<p>" I do not know you anymore Mason." I hear a familiar feminine voice I know too well already.<br/>"Yea? You n…"<br/>"What the f***. Do not f*** with me right now. Who the f*** are you, telling me how Im supposed to live or who im supposed to bring home? Do not…"<br/>Well from the point when I cut her off to when Mason is on the ground with me hovering over him, hands were thrown and a few curses here and there.<br/>" I told you bro! Fuck off! I don't care if she is your f**n girl or wife, don't talk to her like that. Don't f** with her!" with that, I leave his burst lips and stay a distance before I realize she was staring the whole time.<br/>"Pony, are you… are you…" I begin to make slow steps towards her seeking her approval as I do.<br/>"Stay the f** away from me." That makes me stop in my tracks. Protecting her from this scumbag is what I did wrong? I take glimpses at Mason rubbing his thumb on the corners of his mouth to wipe the blood that was dripping and align his jaws.<br/>"what?" I half whisper not decided if im just hurt or had not found my voice.<br/>"you have no right trying to show up and be my nite in shinning amour . what is my name Logan?" she stares at my face as if she expects me to actuallty say it. <br/>"ptfff…" I look her way trying to understand her and her face doesn't show any signs of this being a joke. <br/>"oh, you are serious. Uuh…" who am I kidding. I have no idea.<br/>"What's my f**n name?" she intimidating strides closer with her hands slightly behind her body and her eyes teary. If I wasn't so sure shed kill me the second she caught me smiling, I sure would have. She looked so cute all angry and feisty.<br/>"I thought so." She holds the back of her neck and walks away to help Mason who has not even made an attempt to move.<br/>F**n Mason! What is it with this guy. How does he always get away with being the victim and it is clear that he is not? He can't even do a bully job well for God's sake!<br/>I stand for a second still taking in the scene in front of me. Why did this hurt? I already knew this part when we started hanging out yet a lump keeps filling my throat and I have to swallow every time. I can see Masons smile curving to form an arrogant smile and I am strangling him in my head but I snap out of it just in time to see them walk away, his body on hers and it disgusts me.<br/>Not knowing how to deal with myself at the moment, I burge into ms. Johnson's office anf sit, saying nothing. She just stares, also doesn't say a word. This woman does know how to intimidate.<br/>"What." I spit, having no idea why I am so mad at her right now. "Fuck! Say something. Call me out. Don't look at me like I'm some helpless rich kid."<br/>She studies me for a while then her mouth forms into a grin.<br/>"why did I come here?" I should have just lead on with my life when I had the chance to. I brought me into this mess anyway.<br/>"Landon, only you can answer that. I feel like you are growing as a person emotionally, and that is a good thing."<br/>"ofcourse. Are you serious? Can you please stop being so formal and stop trying to make me feel better tell me the truth damn it! Why am I feeling this way?" I yell and she stays calm as usual and gives me a sympathetic look I want so bad to punch that desk. "fuuuck!!!" I scream.<br/>"No you don't boy, you don't curse in my office."<br/>"yea, sorry." I feel like I need her and I do not want to piss her off. She listens. She doesn't compare my situation with hers and doesn't give me that look that says you are talking too much, she is the perfect person to be with right now.<br/>" If you tell me what happened maybe we can think about what could have gone wrong." She says more calm than when I cursed out. <br/>" it's not like I feel anything for her. She is with my stepbrother and I already know that. I fight a lot with him and to be honest he doesn't like me that much but I'm used to people not liking me, and yes I am mad that it did not work out with charity the way it should have but its okay, it doesn't usually work out for me when dad is involved. Am I broken Ms Johnson?" She wont say it but I know she is thinking it. She most definitely wants to say it so bad but in order to retain her position she wont.<br/>"Mr Morsey, do you want the truth? I think you are just fine and normal like any other teenage boy." She smiles softly at me. Why is she smiling, what is so funny about my situation? <br/>"Don't call me that." I say defeated. <br/>"Logan, what you are is in love." She declares and I cannot help but widen my eyes. What does she mean in love, I was asking her about my current behavior not my love life, I do not even have one for that matter.<br/>"What?" I am still trying to get the sense of what she just said. <br/>In class all I can think of is her words. Am I in love with Mason or something? Am I gay? No freaking way. I feel like punching his pretty face all the time. Like right now looking at him only makes me want to disfigure him so bad for having Pony defend him. Ooh, yea, Pony. That is who she meant and maybe if I had staid long enough instead of cursing her out and walking out of her office, I would have… What is her damn name and why do I keep forgetting it. I'm sure its Raul. No way. she cursed me out for calling her that. How can I be in love with her when I cannot even get her name straight. I must say, she is hot, but that is all. I don't think she would like me in that way anyway even if she was not with Mason. I must stay away from them both. That is the best idea if I have to survive whatever this stupid feeling described is.<br/>"you mind?" Rick is invading my personal space and it is making me uncomfortable, especially after the things he said the other day. I was not one to go around calling kids for sleep over, mainly because I thought they would judge me if they knew dad owns the school. I didn't see it fit to even take my friends to my home. I know they didn't approve of it but at least I thought they understood I would when I was ready.<br/>"I'm sorry dude, I was wasted." he begins to say and I want to stop him right there but that kind of energy is the kind I do not possess at the moment. Never thought I would ever become a loner, but feels quite comfortable being away from all this drama.<br/>"Yeaah, nah. It's cool, we good bro." He gives that buddy handshake which I do not decline and is joined by Blake. "Ya'll cannot let a man just be?" They smile and everyone is back to digging into their plates and talking about… well, boys stuff.</p>