

Andronika spent most of her life living with her aunt who mistreated her but what happens when he finally leaves home and discovers something shocking about her origins?

blue_bookworm · 奇幻言情
34 Chs

The long journey III

Later that day Lucian came to visit her and they spoke for a really long time, she really enjoyed his company, Doctor Sullivan came in to check up on her and this made Lucian excuse himself.

When Sullivan was done he left the tent leaving Andronika all alone again, she stared at nothing in particular and was lost in thought so lost that she didn't even notice the presence of someone in the tent.

My lady, the maid called for the third time in a slightly louder tone and she was brought back to reality. The bath is ready for you and Andronika followed her.

She had a long soak in the bath to ease herself while on the other side of the camp there was an argument.

Damian it's time we told her, Lucian said .Won't it be better if she heard this from us and not Balthazar.

We will tell her when the time is right, Damian responded slightly irritated . Also we won't let Balthazar get her so relax.

Fine, Balthazar won't tell her but you should know her dreams are becoming more vivid and in a few days she might see everything, how then would we explain to her if she comes running to us with questions, she doesn't even trust us fully, she might run away, Lucian said. Damian my point is that we have to be careful.

I've heard you Lucian, but I just don't know how she would take the news, let's wait until she is fully recovered atleast, Damian said.

Time is not on our side but if you say so, Lucian said and started walking away then stopped, and said ' if she is used as a weapon against us, I don't think we would be able to defend ourselves'. Then he walked away.

Damian didn't move from were he sat for many hours thinking deeply until he heard a commotion outside and saw one of his

soldier kneeling with many fresh bruises and cuts on his body, his clothes tattered and bloodied. He was injured with poisonous weapons so his healing process would be slow and excruciating.

There was a large crowd gathered, plus all the noises and commotion.

A loud deep voice echoed through the camp grounds, 'What is the meaning of this'.

and silence reigned over the camp, the man was brought to Damian and he asked, what is going on here.

One of the soldiers stepped up to report what the man had done.

Sire this man..... and the soldier interrupted as Damian raised a hand up and asked him to follow him into one of the tents, Lucian followed behind.