<p>"Please be my chaperone." Rye begs Brian from his bedroom door which is open slightly to reveal him going about his dress up. <br/>"Noo. I have a life Rye. And a girlfriend who will probably dump me if you don't close that door right now." He walks away from the visible area.<br/>"Brian, don't you walk out on me. Brian!" she curses lowly as she walks over to her room. "Fine, I'll just show up and pretend to look for Mason. Oh... they all think he's my boyfriend but what if I find the crazy stern man? What do I tell him then?.. why am I even doing this? Maybe because I am the one who might have pushed him to disapering? Okay. Lets do this."<br/>Its not like Logan to miss school, especially not for a whole week. She had to see him, even if she was afraid it would cause chaos now that Mason and Logan don't like each other very much. She had tried to ask about Logan from Mason but he wouldn't tell her anything. He was busy trying to be the school bully. You know that saying that says, 'bully them first so that they don't get a chance to bully you?'<br/>Ryela Macharia was not the golden girl. She missed some details and was flawed in her own way. Maybe even when it came to love. She paces and hesitates before knocking on Morsey's mansion.<br/>"hello?" Nona greets after walking out in what seemed like ages for Ryela. She wears a smile on her face and looks down at the slightly shorter human at her door step.<br/>"Hello Mrs. Morsey. Uuh..." she had not planned out this situation. She probably thought that Logan would show up and she'd drag his arse to school. "I school with Logan... and Mason...I... Logan has not been in school and I wanted to.... is he here?" Nona's smile widens and Rye just wishes the ground could open up and swallow her whole.<br/>"Come on in..." <br/>"its Ryela. Macharia. Nice meeting you Mrs. Morsey." She follows to try and catch up.<br/>"Aah..." Nona keeps moving towards the coffee area. "Logan went to see his brother, but I see he forgot to mention it to his girlfriend." Nona gives Rye a stern look with one squinted eye.<br/>"Oh, no... we're not..." Rye tenses and chuckles.<br/>"Don't worry about it. I was just kidding. My sweet baby won't let go of trying to make his father proud. Im afraid of what he might lose along the way." Nona appears sad for a moment. The lively smile disappearing from her eyes and Rye watches her closely as life slowly creeps back to her face. She pours some green tea in a tiny cup in front of Rye who smiles in gratitude. "I also noticed that you have a similar sur name to that of my son Mason." <br/>"Uuuh…" tension builds up on her face and her pupils dilate abit.<br/>"Let us call that coincidence. Shall we?" Rye nods as she brings the hot cup of tea to her mouth.<br/>They sit silently everyone sipping tea and pretending to look the other side.<br/>"Mrs. Morsey, thank you very much, you are so sweet, I gotta run though. You know school and classes and all…." She gets up to leave and Nona gets up with her.<br/>"I understand, I will let Logan know you came by."<br/>"No!" she screams then composes herself. "I mean, I will sure call him on his cell..which I … definitely have." She chews her lips in realization. The door yanks open before Rye has a chance to flee from the house.<br/>"Logan could use some burritos maa' hes been whining… uuh, loose that thought… I could use 'this burrito'' he says eying Rye. "who is thiiis" he says extending his hand for a handshake.<br/>"I didn't mention he was returning today, this is lary, Logan's brother." Nona says making her way towards Lary. "Behave yourself son, that is Logan's friend." She adds.<br/>"Friend? Logan has no friends, he wont even bring his little toys over… unless… uuuuh, you are the girl he cant shut up about, the one that's dating Mason?" he seeks clarification from Ryes eyes which have turned embarrassed.<br/>"You are Mason's girlfriend?" Nona wears a confused expression. "I thought…" <br/>"Who's whose girlfriend?" Logan calls out from the threshold as he places the box that's covering his face down to reveal the girl everyone was discussing a t the entry.<br/>"Oh, boy." She rocks on her feet, her face turning all nervous and she is chewing on her left cheek.<br/>"Ryela?" Logan calls out and that startles her. She widens her eyes and her facials soften. "what…What are you doing here?..... sorry…" he tugs on his pants and is trying to wipe his hands. "Hi?" he stretches his right hand to meey Rye's.<br/>"Mrs. Morsey, it was nice meeting you and you are very sweet, but I gotta run." She storms out of the house without a word and everyone turns to Logan. He widens his eyes and shrugs.<br/>"goo!!!" Nona shouts.<br/>"yea, I should definitely…"<br/>"Just get out Logan or ill throw you out myself." Logan walks out to go after Rye.<br/>"wait." Rye stops and turns. Logan is silent for a while and tugs on his hair. "Hi?"<br/>He rocks back and forth with his hands in his pockets. <br/>"I have already said that. I mean… sorry,, not sorry for saying hi, just… shit!"<br/>"Ryela?" She starts moving towards him and stops right at his feet then looks up at him. "Ryela?" She is trying not to blush but we all know if she was white, there would have been no hiding it, her cheeks would be all pink and soft. <br/>"uuh, I might have asked a first year." He rubs the back of his neck.</p>