. " Ken said letting go off him. But once he did Sengoku for some reason had the ball to try transforming so mid transformation Ken cut him

In half.

Walking Ken got infront of Ace as he aimed his hand towards the Lava ball, the lava was absorbed as Ken made a bigger one and sent it towards Akainu who was also struggling to move.

Yes Ken had Conquerors Haki on the entire time as if it was nothing.

Turning around his demon like smile with blood dripping out of his mouth scared Ace,

" Ken is that really you? " He asked.

" No. " Ken said cutting off Aces head.

Ken focused all his conquerors Haki and armament Haki on his sword as he started going on a massacre. He went after Katakuri next, then got who tried stopping him cutting off his Head swiftly.

" SHIT GO! " Shanks shouted as him and Mihawk teamed up with Anybody who could fight.

They had to atleast save Luffy, it's what Ace would have wanted.

* OmenXIII - Shut the fuck up

" I turn a massacre into a bloody masterpiece" *

Heads and limbs flew as Ken kept on attacking without stop, the only ones that were left were the strong ones.

Kaido was still alive because of his transformation same with charlotte using her pets ( Yes I called them pets ) more than ever.

Shanks, Whitebeard, Mihawk, akunjii, Light dude,black beard, Luffy too surprisingly and cp 0, maybe some others but me forget.

" Huff, Huff " jeez fighting you all at the same time is a little challenging. They all looked annoyed as he only had a few scratches while they had their arms cut off or pieces of flesh burned/cut off .

" Now why don't we go all out now. " Ken said as he healed himself to look as perfect as ever. Ken closed his eyes as he added every power he could on his sword.

" Unknown style : 1,000 slashes. "

" Yeah we're dead. " Shanks said with a Chuckle, white beard quickly grabbed Luffy and threw him as hard as he could.

All of them just watched the 1,000 slashes as they accepted their fate.

" He won't escape either, Unkown style: Blink " He vanished and appeared behind Luffy,

" Sorry kid, I would have taken you out later when you were stronger, but that's too long of a wait. "

* slash *

Luffys head was cleanly cut off, btw the cameras were still rolling so they saw everything he did.

Meaning the straw hats saw what happened, remember that ;). Just know those what if Luffy died things and people commented Zoro and Sanju or certain people going on a revenge quest, Yh it will happened close to the end of this fanfic.

* also I wanna do bleach ;-; but just a quick season to the end of the first arc ;-; I haven't watched enough of bleach 😭 well should I do on my block or Classroom of the elite? *