
Angel from Hell

Angie a girl with a handful of baggage embarks her new chapter in high school. Turns out to be nothing like high school musical rather with a mysterious boy who she can’t get enough of yet know nothing about.

Angie_9816 · 青春言情
3 Chs

Chapter 3: Welcome

As I got off the bus a long line started to form. Even though it was a new school I could see the metal detectors waiting for us at the entrance considering we were still a pretty rough neighborhood. I turned to look at Mr. grumpy but was distracted by a voice shouting "Take off your jackets and unzip your backpacks be ready!" Doing as they commanded I slowly moved forward and got pass the metal detectors. I was surprised honestly the school wasn't half bad especially since it was its first year opening. Everyone was new even the teachers.

I made my way to the gym and I could see a repeated pattern of colors baby blue and pretty yellow, they seemed to be the school colors. Looking at the school map it was interesting to see that it was shaped like an eye in which I found my self going in circles until I found the gym. It was a decent size with tables spread out and teachers handing out schedules. My last name started with an M so I made my way to the table and picked up my schedule. My first class was Art which was kind of interesting since I never took art before but I would draw on the side.

Making my way to class I sat down and people started to come in one by one. My teacher was a tall white man around his late thirties he seemed pretty nice. Once the last student came in he introduced himself and class began. The day went by pretty quick and I ended up in 5th period English with a young black woman as my teacher. She was a cool teacher and then I realized we had the same shirt which was kind of cool in our eyes.

I went home after a surprisingly boring day. My mom was in the kitchen cooking and my little sister wasn't home yet. My dad and older sister were working and wouldn't come home until later so I made my way to my room after greeting my mother. I changed clothes and slumped myself in my bed. I couldn't help but think of the bus ride home.

As I got on the bus I couldn't help notice the pretty boy. Not knowing where to sit I subconsciously sat across from him stealing glances along the way. I felt embarrassed that I who didn't want to focus on anything but school was glancing at a boy like a little kid. I tried to brush away the thought and decided to head to the gym for my daily work out.

The gym was the only place I wouldn't dress up terribly. I went with one task in mind which was to let my anger out. I dressed decently not trying to catch much attention but I couldn't help the wondering eyes to them I was beautiful something I couldn't see.

Planning the next day in my head I went to sleep.