
Anime is an Outer God's Playground

CURRENT WORLD: Danmachi (Part 2) *Warning: Is wish fulfillment with a huge pokemon harem, there will be slow pace and development at need and MC bangs every girl in harem* Want a break from the ads— I mean... Want a description of this fic ? Fine. Akira, a normal human gets reincarnated into an Anime World with three wishes, thanks to the ROB. "If I can't wish for Omnipotence, then I'll create a scenario where I become absurdly OP in day one !" He said. And that's what happened, "I got you homie!" The ROB laughed. Day 1- "It's only being one day— It feels like a thousand centuries... The power of [Boundless Records] is forcefully changing my personality..." Corrupted by the power of infinite knowledge, Akira becomes an Outer God with the ability to travel worlds and seduce any women he wants throughout the vast multiverse! "This is the birth of a new Outer God!" A####### shouted. ―――――― [ Three/ Fours Chapters a week in WN. 20 Daily Chapters Ahead in my Patreon: Patreon.com/skyfall12 ] NO NTR OR FORCED IN ANY KIND! This is a wish fulfillment fic with cruel characters and twisted beings that don't flinch at death or torture. MC is an anti-hero (Not too evil, reasonable, generous but not a nice person) You can expect: • ABSURDLY OVERPOWERED MC ! • POKEMON MULTIVERSAL HAREM ! • REGULAR R18 AND AROUSING CONTENT ! • SLOW-PACED ROMANCE AT NEED ! And most importantly... CONSTANT UPLOAD!! ――Worlds―― Tensura/ DxD/ Overlord/ HOTD/ Akame Ga Kill/ Overgeared/ Chainsaw Man/ Outer Realm/ Danmachi... ――Additional Tags―― Evil mc, cruel characters, antihero mc, cruel mc, wish fulfillment, Isekai, outer god, multiverse, Omniverse, harem, pokemon harem, big harem, Tensura, slime anime, highschool dxd, DxD, anime, animeverse, nsfw, R18 story, Dragonball, Danmachi, helltaker, fate, fate grand order, yandere, invincible, overpowered, Multiverse fanfiction, Crossover, Multiverse fic, multiverse-travelling, multiverse traveling with wish fulfillment, multiverse-travelling, anime worlds, sandbox, playground, evil mc, devil mc, demon mc, killer mc, serial killer mc, wicked mc, psychopathic mc, evil characters, slavery

LXVE_MuRdxR69 · 漫画同人
177 Chs

CH. 5: Prophicized Encounter

(A/N: This chapter will be rewritten as well, though it's still good ngl)

Things settled up after a bit. The primordials woke up with brand new names and bodies, but they still looked the same. The successfully evolved into Devil Demi-Gods, the second highest rank in the demon hierarchy.

Thanking him once again for his generosity, Akira decided to move to the Cardinal World now that he's got what he wanted. It didn't hurt to follow the plot just this time, exclusively before causing yet another carnage.

Alice returned to her physical form just to stabilize the magicules inside the demons to make it operational and ready to follow Akira.

Akira- ''Alice, we're moving out."

Alice- (Understood Master)

Akira then meditated a bit and a flow of energy ran throughout his whole body. Casting the spell, the six people present in the cave teleported away from it after the use of [Boundless Manipulation].


The six were teleported out of the Underworld to the Cardinal World where all the fun can take place. They were now precisely in the center of the forest, just miles away from the great cave where Veldora was sealed away.

Diablo- ''Kufufu, what an amazing spell you just used! Just what you'd expect from Akira-sama". Said Diablo.

Testarossa- ''Indeed, to be able to transcend Space-time itself and thus from the Underworld is an impossible task to accomplish if it's not by Akira-sama." Said Testarossa with her devotion toward Akira only growing more and more.

Carrera- "It's good to know you're so reliable, I hadn't seen that cave in my life and I thought we wouldn't get out." Said Carrera with crossed hands.

Ultima- "Master is Incredible." Said Ultima happily.

"That's a relief I guess," I said.

I chuckled internally but they seem to have taken it for real. The result was them looking at me with stars in their eyes.

Anyway, we started wandering around the forest, which by the way, was named the Jura forest and explored it. It was said to be the biggest and largest rainforest in the world so there must be something interesting here, I can feel it in my bones.

And also, I feel it in my bones because there's a creep not sealing his aura and it's starting to annoy me.

Not to mention that this was the place Rimuru Tempest had established his country, we could do the same thing and make this place out a little intermediary relaxing place from world to world. Yeah, I can see that becoming a thing.

Akira- 'My skill says this is the aura of Veldora.. I'll probably go see him later. I wonder if his personality is altered or something like that because this surely is an AU' I thought.

Testarossa noticed my little mumblings.

Testarossa- "My Lord, is there anything on your mind you'd like to share with us? You seem to be lost in your thoughts.." She asked in concern.

Akira- "Not really, I just thought of some things to do next... That aside, I think there's someone or something following us." I said nonchalantly making the four demons go on guard.

Except for Alice, who seemed to already know we were being followed, but the creature in question was very weak, so it did not matter.

They stood in a fighting position and the one who was following us quickly showed himself.

It was a goblin gang, four elixi-- I mean, weak creatures that stand in the lowest ranks of the monster hierarchy.

Carrera moved forward and spoke with intimidation.

Carrera- "Do you four have a death wish?" She asked.

"N-NO! W-We have felt your presence from afar and we came to in-investigate the source of it.." He said vibrating in his words.

Akira- "Sure, and now we'll go." I moved out and so did the others.

But then Carrera got even closer to the goblin leader with killing intent.

Carrera- "Yeah, we'll go now... But before that."

Carrera summoned an orb of destruction and pointed it at the goblins.

Carrera- "I'll blow up yer mouths that wasted our time!"

The goblin fell to the ground from fear.

"N-NO WAIT I BEG OF YOU!" He shouted in terror.

Carrera took him by the collar and yelled at him with anger.

Carrera- "TALK YOU PISS A' SHIT!! TALK BEFORE I TURN YOU AND YOUR FRIENDS TO DUST!!" She yelled at him with a voice so menacing it shook the entire forest.

Ultima was leaking her bloodlust aura in an intimidating way without saying a word, ready to strike.

This shocking scene made most of the goblins faint. But the leader seemed determined to speak his mind.

"W-WE ARE DESPERATE IN FINDING SOMEONE TO LAND US HELP! The other tribes and races have been joining forces and beating up everyone these last week and we are next on the list. PLEASE STRONG ONES, SAVE OUR VILLAGE!" He yelled with deposit clear in his voice.

He did it quickly and we immediately got the information. Smart move seeing how the demons were on the point of snapping.

Akira- 'So we are really at the start of canon... [ALL Records] even gave me the exact second of what episode we are in the anime... Fascinating.' I thought.

Either way, I wanted to build our place in this precise world before going somewhere else.

Akira- "Lead the way."

They got up almost instantly and kneeled several times before going to the actual place. We traveled for several minutes before eventually arriving at a place that looked like a dump.

Building a territory... We'll see about that.

I turned to face Alice and she quickly looked away in embarrassment as she instantly knew what I was gonna say.

I will make the best territory for all of us to enjoy while we hop from world to world. I could do it with the snap of a finger... But I preferred going slowly for now, I've just reincarnated so there's no need to rush things, I want to know the end of this.

"We have arrived, he said opening the door to what looked like a small, tight hut. As soon as he opened the door, it detached from its place and fell on the ground making a stupid sound surge.

Carrera- 'This is worst than what remains after my attacks..' She thought.

"S-Strong ones, we are grateful for accepting our selfish request!" He said I guess someone has already reported to him.

Alright, pause this thing for a sec. I'm gonna spare you the long headless baseless discussion and move on to important stuff.

Akira- "I hope you realize that by helping you we'll also claim this land."

The goblin chief then looked towards his companion who looked like his son or related before nodding and looking at us again.

"Yes, we prepared ourselves for that eventuality."


I can say that the negotiation with the Goblin Elder went smoothly... Not really, since it seemed like I was pointing a dagger at their necks, not literally but it was obvious.

I then went to heal the injured goblins since killing only one wolf would take a whole party of trained goblins.

I arrived at the place which was a big hut that was lying on the ground with multiple goblins on the brink of death.

Akira- "Let's see the healing abilities in my arsenal.."

A blue holographic panel appeared in front of me with every single healing ability derivate from his [Omnifiscience].

•[Omni Recovery - Weak]: Used for mortals, it can also bring them back to life.

•[Omni Recovery - Intermediary]: For immortals, can grant them true immortality.

•[Omni Recovery - Higher]: Suitable for gods suffering from curses or imminent deaths.

•[Omni Recovery - Advanced]: Heal creatures suffering from a prophecy or fate manipulation.

•[Omni Recovery - Peak]: Recover the strongest beings in existence, mostly suitable for peak Tier 1 creatures.

Akira- "Yeah this is exactly what I was expecting. [ALL Records] seem to have a personalization perk and that's extremely convenient.."

I used the [Weak] version of my ability.

A golden green aura got out of my body and started enveloping everyone in the room, not only the injured but also the ones who were in good shape.

And immediately after, the injured or on the brink of death regained their composure and became anew once again, in their prime. Not only that but since it was an omni-healing, everyone was cured of all potential diseases they may have in their life. Their lifespan got increased by tens of thousands of years and they gained lots of strength and agility.

The goblins got up and were shocked by how good the healing process was. They had never felt this well ever since their birth.

I used my [Boundless Creation] to make an unbreakable fortress around the village, but it was not necessary, I wasn't planning on letting any invader escape anyway.

The wolves started gathering around the little village and a bigger one who seemed to be their leader presented himself at the top of every wolf.

The wolves started howling signaling the start of their attack. it was at that instant that I made the signal to the three demon girls to commence the slaughter.

The four primordial demons summoned claws on their hands and prepared to attack.


They cut and slashed across the wolves like butter and quickly reduced the army of wolves to less than half, all this in a matter of seconds.

The Wolf leader started backing up in fear and so did his son, which by the way was by his side from the beginning. But his pride wouldn't let him back away. He then rushed towards me at high speed since I seemed to be the leader of the operation.

His speed was extremely slow when using my [Ultimate Eye]. I raised my hand and swung it across the air, creating a cut that pierced through the wolf's leader.

The cut was so perfect blood did not drip until some seconds later, the ground which he was standing on was blown into little pieces and the air that was around him evaporated, which is physically impossible. Please don't tell the physics teacher.

The cut almost killed the wolves too close to it but the survivors were terrified seeing their prideful leader dying like that.

The son's reaction was the one that surprised me most, he did not feel any sadness towards the death of his father, well at least not too much since he did feel some sadness there. But instead of plotting revenge, the wolf army surrendered to us.

And since I have complete mastery over my abilities, the cut disappeared instantly after killing the wolves. It had a lot of potent energy so it could have destroyed the heavens and oceans if not held back.

Akira- "Nice. The first battle in another world and it's a success! Would have loved fighting a dragon or a god instead... Meh, for another time."

The battle had ended, and there was no need to continue fighting, the surviving wolves were going to join our ranks. The doggos started howling in joy at the thought of being recruited.

In the morning, I asked everyone to gather in the center of the village where I announced some stuff.

Akira- "Alright everyone, before we start, I'm gonna need to grant you guys names to create better communication." I said which shocked the goblins and wolves.

Instead of naming them one by one, I used an auto-naming skill that granted every single one a random name. For the elder goblin, however, I choose his me to be specifically Rigurd as an homage to his deceased son. As for his second son, the name was Rigur without a D because I want to.

The goblins underwent an evolution and transformed from simple goblins to Peak Goblins which was the last evolution of goblins according to this world's records, but the evolution of goblins was infinite in the [ALL Records] so I only used this world's records, instead of making of the goblins Outer Creatures.

[ALL Records] was an extremely dangerous ability if used incorrectly, good thing I possess an infinite intelligence that makes me calculate every possibility when using it.

Anyway, their bodies became more humanoid less monstrous and each one became a beautiful person with more strength.

As for the wolves, they evolved into Dark Werewolves which was also the peak evolution for them. Their fire went from blue to azur silver and they grew a lot in height, their claws became bigger and sharper and they even gained a human form since they were werewolves. The human body let them have a humanoid form with blue silver long hair, blue eyes, sharp claws, and d beautiful appearance.

In the end, everyone knelt before me and greeted me in sync.

"We are forever in your debt, Akira-sama." They said.